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Honestly, what does Microsoft need to do with Scorpio to solidify your purchase?


For me, they just need to put it up for pre-order. I'm getting it no matter what at this point. The hype train has already been boarded.


It needs to be at least, or close to 1.5x PS4 Pro power for me.. Which it looks like it will.
Thats about it. I for one am really glad with the way things are moving forward and having a more powerful console available earlier than previous gens for those who want it, whilst not leaving others behind with a whole new gen refresh.
What it would take for me to get an Xbox now? Free online multiplayer. I'm happy with the specs, games and services on the PS4. There only aspect I do not like is paid online multiplayer.


Its pretty much impossible. I've given up the idea of Xbox ever having a software catalog that i find compelling, especially since i could get it on PC if one of their games does interest me.

The Scorpio would need some amazing unique selling point thats not available on another system. Something like the hybrid nature of the Switch, but even more compelling.


And im burnt on microsoft minimal exclusives.
So probably no sale at their current rate. My one thankfully is white and it hides the dust well.
The Xbox One is my go to system for local split screen gaming. So drop Halo 6 and bring back 4 player split screen and I'm there day one (in fact I'll buy 2 to replace both Xbox Ones). I'll be hard pressed to buy one if they don't have any good local split screen games. As my PC will be just fine for their games.


Mostly just stop putting their first party stuff on PC.

Interesting view point. I actually love the fact the games are coming to both ecosystems. Bigger audience allows for bigger investments and risks. IMO this is very important, especially when you don't have the #1 selling console.

Scorpio is a day one purchase for me. I look forward to making the an Xbox system primary again for 3rd party games.
The original Xbox was my first "serious" foray into gaming. I spent countless hours on the system with my older brother. I thought Microsoft cultivated a fan for life in me, but that hasn't turned out to be true at all. That sounds really dramatic, but honestly, back when there wasn't much they could do that I wouldn't just accept and get on with.

Nowadays it's a different story. The 360 era lasted too long and the lack of exclusives 2010 onward while Sony continued to hit it out of the park weighed quite heavily on my mind. Especially when most of my friends played on PlayStation and had since they were kids and were always raving about these exclusives games. But fine, whatever, I convinced myself that next-gen would be different, and it was - just not the way I would have liked. I gotta give credit where credit is due, Microsoft did a good job turning the ship around after the disastrous reveal and initial couple months. Their first E3 showed enough for me to excited that they'd turn things around as far exclusives went (and I foolishly bought in Day One), but the way that turned out, I just don't see any reason to stick with the platform.

First they cancelled the Black Tusk IP and then changed the entire studio into a Gears factory. I defended Halo 4, but I wasn't really feeling 5. They cancelled Fable Legends, which didn't look good but I held onto hope for a proper instalment down the line. Then there were the constant delays of Quantum Break, the tepid reception for Sunset Overdrive, which didn't really do much for me, and then they decided to put their games on PC.

I thought that would only hurt the brand and that it showed a lack of confidence in their ability to sell consoles. By this time I had gotten myself a gaming PC and couldn't see much reason to remain interested. The last kicker was when they cancelled Scalebound, which I was so looking forward to.

That brings me to today. I play pretty much only play on PC, but I am hugely interested in picking up a PS4 Pro and a Nintendo Switch in the near future. I have no interest whatsoever in ever parting with my money for a Microsoft console again. All their games will be on PC. I have no need for the hardware, and the few IP they ship tend to be either all sequels or simply not daring or new enough to me.

I don't think Microsoft can do anything to change that, and I have feeling the Scorpio, whatever it is, be it an iterative console or the start of a new generation, won't have the reception they'd like. In the interest of a competitive market, I would like Microsoft to do well, but for myself, I don't think there's anything they can do now to sell me on a new console.

What they could do however is put a ton of money into creating new IPs and studios and what have you as most have commented thus far, but I just don't think Microsoft is interested in that. Their history in the industry doesn't support the likelihood that they'll do anything of the sort.
Something that I can't play on my PC and that will perform better than my PS4 Pro. Will pre order one asap if it has a powerful CPU.
I would say they need to revamp how they do first party devs, put more time into making new and exciting IPs and overall expand what they have that can be delivered on just the system. MS is basically not going to win back the Japanese market and in turn, won't have as many Japanese games on their systems. I'll put it like this, even with all that power, if it has no games really going after, or not enough of them to make you jump ship or just grab the system along with others, then they are in trouble. It comes down to games, games and games, and with how this year has started, it's not looking great.


I still pretty much hate the GUI on the xbone i wish they could make a better interface, combined with more horse power without being noisy.. then everything will be ok

Also make digital downloads steam cheap...


If multi platform games preform better on the Scorpio than the PS4 Pro, then that's all I would need. PC is always too much of a hassle for me so I don't mind console power races. Owning both will be nice.


I still pretty much hate the GUI on the xbone i wish they could make a better interface, combined with more horse power without being noisy.. then everything will be ok

Also make digital downloads steam cheap...

Xbox One is miles quieter than the PS4, so I don't think they have any reason to put any effort in (in terms of beating the competition)

Besides, it's not too much to get a sound proofing case


-more gains to 360 back compat titles
-updates to all past and present first party games to take advantage of increased power
-1TB or higher harddrive
-slim form factor
-release alongside some new games that show off its capabilities

price doesnt really matter but if its over $500 then FUCK THAT (until i calm down from the price tag shock)
It needs to be at least, or close to 1.5x PS4 Pro power for me.. Which it looks like it will.
Thats about it. I for one am really glad with the way things are moving forward and having a more powerful console available earlier than previous gens for those who want it, whilst not leaving others behind with a whole new gen refresh.

This is where I am at as well. I love my PS4 Pro, it is a great combined with a 4k TV. Now I just need Scorpio to come out so I can play Destiny 2 on it! I like the new cycle as I don't feel as forced into playing on my PC because it runs/looks so much better when the majority of my friends are on Xbox/PS4.


Xbox One is miles quieter than the PS4, so I don't think they have any reason to put any effort in (in terms of beating the competition)

Besides, it's not too much to get a sound proofing case

Yes if they can keep the noise levels of the xbone then its fine. But usually more power also equals more noise


If the power difference is noticeably better than the pro that's all I need. My PC needs to be upgraded (still using i5-2500k) a lot to really go back to PC gaming. So a Scorpio would be cheaper than that.


Stop making all of their "exclusive," games also on PC, and release something on-par with Lost Odyssey that benefits heavily from the Scorpio upgrade.


I have a decent pc now, but I still have friends on the xbox ecosystem, so I am curious to see what they come up with. If they double down on the "Play Anywhere" I might be interested.
All I need are good games, and a migration of my friends from PS4. Unfortunately, we move as a pack. When they lost 1 of us, they lost 6 of us. I loved my 360 though, so I'm sure I'll be back at some point. Maybe.


Just a price that's not more than $500 to be honest.

The system will be mainly used for multiplats so I'm not worried about a lack of games at all.


Power: I want a true step of evolution in this area

1st party: You know stuff besides halo, forza and gears.
Sadly sea of thieves doesn't entice me and crackdown 3 is more boom boom bang bang.

Give me lost odyssey 2.....and I'm so fucking there. Somehow revive scalebound as well.

Price: if it's $499 there is no way I'm buying it unless the first party blows me away

Noise: The biggest thing I love about my Xbox one is how insanely quiet it is. I want that power along with a console that I can't hear.

Swappable internal HDDs: I have an SSD in my Pro. Load times are insanely improved in games like NBA compared to the Xbox. I want to be able to put an SSD in the Scorpio.

Fully wireless headsets: why the fuck is turtle beach the only ones allowed to make these on the Xbox ones? Everything else requires a wire to the damn controller. I want people to use their Astro A50's, Bluetooth headsets and more without controller adapters.

I love my Siberia 840's and Bluetooth support for chat would be amazing.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
<$300 maybe?

I'm not interested in a few more pixels, they don't have a good ecosystem. They kind of half ass gaming so a new console isn't enough.


I'm not buying it, no matter what. For the next 2 or 3 years i'm done with hardware purchases. Already have 2 gaming PCs, PS4 and Switch, Microsoft has nothing to offer me with a new Xbox right now.
I honestly don't know if raw power is enough to sell me on the console. They need to come out at E3 and show they took their lessons learnt from the last few years and have been making deals behind closed doors for a strong exclusive lineup launching from Scorpio release day.

If they show up at E3 and have some good new exclusives (some new IPs even better to see), but then say that'll all be released holiday 2018 or later, I don't know if I can put the money down.

An improvement of the user interface would be welcome too.


Junior Member
I don't know there's much Microsoft can do.

The people saying "stop putting games on PC" baffle me because that's basically asking for those games to be available to fewer people. Microsoft has indicated it now cares about "the whole ecosystem" which includes Xbox and PC. I guess by playing Gears 4 and Forza Horizon 3 on PC I'm already in Microsoft's ecosystem in a way.

Maybe, just maybe, I'd think about it if Microsoft actually continued the 360 back compatibility (I still have a couple games that aren't on the list) and maintain BC for all Xbox consoles going forward from here.

But really Microsoft should bring more to the Windows side of its ecosystem. Make the Windows 10 store suck less. Bring Halo to PC, etc.


They'd have to revive a bunch of dead IP (Perfect Dark, Banjo, Lost Odyssey) and keep them away from PC for me to even start to care about their console.


I won't ever purchase a MS branded console solely due to what they tried to get away with when they initially revealed their plans for the XBO.

Even ignoring that caveat their first party selection is paltry and mostly available on Windows so i just don't see an incentive.


I really doubt there's anything that they're LIKELY to do.

I'm pretty happy with my PS4 at this point. I'm not a performance nut, so I'm not gonna sweat visual boosts unless they're some totally mindblowing Tekken 1 VS Tekken 5 level stuff. The price tag (which they've already mentioned as being ~premium~) is inherently unpleasant, combined with the notion of having to pay for xbox Live again.

They'd need a big handful of exclusives that I really really REEALLY care about at this point. I'm talking like... Bully 2, Godhand 2, Devil May Cry 5, Sleeping Dogs 2, that kind of thing. As has historically been the case, if they bring enough heat with games, I will buy in--no matter how reluctant that buy-in may be.

...But if what they say about Xbox One being able to run Scorpio games is true, that means PS4 can run them as well, and at that point, unless MS is footing the entire bill, why would a publisher risk limiting themselves to one platform? I could see that happening with a no-chance-in-hell thing like a hypothetical Sleeping Dogs successor, but anything else? Dubious


With my Xbox One S basically being my 4k media machine, I'd love a solid trade in program. Of course, having reasons to trade in my machine would be ideal; Microsoft needs unique games no one else is offering, on top of the usual 3rd party stuff. Right now, my Xbox is my Halo/Rare Replay machine. I'd sure love some other titles to add to that.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Compelling exclusives and a reasonable price-point.

Honestly though, those things don't really require Scorpio and as whatever it offers technologically, the next Playstation will very likely offer even more... Its kinda irrelevent to my interests.

Not being a fanboy about it, just the reality is that its going to take a LOT to make me invest in their ecosystem as opposed to the one I'm already in.

If power was what interested me above all else, I'd be spending the money on upgrading my PC.
Well nothing really. I ain't gonna be able to afford a new TV for a few years. All the games that will be released, I will be able to play on the Xbox One I already own.

Unless I could get it for 150 bucks with trade-in, there is no point for me.

I'm not really a graphics whore, if I was I would just use that money towards a new graphics card and monitor for my PC.

So I dunno.


To solidify my purchase? Make Xbox Live online play free for Scorpio users, otherwise a PC still makes more sense.

But I could still be won over if there's an interesting feature set, UWPs have a lot of potential.


What I'd need: Something drastically improved over the One, like a whole new generation ahead. I'm not talking specs here, I'm talking games. Show me your vision, MS, and we'll see if I can share it.

If not, I might as well just get a second-hand One.

What I expect: More of the same with some graphical glitter on top. Like I said, might as well just get a One in that case.


I can't justify it. They simply do not have enough exclusive software in their ecosystem for me to throw down that kind of cash. I'll stick with my PS4 Pro.
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