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Honestly, what does Microsoft need to do with Scorpio to solidify your purchase?

the need to feel like you need to have it, if i can get all the games on PC now there is zero need for me to buy an xbox when i can get a superior version of the game on pc, i know it has the benefits of a great ecosystem but that isn't a pull for me.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
Nothing really as im going to trade in the Xbox One Slim towards the Scorpio but if I had to pick one thing, it would be the price. I'm hoping and expecting the base bundle to be $400.


Due to the lack of true system exclusives because of PC (totally get the business reason why) and the fact that I bought a Pro recently, nothing.


Let me pose you guys this situation.

Many people feel there is no need because Microsofts first party games are on PC as well. What if they decide to pull this mindset to force your hands back to console gaming ? No more Xbox/windows collaboration.


Good games sell consoles period. Doesn't matter if they are 1st party or not. PS4 would be selling similarly just from third party multiplats.

What third party multiplats would be selling really well right now? What games would make people buy a PS4 during these couple months?

Currently not much. Resident evil and Ghost recon maybe? Currently the thing that's keeping sales up are Third party exclusives and first party.

There's no game right now at this time for Sony selling as well as Horizon. Persona 5 might sell pretty well, but it wont do as well as horizon. Unless I'm misjudging how big the series is over in US/UK.


Don't think there's anything they can realistically do to make the purchase compelling for me. However, I might pick up an Xbox One S to play a handful of exclusives if they offer a good deal on it before/during the new console's release.
I'm interested in the Scorpio from a business/industry and technical standpoint.

But I have no interest in buying the system. Even if I have the money (which I probably will) I just don't have the time. And plus having a Scorpio would be extremely redundant since I have a PC and PS4. And on top of that, only like two of my friends have Xbox Ones, so no point getting it for that reason since most of them are on PS4 and PC.

So there's really nothing Microsoft can do. It's nothing against the system itself, however.
Unless they start pumping out new IPs and actual MS funded exclusives that aint Forza/Halo/GoW I doubt I'll care.To me the library choices just aren't there when compared to PS4 it was GoW and Halo that made me buy a 360 so they need fresh new series like that again.


What third party multiplats would be selling really well right now? What games would make people buy a PS4 during these couple months?

Currently not much. Resident evil and Ghost recon maybe? Currently the thing that's keeping sales up are Third party exclusives and first party.

Big holiday AAA multiplats usually sell all year; Their sales go down after the holiday season but so do the sales for the consoles that they are for.


It need to come in cheaper than the Pro at the very least and I can't see that happening. Sony will simply reduce the Pro to $/£299 this xmas.

I'm curious though....MS are useless with keeping games secret and we've had no leaks about anything. I honestly believe it's going to be a PC disguised as a console...the whole nine yards. Their time as a game publisher is done. Making money through a store is what they want.


Big holiday AAA multiplats usually sell all year; Their sales go down after the holiday season but so do the sales for the consoles that they are for.

Which is why having exclusive titles helps keep sales afloat instead of dropping off a cliff like they usually do. Uncharted 4 sold a shit ton and a lot of that was done pre holiday's. People are buying consoles for games like Horizon, MLB, Persona 5, Nier. Maybe not in the droves like they do during holidays but it's still sales non-the less. And software sales correlate with the hardware.

Without zelda there wouldn't be as big of an attach rate on switch let alone the great numbers in sales they are seeing.

Games matter regardless of they are multiplat, exclusive. And if you have a steady flow of big titles you can't get anywhere else it's hard to not be enticed to buy the console they are on.

Which to me is the biggest issue Scorpio has against itself.


Definitely not an STD, as I'm a pure.
I'm good with my PS4 Pro and Nintendo Switch. At least they offer great exclusives. I have an Xbox One S if they ever make anything worth playing.
As someone who actually bought an XB1 before a PS4 at launch, I have zero interest in Scorpio. What the hell is there to play on it? I'm good, thanks. I have a beefy PC if I am dying for 1440p GSync'ed 60+fps third-party games.



Microsoft really needs to focus on First Party Titles outside of Halo, Gears and Forza. Microsoft's biggest weakness has been games.

Sony has been killing it recently with Uncharted, Horizon and their smaller titles after their slow started.

They have to show some big first party games to showcase the improvements and not rely on Third Party titles like Assassin's Creed Osiris, Middle Earth and look at all the old titles you can play that look better.
Let me pose you guys this situation.

Many people feel there is no need because Microsofts first party games are on PC as well. What if they decide to pull this mindset to force your hands back to console gaming ? No more Xbox/windows collaboration.

That move wouldn't force me to get an xbox unless they had some really compelling exclusives. Halo and Gears aren't system sellers for me anymore. Even then, I'd really have to think about it. I don't have the time anymore to have a ton of systems like years past. As is I can barely keep up with ps4, wii u and PC, plus I want a Switch.
Pretty much. There are clear markets who prefer to game on PC but their are millions more who desire a console for that.

It's like if you have a ultra powerful PC then of course this machine probably won't interest you, but you're still buying MS games so they still get your money.

It's like when they first announced it people thought they found another loophole to mock MS. But by doing this they cut the legs off the sort of people who don't want MS hardware but still desire their games.



Nothing.. I already have too many games between my PS4 and PC where even if I got a Scorpio for free it would probably sit in the box unused.


Can’t stump the diablos
Guaranteed buy for me since I own a 4ktv and would love a more powerful system than the Pro.

I own a powerful PC. But the unoptimized ports and mass amounts of cheaters on PC have been driving me toward the console space lately.


They need to show they're trying to make the system worth owning on its face, not as a "premium device" for rich people. I need games that look better there than anywhere else, and Xbox exclusives from Western and Japanese devs that they go all in on and exploit the systems power for all it's worth.

This past year has made the Xbox a really dire purchase. I own a powerful PC, so it is getting to the point where the XBO is literally without any value for me.


I can't justify it. They simply do not have enough exclusive software in their ecosystem for me to throw down that kind of cash. I'll stick with my PS4 Pro.

This. Microsoft would literally have to buy and make exclusive every IP I give a damn about. Or make new IPs that rival them.
I unfortunately have too many gaming devices. From a PS4 Pro, Wii U, Vita, 3DS, PC and now a Switch. I don't think I have the space to have an Xbox Anything as well.

I do wish I could play the Halo/Gears games some day, mainly the single player. Maybe in the future, when I'm at Gamestop and they have a used Xbox One S or Scorpio for cheap, I'll bite.

But if I were interested in a Scorpio, I'd definitely need some exclusives to justify a purchase. Sunset Overdrive, Horizon 3 and Ori are a step in the right direction. And I love forward to the reception of Sea of Theives. But the problem is that almost of these titles can be played on PC so...


Unfortunately my Xbox has turned into a PlexBox for me at the moment. Outside of Plex I don't really use it for anything else currently. Between PC, PS4 and hopefully a Switch when I get coin all my bases are covered. I think they need interesting Western and Eastern exclusives ala Nioh and Horizon. Halo Gears and Forza just aren't cutting it for me anymore.
Honestly, not much more. For me specifically doesn't need to do anything.

Ms has consistently making Xbox a better way to play with a gazillion of features added each year, and are also consistently making it better for developers to release more games. And now with Scorpio will tackle the biggest one that is the subpar performance.

To say they nothing left to do, I wish they wouldn't lose any 3rd party game anymore, specially from Japan, but Phil said his trip to Japan was good, so who knows, maybe they already have started on fixing it.


Let me pose you guys this situation.

Many people feel there is no need because Microsofts first party games are on PC as well. What if they decide to pull this mindset to force your hands back to console gaming ? No more Xbox/windows collaboration.

TBH even so I haven't even bought any of the games they've bought to windows as of yet. I have no interest in FORZA or HALO so I really don't know what they could do outside of announcing a bunch of crazy cool stuff at e3.


With so many games and so little time to play them, I am quite satisfied with what Playstation is offering. Unless Microsoft comes out with interesting exclusives, I don't see myself forking any cash for their machine.

Lady Gaia

What does Microsoft need to do from my perspective? Show some foresight and willingness to take a chance on something new that appeals to consumers more than shareholders and retailers. Demonstrate that they've learned something from the past four years and know how to avoid making the same mistakes all over again. That's really all it will take for me to get excited about another console again but it's not entirely clear that they have it in them.
With Microsoft putting their games on PC, it's pointless to purchase an Xbox. You get to play almost everything with PS4+PC+Switch.


The only thing Microsoft could do to get me back at this point is new IP. I never liked gears and I'm tired of halo. If they launch with like four exclusives with new IP I would consider. Microsoft had the best first party games from 2001 through 2013 but their output and quality has died. Kotors, crackdown, halo, kameo, banjo nuts and bolts, mechassault, crimson skies, fable, mass effect, gears, to name a few. Microsoft used to kill it with exclusives and ips. That's all gone now. An alright halo game a great sunset overdrive is basically all their quality output since 2013 if you don't like driving games. That is pitiful. Bring back the games that made you the best MS and you will get me back.
Nothing at this point. The lead up to XB1 launch was a long term turn off and cancelling Scalebound sealed the deal for demonstrating where their priorities are. My PS4 and Switch will collectively have more than enough amazing exclusive games to keep me busy this gen and then some.

Ploid 3.0

They can't, they make pc versions of their games. I guess it would have to do something totally dumb for Microsoft and fully support steam games, and all PC games that meet the specs. I'd be glad to get one then. That would not work, but it would be better than giving a kid my old PC because he's bored of PS4 and PS+ fees.


If Halo 6 is as good as Halo 5, I'll probably bite. Other exclusives that I'm interested in would help. The only Xbox exclusive I've ever cared about has been Halo.


Microsoft lost me this generation because I don't really find their software output appealing.

The original Xbox and Xbox 360 could hold my attention, even if they also relied on 3rd party games. But this generation, just having 3rd party is not enough.


I spent a good amount of time thinking about this before responding, and honestly there's nothing they could do to sway me except have great games that are exclusive to their console. The additional computational power of the machine over, say, the PS4 or XB1 is completely irrelevant to my purchasing decision - both of those machines are plenty powerful enough for the game experiences that I enjoy (non-VR).
I have no interest in having a powerful PC. I have a surface pro 3 and that's good enough for my needs. I currently have an Xbone so I could be in the market for a Scorpio, but they seriously need to show some worthwhile games. Their offerings have paled in comparison to ps4 this gen. If they don't show some great games I'll be selling my xbone and getting a ps4 and then ps5 when that drops. I have no loyalty outside possibly Nintendo(and even there I skipped Wii U). Sony and Microsoft are interchangeable black boxes to me. I'll go wherever the better games are.


With Microsoft putting their games on PC, it's pointless to purchase an Xbox. You get to play almost everything with PS4+PC+Switch.

True, but then its a matter of whether a person can be bothered to invest in each system / if the "exclusives" are enough to justify their respective platforms / which will be a persons main system for multiplatform titles etc.

For me personally, I just can't justify it till the prices are low enough and there is enough of the exclusive titles I want to bother with. Disregarding that, Nintendo and Sony are fairly close in my mind for good first party games that I'm interested in. MS has a long way to go. It's not really the quality but rather the type of games, most of which feel pretty bland.


I'd love to get one, but I just don't have the time to even keep up with all of the PS4 games I want to play. Backlog is getting larger and larger.

There's nothing MS can really do to get me to purchase one with Ps4 as my main already.
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