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HBO is airing a marathon of The Wire remastered in HD (one season per day, Dec 26-30)

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So many great little scenes I've forgotten about. The one where Landsman is defending Mcnulty to get him back on the squad is great. Jimmy is an addict. What is he addicted to? Himself.

Some shows you start rewatching and it's obvious it took him a while to get going, find stride, explore the characters etc. The Wire is great from the first episode.
In like the second episode where McNulty is at the FBI office talking to his friend, they show some random crew on surveillance and he mentions that they got Dominicans in NY dealing serious weight, are these guys the plugs that Stringer talks to in S2 after
Avon gets locked up and they need a new connect
If so that's fucking amazing


Could be. That's their first supplier.

Bird and Wee-Bey putting in that work.

And there's Detective Norris, played by Edward Norris, former Baltimore police commissioner.


Tuned into another HBO channel where they are just on episode 2. Anybody who doesn't know how to play chess should watch it.


Watching Season 5 in HD right now on HBO Go. Maybe 4:3 was part of the novelty of the show, but it's not half bad. Film grain helps it out a lot.

Going to rewatch the series sometime down the line, best TV show ever.


In like the second episode where McNulty is at the FBI office talking to his friend, they show some random crew on surveillance and he mentions that they got Dominicans in NY dealing serious weight, are these guys the plugs that Stringer talks to in S2 after
Avon gets locked up and they need a new connect
If so that's fucking amazing

I don't know but did you know that(late series spoilers)
Cheese is Randy's father?
I never put the two together.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Tuned into another HBO channel where they are just on episode 2. Anybody who doesn't know how to play chess should watch it.
I'm home for the holidays and my mom commented that she kinda understood chess after that scene.
Shit. I wish I could watch this live with all of you. I'm driving up from Florida. Should be by my TV around 1pm tomorrow. Someone save me a seat on the couch.
It's weird. After I watched The Wire, I now instantly key in on actors who were on the show when I see them in other things. Rawls is everywhere these days.


Haha that fat fuck, Jay


David Simon ripping himself off. This same gag was on an episode of Homocide.

Simon wrote about that (and other interrogation tactics) in Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets

The deception sometimes goes too far, or at least it sometimes seems that way to those unfamiliar with the process. Not long ago, several veteran homicide detectives in Detroit were publicly upbraided and disciplined by their superiors for using the office Xerox machine as a polygraph device. It seems that the detectives, when confronted with a statement of dubious veracity, would sometimes adjourn to the Xerox room and load three sheets of paper into the feeder.

“Truth,” said the first.

“Truth,” said the second.

“Lie,” said the third.

Then the suspect would be led into the room and told to put his hand against the side of the machine. The detectives would ask the man’s name, listen to the answer, then hit the copy button.


And where do you live?

Truth again.

And did you or did you not kill Tater, shooting him down like a dog in the 1200 block of North Durham Street?

Lie. Well, well: You lying motherfucker.

In Baltimore, the homicide detectives read newspaper accounts of the Detroit controversy and wondered why anyone had a problem. Polygraph by copier was an old trick; it had been attempted on more than one occasion in the sixth-floor Xerox room. Gene Constantine, a veteran of Stanton’s shift, once gave a mindless wonder the coordination test for drunk drivers (“Follow my finger with your eyes, but don’t move your head … Now stand on one foot”), then loudly declared that the man’s performance indicated obvious deception.

“You flunked,” Constantine told him. “You’re lying.”

Convinced, the suspect confessed.

Chris R

Just watched the episode with the "fuck" investigation of the older murder.

Nice detective work.

Liking the show, will try to watch a season a day, falling behind though :(


Was in the middle of watching Sons of Anarchy on Netflix, then I noticed this was on. Now I'm feeling conflicted.
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