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Halo |OT 24| In Before the Locke

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Why is the framerate so poor for Stonetown, Bloodline and Remnant? H2A isn't even that technically beautiful. Halo 5 beta had a solid frame rate, but we never played more than 4v4, is the Xbox One that underpowered where it'll be tough for BTB in Halo 5 as well?

It'll be fine, I doubt they'll try to throttle the xbox that it'll cause preformace issues.

Also during the beta alot of the textures and models weren't finalized (which is good, they chose having a functioning beta over a pretty one, had no frame drops, most of the time). 343 is most likely playing around with the visual setting to make the maps functional and visually appealing without deviating from the concepts that they have.


Why is the framerate so poor for Stonetown, Bloodline and Remnant? H2A isn't even that technically beautiful. Halo 5 beta had a solid frame rate, but we never played more than 4v4, is the Xbox One that underpowered where it'll be tough for BTB in Halo 5 as well?

Certain Affinity seem to go for eye candy rather than stable frame rate or are just not very good at making stable maps.


Why is the framerate so poor for Stonetown, Bloodline and Remnant? H2A isn't even that technically beautiful.
Halo 4 doesn't run perfectly on XB1 either, and H2A is more or less a Halo 4 mod. Not really a huge surprise, especially given that the XB1 can allow for more complex map assets than Halo 4 uses.

Halo 5 beta had a solid frame rate, but we never played more than 4v4
It's hard to infer anything about Halo 5's performance based on H2A.

Though, the Halo 5 beta didn't really have that solid of a framerate, and it also had pretty poor image quality. Not that that means anything either.

is the Xbox One that underpowered where it'll be tough for BTB in Halo 5 as well?
That will depend entirely on what they try to do with it.


Why is the framerate so poor for Stonetown, Bloodline and Remnant? H2A isn't even that technically beautiful. Halo 5 beta had a solid frame rate, but we never played more than 4v4, is the Xbox One that underpowered where it'll be tough for BTB in Halo 5 as well?

Halo 5's engine is built around the One's lower clocked but more core-plentiful hardware.

H2A is built off Halo 4's engine, which was built with much higher clocked processors, but fewer cores.

Rewrites/reboots of engines going from PS3/360 -> One/PS4 have benefits for this scenario alone.
Why is the framerate so poor for Stonetown, Bloodline and Remnant? H2A isn't even that technically beautiful. Halo 5 beta had a solid frame rate, but we never played more than 4v4, is the Xbox One that underpowered where it'll be tough for BTB in Halo 5 as well?

Well, for one they might not have optimized the engine very well behind the scenes, just look at what was wrong with MCC in plain sight.

For two, a solid framerate is less of a priority than cool effects because only a portion of your population actually cares or will notice framerate, but lots of people are sold on pretty screenshots and 30fps gameplay video.


Halo 5's engine is built around the One's lower clocked but more core-plentiful hardware.

H2A is built off Halo 4's engine, which was built with much higher clocked processors, but fewer cores.

Rewrites/reboots of engines going from PS3/360 -> One/PS4 have benefits for this scenario alone.

That makes a lot of sense. I thought the beta ran pretty well anyway despite being so distant from launch. It had drops every now and then, and the resolution was only 720p though.
I wonder what the final res will be. I'm guessing it'll be one of those fancy dynamic resolutions for campaign and other modes, and maybe, just maybe, they'll get the Xbox's flagship franchise up to 1080p60 for arena multiplayer. If they were going to demonstrate that the console (and Azure?) has some juice in it, now would be a good time


Hmm, you guys are probably right. I never really noticed too many frame rate issues in Halo 5 but that's probably because I can't remember like I can for H2A and H4. I'm not necessarily saying I want locked 60fps (which probably isn't doable), but I don't like how frame rate drops are noticeable, especially for 5v5 single player where the action isn't even that intense. I mean I sometimes just look up at the windmill on Stonetown from the beach and it feels like it drops 10-15 frames. One time I took a gungoose over the man cannon on beach side and it slowed down like molasses.


Something I've always wondered...

How exactly does reloading benefit the game? I can't really think of a reason beyond "realism" however you'd think in ~500 years they could come up with a way of loading weapons without manually changing clips...


Something I've always wondered...

How exactly does reloading benefit the game? I can't really think of a reason beyond "realism" however you'd think in ~500 years they could come up with a way of loading weapons without manually changing clips...

game reasons: reloading is part of the balance of a gun, and sets a cadence for general combat in addition to the weapon resupply loop.

universe reasons: humans stick to reloading because of tradition. Elites don't bother with weapons that reload and therefore that's why they were kicking our ass.


game reasons: reloading is part of the balance of a gun, and sets a cadence for general combat in addition to the weapon resupply loop.

universe reasons: humans stick to reloading because of tradition. Elites don't bother with weapons that reload and therefore that's why they were kicking our ass.

That's very fair actually, weapon balance makes a lot of sense. Completely forgot about that.

That said, I feel like there would be better ways to balance a weapon which aren't unbelievable frustrating :p
game reasons: reloading is part of the balance of a gun, and sets a cadence for general combat in addition to the weapon resupply loop.

universe reasons: humans stick to reloading because of tradition. Elites don't bother with weapons that reload and therefore that's why they were kicking our ass.

Plasma pistols and rifles can be reloaded/recharged though, humans just don't know how.

Probably something explained in a book as to how but I never read them all.


Something I've always wondered...

How exactly does reloading benefit the game? I can't really think of a reason beyond "realism" however you'd think in ~500 years they could come up with a way of loading weapons without manually changing clips...

Did you ever play the first Mass Effect? There was no 'ammo' per se. They had weapons that would be timed shots, because if you fired too fast the weapon would overheat. The explanation was they had some metal that would become the bullets. And in ME2 and ME3 that required a greater gunplay they added 'heatsinks' that required you to cool the weapon essentially becoming ammo reloads. I always thought it was great my weapon would never run out of ammo and it required greater strategy of when to fire, when to run, when you use grenades or bio powers. Once you got the Spectre weapons, it was pretty much unlimited ammo especially Spectre X.


Jem, everybody! He'll be here all week.
Yeah, that wasn't one of my smartest moments.

Ah well, I've been studying for the past 6 hours so yeah my brain isn't at 100%.
The Hydra is a piece of worthless shit that doesn't even get picked up at higher ranks yet 343 claims "people don't know how to use it".
Git gud:


Edit: Large-ass gif is gone.

Playing against Juices tier players will get you kills even with the pistol.
If you locked on to someone, that thing could kill anyone.


Hey guys! Was Halo 4's frame rate ever improved in MCC?
I played through it recently and didn't notice any appalling, game-ruining slowdowns, but maybe I'm just not really sensitive to it? I'd be surprised if it ever went below 45-50 and seemed to be 60 most of the time.


Man that Relic remake is really bad. A awful long loading time and framerate is all over the place.
Yeah, but just look at that amazing texture work!


Call me nitpicky, but that's really bad. Both the mountain in the foreground and the background. It would've been bad by 360 standards. It's not an obscure angle, either - it's just looking at the relic area from sniper spawn with the sniper. So a pretty common scenario.
Hey guys! Was Halo 4's frame rate ever improved in MCC?

Are you talking about in campaign? If so, no, and it likely won't ever be. Seeing how it's largely only during non-combat level-streaming segments, the issue seems to be more with X1's low-end CPU, so there's not much that can be done.

Digital Foundry said:
Based on the context in which the dips are happening, it looks like Halo 4 may well be more CPU-limited than GPU - a reminder of just how capable the last-gen consoles were in that regard, particularly in the latter years when developers really pushed the older hardware to its limits.

So basically, considering the hardware Halo 4 was developed for and the hardware it's running on in MCC, it would probably have to be heavily altered to ever really get rid of those dips.


I played through it recently and didn't notice any appalling, game-ruining slowdowns, but maybe I'm just not really sensitive to it? I'd be surprised if it ever went below 45-50 and seemed to be 60 most of the time.

Are you talking about in campaign? If so, no, and it likely won't ever be. Seeing how it's largely only during non-combat level-streaming segments, the issue seems to be more with X1's low-end CPU, so there's not much that can be done.

So basically, considering the hardware Halo 4 was developed for and the hardware it's running on in MCC, it would probably have to be heavily altered to ever really get rid of those dips.

Hm, I always thought there was room for improvement considering there have been SDK updates and being able to use 7th CPU core.


Yeah, but just look at that amazing texture work!


Call me nitpicky, but that's really bad. Both the mountain in the foreground and the background. It would've been bad by 360 standards. It's not an obscure angle, either - it's just looking at the relic area from sniper spawn with the sniper. So a pretty common scenario.

Yeah its bad, there are a few spots where the texture doesn't even go past the sea so you just see the texture behind it.

Don't know how that one happened.


So I just finished Halo 2 for the second time, the first was literally when it came out on original Xbox. I have to say I don't recall much of it, or as much of it as I did for the first Halo. Although I do remember being pretty mad at that ending. This time I have the follow up game though.

I've never played anything past 2 and I know nothing about it so going in blind is kind of exciting.

I am wondering though, will I be missing out on anything important if I skip (or delay until it's out on XB1) Reach? I doubt that will be coming out before I'm done with ODST.

Double edit: Okay never mind, I didn't know Reach was a prequel to the first game. But if ODST is chronologically before 3 should I play that first?
So I just finished Halo 2 for the second time, the first was literally when it came out on original Xbox. I have to say I don't recall much of it, or as much of it as I did for the first Halo. Although I do remember being pretty mad at that ending. This time I have the follow up game though.

I've never played anything past 2 and I know nothing about it so going in blind is kind of exciting.

I am wondering though, will I be missing out on anything important if I skip (or delay until it's out on XB1) Reach? I doubt that will be coming out before I'm done with ODST.

Double edit: Okay never mind, I didn't know Reach was a prequel to the first game. But if ODST is chronologically before 3 should I play that first?

ODST doesn't add much to the MC storyline. It's still very good and worth checking out, like Reach.
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