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Halo |OT6| I will not allow you to leave this thread!

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Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
There are more kinds of killstreaks in the future.

Loadouts, unlocks, create-a-class and perks sure scream "Halo".

Space dogs.

No, they scream "modern day shooter." I honestly think that stuff adds to the game (from what we've seen). I like unlocks (as long as they don't break the game), I like creating a class (no more AR spawn), and "perks" aren't even really similar to the CoD counterpart, they seem less helpful in Halo 4 (still helpful, but not in a "do more damage" way).

If people think changing Halo at all is bad, Halo 1 is still available for purchase and XBConnect is still running.


Why is 343 turning Halo into CoD in space anyway? CoD fans will keep playing CoD while Halo fans get a game that's half-aimed at another fanbase.

I'm convinced Call of Duty ruined the game industry. Every developer wants the same sales figures, so how do they do it?

Try to appeal to the CoD fan base. Because unfortunately game devlopers are a business they need money to survive.

Also; I'm online if anyone wants to play. (coca mola)


Neo Member
Better question, why is Treyarch trying to infringe on Halo's futuristic territory?

Because calling in an orbital strike from a covenant cruiser is way better than a puny airstrike from some jets. Don't just bomb your enemies, glass their asses!

Over - you forgot earned ordnance drops, as long as you're listing stuff.


Guys, you have to realizew these 343 juniors were surrounded by 343 staff on those waypoint forums so they couldn't hate on the game

Their brains are now programmed that way


I'm convinced Call of Duty ruined the game industry. Every developer wants the same sales figures, so how do they do it?

Try to appeal to the CoD fan base. Because unfortunately game devlopers are a business they need money to survive.
Fry Cry 3 multiplayer :lol


I'm convinced Call of Duty ruined the game industry. Every developer wants the same sales figures, so how do they do it?

Try to appeal to the CoD fan base. Because unfortunately game devlopers are a business they need money to survive.

Also; I'm online if anyone wants to play. (coca mola)

You say this as if every developer is working on an FPS. You can't make a reasonable argument in my mind that CoD RUINED the entire game industry when there are plenty of other genres with high selling games that don't appeal to CoD fanbases.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
CoD hasn't ruined anything. Halo 4 is borrowing a few things that CoD did very well, and adding new things (and old things) that Halo does very well to make a 2012 Halo game. I do sometimes get confused at people that seem to just want a Halo 1/2 MP remake and that's it. Halo needs to change, and from what we've seen it looks like 343 is doing a fine job of straddling the line between changes and tradition.

As a disclaimer I'll be buying both games regardless.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Tomorrow marks 2 weeks I paid for a 360 from someone in the buy sell trade thread. Still haven't received word that it has shipped yet. I just get dicked all the time. I've been in light conversation with him about it.
CoD hasn't ruined anything. Halo 4 is borrowing a few things that CoD did very well, and adding new things (and old things) that Halo does very well to make a 2012 Halo game.

As a disclaimer I'll be buying both games regardless.

I'm getting Halo 4, i have CoD9 on pre-order but i'm thinking about cancelling it.

I do like the Halo 4 create-a-class for the record. No more AR starts! Finally!
You say this as if every developer is working on an FPS. You can't make a reasonable argument in my mind that CoD RUINED the entire game industry when there are plenty of other genres with high selling games that don't appeal to CoD fanbases.
Get that logic shit outta here.


Guys, you have to realizew these 343 juniors were surrounded by 343 staff on those waypoint forums so they couldn't hate on the game

Their brains are now programmed that way

Not true,
Halo Reach is bad, Vanilla Reach should be never spoken of. Halo 3 was just connection and lol random BR spread. Post patch Halo 2 was defiantly where it was for me.
Also i'm not a waypoint tard. (Posted a lot on b.net back in the H2/H3 days). I made two major posts on Waypoint, one bitching about pre TU. Secondly is to fix h4 bumper jumper (which got posted in the bulletin


You say this as if every developer is working on an FPS. You can't make a reasonable argument in my mind that CoD RUINED the entire game industry when there are plenty of other genres with high selling games that don't appeal to CoD fanbases.

True point, should of worded it better.
So these midgets were all sitting around a table playing poker the one says damn my hands are small I can barely hold these cards I bet I got the smallest hands in the world. The other midget falls out of his chair says his foot slipped cause hes got such small feet. Other midget says hey you guys have it good Im pretty sure I got the smallest penis in the world.

Next day they all decide goto Guinness to get in the world records. First midget comes out the door yells HELL YEA I'm in, second midget comes out, says Hell yea ME too smallest feet ever!. Third midget comes out all dissapointed, and says to the other midgets "who the fuck is kylej?"
I lost it.

What the fuck is with people saying "defiantly" instead of "definitely?" That's not just a simple typo, that's like a totally different word.

Guys, you have to realizew these 343 juniors were surrounded by 343 staff on those waypoint forums so they couldn't hate on the game

Their brains are now programmed that way
343 =/= Borg

They discovered that the Master Chief was really Jean-Luc Picard all along. huh

Guys, you have to realizew these 343 juniors were surrounded by 343 staff on those waypoint forums so they couldn't hate on the game

Their brains are now programmed that way
GAF bandwagon effect seems to be the culprit.
I lost it.

What the fuck is with people saying "defiantly" instead of "definitely?" That's not just a simple typo, that's like a totally different word.

Calm down. Auto correct.


Tomorrow marks 2 weeks I paid for a 360 from someone in the buy sell trade thread. Still haven't received word that it has shipped yet. I just get dicked all the time. I've been in light conversation with him about it.

I just bought a 360 in the buy/sell/trade thread.

Please don't be the same guy.

Gray Man

Guys, you have to realizew these 343 juniors were surrounded by 343 staff on those waypoint forums so they couldn't hate on the game

Their brains are now programmed that way

I've lurked for a long time, this group of juniors is pretty much the same as the last, at least it seems that way to me.


Hey guys, new to neogaf. I have played with some of you before and I'm sure I'll recognize some of the names around here. Anyways, I'm friends with thezerofire which is where you may recognize me if you do.

Looking for people who like to play customs, MLG, or whatever else. My GT is liltydude and if you add me please say you're from here! I go to a lot of forums and that would help me out a lot.


Hey guys, new to neogaf. I have played with some of you before and I'm sure I'll recognize some of the names around here. Anyways, I'm friends with thezerofire which is where you may recognize me if you do.

Looking for people who like to play customs, MLG, or whatever else. My GT is liltydude and if you add me please say you're from here! I go to a lot of forums and that would help me out a lot.

Welcome! We are twitter friends!
Hey guys, new to neogaf. I have played with some of you before and I'm sure I'll recognize some of the names around here. Anyways, I'm friends with thezerofire which is where you may recognize me if you do.

Looking for people who like to play customs, MLG, or whatever else. My GT is liltydude and if you add me please say you're from here! I go to a lot of forums and that would help me out a lot.
fuck yes!
What would you change?

Fix bumper jumper, make sprint go back to being an armor ability, get rid of personal ordnance drops, probably nerf promethean vision. And while I'm designing my own game apparently, I'd bring back the pro pipe.

I can probably rest assured knowing that I won't be playing much infinity slayer.


Guys, you have to realizew these 343 juniors were surrounded by 343 staff on those waypoint forums so they couldn't hate on the game

Their brains are now programmed that way

If you've ever been to Waypoint, the majority of comments are aimed negatively towards 343i or Halo.

And we're not all that bad.
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