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Hyrule Warriors (Zelda Musou) (Zelda Dynasty Warriors) announced


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
People have been hating on Dynasty Warriors for years. Now because it has Link they are supposed to pretend like it will be different?

Everyone knows that it will probably be bland and repetitive. People will like it more for the novelty then the quality gameplay.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Ooh I see, well I don't think they would need a justification for that in-game, I can see this not needing to follow the actual timeline, so they can go crazy with that stuff.
Never said they need one (they really don't), just that a mask shop would happen to give them one.
And make an eventual Link + Ganondorf co-op pairing seem a little less strange :p

I mean, genuine question, do you need photographic evidence that I like Musou games? What about this?


Do I pass your test?
That's impossible, no one likes the games I don't
I'm interested in the possibility of OTHER possible characters you could play in this game. Link looks fun, but imagine playing as Zelda, Sheik, Ganondorf, etc. Could be a neat game.

Beth Cyra

lmao, well it was just an exaggeration bro.

Fair enough.

However when we have people who say things like PS2/Gamecube/Ps1 Graphics about things, exaggerations become annoying before to long when you can't tell how serious one is trying to be.



If they start adding it at all, even if it's Hyllian , then it's only a matter of time before they buckle and go for big name actors in Japan at the very least.


Is there a Vita version of DW8 yet? That's what I've been waiting for before getting it.

Japanese DW8+XL for Vita is already out I believe but no announcement of a western release; I think, I haven't been keeping up with Warriors news lately.
DW8+XL is a JP PS4 launch title.


Legit question, what's up with the graphics? I'm not really interested in the musou series (never played and never wanted to either) and I'm not that much of a zelda fan, but why are the graphics so bad? I'm not trying to troll here, I would really like to know what the deal is. The ground, the trees… are ps3/360 musou games like this also?
The graphics look like total shit, but I'll give it a chance. Hell, I'll do more than give it a chance. I KNOW I'll buy it.

Do the Dynasty Warriors games usually have voice acting in them, by the way? Could this be as good a reason as any for Nintendo to test the waters for voice acting?

They have voiced characters, I don't know if I'd call it acting exactly


I can't believe how much this is true, anything Nintendo announce is hated right from the start, see NES Remix.
It was hated, then people played it and now it's getting tons of positive impressions.

It's Fucking dynasty warriors btw


I'm interested in the possibility of OTHER possible characters you could play in this game. Link looks fun, but imagine playing as Zelda, Sheik, Ganondorf, etc. Could be a neat game.

In a lot of respects, I hope Omega Force goes for broke in this area.

I mean, especially it's a non-canon crossover, then there really shouldn't be any excuse to not see perhaps a nice smattering of representation. And even if it is somehow canon, timetravel is, again, all the handwave you need.

Blue Pig Ganon is who I would most like to play as. But I would like it if they even gave some shine to the likes of Ricky the Kangaroo and/or Moosh the Flying Bear thing from the Oracle series.

Beth Cyra

Legit question, what's up with the graphics? I'm not really interested in the musou series (never played and never wanted to either) and I'm not that much of a zelda fan, but why are the graphics so bad? I'm not trying to troll here, I would really like to know what the deal is. The ground, the trees… are ps3/360 musou games like this also?

The DW games are and never have been that great when it comes to Poly and Texture work. All of them are very basic to ugly at times.


Lol at people saying Nintendo's running out of ideas. How about Nintendo are helping create relationships with 3rd parties whilst giving Wii U owners something cool and quirky to play. SMT X FE will be no different.


Super Member
Wow! It looks kinda early but I'm interested. My one regret is that it probably won't use Skyward Sword's control scheme. The Horde Battle x 1000 with WM+ would be so satisfying.

Is that Ocarina's Hyrule Field and Castle Town Gate with Skyward Sword's art style?

SS Bokoblins and OoT King Dodongo hint at what could be a very interesting mash up.

Beth Cyra

i want cinematic immersion, full voice acting, and i better not have any dumbass shit like 'check points' wasting my time, im a really busy person!!

This is sarcasm, but this is what it will take for me to come back to buying a new main Zelda.

I'm tired of Link being a non character and the presentation feeling so 90's.

At least for mainline console games.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
It is true. Remember Super Mario 3D World reveal? Or does all the crow need to be brought up again.

Gamers are a fickle bunch. I dont understand how people will be supportive of a Fire Emblem Musou but are so appalled by a Zelda one. I know Zelda is on some sacred pedestal to some people(me included) but I dont see whats wrong with a spin-off. If Mario can do everything from a platforming plumber to kart racer to a Doctor I dont see how Zelda can't diversify itself from a Strategy/Action Adventure RPG to a Hack-n-slash/Fighting game. Zelda involves sword fighting and magic, it practically lends itself to this type of game.

This game isn't meant to appeal to everyone and its obvious Nintendo doesn't mind catering to the more niche fanbases but dam its like everyone in this thread expects every game Nintendo puts out to cater to them. No matter what they choose to do its gonna be "Damned if you do Damned if you dont."
This post is perfection, so much logic!


I really hope we get a SICK roster of playable characters. My boner will pierce the heavens if we can play dual-wield Ganondorf.

if he can special transform into a giant pig monster to fuckin trample waves, my boner will be right there next to yours



This is sarcasm, but this is what it will take for me to come back to buying a new main Zelda.

I'm tired of Link being a non character and the presentation feeling so 90's.

At least for mainline console games.

So what you're saying is,

you want a Zelda /film/



I can't believe how much this is true, anything Nintendo announce is hated right from the start, see NES Remix.
It was hated, then people played it and now it's getting tons of positive impressions.

Don't need to be in a FootBall match and play myself to see that a team or player is complete shit.


Was that OoZ King Dodongo? Lol, that was awesome.

Neat trailer, underwhelming graphics, lots-a-fun oriented game play. Looks like (my gaming history does not include any Dynasty game, but it does include) Dark Souls game play mechanics, just way faster and obviously clunkier. Will keep this in sight though.

If they start adding it at all, even if it's Hyllian , then it's only a matter of time before they buckle and go for big name actors in Japan at the very least.

Oh, well I've always been okay with them having the characters speak in Hylian. In fact, I've been championing that in these sorts of threads for years now. It's just having them speak in English (or Japanese) that I am against. If you ask me, the latter simply would not fit.
My mistake

Beth Cyra

Don't understand why they can't use the Zelda tech demo models, that demo was gorgeous

This Link is featured in Smash and will go out to 10 million people when Smash HIts, so the letting SS Link be used in TP like art style is okay for this game.

So what you're saying is,

you want a Zelda /film/

If this is what Zelda fans want to say sure. Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Uncharted, Tomb Raider, and many more games stories would be far worse if they had a mute that had no character.

I like my game stories to feature characters, and no I don't consider WW Link giant eyes and forehead bobbing to be a character.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
The graphics are definitely rough, but I think it looks incredibly fun. The real question is whether there will be other playable characters (sheik, ganondorf, etc) and multiplayer.


I think the game looks dumb, but i think that of all Dynasty Warrior games. I'm not upset, because it's not like Tecmo-Koei would be working on any other game I'd be interested in.

The possible hypocrisy from some Zelda fans getting hyped over this game, but disregarding the idea of a Retro-developed Zelda or voice acting or some other weird stuff would probably bother me more.

HOWEVER, I would totally be on board with this game if it were based on the sword game from Wii Sports Resort, with Miis and everything. THAT I would totally be into! But Zelda? Eh. Whatever.


If this is what Zelda fans want to say sure. Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Uncharted, Tomb Raider, and many more games stories would be far worse if they had a mute that had no character.

I like my game stories to feature characters, and no I don't consider WW Link giant eyes and forehead bobbing to be a character.

Silent protagonists are meant to be the personification of the player actually playing the game. You're the one folding the story out, not link. It's also one of the reasons of Link's ambiguous design.

Honestly there are very few writers who can write a likeable protagonist, so I'd rather them shut up
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