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Honestly, what does Microsoft need to do with Scorpio to solidify your purchase?


Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
New exclusives, currently Microsoft just has nothing I'm interested in.


Allow me to trade in my Xbox one S for a huge discount, I dont know about buying 3 consoles in one gen from the same company

I didnt own a Xbox 360 so didnt have to go thru that


Nothing really. They lost me with the launch of the Xbox One. Although they have gotten better since, I really can't see them ever getting my money again.


If they announce Blast Corps 2 I am buying a Scorpio immediately.

They won't though. ;_;

Blast corps wouldn't push me over but it would help, but Banjo, Conker, Jet Force, Perfect Dark, or something in general more similar to their N64 output would, even something like Viva Pinata would. It's a shame that I don't care for Killer Instinct as that's the only legacy Rare property to return that mattered.


Have the bloody console actually in stock!

Scumbag Sony overloaded US CA UK with PS Pros but left other regions out to dry.
This has been an incredible first quarter for video game exclusives and the X1 hasn't been part of the conversation at all. I feel that as long as I have a decent gaming pc, a PS4 and the Switch there's no real place for the Scorpio.


Exlusives that you don't cancel and I can only play on your hardware. Play anywhere, no, make me play on your hardware like I used to.


The only reason why I bought a Xbox 360 is Lost Odyssey. If Microsoft want me to buy a Xbox One or Scorpio, they have to do something similar again. That is, release a new interesting exclusive JRPG.


formerly sane
Solid CPU and some games that make it worthwhile. If nintendo still grabs me in this sense I don't see why MS can't like they use to last gen or on OG. Sony has me this gen I really want to invest but so far X1 isn't cutting it for me.
Get a bunch of jrpg exclusives like how they got me to buy an Xbox 360
Honestly most of them weren't great or were only timed exclusives (eternal sonata) but you had those few that were just great (lost Odyssey)
Man some people really put too much weight into this "i need exclusives111!!" thing. They have exclusives.
If you dont like them, 3rd party has a lot more stuff coming for you probably.

Dont get the issue anymore and it gets pretty annoying.


I think they've pretty much lost me now that all their exclusives are available on PC too. No need for a separate box when I've got a very capable PC.


Man some people really put too much weight into this "i need exclusives111!!" thing. They have exclusives.
If you dont like them, 3rd party has a lot more stuff coming for you probably.

Dont get the issue anymore and it gets pretty annoying.

They are right though, 3rd party is on everything so how do you decide what hardware you buy to play them on? Exclusives.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Not make it insanely expensive. Honestly, I'm already interested in getting the Scorpio as a 4K Blu Ray player, almost pulled the trigger on the X1S for the same reason, but the rumoured pricing has put it out of my budget :/


Making all multiplats native 1080p would be a nice start. And higher resolution and fps on backwards compatibility..


Man some people really put too much weight into this "i need exclusives111!!" thing. They have exclusives.
If you dont like them, 3rd party has a lot more stuff coming for you probably.

Dont get the issue anymore and it gets pretty annoying.

This thread is about what it would take for people to come back with the Scorpio. You're annoyed by people explaining what they want? And lets be clear there are other machines people here already have that can play 3rd party titles.


I don't think they will/can, at this point. I was never deep in Xbox exclusives, while I am deep in PC exclusives. I'll be upgrading my PC this fall instead. It needs it after I went Slim/Switch this past 4 months instead.

I mean, Sony also took a long time to get me this generation and they got me through Japanese third/first party exclusives.

Nintendo gets me pretty easily, also through first/third party exclusives.


Moreover, I do think MS can get me on MS store instead through interesting first party games.


If all 1st party games are still going to PC, then I have no reason to own one

Yep. Only good exclusives would sway me at this point. They would have to be exclusives that aren't the usual Halo/Gears/Forza crap too. One great exclusive can sell the system, just look at the Switch. But, being Microsoft, I seriously doubt they have anything coming that will move systems like that.
Sony has so many high-quality exclusives between its first party studios and Japanese games that don't go on Xbox or PC. I have a PC that should be significantly more powerful than Scorpio, so I think I'm basically covered there. There really isn't much room for a Scorpio in my gaming life.
I'm the weird position of being in the market for a 4k console. I'm still rocking an og ps4 but I'm looking at the pro. Right now I'm holding out for scorpio info and maybe a ps4pro redesign until E3 but honestly there's not much that could swing me back over to xbox. PSN and XBL are more or less equal, but I'd maybe get PSPlus the edge due to freebies. I bought so much digital content on the PS side during the PS3/4 era that can't see moving over. Not to mention all my PS1/PSP games. It would take a massive exclusive that I could not resist, something on the order of Zelda and there's just no franchise that I can think of with that kinda pulling power. So yeah, MS dug themselves into a hole and I'm not sure they can get out barring a complete generation leap.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Interesting 1st party exclusives would sell the Scorpio.

If they're just going to show off Gears, Halo, and Forza, I'm not interested.

Prettier versions of 3rd party games isn't going to do it, either.


Man some people really put too much weight into this "i need exclusives111!!" thing. They have exclusives.
If you dont like them, 3rd party has a lot more stuff coming for you probably.

Dont get the issue anymore and it gets pretty annoying.

Some people dont like the same things other people like, for all the praise forza gets here i cant get into them and haven't played one since forza 3, i owned every crackdown and fable and theyve essential put the latter series on hiatus, wanna know why i never brought a wii u? No relevant zelda or metroids despite smash , splatoon, and mario kart being generally well received. For every series sony has cancelled i liked theyve at least replaced it for another one ive enjoyed. It might seen nitpicky but people actually like things other than halo, gears and forza. I dont think anybody asking for them to become sony but they have to do better than what they did with scalebound, fable legends and phantom dust.

I mean everyone has an opinion and all and i dont want to come off as aggressive but if a 10 to 15% better graphical output than the ps4 is your main selling point versus a new 3d mario on a hot new Nintendo console, or a god of war or spiderman ps4 id expect similar results to the first quarter of this year.
Let me pose you guys this situation.

Many people feel there is no need because Microsofts first party games are on PC as well. What if they decide to pull this mindset to force your hands back to console gaming ? No more Xbox/windows collaboration.

They would need first-party titles that PC gamers care about first, sold somewhere other than the hilariously awful Windows Store.

The reality is that the vast majority of PC gamers do not care about MS first-party titles and the sales prove it. The few who actually did buy titles went through hellish experiences trying to download, install, and run them from the Windows Store.

MS can go ahead and run back to Xbox if they want. PC gamers literally do not care.


At this point? Nothing. They lost me. At best it'll be full steam support with kb/m and letting us in under the hood on which case I might consider it in replacement of a pc upgrade.


Man some people really put too much weight into this "i need exclusives111!!" thing. They have exclusives.
If you dont like them, 3rd party has a lot more stuff coming for you probably.

Dont get the issue anymore and it gets pretty annoying.

You shouldn't take companies so personally, they don't give a shit about you past your money. Games you want to play on a console carries so much weight because that's what you do with your game console. "Third parties got you covered" don't mean jack shit. They got me covered on PS4 too, where I CAN get my Japanese exclusive games. So if MS wants me to throw money at a console they either get games I want to play and cant currently play on PS4 or they don't and I save my money. Pretty fucking simple.


If all 1st party games are still going to PC, then I have no reason to own one
Yeah that's the conundrum for me. I've always been debating building monster a PC at some point, and Microsoft putting their games that interest me (if there are any at this point, given how my tastes haven't lined up with their output this generation) then a great PC and a PS4 seems like the ideal combo.


Oh, forgot one thing.

Star Citizen / Squadron 42.





Let me pose you guys this situation.

Many people feel there is no need because Microsofts first party games are on PC as well. What if they decide to pull this mindset to force your hands back to console gaming ? No more Xbox/windows collaboration.

First they need to increase their first party output because right now they are severely lacking in that department.


It would have to do something significantly different from PS4 and PS4 Pro to make me consider a purchase such as:

- Keyboard and Mouse support
- Advanced VR
- Mew online features
- Plenty of new exclusive IP
- Significant visual upgrades across most titles (particularly framerates) rather than just a res bump.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
I... honestly don't know. I have a newish 55" 1080p plasma. Don't care about 4k. Wasn't impressed by a friend's pspro on 4k and hdr (over standard ps4) as I generally have a hard time discerning or caring about resolutions higher than 900p/1080p. For some reason, despite this, I'm hyped.


Man some people really put too much weight into this "i need exclusives111!!" thing. They have exclusives.
If you dont like them, 3rd party has a lot more stuff coming for you probably.

Dont get the issue anymore and it gets pretty annoying.

Sony just released Horizon, Nintendo just released Zelda... and Microsoft?, what is their next big exclusive release?
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