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I actually prefer fall damage. Adds an extra risk when navigating maps. If you're being shot at and want to take your chances with trying to crouch land at the needed moment to survive, have at it. But if you screw up you die. It forces players to actually use the map and think before they jump. In the same way that flying a jetpack can feel cheap by ignoring map design, so is being able to just jump off any ledge with no fear of dying. I can live without it, but I've always been a fan. And you don't need healthpacks. There just needs to be a certain height that takes your whole shield away and you die. And if you're below that point, you only lose a certain percentage of your shield. Then you wait for your shield to recharge. Simple. And 343 could always make it so that even though there is fall damage, it still requires a substantial drop to get killed from the fall. It doesn't have to be an end all be all doom and gloom perspective.
Predictable spawns are fine. Exploitable spawns are not. You should be able to predict where they're coming from, but you shouldn't be able to shoot them right when they spawn or assassinate them right when they spawn. Safe but predictable is the key. However, I also think in Slayer that you shouldn't be only allowed to spawn on one side of the map, because you don't have an objective to defend or attack, so there's no point in limiting the safe spots you can spawn from. And despite what people would like to say, non-sided spawning in Slayer is not random.
I like what you said and I support it. Imagine that! I understand that spawn trapping a team is a viable tactic and adds a teeny bit of strategy, but to me it's more of an issue with a poor spawning system or poor spawn layout in general. Like you said, that should never happen. And the average person watching a game is not going to enjoy watching one team decimate another team simply because the other team made a mistake and found themselves stuck for the rest of the game. I only see it hurting MLG.
We have a different career progression model in Halo 4 that spans traditional MP as well as Spartan Ops. It should be a satisfying measure of experience AND skill, but we will have more to say about that and other stat tracking at a later time.
Reach ranking system confirmed?


Neo Member
This place moves to fast... take a few days off, already behind an OT and its 12 pages in (not attempting to start a 50ppp vs 100ppp war....)

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
It says "different career progression model" and measures "experience and skill."

I'd say that "different" means different from Reach, and it takes skill into account, which Reach doesn't really do at all.


It says "different career progression model" and measures "experience and skill."

I'd say that "different" means different from Reach, and it takes skill into account, which Reach doesn't really do at all.

Yep, sometimes I feel like you are getting more points, when losing a game, instead of winning it ,in Reach. So weird. I hope they will find a system that will make the competitive and casual players happy.


That storm outside of my window. :O

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Yep, sometimes I feel like you are getting more points, when losing a game, instead of winning it ,in Reach. So weird. I hope they will find a system that will make the competitive and casual players happy.


That storm outside of my window. :O

I get this too. Also it's odd to me how certain playlists give you a ton of credits where others give you next to none. Anniversary BTB gives 2000+ a game most of the time, where rumble pit is like 800-1200.


Haha. I'm trying to decide if I would be okay with it if they added one more tier called the Tashi Ceiling. Probably not ;_;
I heart traditional halo ranks

I don't see traditional ranks coming back.

But at least Kevin Franklin like how Starcraft 2 works, although that is very similar to the Arena system already.

If there was only some way your arena rank showed up in every playlist and always mattered...


Unconfirmed Member
Reading that Q+A...

  • I'm really curious to see what they're doing with Forge. It's good to hear we'll get news soon.
  • I'm even more curious about how the Spartan Ops campaign will tie into the main campaign's story. I can't wait till we all beat the main campaign, speculate like crazy about the ending and its implications, and then do it all over again when we beat Spartan Ops ten weeks later. :-D
  • "I like Infinity Slayer and I am really fond of the progression system – I feel like I am moving forward, but I never feel like I am missing some vital tool or ability. I think that’s the balance we needed to strike in a competitive Multiplayer game. Tuning rather than overhauling your character." I really hope that's how it ends up feeling.
  • LOL at the question calling monitors "Guilty Sparks".
  • "The Covenant politics, the state of their society, the divisions and chaos they are going through, will be germane to our plot. It will be addressed." HYPE.
I don't see traditional ranks coming back.

But at least Kevin Franklin like how Starcraft 2 works, although that is very similar to the Arena system already.

If there was only some way your arena rank showed up in every playlist and always mattered...

Arena is not far from being a pretty good system. Honestly it's not that bad right now, but it was dead on arrival in Reach due to awful implementation on several levels.


Arena is not far from being a pretty good system. Honestly it's not that bad right now, but it was dead on arrival in Reach due to awful implementation on several levels.

I think this might be another reason its so lol-worthy now. If it had been implemented the way it is now... and maybe in more than 1 playlist; it would likely be pretty popular.

But ranking people individually, but on teams at the beginning? Wat??
I don't see traditional ranks coming back.

But at least Kevin Franklin like how Starcraft 2 works, although that is very similar to the Arena system already.

If there was only some way your arena rank showed up in every playlist and always mattered...
Yeah. I halfway kid about ranks just for fun, but ranks made it so much easier to get a feel for what your competition and your teammates were going to be like in any given match. There were exceptions of course, but Reach just leaves you flat out mystified. And there is a part of me that likes not being upset in a match for losing since I knew I played well and the sub par play from other teammates isn't going to cost me a rank. Likewise, if i play like garbage and the team loses, I don't cost them a rank. But in the end, ranks are straight forward and the competition that ranks create is better than anything else imo. Competition is what drives matchmaking. So why would anyone want that removed from a competitive first person shooter? I believe Juices or Kyle said something very similar a while back and it rings true imo.
That would be the bees knees.

Still waiting on that 1/6 scale Carter from 3A. They need to show more of him ASAP.

Yeah Im excited to see more from 3A, that Carter looked fantastic, and if they have a Halo 4 MC planned I will be a very happy person. Even more happy if sideshow has some Halo statues planned.. Assuming cool things happen in the live action series it would almost be cool if Sideshow did a statue from that.

I wonder where they got the bit about no fall damage?

I have not seen it posted here but It is pretty old. Soo...:
Exclusive Comic-Con Halo 4 print "Return of the Master Chief":

Halo 4 concept art by Gabriel Garza aka Robogabo
50 piece edition
13″ x 19″ (paper size)
limit 1 per customer

I want that, but man it is pricy.. then again only 50 being made? Wow.


Booties when can you play in this tournament answer your PMs you goddamn nerd. I updated the status of Team Elzar vs Team Kylej in the tournament thread, I'll move discussion over there from now on.
I was thinking about the tourny. Would it be possible for someone to join on say purple team suicide at the start and then they could stream the tourny switching between player views.
I was thinking about the tourny. Would it be possible for someone to join on say purple team suicide at the start and then they could stream the tourny switching between player views.
You will completely fuck up the spawns if you do that. /buzzkill

Stinkles, please check PMs for realsies
Yeah. I halfway kid about ranks just for fun, but ranks made it so much easier to get a feel for what your competition and your teammates were going to be like in any given match. There were exceptions of course, but Reach just leaves you flat out mystified. And there is a part of me that likes not being upset in a match for losing since I knew I played well and the sub par play from other teammates isn't going to cost me a rank. Likewise, if i play like garbage and the team loses, I don't cost them a rank. But in the end, ranks are straight forward and the competition that ranks create is better than anything else imo. Competition is what drives matchmaking. So why would anyone want that removed from a competitive first person shooter? I believe Juices or Kyle said something very similar a while back and it rings true imo.

Competition drives competitive multiplayer modes yes, as competing and attempting to beat the other team is the whole point, but that doesn't mean the majority of the MM population wants a "ranking" system on that.

Studying MM playlist populations showed that one of the easiest ways to significantly drop the population of a playlist in H2 and H3 was to make it ranked. A ranking system is for your hardcore player base, most of the players playing your game don't want one or don't care about one.
just read that Q&A with expertzone.

it is really disappointing 343 isn't including 1-50. if it was really broken, I'm sure 343 could have fixed it.

i really hope if we get something besides a picture that shows how long you've played for, and something better than arena.

just read that Q&A with expertzone.

it is really disappointing 343 isn't including 1-50. if it was really broken, I'm sure 343 could have fixed it.

i really hope if we get something besides a picture that shows how long you've played for, and something better than arena.


You fix it by making a ranking system that isn't 1-50 lol.

Hadn't we already known this for a while by the while btw? Frank said pretty bluntly that 1-50 won't be in the game in HaloGAF a while ago.
Why are you guys even speculating about the ranking system? The ranking system, like everything else in halo 4, will borrow heavily from the CoD series.
just read that Q&A with expertzone.

it is really disappointing 343 isn't including 1-50. if it was really broken, I'm sure 343 could have fixed it.

i really hope if we get something besides a picture that shows how long you've played for, and something better than arena.


Unfortunately the ranking system caused a lot of abuse, and even though I was not an incredibly high level player I ran into people abusing it all the time. I would love for them to find a way to bring it back, but its going to need to find a way to block the abuse and cheep playing it inspired.


343i Lead Esports Producer
People still play Halo?


LOL exactly. I actually left a different post this time.

Tashi, did you see my request for a new Montage using Enya for the background track? Make it so! If you can pull that off, you can accomplish ANYTHING! 8)

Ahh I didn't, sorry. I stopped doing the weekly montages but I will start them up again for Halo 4. Remind me then!
Ahh I didn't, sorry. I stopped doing the weekly montages but I will start them up again for Halo 4. Remind me then!

I actually really liked your weekly montages, Any reason you stopped?

Might sound stupid but watching you play inspired me to play and want do better.


Neo Member
I think I'm nearly alone on this among the more competitive crowd, but I never liked the 1-50 rank system specifically because of the way it affected the community. First and least importantly, it was the source of an ungodly amount of trash talk, but that is the state of things now anyway - if you plug your mic in you will get abuse, so that's hardly a real concern any more. Second, it led to so much nonsense, some of which was largely inconsequential (like selling accounts) but a lot of which was actually a huge problem - boosting, deliberate de-ranking, and a large number of people playing on their 2nd or 3rd account just to beat up bad players and not have to compete against people on their own level for a while.

I do miss the superior matchmaking in the H3 ranked playlists; it feels like Reach seldom gives you good and even match-ups, except maybe in Arena. But the visible 1-50 ranks, I don't miss at all.
Unfortunately the ranking system caused a lot of abuse, and even though I was not an incredibly high level player I ran into people abusing it all the time. I would love for them to find a way to bring it back, but its going to need to find a way to block the abuse and cheep playing it inspired.

I don't think it's a valid reason to remove a ranking system because it's "abused." People abuse Reach's system and that has no significance what so ever. To say "Well 1-50 promoted cheating, boosting, and stealing accounts" then why have anything at all? No matter what the system is people are going to try and abuse and exploit it.

I think I'm nearly alone on this among the more competitive crowd, but I never liked the 1-50 rank system specifically because of the way it affected the community. First and least importantly, it was the source of an ungodly amount of trash talk, but that is the state of things now anyway - if you plug your mic in you will get abuse, so that's hardly a real concern any more. Second, it led to so much nonsense, some of which was largely inconsequential (like selling accounts) but a lot of which was actually a huge problem - boosting, deliberate de-ranking, and a large number of people playing on their 2nd or 3rd account just to beat up bad players and not have to compete against people on their own level for a while.

I do miss the superior matchmaking in the H3 ranked playlists; it feels like Reach seldom gives you good and even match-ups, except maybe in Arena. But the visible 1-50 ranks, I don't miss at all.

But all of this still happens. I'm not sure what's the difference between a player who's really good at Halo, getting their first Xbox Live account, and one who's good at Halo making there second account. The whole second account argument shouldn't exist.


343i Lead Esports Producer
I actually really liked your weekly montages, Any reason you stopped?

Might sound stupid but watching you play inspired me to play and want do better.

Ehh I stopped having fun putting the time in to get the clips. It was a grind. A lot of time I went into matchmaking alone and it's very hard to get clips that way. You don't get callouts, your teammates get all the power weapons and on and on. It's a shame though because I still love Reach and I still love video editing.

Thanks for watching though, I do appreciate it. I'll definitely be increasing stream time, video uploading and montage creation with Halo 4.
If Trueskill would do its job adequately, I'd be just fine with Recruit-Inheritor rankings again.
So you won't be just fine with Recruit-Inheritor rankings again

In all seriousness, I think 343 has surely learned from the mistakes made in Reach's ranking system and can make something that works in 4.
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