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I think my apartment may be haunted.

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One thing in OP's story that still leaves me in doubt about the ghost theory:
Would a ghost with infinite wisdom from the spirit world really go for the world's worst condiment?


CO2 Meter is good.

Not sure if relevant but this is the apartment building next to me. Been like that since I moved in.

ok, i'm game.


For the first two, that's definitely not "indefinite", as you propose. Theories on on how universes are birthed are being hotly debated right now. Whether or not they are truly untestable remains to be seen. I wouldn't be so hasty to proclaim that this is unknowable. I mean, if you are able to invoke this idea of the "unknowable", then why can't another just invoke the idea that the "unknowable" is just unknowable in the current context of our understanding? They're both nebulous statements, but at least the one I provided has a verified method that has predicted and categorized nearly every facet of nature that humanity has come across.

As for black holes, we don't have to measure inside of them. We can know how they function by theory and other forms of experimentation. Once again, in order to understand them will take (likely) many more years of bridging the gap between the theory of gravity and quantum mechanics.

For your last one, that's a common misunderstanding: with particle-wave duality, position and momentum aren't definite things like in our Classical world. That's largely because they are probabilistic. These visuals and summaries should help explain it: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/uncer.html#c1
Here's an analogy to illustrate how this is not a case of the "unknowable": http://newt.phys.unsw.edu.au/jw/uncertainty.html

Honestly, I'm not seeing how any of these examples are "limits" to human understanding. Furthermore, and this isn't meant to be an attack on your integrity, your argument comes off as an appeal to ignorance.

In relation to the thread: has supergiz checked to make sure his carbon monoxide detector wasn't malfunctioning or off?

I didn't say anything about how universes are 'birthed', but about the specific nature of the universe beyond what we will ever be able to see. The examples I gave I did so as they represent limits to the gathering empirical evidence due to the speed of light - at what point is theory alone enough to prove what is and what isn't a fact? Something being 'unknowable' doesn't mean that it can't be figured out - just not verified. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle is one I chose as it does illustrate an epistemological shift away from a Victorian notion of certainties into the probabilistic realm of quantum physics. Science is forever revising and reinventing, it's one of it's best attributes, and under such as system 'certainly right' is inevitably replaced by 'probably right'. Mathematics made the world make sense 150 years ago, observation turned that upside down - and new maths was called for. If we can't observe something behaving unexpectedly, should we be convinced of our own rightness? The universe was expanding, slowing and would eventually collapse back into a singularity - that made sense. Until the measurements showed that wasn't happening at all and the universe was accelerating apart - dark energy was 'invented', whatever it was and new maths is required again. Unless you can observe something, measure it, all the maths might make perfect sense and everything may slot together perfectly, but you can never know if you're right - there might well be something weird out there that requires you to revise everything you were so sure of.

In the end it comes down to how rigorous you are with the term 'know'. Does it require rigorous proof, or any proof at all? Is logic enough? And it also comes down to practicalities. How much is there to know? If nothing is out of the reach of science then that suggests that everything can be known - is there even enough time to know everything? Or do we have to shift our expectations of what it is to 'know' based on the limits of what it is possible to observe in a possible multiverse given a limited degree of observability, a limited ability to measure and a limited time to do it in. This isn't to be construed as an appeal to ignorance, that would be 'don't try to find out' or to lower the burden of proof far enough that any sort of speculation can qualify as fact. One of the implications of logical positivism is that you have to accept there are things which you don't know and plenty you will never know. Terms like 'we don't know' or 'we may never know' are at the heart of good science, anything else carries a suggestion of inevitable omniscience which is a sort of thinking, for me, uncomfortably close to faith based belief systems. And this was my problem with the original statement, it's based on faith, not on observed fact.


Ok cam is recording going to sleep. I'll check the footage in the morning when I wake up. I really hope I don't find out that I'm a sleep walker


OP, do not be discouraged. I had similar experiences. My ghosts didn't smear ketchup on the wall. They did worse. I first noticed little changes such as objects moved for no reason or an electronic device was turned on with no explanation. The behavior gradually became more disturbing. I'd found my PC browser left on horrific websites with images of dead bodies or videos of people committing suicide, and I'd find mutilated animals on my balcony. What pushed me over the edge was an experience I'll never forget. I went down the street to grab a soda. And when I cam back, an upside down cross with a 666 on top was drawn on my wall. The substance smelled foul, and I believe it was feces. My parents recommended to have a priest bless my apartment. And then things went from 0 to 60 in under a second. I'd tell you more, but the thoughts still disturb me. If you believe it is a ghost, do not wait. You must confront it immediately. Crux sacra sit mihi lux. And may the blessings of Yeshua bar Josef be with you.
OP, do not be discouraged. I had similar experiences. My ghosts didn't smear ketchup on the wall. They did worse. I first noticed little changes such as objects moved for no reason or an electronic device was turned on with no explanation. The behavior gradually became more disturbing. I'd found my PC browser left on horrific websites with images of dead bodies or videos of people committing suicide, and I'd find mutilated animals on my balcony. What pushed me over the edge was an experience I'll never forget. I went down the street to grab a soda. And when I cam back, an upside down cross with a 666 on top was drawn on my wall. The substance smelled foul, and I believe it was feces. My parents recommended to have a priest bless my apartment. And then things went from 0 to 60 in under a second. I'd tell you more, but the thoughts still disturb me. If you believe it is a ghost, do not wait. You must confront it immediately. Crux sacra sit mihi lux. And may the blessings of Yeshua bar Josef be with you.

Whoa...tell us more man.
Try getting a dog or something. If there is something in your house, ghost or corpse, he will find it.

What if the ghost possesses the dog though?

Also not sure I would take advise on ghost from someone whose username is based on the night of witch meetings. That's just asking for more ghost trouble.


OP I actually have a good friend whose family has a business clearing out hauntings and things from houses. If you want I can hook you up with some advice.


OP I actually have a good friend whose family has a business clearing out hauntings and things from houses. If you want I can hook you up with some advice.
And things? Do you mean they just collect rubbish from people's houses, but realised that he could get away with saying "For 500 quid I'll send my brother round to get rid of your ghosts was well"?


Whelp.. I just caught up on the thread... doesn't look like I've missed anything yet...

CO2 Meter is good.

Not sure if relevant but this is the apartment building next to me. Been like that since I moved in.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand... subbed.
CO2 Meter is good.

Not sure if relevant but this is the apartment building next to me. Been like that since I moved in.

I hope you used a CO meter and not a CO2 meter because it's monoxide not dioxide, hopefully you just mixed it up when you typed and did use an actual CO meter.

So we still not clarified if you might have CO poisoning, lol.


This thread has kept me entertained for a few good hours Hahahaha. Can't wait to find out what it was..... If anything!
OP I actually have a good friend whose family has a business clearing out hauntings and things from houses. If you want I can hook you up with some advice.

Businesses like this really exist? How can they possibly convince the customer that there work has been completed?


OP I actually have a good friend whose family has a business clearing out hauntings and things from houses. If you want I can hook you up with some advice.
I offer the same service. I can do it remotely as long as the afflicted premises has a land line. Simply send my fee via Paypal and we can get started immediately.


What if the ghost possesses the dog though?

Also not sure I would take advise on ghost from someone whose username is based on the night of witch meetings. That's just asking for more ghost trouble.

Everyone knows that dogs can't be possessed. They're too stupid. Come on man this is ghost 101.


Neo Member
The camera is hidden under the bed with enough covering it to make it very difficult to notice if not impossible unless someone is looking for it.

Yeah the only reason I'm recording while sleeping is just in case I find out I have developed a sleepwalking problem. I'm going to record while at work on Wednesday. I'm taking work off Monday and Tuesday for E3 conferences.

What if the intruder is on NeoGaf? He'll know where the cam is...


Businesses like this really exist? How can they possibly convince the customer that there work has been completed?

Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the general public. You should see how many psychics and palm readers there are in Los Angeles.


OP, do not be discouraged. I had similar experiences. My ghosts didn't smear ketchup on the wall. They did worse. I first noticed little changes such as objects moved for no reason or an electronic device was turned on with no explanation. The behavior gradually became more disturbing. I'd found my PC browser left on horrific websites with images of dead bodies or videos of people committing suicide, and I'd find mutilated animals on my balcony. What pushed me over the edge was an experience I'll never forget. I went down the street to grab a soda. And when I cam back, an upside down cross with a 666 on top was drawn on my wall. The substance smelled foul, and I believe it was feces. My parents recommended to have a priest bless my apartment. And then things went from 0 to 60 in under a second. I'd tell you more, but the thoughts still disturb me. If you believe it is a ghost, do not wait. You must confront it immediately. Crux sacra sit mihi lux. And may the blessings of Yeshua bar Josef be with you.

I would very much like to hear more but not if its too uncomfortable for you.

I hope you do't have a big hallway

What is this from?

My wife died in our bed a few months ago...
She was way into ghost, Ouija boards, pychics etc...

Not a peep of paranormal shit, I expected something...

My deepest condolences, man. 😔
I can't even imagine.

Advice for ghosts: Don't burn sage.
Advice for reality: Set up a camera and buy a baseball bat... or a gun
What's wrong with burning sage?

oooh you haven't heard the story about the New York Ketchup Phantom? A guy was murdered there for putting ketchup on a hot dog so now he walks between the our world and the world of the dead, splattering gross tomato sauces on inconvenient surfaces to get his revenge
I'm gonna back this up and say it's all true.


What happens when you or someone you trust has an anecdote of their own that you can't explain? What then?


This "What if a member of your family, or what if people you trust" thing is such bullshit. Myself and several members of my family have experienced strange hallucinatory things. And while most of them actually believe they experienced something supernatural I recognize that that is just a completely absurd notion. In fact each time one of these events happened we were under duress and quite stressed out and stress is a real thing known to cause strange things to happen to the human mind, such as like I stated previously hallucinations. So spare me this what if your family hoobla, they're ignorant for dismissing real evidence based in reality that has real verifiable proof, and countless actual scientific studies, in exchange for completely ridiculous notions of the supernatural.

What if? I ask them their opinion and offer suggestions based in reality. Once they start talking supernatural shit, I dismiss their opinions on such matters because I know they are not logically or rationally qualified to come to any conclusion on their own.
Logic dictates that the apartment is not haunted as the supernatural is not real.

What if you're not real and thus your comment isn't real either?

Having seen a ghost(a transparent being) at a job I worked(graveyard shift, no less)...I believe in ghosts...waiting for more evidence from OP.
And while most of them actually believe they experienced something supernatural I recognize that that is just a completely absurd notion. In fact each time one of these events happened we were under duress and quite stressed out and stress is a real thing known to cause strange things to happen to the human mind, such as like I stated previously hallucinations.

So the video and audio of people's experiences occur because the camera and voice recorders are stressed out? The argument you're making makes zero sense.

I watched the first 3 seasons of my ghost story when it was free on Prime...this segment from the first season to me was one of the best.


Ghosts exist. I'll defend that to the end of my days. I've seen and heard some scary shit going on which has made me a believer. Plus I know someone who moved into a house that someone passed away in before. He moved out within weeks because he thought it was haunted (kept hearing tapping noises in the walls, if he tapped back, whatever it was tapped back louder and faster, etc). Call it a coincidence, I call it a ghost. Fuck that.

Never heard of anything like you're describing but good luck OP.
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