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Neo Member
If Trueskill would do its job adequately, I'd be just fine with Recruit-Inheritor rankings again.

Same here. People that want a skill indicator have K/D, win % and BPR... I think the ranks in Reach were fine for what they were. There's no reason Trueskill has to be so messed-up just because the 1-50 ranks are gone. Personally I've always felt like the reason Reach matchmaking is so uneven compared to H3's is just that they wanted to get people into games a lot quicker.
apparently theres a snipper in OXM saying “Following the success of Halo Anniversary remake, 343 Industries has now started development of Halo 2 Anniversary.”

apparently theres a snipper in OXM saying “Following the success of Halo Anniversary remake, 343 Industries has now started development of Halo 2 Anniversary.”


Id love to believe it was true, Id imagine its a strong possibility that H2A is coming but if they had started development of it now id be concerned from now to launch seems like it would be the start of "crunch". Unless alot of staff get pushed into the corner and "crunch" is left to a very specific group or H2A has been outsourced and 343 are taking a semi-active role in its production i doubt H2A is in development at this time.

Pre-planning stages? sure i can see that.

Its something id imagine at least a few people at 343 would love to do but it could be a much longer task than H:CEA since im not sure if H2 is deterministic like H:CE is.
Sabre did a fantastic job with H:CEA and id love H2 to get the same treatment.

My biggest issue with H2 is that Mombasa looks so different from how it does in ODST. Remaking some of the environments to get them to "gel" a bit more with the art style would be great


If my dick grew 5 inches longer I'd be in porn. Both of these things have about the same likelihood of happening.

Is the porn business actively seeking 5 inch penises?

apparently theres a snipper in OXM saying “Following the success of Halo Anniversary remake, 343 Industries has now started development of Halo 2 Anniversary.”


Won't include online. #whocares

Gray Man

Id love to believe it was true, Id imagine its a strong possibility that H2A is coming but if they had started development of it now id be concerned from now to launch seems like it would be the start of "crunch". Unless alot of staff get pushed into the corner and "crunch" is left to a very specific group or H2A has been outsourced and 343 are taking a semi-active role in its production i doubt H2A is in development at this time.

Pre-planning stages? sure i can see that.

I'm not really sure I want a Halo 2 Anniversary, I might believe it was a money grab if they did :/
Just paid off my copy for Halo 4.

Don't let me down 343.

I still need to preorder the LE, yikes. Money has been rough.

$89 for a high quality art piece is pricey? Seems fair to me...

Well, yeah I agree, I suppose some context- It is currently expensive for me. Also, I noticed only 50 were made after I typed that bit out.

I don't think it's a valid reason to remove a ranking system because it's "abused." People abuse Reach's system and that has no significance what so ever. To say "Well 1-50 promoted cheating, boosting, and stealing accounts" then why have anything at all? No matter what the system is people are going to try and abuse and exploit it.

Nah, I agree, but I think it still is a good point of why it couldn't return just like that, it was too easily exploitable.. Everything is going to cause issues like that in one way or another, but the 1-50 system seemed to cause it a lot more. I do hope 343 brings something to the table like that system that works more cohesively.


Unconfirmed Member
apparently theres a snipper in OXM saying “Following the success of Halo Anniversary remake, 343 Industries has now started development of Halo 2 Anniversary.”

What's a snipper?

Edit : Oh, probably typo'd snippet.


Is the porn business actively seeking 5 inch penises?


Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
No one said they invented it.

Point is: CoD has all of that, Halo didn't. Thus the CoD influence alluded to.

Got it now?

Heh. Sure. Halo is now CoD, the world is ending.

Also, we don't even have a solid grasp on Halo 4 multiplayer yet, so to say Halo 4 borrows heavily from CoD is inaccurate until we see the full thing.

I'd agree CoD has an influence, 343 would be stupid not to let it have an influence. It's the most popular shooter on the planet right now, and added things that helped to revitalize the genre. I just hate the whole doom and gloom "Keep CoD out of my Halo" campaign that we've seen on here for months. Thought we were finally over it.


Neo Member
Anyone denying the CoD influence on H4 at this point is just being willfully naive. I don't think it necessarily has to be a negative thing - or at least I'm willing to say that my own jury is still out until I've played the game a while. But it's well past time to call a spade a spade. CoD cut into Halo's marketshare, took away a large chunk of its online population, and grabbed the throne as the most popular console shooter. Then suddenly a new Halo pops up where most of the controversial new features are also in CoD and resemble nothing that was ever in Halo before. That's not a coincidence.


Heh. Sure. Halo is now CoD, the world is ending.

Also, we don't even have a solid grasp on Halo 4 multiplayer yet, so to say Halo 4 borrows heavily from CoD is inaccurate until we see the full thing.

I'd agree CoD has an influence, 343 would be stupid not to let it have an influence. It's the most popular shooter on the planet right now, and added things that helped to revitalize the genre. I just hate the whole doom and gloom "Keep CoD out of my Halo" campaign that we've seen on here for months. Thought we were finally over it.

Can you tell me in wich ways COD has influenced Halo 4? Loadouts? Points per kill? Permanent sprint?


My internet was down all night last night, so it made me finally try to push through CEA Legendary. I was on T&R and remember an achievement for keeping the sniper the whole way through. I beat the level, no achievement...go read it, "must have 4 bullets left".


Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Can you tell me in wich ways COD has influenced Halo 4? Loadouts? Points per kill? Permanent sprint?

From my perspective? (Note, I'm the one that is not doing the whole "halo 4 is cod" thing). From what I see there are a few nuances that Halo 4 has (from the little we've seen) that are common in CoD (among other shooters). Progression/unlocks is the best example I think. It's one of the things I'm glad they are doing though, I like unlocking things, and as long as it doesn't hinder me at level 1 and make me invincible at level 100 (or whatever) it adds to the experience.

EDIT: Stalker sums it up well.
Anyone denying the CoD influence on H4 at this point is just being willfully naive. I don't think it necessarily has to be a negative thing - or at least I'm willing to say that my own jury is still out until I've played the game a while. But it's well past time to call a spade a spade. CoD cut into Halo's marketshare, took away a large chunk of its online population, and grabbed the throne as the most popular console shooter. Then suddenly a new Halo pops up where most of the controversial new features are also in CoD and resemble nothing that was ever in Halo before. That's not a coincidence.

Loadouts were in Reach.
Equipment which evolved into AA's were in Halo 3.

To say they do not have precedent in the Halo series is wrong.

Does Halo 4 have similarities to CoD? Sure. Why? Because its proven that those things such as rewards for killstreaks and on screen "candy" notifications have a positive effect on the players. If a player feels like they are being rewarded then they will continue to enjoy themselves more.

Spawning with a weapon of your choice will keep people happy. Its stops people getting frustrated when they spawn with a AR and the majority of the players already has all the BR's.

Copying of CoD? Sure you can see it like that
Common Sense to make the majority of players have a more enjoyable experience? Defiantly

CoD has some great ideas, my major issue with it is the gameplay is repetitive because of the short kill times. H4 solves that problem right out the gate.

halo 2 map pack for halo 4

Honestly, Providing Halo 4 is at least as good as reach in terms of base gameplay then id be happy with this. In fact id prefer it over splitting the playerbase as a H2:MP would inevitable do. Just dont cut corners with it. Give me the entire set of H2 maps. (even backwash)
Competition drives competitive multiplayer modes yes, as competing and attempting to beat the other team is the whole point, but that doesn't mean the majority of the MM population wants a "ranking" system on that.

Studying MM playlist populations showed that one of the easiest ways to significantly drop the population of a playlist in H2 and H3 was to make it ranked. A ranking system is for your hardcore player base, most of the players playing your game don't want one or don't care about one.
True. But I still have this weird perspective in my head where I think the passion and hype that come from a game popular with the hard core crowd drives the casual crowd's interest in trying a game out that they've never played before or had any interest in playing. Hype doesn't come from casual players so much because they don't make enough noise, just like most people get excited about college and professional sports versus my church's softball league. I was never really into college football, but then I came to OU and I pretty much was required to be a fan. Went to the games and it grew on me. I think that's how a lot of non-football fans get into the game similar to randoms that hear the hype of a video game. The passion that the die hard fans display is contagious, even if casuals don't want to play against them competitively. Because if die hards are raving about a game, players who are very critical of what they play, it's probably going to be good even if you aren't the competitive sort.

I honestly don't remember, but did Halo become a hit right after release or was it when people started realizing how deep the game was competitively, and then word spread that way? That's just my thinking at the moment and I know it's probably very flawed. I don't think i was in tune with the video game industry at the time. Obviously, the campaign was fantastic and that would have had an immediate impact. I know I opted to get a Gamecube instead of an xbox. Didn't get turned on to Halo for a while even though it was the one game on the xbox that had caught my attention before the console released. Wasn't until friends of mine got hooked on doing halo lans and then they finally invited me. Basically took two nights. Morning after the second night I called in sick and went and bought halo and an xbox. Played all day. Fantastic memory. Then I started hosting lans at my duplex once, sometimes twice, a week. Always had rotel tomatoes and velveeda cheese dip, nachos, and a big case of twizzlers. Those were the staples of my lans and it was easy to fill up nights with 16 players or more. No alcoholic beverages were consumed, but no one seemed to care because it was Halo and Halo was awesome.

Anyway, disregarding my potentially warped thinking on what makes games appealing, there is still the Social playlists which would serve the function of appeasing the people who prefer to stay away from ranks. I guess I just thinks it is possible to please both crowds with traditional ranks. This wolf knows his ideas are crazy and not universally accepted. But make fun of me and I will cut you with my razor sharp teeth.

Deputy Mooman
is sharing what goes on his abnormal brain. Readers have been warned.
So these midgets were all sitting around a table playing poker the one says damn my hands are small I can barely hold these cards I bet I got the smallest hands in the world. The other midget falls out of his chair says his foot slipped cause hes got such small feet. Other midget says hey you guys have it good Im pretty sure I got the smallest penis in the world.

Next day they all decide goto Guinness to get in the world records. First midget comes out the door yells HELL YEA I'm in, second midget comes out, says Hell yea ME too smallest feet ever!. Third midget comes out all dissapointed, and says to the other midgets "who the fuck is kylej?"

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Loadouts and create-a-class are not the same thing.

Equipment and AAs are not the same as perks.

Let me ask you this then, why are you so disappointed that some of CoD's best features are flowing into Halo, even though (from what we've seen) Halo 4 is looking far better than Reach?

Also, LMAO at Juices.
You guys forgot about instant respawns.

Not really that big of a issue at least not in the footage we have seen. Remains to be seen how it will effect the game long term but again i think the majority of players will be happier they do not have to wait to respawn and its going to speed the game up which is a great thing.

I think its the issue that's been most wildly blown out of proportion.

And im sure a Classic Slayer gametype already exists within 343i's play testing that contains a set amount of single loadout, weapon spawns on timer and 3 second spawn delay. And i have no doubt its going to be pushed into hoppers fairly soon after launch if not immediately.

I have faith that they are going to do their absolute best to ensure Halo 4 has a long and well supported multiplayer that's frequently updated based on user feedback.

I didnt see it with Halo:Reach as much as i would of liked but the TU did fix some issues i had with reach and that's a start at least

Loadouts and create-a-class are not the same thing.

Equipment and AAs are not the same as perks.

Evolution of concepts

So these midgets were all sitting around a table playing poker the one says damn my hands are small I can barely hold these cards I bet I got the smallest hands in the world. The other midget falls out of his chair says his foot slipped cause hes got such small feet. Other midget says hey you guys have it good Im pretty sure I got the smallest penis in the world.

Next day they all decide goto Guinness to get in the world records. First midget comes out the door yells HELL YEA I'm in, second midget comes out, says Hell yea ME too smallest feet ever!. Third midget comes out all dissapointed, and says to the other midgets "who the fuck is kylej?"



So these midgets were all sitting around a table playing poker the one says damn my hands are small I can barely hold these cards I bet I got the smallest hands in the world. The other midget falls out of his chair says his foot slipped cause hes got such small feet. Other midget says hey you guys have it good Im pretty sure I got the smallest penis in the world.

Next day they all decide goto Guinness to get in the world records. First midget comes out the door yells HELL YEA I'm in, second midget comes out, says Hell yea ME too smallest feet ever!. Third midget comes out all dissapointed, and says to the other midgets "who the fuck is kylej?"

old but gold.
Let me ask you this then, why are you so disappointed that some of CoD's best features are flowing into Halo, even though (from what we've seen) Halo 4 is looking far better than Reach?

Also, LMAO at Juices.

Why are you assuming I'm disappointed? When did i say I did or did not like any of these changes?

I've simply provided a list to support the point of a Cod influence.


So these midgets were all sitting around a table playing poker the one says damn my hands are small I can barely hold these cards I bet I got the smallest hands in the world. The other midget falls out of his chair says his foot slipped cause hes got such small feet. Other midget says hey you guys have it good Im pretty sure I got the smallest penis in the world.

Next day they all decide goto Guinness to get in the world records. First midget comes out the door yells HELL YEA I'm in, second midget comes out, says Hell yea ME too smallest feet ever!. Third midget comes out all dissapointed, and says to the other midgets "who the fuck is kylej?"


Stalker, keep working for that paycheck dawg.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Why are you assuming I'm disappointed? When did i say I did or did not like any of these changes?

I've simply provided a list to support the point of a Cod influence.

Maybe I took your initial post wrong, my mistake. Your first post almost seemed sarcastically disappointed that the ranking system may also share similarities to CoD.

We just need some new Halo news dammit.


Why is 343 turning Halo into CoD in space anyway? CoD fans will keep playing CoD while Halo fans get a game that's half-aimed at another fanbase.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Why is 343 turning Halo into CoD in space anyway? CoD fans will keep playing CoD while Halo fans get a game that's half-aimed at another fanbase.

Better question, why is Treyarch trying to infringe on Halo's futuristic territory?

I'm being sarcastic


So these midgets were all sitting around a table playing poker the one says damn my hands are small I can barely hold these cards I bet I got the smallest hands in the world. The other midget falls out of his chair says his foot slipped cause hes got such small feet. Other midget says hey you guys have it good Im pretty sure I got the smallest penis in the world.

Next day they all decide goto Guinness to get in the world records. First midget comes out the door yells HELL YEA I'm in, second midget comes out, says Hell yea ME too smallest feet ever!. Third midget comes out all dissapointed, and says to the other midgets "who the fuck is kylej?"
halogaf is on it today


Why is 343 turning Halo into CoD in space anyway? CoD fans will keep playing CoD while Halo fans get a game that's half-aimed at another fanbase.

Please, dont start again, Halo is not COD in space. I have been playing COD since COD 2 and I dont understand why people continue arguing about this...


I have faith that they are going to do their absolute best to ensure Halo 4 has a long and well supported multiplayer that's frequently updated based on user feedback.

I didnt see it with Halo:Reach as much as i would of liked but the TU did fix some issues i had with reach and that's a start at least
Microsoft has bizarre requirements and payments for patches and updates. Heck, very few of their first party games get updated frequently.

Reach did have a lot more updates than any other game, so hopefully that is a good indication on how Halo 4 will be handled. Or maybe 343 has a back entrance to avoid the whole certification process and get tweaks out faster.
Stalker, keep working for that paycheck dawg.

It's seriously my view on Halo 4, no DeeSlurping or anything. I'm hyped for virtually every aspect call me naive or whatever but I'm happy with virtually everything iv seen.


Microsoft has bizarre requirements and payments for patches and updates. Heck, very few of their first party games get updated frequently.

Reach did have a lot more updates than any other game, so hopefully that is a good indication on how Halo 4 will be handled. Or maybe 343 has a back entrance to avoid the whole certification process and get tweaks out faster.

It depends on how many of the issue will have to be solved via actual game patches or if some problems like for example infinity slayer bombs and people want classic slayer back can be fixed via a playlist update.
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