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How much will No Man's Sky cost?

It seems The Witness offers more gameplay than AAA games such as The Order and Ryse. And also possibly the likes of Infamous. I don't see a problem with its pricing if the game is good and not byte sized.

Ryse has a pretty in depth and somewhat addictive multiplayer mode, not sure you should throw that game into your comparison.


I say slap a big publisher name on it and charge $60 and $100 for premium edition if that how we value games.


How many of these people that complain about indie prices were perfectly fine shelling out $60 for the likes of The Order or annualized franchises?

"Muh AAA"
Lets compare this to minecraft shall we? $20-$30 depending on platform etc. We do not know really how big No Man's Sky is. Yes I know it is limitless in scope more or less but how long until we start seeing the same stuff over and over. $30 should be the target but since it is on consoles add another $10 so $40. Anything over is absurd.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
hopefully they charge what the product is worth and not what people whine about on the internet. it's their work, their budget and their time. they should charge what it's worth to them.
After seeing The Witness for $40, I'm scared NMS will be $60. Way too much for an indie title. Even $40 is too much.

$20-$30 will be a sweet spot for me.

Indie is just short for 'independent' and isn't really an indicator of how expensive, long, or polished a game is. I don't think the fact that a game is 'indie' should be a factor in pricing.


After seeing The Witness for $40, I'm scared NMS will be $60. Way too much for an indie title. Even $40 is too much.

$20-$30 will be a sweet spot for me.

that's kind of shitty way of thinking. shouldn't it be more about the quality of the game?


It'll probably be $60 but I find it funny that people are scared that it will cost $60. I mean, really? You're afraid of something costing $60? I just find that funny. "Oh no, it may cost $60".

Personally I would pay $120 for it. I would pay twice as much as any other AAA game because I want to play it that much and I believe in the game that much. But that's just me.


$40-$60. I wonder if they'll try for a retail release day and date at $60 because the optics of a $60 dollar digital only console release aren't pretty. To be clear if the game is what they say it is then $60 will be worth it but who knows how it'll actually end up.
It's hugely important for Sony's VR, isn't it?

It's got Sony themselves behind it, even if they're not developing it.

Let's be real: It's going to be $60.

They have kits, but there's no guarantee it's coming to PSVR. If it does though, I could imagine it being their killer app so in that way it could be important.


I don't think anyone thought the Order was worth $60.

But people made their decision to buy based on a perception of quality. Plenty of AAA trash manages to sell just fine at $60, yet the indie label suddenly has people thinking a game should be sold at a discount, no matter the quality of the title, or the content it provides. I don't think these people know what they're talking about.
I think it was initially a $20 game. And then everybody went nuts, and Sony scrambled because they knew it didn't have the legs/depth people were hoping.

If it has any chance at a decent metascore it needs to be a value $20-40 game.


hopefully they charge what the product is worth and not what people whine about on the internet. it's their work, their budget and their time. they should charge what it's worth to them.
They should charge was bring them the most revenue. Not what they think they're work is worth. If people wont buy it at $60, then they should charge less. Frankly, I dont think this game has $60 of content. I think we've seen most of what the game has to offer already and if I'm right the price won't be $60 at least not for very long.


Why can't an indie title be $40+?

Because OP is stuck with a 2008 mindset. I don't get it either.

The marketing narrative for this game is that it's absolutely massive, so why wouldn't it be a full price release? No Mans Sky isn't going to be a small budget title that takes an hour to play. Does it matter that a few people worked on it versus a studio of thousands like at Ubisoft?
The fuck does "Way too much for an indie title" mean? Shouldn't we be paying based on quality, not development cost/size?

I think it was initially a $20 game. And then everybody went nuts, and Sony scrambled because they knew it didn't have the legs/depth people were hoping.

If it has any chance at a decent metascore it needs to be a value $20-40 game.

Holy shit, what the fuck am I reading?


I think it was initially a $20 game. And then everybody went nuts, and Sony scrambled because they knew it didn't have the legs/depth people were hoping.

If it has any chance at a decent metascore it needs to be a value $20-40 game.

Would love to hear you elaborate on this.


I think this is something that will eventually be accepted and no will give a fuck anymore when an indie with the scope of Witness and NMS will be released at 40+.

It needs time, and there need to be more releases like this.

Its like digital games in the beginning, digital games weren't worth full buck because of no manual and box etc. But there aren't complaints about it anymore, consumers adapted and gladly buy digital nowadays.


I have doubts it will go to $60 AAA price levels, but I wouldn't be surprised by $30-40.

I'd be surprised, but enthused if it was $20...but the scope and even fidelity is above experiences at that price range.

People should've noticed by now that some indies are growing in ambition, size and budget enough to essentially be B-games, AA or whatever title you wanna use. Hitting that range between $20-60 was inevitable, and imo good for the game market as a whole.

It wasn't healthy to see games priced at free-$20 or $60 with sale drops. That in-between is nice too, because you tend to get games that are still more creative than the big guys, but higher fidelity than the small ones.


If it comes out any less than $60, we should be worried, honestly... it may mean that the experience is quite shallow, regardless of the "endless" amounts of it...

I'm sure they want to charge $60 for it... so if they don't there will be a troubling reason for it.


What determines if a game is indie or not?

Budget and marketing costs, and if it's a privately held company, meaning it's not tied under the blanket of a huge conglomerate. A small company that's likely owned by 1-4 people. Doesn't matter who's publishing, since it's the equivalent of an indie film being picked up for distribution (which has its own costs and legal services involved).

NMS is being developed by 10 people, so in al likelihood Sony gave them a small budget for the next few years, which is nowhere near the cost of supporting, say, 300 people at Naughty Dog.
After seeing The Witness for $40, I'm scared NMS will be $60. Way too much for an indie title. Even $40 is too much.

$20-$30 will be a sweet spot for me.

This is ridiculous. Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 and Portal 2 were all $60 games and made by an independent studio. And those came out almost half a decade ago. Games have not gotten cheaper to make in that period of time. I kind of hope they charge more than $60, just out of spite for this sentiment that if a game is not made by a publicly held company it's not worth as much money. If anything, a large company could take the hit and make Call of Duty or Assassins Creed $30 games, whereas, independent studios have way more to risk by charging only $60 for their products.
After seeing The Witness for $40, I'm scared NMS will be $60. Way too much for an indie title. Even $40 is too much.

$20-$30 will be a sweet spot for me.

You're dreaming. Why do titles not published by EA or Ubi have to be under $60?

What if The Order: 1886 was published by Devolver, would you expect $20 to $30?

What if The Witness was published by Ubisoft, would you expect $60?

I don't understand this line of thinking.


Fucking nearly infinite and endless possibilities of a world to explore

"Well shit, I hope this isn't $60, they aren't even owned by a multi-billion dollar publishing company that would get the majority of the money."


I see indie as something literal. Independent. So, no EA assisting with development and focus testing, and setting deadlines. Publishing is also done in-house. Blow's team took their time, they didn't meet launch window at all. And his privately held company publishes.
Let me turn this around:

If someone made a thread asking:
"How much would you pay for the next Call of Duty"

and people answered $20-$30, would it get the same reaction?

Everyone values shit differently. How is this so hard to understand.
That's literally the reason why sales exist.
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