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Hatsune Miku Project Diva series general discussion thread


Woot! I just managed to perfect Remote Control on Extreme. Definitely one of the most fun songs so far, and probably one of my favorite songs in the game.


I did the same for Stay With Me, which is a hilarious song in it's own right. That synthesizer is banging.



Retail ?
Its finnaly a disc this time ?
I will buy it then if they put some more content into it..

I hope it's both, I want this one on digital, hopefully cheaper.

Woot! I just managed to perfect Remote Control on Extreme. Definitely one of the most fun songs so far, and probably one of my favorite songs in the game.

I did the same for Stay With Me, which is a hilarious song in it's own right. That synthesizer is banging.

Suddenly I feel like not posting my Tengaku Hard perfect at all. :(


Suddenly I feel like not posting my Tengaku Hard perfect at all. :(

Do it!

I just got my first perfect (on Hard), I feel so accomplished!

EDIT: I've just bought all the modules (costumes) from the store, and I didn't get the trophy! What gives? I don't know if I have unlocked everything to buy, but they at least all say "sold out" whenever I visit the store. Any ideas?


Suddenly I feel like not posting my Tengaku Hard perfect at all. :(

Do it. part of the fun in rhythm games for me is realizing all of a sudden I am way better than before, that progression factor. If it was me perfecting a song on hard for the first time, I'd post it because it is still an accomplishment. It's a new benchmark of my skillz.

Besides, it's not like I just pull these scores out of my arse. I've put 100s of hours into the DJMAX games, and because all rhythm games have the same underlying gameplay it just made it simple to transfer over to another one.


Way to be modest about it!

This is my first PD game, as well as my first proper rhythm game in quite a while, so I'm at least satisfied that I can hang on Extreme now. Although, I'm having difficulty with songs that just throw dozens of overlapping notes at you, it just makes them hard to gauge. I really need some way to practice those.


Way to be modest about it!

This is my first PD game, as well as my first proper rhythm game in quite a while, so I'm at least satisfied that I can hang on Extreme now. Although, I'm having difficulty with songs that just throw dozens of overlapping notes at you, it just makes them hard to gauge. I really need some way to practice those.

When it comes to overlapping notes, and really fast streams of notes as well, I find that if I stop trying to look at the exact number of button presses required and just listen to the music it gets a lot easier. Press however many buttons that seems necessary to complete the end of the sentence being sung, or until the emphasis on certain words is over.

You gotta feel the music, man.


When it comes to overlapping notes, and really fast streams of notes as well, I find that if I stop trying to look at the exact number of button presses required and just listen to the music it gets a lot easier. Press however many buttons that seems necessary to complete the end of the sentence being sung, or until the emphasis on certain words is over.

You gotta feel the music, man.

Like I said, I probably need to practice those sequences because as soon as you hit a bum note, you end up flailing around trying to compensate!
When you get all modules for a character purchased you get a title if you purchased all available modules but didnt get a title then you havent unlocked all costumes.

Meiko and kaito are the most commonly missed modules .
You need to play with them more
When you get all modules for a character purchased you get a title if you purchased all available modules but didnt get a title then you havent unlocked all costumes.

Meiko and kaito are the most commonly missed modules .
You need to play with them more

Yeah, I had some trouble with that last night. I was only 2-3 plays short on each though.

Finished it off by perfecting Nostalgic and ACUTE on Extreme. >.>;

The records screen will show you a count of how many times you've used each character, but that count also records fails, whereas the yukata module requres 10 clears before it becomes purchaseable.


Woot! I just managed to perfect Remote Control on Extreme. Definitely one of the most fun songs so far, and probably one of my favorite songs in the game.

I did the same for Stay With Me, which is a hilarious song in it's own right. That synthesizer is banging.
Congrats! I've been following the twitter feed of most of the Dempa Gumi girls and both Risa & Mirin posted screens from the game:

I'm still playing through easy so looking at that and how far off I am just intimidates me! lol


I managed to perfect ACUTE extreme today, which is another one of my favorites in the game.

I have no idea what I'm doing in the Diva rooms, I'm just giving everyone chocolates and Teddie bears in hopes for their love. Is Level 3 max level? It stops going up when it's level 3 but I don't get a trophy for it, so I'm guessing there is something I'm missing.

EDIT: Did the proper thing and read a FAQ about all of this stuff. Seems like a perfect thing to do when I am really, really bored.


I managed to perfect ACUTE extreme today, which is another one of my favorites in the game.

I have no idea what I'm doing in the Diva rooms, I'm just giving everyone chocolates and Teddie bears in hopes for their love. Is Level 3 max level? It stops going up when it's level 3 but I don't get a trophy for it, so I'm guessing there is something I'm missing.

EDIT: Did the proper thing and read a FAQ about all of this stuff. Seems like a perfect thing to do when I am really, really bored.

The max level is 6, yep.
I managed to perfect ACUTE extreme today, which is another one of my favorites in the game.

I have no idea what I'm doing in the Diva rooms, I'm just giving everyone chocolates and Teddie bears in hopes for their love. Is Level 3 max level? It stops going up when it's level 3 but I don't get a trophy for it, so I'm guessing there is something I'm missing.

EDIT: Did the proper thing and read a FAQ about all of this stuff. Seems like a perfect thing to do when I am really, really bored.

It takes a long time, man. But it sounds like you've probably already grinded out a ton of points, which is a good start.


I still haven't unlocked all of the songs yet. I'm hesitant to do so because then all that's left of the game is the gameplay itself, which is fine because it's fun, but I don't want it to get too dry too fast.


I'm always hearing about new PDf players here and in the Vita OT...

You see, Sega? You know you want to localize it.
Congratz on those perfect guys. I struggled just to clear positive- negative lives on hard.

Also I don't seem to be able to access edit plays. When I try to go to it a message with a warning triangle pops up then throws me back to the menu. Any ideas?
Also I don't seem to be able to access edit plays. When I try to go to it a message with a warning triangle pops up then throws me back to the menu. Any ideas?

Where are you trying to access it from? It sounds like you're trying to access the Edit Play mode without actually having downloaded any edits first.


FINALLY cleared all songs on Expert. The last couple songs were really hard (last couple songs before 夢のつづき(?) lol ).
Now to catch up on Kyle and all his perfects


Hatsune Miku and friends have been added to a few things:


SCE's Friend Network free app for Vita now contains Miku and other vocaloid costumes.


SEGA's F2P Vita game, Samurai & Dragons now has a Miku card.


I'm surprised how well the AR works in this game. I only ever tried those 3DS games that came preinstalled before and they were really picky on how you have to hold the device.
But here you can just move around how you want, even if the "card" is not in the picture it finds it immediately when it gets back into the picture.

And it looks really nice.

Do all Vita AR games work that well? I never gave them a chance.


I've now got around 80% of the trophies, which includes all the items, modules, etc.

I think I need someone to point me in the direction of more detailed instructions for the remaining few. I need to do the likes of the AR stuff, profiles, edit mode, anything that basically doesn't entail gameplay!

Every time I've looked for a trophy guide, I haven't found much past the odd translation.


I think I need someone to point me in the direction of more detailed instructions for the remaining few. I need to do the likes of the AR stuff,

Go to the AR menu (in the upper right), then choose the leftmost picture. There you have to watch all the "AR live concerts" (basically the whole column). Look at my picture just a few posts up. You have to look for that "card" that says "AR Live Maker", should be in your game case. Point the Vita at the card and watch Miku dance.


I think that was one of the options in that menu with the crown symbol. Just test them until you find the one that has your birthday, gender, stuff like that.

edit mode,

The option in the lower left. You don't actually have to change anything. When you're in the edit mode, just hit start and choose the second to last option (save) and then the last to quit.
To upload, go to the connection menu (the one with the Vita symbol in the main menu) and then the first option, first option and then you should see an empty list. Tap the first button on one of the entries and you should be able to load your saved song. (this is by memory, so maybe there's a menu more somewhere in between).
To download a song, it's the connection menu again, and then the first option (connect to the internet), then the second one and the rest I don't remember. There's a menu where you have to either input a username to look for or get a list. Just try it, until you find the right one.
If you successfully downloaded a song, go to upper left menu in the main menu (where you normally play) and then choose the right option. You can then load that song, and in the menu before you play you can hit triangle to mark it as a favorite. Play it, and you should get the trophy.
Sorry, if that was all too confusing and possibly wrong, it's all only as far as I remember.


So, today, for the first time, I tried Dreamy Theater. While I was over in Japan I picked up a PSN point card, as I thought it was time I finally do so. With how much I loved PD Extend (after hating PD 2nd), the Dreamy Theater version of Extend seemed like a perfect place to jump in.

After playing a bit, I have one thing to say:


Ever since the original Project Diva, I've had two major complaints about the further development of the series. First, they took away vocals dropping out when you missed notes. That feature was in the first, it made sense, and it's dumb as hell that future games have the vocals continue on normally even when you miss notes. Second, Sega made the games as obnoxious as possible when it comes to Vocaloid modules. Sure, in Extend, they at least let you hit Start to use the default characters for each song, but otherwise they seem to think that you're going to want to use the same custom-selected module for every single track. Otherwise, every time you play a song, you have to go through the process of swapping out modules for the one you want. It's stupid, and annoying, and makes me want to slap people working at Sega.

What do I find in Dreamy Theater Extend? Both of these are not only fixed, but perfect. Notes drop! Like they should! And Vocaloid modules? Each song is auto-set to default, but you can then go in and—per-song—customize the modules to exactly what you want! Exactly like it's supposed to be!

Why in the world is Dreamy Theater—which, really, is pretty much a companion product—so much better and more polished than the actual, real, mainline product? WTF Sega?! Why are you such a source for range and frustration for me?! GRRRR!

If I could now buy Dreamy Theater 2nd and get all of those songs linked into DT Extend—I don't know, can I?—this would be exactly what I've been wanting for years now! I mean, I'm now at the point where modules actually mean something to me! And I have my vocal dropping back! This is crazy!

I just, as much as I'm going to love Dreamy Theater, my heart really lies in having Project Diva games in my hands. These features should have been in Project Diva Extend, and Sega should feel ashamed that they weren't.

(Yes, I'm very, very passionate about this subject, as anybody who has listened to WAHP will known.)
Do you have a Vita, shidoshi? I think both of those issues you had are fixed in Project Diva f. Modules are default and per-song, while notes drop when you miss them(which can also be turned off).
First, they took away vocals dropping out when you missed notes. That feature was in the first, it made sense, and it's dumb as hell that future games have the vocals continue on normally even when you miss notes.

If by "makes sense" you mean the virtual singer is upset with your performance and refusing to sing then sure, it makes sense. But in a rhythm game where you time your button presses to their vocals, it's a bad gameplay mechanic. You do bad? You get penalized by the removal of audio queues and are likely to do even worse. That was the first thing I switched off in Project Diva f because it's not fun.


Do you have a Vita, shidoshi? I think both of those issues you had are fixed in Project Diva f. Modules are default and per-song, while notes drop when you miss them(which can also be turned off).

I have PD f, but no Vita yet. Played it a bit on our work Vita, and I know that I'm annoyed by the touch markers and the Vita's tiny buttons. *heh* Glad they finally fixed that stuff, I just wish it hadn't taken so long.

But in a rhythm game where you time your button presses to their vocals, it's a bad gameplay mechanic. You do bad? You get penalized by the removal of audio queues and are likely to do even worse. That was the first thing I switched off in Project Diva f because it's not fun.

Typically, the rule of rhythm games is that if you miss the timing of a marker, that audio doesn't play. Konami's Bemani stuff follows that rule (from everything I can think of offhand), Guitar Hero followed that rule, various other games follow that rule. It makes absolutely no sense that the Vocaloid should sing the lyrics that go along with a particular marker in a song if you don't hit that marker. You're supposed to be penalized with the removal of audio queues, because otherwise your hitting markers have no impact on a song save points.

Edit: Since I had my PSP sitting here, just checked, and I can confirm DJ Max as yet another series that follows the idea that audio should drop out with misses markers.
Why are you "supposed" to be handicapped by missing a note? You're already penalised by getting a lower score. Practice should help make you better, not have artificial walls put in place to keep you playing badly.

Once you're good at a song this is a feature you won't even see, so I'm bewildered by your stance. You say Bemani, I say DDR.


We're going to have to just agree to disagree, because I'm not sure what other argument there is beyond "because it makes sense". If you don't hit the note, you shouldn't see the result, and that's how a multitude of music/rhythm game do it. They wouldn't do that if it didn't make sense.


I remember reading somewhere that, according to Sega, the reason for the Vocaloids to sing normally even if you fail the inputs in 2nd and Extend was because of memory limitations.


Finally got my order from play-asia.
Was wondering for the decal thing where do i get the wallpaper from?
Its all in japanese for the preorder bonus so i have no clue.
We're going to have to just agree to disagree, because I'm not sure what other argument there is beyond "because it makes sense". If you don't hit the note, you shouldn't see the result, and that's how a multitude of music/rhythm game do it. They wouldn't do that if it didn't make sense.

That's just it, you don't see the result, i.e. the score. You are not "performing" the music in any of these games no matter how much you may like to imagine that's what your button presses are. Why not cut all the sound if that were the case? Because it would suck, that's why.

Agree we'll have to disagree here, but it "making sense" is not a universal truth, and as long as it's an option you can toggle nobody should even care.


I remember reading somewhere that, according to Sega, the reason for the Vocaloids to sing normally even if you fail the inputs in 2nd and Extend was because of memory limitations.

It worked that way in the first PSP Project Diva though, so that doesn't make total sense to me. I mean, unless something was drastically changed about how the engine works between the first game and 2nd.
It worked that way in the first PSP Project Diva though, so that doesn't make total sense to me. I mean, unless something was drastically changed about how the engine works between the first game and 2nd.

The first game didn't support more than one module on screen at a time, and didn't have nearly as complex PVs as extend. Considering how much the first game already pushed the PSP, it's obvious something had to be dropped to be able to do more.

Also, it's worth noting Dreamy Theater is done by a completely different team than the one that did Project DIVA on the PSP, and is also not the Project DIVA f team.

If I could now buy Dreamy Theater 2nd and get all of those songs linked into DT Extend—I don't know, can I?—this would be exactly what I've been wanting for years now! I mean, I'm now at the point where modules actually mean something to me! And I have my vocal dropping back! This is crazy!

No link whatsoever between Dreamy Theater 2nd and extend that I know of. Dreamy Theater 2nd is still the better buy because of its huge songlist (100% of DIVA 2nd and all but one song from DIVA 1). Dreamy Theater extend is kind of a copout really, little more than a reskin of Dreamy Theater 2nd and doesn't even implement engine changes like the new clear gauge or challenge items.

Also, the lack of voice dropping out thing on 2nd and extend on PSP has never bothered me because I generally don't drop combo badly enough for it to happen (hitting a Safe will still keep the vocal going too). Didn't even notice it was missing at all until I was told it was so.
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