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I find it hard to accept the idea of paying for online multiplayer on consoles


Neo Member
I'm willing to pay for online on consoles. They're still the only place where I can play online competitive games and not worry about aim-bots and the networking shenanigans on PC.

I would pay for a PC service where I didn't have to worry about cheaters and botters ruining games like overwatch and the division. Instead, I pay Sony and Microsoft.


Yeah, that's why I don't subscribe to the paid service. Been that way since the start pretty much. They're locking part of the game you purchased behind a paywall.


I wouldn't mind paying something, except I'm not really using the PS4 for online multiplayer that often. I do kinda wish there was a cheaper alternative for guys like me who are mainly interested in the single player experience most of the time.

And yes I know, PS+ comes with a free game every month. However, if you aren't interested in whatever game they're offering and you don't plan to play it, that doesn't help much for that given month.


I view it as paying for the free games now.. If xbl was free I'd still continue to pay.

However you're correct op. It's bullshit and you shouldn't have to pay for it.

I feel like it's more necessity than greed though. I mean, MS would have probably canned the gaming division by now if they weren't getting XBL money.

I don't agree. The 30 percent cut of all games pays for that imo. Think about it how much software is being sold all year round on all games? Honestly numbers from my ass but I'd guess around 100 to 150 million. How many xbl subscribers do they have? Maybe 25 million? And they have to pay for gwg and stuff too off that money. That's not even getting into microtransactions or dlc either.


Gold Member
I like how people think we have the choice. Yes I don't have to pay for PS+ but if I want to play my console games online what the hell am I supposed to do? Stamp my feet, cover my ears and scream lalala?

I'm not saying I agree with it but it's not as simple as 'just don't pay for it'.


I do too, but it's the norm now ever since gamers accepted paying for Xbox Live.

Microsoft and Sony will never give up this easy revenue stream, and it wouldn't surprise me if Nintendo had an inkling for it too.

Just remember that PSN alone made more money than all of Nintendo last year.


If every single multiplayer game had their own dedicated servers I'd have no issues with payed online, but when its crappy p2p multiplayer...

Then I can play for free on PC, or single player games only on console.


It's basically Microsoft's fault.

So, yeah. About a decade+ late on this topic.

Nah, it's the people who paid for it with a smile that I blame.

So many people went around talking about how it was worth the money, "only a mcdonalds cheeseburger per month," dedicated servers for every game (they had no idea they were wrong), ect. They made it the norm while buying 7 consoles as they all RROD'd, and now here we are.


I wouldn't mind paying something, except I'm not really using the PS4 for online multiplayer that often. I do kinda wish there was a cheaper alternative for guys like me who are mainly interested in the single player experience most of the time.

And yes I know, PS+ comes with a free game every month. However, if you aren't interested in whatever game they're offering and you don't plan to play it, that doesn't help much for that given month.
I wish you could buy smaller increments for the same rate that a year amounts to.


Bought a bunch of PS+ sub cards years ago when they were about half price on black friday. I won't be re-upping when they run out.

I likely won't be purchasing Sony's next console either and paid online plays a factor in that decision.


Can someone explain why Sony and Microsoft needs to charge for online multiplayer? I thought that publishers ran multiplayer on their own infrastructure and not Microsoft or Sony's? I know they do offer services like matchmaking, remote sharing, friends list, etc. but those things don't seem like they're worth the $60 a year. I'm just trying to understand where the money is going. If Microsoft and Sony could no longer charge the fee would they be unable to provide online multiplayer?

Up until 2014,it wasn't just multiplayer you had to pay for on Xbox. You needed Gold to use Netflix, YouTube, Hulu and even Internet Explorer.



I'm willing to pay for online on consoles. They're still the only place where I can play online competitive games and not worry about aim-bots and the networking shenanigans on PC.

I would pay for a PC service where I didn't have to worry about cheaters and botters ruining games like overwatch and the division. Instead, I pay Sony and Microsoft.

I have bought and played every major FPS release this year and haven't had one experience with a cheater. So unless you have really bad luck you might be worrying about cheaters for no reason.

I did stop playing The Division after the first week so maybe I would have in that game.


We've seen what free multiplayer looks like on consoles (PS3, WiiU) and it sucks. Paying a small fee monthly for a service that provides free games and great multiplayer tools is not a rip off. Games with gold / PS+ and discounts are really good also.


I know I''ll never pay to play p2p.

We've seen what free multiplayer looks like on consoles (PS3, WiiU) and it sucks. Paying a small fee monthly for a service that provides free games and great multiplayer tools is not a rip off. Games with gold / PS+ and discounts pay for themselves

Having discounts under a paywall is another thing that'll never understand how people are ok with it. I like my ps4 a lot, but that's just ridiculous (I include other things like amazon prime here).


Only air is free (for now).
I dont have any problem to pay for somethig that works. Its a service, its entertainment, so I really dont see wheres the problem here.


Last console with paid multiplayer I owned was an xbox 360. I subbed once for a 3 month period and never again, built a gaming pc and haven't looked back.


Paying to play online so you can connect via some shitty peer to peer is something I just can't do out of principal now. At least MS use Azure for some of their games. Still not enough though.

This is the main issue for me. I think the free games are pretty cool, but you're making em pay for multiplayer online games, MANY of which "feature" crappy peer to peer multiplayer!

Fuck off, at that point you're just pointing ip addresses at each other. The hell do I have to pay you for that?


This is what stops me every time I am about to buy a ps4. I don't care about getting crap games every month I'm not paying for online ever.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

That said, I don't mind paying at all. I never pay full price for either sub, and ~$80 a year for Live and Plus isn't going to put me out on the streets.


The same kinds of shit cost money on PC when XBL came out too. "Free" online was pretty much just battle.net and typing in IP addresses for quake servers. services like this all cost money back then.


The poster's point is that you can resell physical copies of console games. You can't resell physical copies of PC games, because, as you very well know; most of them are tied to a CD key.os

Can't resell DLC or season passes on console, and funnily enough multiplayer DLC tends to be fairly widespread


For you.
What a bullshit statement people like to throw around. The same kinds of shit cost money on PC when XBL came out too. "Free" online was pretty much just battle.net and typing in IP addresses for quake servers. services like this all cost money back then.
Bandwidth ain't getting cheaper and standards ain't getting lower

All that P2P bandwith, poor networks can't keep up with it


Ehh I have always been agianst this shit too... but I got a sweet deal on bf for ps+ so I bit. The discounts alone this christmas has payed for it already.
After January all my subs will expire and I won't care. I'm burned out on multiplayer as someone that's been paying for Xbox live and psn from the beginning. Hoping Switch gets good 3rd party support for my multiplayer fix. If not, oh well.


PS+ is cheap and I get free games every month and no cheaters in online mp. Don't see a big problem with it honestly.

Van Bur3n

Yep, it's bullshit, but it worked when Xbox LIVE first did it. I'm surprised how passive people were when you had to start paying for it on PSN. It's even more surprising when people actually defend it.

But I've grown to pay less and less for it, only paying for certain months when I know I'll be active in an online game. I've played mostly single player games this year so I've come to realize how much money I've truly wasted on the stupid subscriptions.


I was happy paying for PS Plus before I got a PS4, it's an awesome program. I was always going to sub so it basically hasn't been a thing I ever think about.

For me it's $5/mo (less, really, since I don't pay full price for Plus) to get the games and extra discounts for my 3 Sony systems. The fact that I need it for online on PS4 isn't even a factor.


It's the main reason I moved away from consoles, PS3 was my main last gen. The only time I switch on the PS4 is for Bloodborne and a few exclusives here and there like Gravity Rush. I'm trying to play the Wii U lately, I just bought Wind Waker.

PC gaming is great.


Paying for online is just laughable.

People who say it's a necessity or believe you need to pay for MP need to wake up.

Most of these MP games are still run on non dedicated servers such as peer hosting and even if there are dedicated it's the publisher who would most likely foot the bill and close it after a year.

The really sad thing is Valve announced during Valve Dev days that they're going to start allowing 3rd party games to run on the Valve game server network they created for TF2, CSGO and DOTA2.

Microsoft and Sony can't provide game servers even though they charge their customers to play online yet Valve is going to start offering that feature despite Steam being free for users.


The really sad thing is Valve announced during Valve Dev days that they're going to start allowing 3rd party games to run on the Valve game server network they created for TF2, CSGO and DOTA2.

Microsoft and Sony can't provide game servers even though they charge their customers to play online yet Valve is going to start offering that feature despite Steam being free for users.

When you control the ecosystem you can create these fees and get away with it. PC is an open platform.

Just wait until we lose Net Neutrality, then everyone will be paying for online multiplayer :)


For you.
I'll never forget when Sony announced that PS+ was going to cost money at E3 and the morons in the audience actually cheered.
Unless I remember it wrong, didn't they open up with the " we are so awesome and 4thegamers and we will let you play used games", and immediately after they just snuck the PS+ needed to play online thing in a small text notice a little bit after instead of saying it directly?
Are dedicated server multiplayer free on PC? No idea, serious question. If it is, ill stand corrected then.


I am kind of forced to pay for PS+ since I want to play Street Fighter V and I don't have a PC.
I don't care about the "free" games, I can choose the games I want to play on my own.
I have a plan to get a PC in the coming months. Maybe I'll create a new SFV account then (I wish I could transfer it)
I hate the fact that I do it but I enjoy multiplayer shooters and rocket league so I have to.

I convince myself to do it by saying I get free games with PS+. Too bad those games have been pretty shite lately.

D i Z

I am not paying for it. But that doesn't mean I shouldn't call them out for it.

Call them out on what? If you're not paying, you're not invested. How exactly does this calling out process work? I guess there is always the hungry strike if demands for free play aren't met.
You may not be paying, but someone is. Nothing is free. Not even the water in your faucets.
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