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How many threads do we have to make before Sony finally takes note and re-releases Killzone games for PS5?


No I wasn't, lol.

I only offered some head to whoever it may concern at Sony if they're gonna make Killzone remasters happen.
I was mis usiing 'OP', not OP of thread...just who they were responding too. My uncle works at SONY and accepts your offer btw..
Do what you want with Killzone 1, 3 and Shadow Fall, just do KZ2 justice!

I would love a PS5 release but I would rather GG try a different FPS but similar to KZ2. Open world, big map, dark, scary, not funny in any way, solid gunplay, large array of fully customizable weapons, many tactics to mess with. An actual next gen experience.


Neo Member
Maybe it will come back when Sony looses call of duty.

I'm on the same boat.

I think we are going to get something like Killzone, Resistance or some new FPS IP once Sony loses Call of Duty. Maybe I'm being too optimistic but I hope this actually turns out for the best.
Killzone is pretty bland IMO. It never reached the potential it had and Shadowfall basically killed the franchise. I'd rather have Resistance as an IP back than Killzone. Too bad Santa Monica is doing the most milquetoast post-techno-apocalyptic RPG series ever with Horizon. I tried to play Forbidden West 3 times and gave up past the introduction and reaching the first settlement, then decided to watch a playthrough and called it a day.

Other IPs like MotorStorm probably won't ever see the light of the day again since Sony made the dumb choice of canning Evolution Studios. At this point, I'd like newer IPs than old ones.
Killzone, RFOM, infamous 1&2, Motorstorm, MAG. These all needed 4k versions yesterday and stuff like MAG and War/Star-hawk could've all been repurposed as GaaS titles.
Imagine MAG as GaaS running Decima. I'd shit myself.

And jesus christ for fucking real give me an updated port of at least Motostorm and Pacific Rift. Two incredible titles. The best racing game I've ever played by a long shot next to NFS Most Wanted on PS2. As a PS# fanboy I long for the days of old.

I love all of these narrative driven games but Sony needs to branch back out into some really awesome and gritty multiplayer titles especially. It's a shame that the tik-tok generation isn't into war games.


Killzone Collection. Hybrid flat/VR2 support. Come on Sony, hybrid support is the perfect excuse to bring back many PS3 & PS4-era classics.


I’m playing mercenary now on vita and honestly even that it pretty good. The first person cover mechanics are really unique and I always kinda thought of KZ 2-3-mercs as a sort of first person gears of war in terms of its pacing and feel. It’s not as tight and responsive as COD, but the halo comparisons never made sense either. The games sold pretty well. This meme that KZ was never popular is ridiculous, demon souls got a remake and that game sold not even half as much as KZ 2.

Shadow fall was indeed hot garbage though. We can forget about that one.
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I’d really like a remade killzone 1. The series just never really took off despite the absolutely spectacular killzone 2. Idk I guess we are the minority.


We can keep trying for sure, but just seeing how they ignore the massive demand for a Bloodborne remaster is not very promising. Also they should get Insomniac to release a Resistance collection.


I’d really like a remade killzone 1. The series just never really took off despite the absolutely spectacular killzone 2. Idk I guess we are the minority.
As some other users ITT already said it in response to similar comments, I believe you guys have a bit of a skewed memory on this. Killzone 2 was one of the biggest games in the year when it came out, and a killer app for the PS3. It was huge for the time.

It was its one and only claim to fame, though, because it felt like by the time Killzone 3 came out, everyone was kinda done with gritty war shooters. No one cared aside from fans of KZ2 multiplayer.
I want some serious multiplayer in the same vein as Shadow Fall MP. That mode was so much fun!

What I really don't want is another Fortnite or Overwatch "look at me I am so colorful and fun" clone.
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thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
Killzone is potential a long term answer for Sonys fps problem, add some unique vr mode, the Helghast, Vekta, the enemies are really good and keep you interested.



I just fired up Killzone 2 again for another play through (it's been almost 3 years since the last one) and god damn, this game is so good. I remember very well how this game made me so hyped about owning a PS3 back in the day. It was one of those games that got me so pumped full of adrenaline that my cheeks were all flushed and shit. The only other game on the system that got me so hyped was God of War 3.

KZ2 has such an incredible presentation. It really is unlike any other first person shooter out there. I can totally understand the people who are saying how "weighty" it feels compared to other games. Call of Duty feels kinda weightless in comparison, like you're riding around on a hoverboard, or you're just this gun that's gliding weightlessly through the air. But games like Killzone really do put that extra effort to increase the sense of immersion by giving your character a real sense of presence within the world. I'm guessing a lot of that is accomplished through head bobbing, and camera movements while performing various actions such as reloading a gun or tossing a grenade. The camera never really sits still in this game.

Killzone is potential a long term answer for Sonys fps problem, add some unique vr mode, the Helghast, Vekta, the enemies are really good and keep you interested.

Yeah, I would even suck seven dicks for a Killzone VR game. Sony should get the guys who made Call of The Mountain on it. It would be dope as fuck.
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Gold Member
It's because they are waiting to bring back SOCOM, Killzone, and Resistance titles in hybrid flat/VR collections.

I can dream.


Simps for Amouranth
I'd absolutely kill for a Killzone ShadowFall PSVR2 experience, some of the visuals in that game still blow me away today and it was a bloody PS4 launch title, PS5 should easily be able to render it


Gold Member
Modern Sony doesn't give a shit about their back catalog, nothing like this is happening for Killzone, or Resistance, or anything else. And even if they did, they definitely wouldn't add the multiplayer suite in which is what made MCC such a total package.


It’s my opinion. I played through every game in the franchise aside from Mercenary, so I think I’m qualified to give it. When I think of the best (Halo, Titanfall, Apex, CoD, Destiny), Killzone is so far away, it’s several leagues below.

I also don’t think your view is shared by the majority, because game play sells at the end of the day.

Game play or GUN play?

You mention different things here.

Gunplay in KZ is extraordinary, IMO. Game play is subjective, sure.

I am pretty sure KZ series having good gunplay is a pretty shared opinion regardless of overall game opinion. I was a top 1% player, I play CoD nearly exclusively these last few years and IMO scale to scale (as in considering current game tech compared to KZ2 for example) it doesn’t top the best of what KZ offered in terms of gunplay. Destiny, for example, is brutally generic in terms of gunplay.

BTW, KZ2 has a better MC than Apex Legends, every CoD outside of MW (2007), MW2 (2009), and every Halo since 3, Destiny 1 and 2, as well as both Titanfall games. KZ3 bucks right alongside most of those in the mid 80s as well.

There are many “haters” of KZ for some reason. I think about 99% of those vehemently against it (not saying you are) were people who were massive HALO nerds who probably took no less than 3 swirlies a week in high school, and we’re triggered Sony tried to compete with their “legendary” IP. Interestingly enough Sony didn’t need to destroy it, Microsoft did it for them. Just my theory though, and this last part was meant mildly humorous as an olive branch to avoid an e-fight haha.


OP was talking about gun play not game play...they even said think what you want about the game.

Yes, exactly. Thank you.

No I wasn't, lol.

I only offered some head to whoever it may concern at Sony if they're gonna make Killzone remasters happen.

He was referring to my post, as the OP to the person he quoted. Not the OP for the thread. And he is right, I was specifically speaking on gun play.


I just never got the hype around Killzone all these years, later, the main bad-guys in the game just seem boring, ie guys in gas-masks, seen as Sony's answer to Halo, Halo's universe seems much more interesting than Killzone ever did...
I would love that Sony would make more fps games. For a start let's have both the Resistance and Killzone Halo style remasters.
Then reboot the franchises or even better - make new ip's that emphasize in fun gameplay with lots of guns, and double jumping. Not a game like CoD.

Btw. Quake 2 remaster is superb.


It's baffling that they would just sleep on it for so long when all the other franchises from PS2 and PS3 already got a decent next-gen treatment. They're re-releasing, remastering, and remaking every obscure IP that they own and yet I can't even stream Killzone through PS Plus Premium because they won't bother putting it on the service in my country. Do they seriously care so little about this franchise? Why do I still have to dust off my old PS3 to play these games?

If Guerrilla is too busy for it because they keep making those boring-ass Horizon games, then give it to Bluepoint, or whoever else can take on the job. It's so annoying. Not only would I want to replay those games in proper resolution and frame rate but revisiting multiplayer would also be great.

My biggest wet dream is to see all of these games, starting with the PS2 original all the way up to Shadow Fall, including the handheld titles (which were also pretty awesome), get re-released in a one neat package. Kinda like Konami is doing right now with the MGS collection.

Come on Sony. Do it already. What's the hold up?


Sony has been going down hill since kaz left.


Sony has been going down hill since kaz left.
Idk, they are making money like they never have before so I think shareholders are happy, but there has definitely been a shift in focus on the type of games they are putting out. They just feel like they are so focused a certain type of “cinematic” presentation and gameplay style. From the sales numbers they clearly have mass appeal, but it seems to have come at the cost of some franchises I really enjoyed in the ps3 era.


Guerrilla mishandled this franchise. Killzone has great lore, tucked away outside of the game. And Killzone 3 fucked it up anyway. They could've gone a different way, by showing the Helghast side. But instead they made the marines nuke the entire planet.

Shadow Fall was a good idea on paper, but was badly executed.

And give Brian Cox more VA work, he's perfect.


Idk, they are making money like they never have before so I think shareholders are happy, but there has definitely been a shift in focus on the type of games they are putting out. They just feel like they are so focused a certain type of “cinematic” presentation and gameplay style. From the sales numbers they clearly have mass appeal, but it seems to have come at the cost of some franchises I really enjoyed in the ps3 era.

Like you stated, the shift in games like GAAS. I'm afraid when they release a new Twisted metal game, its gonna be an open world MMO, GAAS type game.
Imagine MAG as GaaS running Decima. I'd shit myself.

And jesus christ for fucking real give me an updated port of at least Motostorm and Pacific Rift. Two incredible titles. The best racing game I've ever played by a long shot next to NFS Most Wanted on PS2. As a PS# fanboy I long for the days of old.

I love all of these narrative driven games but Sony needs to branch back out into some really awesome and gritty multiplayer titles especially. It's a shame that the tik-tok generation isn't into war games.
2010-2013 for me was the golden era of Sony 1P. They put out so many diverse, high quality titles that covered every genre minus the wrpg.

WKC, GT, Motorstorm, SOCOM, Star-hawk, Twisted Metal, PSABR, UC3, MAG, KZ3, Resistance 2 MP, LBP2, etc.

All of those could either directly be converted to f2p GaaS or, have their MP component remade into f2p. Some of them are more obvious candidates than others (PSABR, MAG, WKC, LBP) but enormous potential is there. It's unfortunate that nearly all those ip will be lost to time.


Multi has evolved... And the newly acquired Bungie got 20 Million views in like 3 months, for the "announcement" of an IP. I don't think they're looking back @ Killzone in the same way we are.

Honestly I don't think it's a game I would give a fuck about. Something like deathloop sitting there on my backlog but never touched due to PS+.
People couldn't tell the difference between input lag and weight

Folks said that Killzone 2 have weighty feel, when its actually input lag
I actually put some time into KZ2 the other week and also finally got a digital copy of KZHD. The aiming is trash beyond belief in both games. It's honestly near unplayable. Just so bizarre how awful it feels.
rebuying games is a waste of money, they should have made the ps5 bc with each other ps1 console from previous generations.
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I actually put some time into KZ2 the other week and also finally got a digital copy of KZHD. The aiming is trash beyond belief in both games. It's honestly near unplayable. Just so bizarre how awful it feels.
Actually, on my recent play through I noticed that it's actually pretty smooth if you remember to enable game mode on your TV. If that's turned off then the input lag makes the game really difficult to control.
Actually, on my recent play through I noticed that it's actually pretty smooth if you remember to enable game mode on your TV. If that's turned off then the input lag makes the game really difficult to control.
I had game mode on and tweaked the options including the patch that enabled quicker movement.

KZ2 still looks great but yea, the controls are rough as hell to me.

it is what it is, I'd gladly welcome locked 60fps versions of the trilogy on PS5.
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