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I think my apartment may be haunted.

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Things beyond the purview of science occur all the time. That does not mean we can fill in the gaps of our knowledge with anything we want

'Beyond the purview' simply means beyond the experience of science, so yes, those sorts of things do happen all the time. We study the unknown until it is no longer unknown to us at which point it becomes "science". But outright dismissing a potential explanation to an unsolved problem would be just as bad as the 'god of the gaps' fallacy that you presume my post suggests. We don't really know that ghosts aren't a scientifically provable phenomena (and no, I'm not saying that's a good reason to assume they exist).


the scope of the influence or concerns of something.
"such a case might be within the purview of the legislation"
a range of experience or thought.
"social taboos meant that little information was likely to come within the purview of women generally"

Nothing is beyond the purview of science
. Things may be beyond our current models for understanding the universe.

Fake edit: Mainly meant to apply to the person you quoted.

Potentially. But that's to extrapolate scientific insight into places where it currently has little and may well never do. There's no way to know. The idea that simply because a way of working has been successful up until now it will continue to be so indefinitely is flawed. I mean this has nothing to do with ghosts, and I'm not trying to open the doors to pseudo-science and superstition, but the statement itself is one of faith - especially when there are already scientifically established limits to what we can and can't know. Physics tells us that much.


So, just read first and last page. OP thinks his apartmamet is haunted. Now he is gonna stream his house to everyone.

Did something noteworthy happened between those pages?

Basically people told him to stop jumping straight to ghosts and focus on discovering if there has been a person entering his apartment without permission using a hidden camera. Not sure why he's set up a stream from that; either his is one big troll or something interesting could happen at the link he provided.

And then most of the posts are people debating if ghosts exist or not and ignoring that OP could have a situation on his hands.
Potentially. But that's to extrapolate scientific insight into places where it currently has little and may well never do. There's no way to know. The idea that simply because a way of working has been successful up until now it will continue to be so indefinitely is flawed. I mean this has nothing to do with ghosts, and I'm not trying to open the doors to pseudo-science and superstition, but the statement itself is one of faith - especially when there are already scientifically established limits to what we can and can't know. Physics tells us that much.

Could you list these limits, please?


same...wondering why the OP doesn't just call in the landlord if he has a good relationship with him.

I spoke with landlord about it today. He said it was strange, gave a chuckle, and went on his way. Landlord is not entering my room i am positive.

I give up on getting a livestream going with this camera. I can't figure it out for the life of me. I'm going to settle on recording through the local stream tonight.
Does the OP accept bets?

I need the odds for:
Random intruder, Landlord, OP sleepwalking,raccoon and ghost!

My money would be on the ghost, because I always side with the underdog


I spoke with landlord about it today. He said it was strange, gave a chuckle, and went on his way. Landlord is not entering my room i am positive.

I give up on getting a livestream going with this camera. I can't figure it out for the life of me. I'm going to settle on recording through the local stream tonight.

Just have a browser window with the local stream on and then use OBS or similar software to stream that browser window.
I spoke with landlord about it today. He said it was strange, gave a chuckle, and went on his way. Landlord is not entering my room i am positive.

I give up on getting a livestream going with this camera. I can't figure it out for the life of me. I'm going to settle on recording through the local stream tonight.

Did you tell him you were setting up a camera?
Ghosts aren't real. Why are spirit beings who can interact with this world limited to doing stuff like squirting ketchup or flicking lights on and off? Shouldn't they be able to do something more substantial like riding a bike around town or turn on your PS3 and start playing through a game? That might get me to think twice about it as opposed to some ketchup on the wall splattered in a way that a human could have done by accident and not remembered. My mom also encountered a ghost who made the journey from the great beyond for the sole purpose of squeezing her hand soap dispenser in her bathroom right after she'd taken a shower.
Random ghost story.

When my dad was a kid, he was out playing in the woods and saw the man who ran the local candy shop, he said hi the guy nodded and continued walking on his way. This was around 3pm. My dad comes home about 15 mins later. Tells my grandma that he saw the man in the woods and said hi. My grandma said that's impossible because the man had died at 3pm that same day.

When I was a baby there was a bad snow storm but my dad had to get my mom and me to the hospital. He was trying his best to dig out the car from the snow that buried while me and my mom were in the car. He said a tall gentleman came up to him and helped shoveling. They finished shoveling and when my dad turned around to pay him and say thanks the guy was gone. No footprints in sight.


Super, have you tried seeing if there was an empty packet of ketchup anywhere near the ketchup'd wall?

When I was a baby there was a bad snow storm but my dad had to get my mom and me to the hospital. He was trying his best to dig out the car from the snow that buried while me and my mom were in the car. He said a tall gentleman came up to him and helped shoveling. They finished shoveling and when my dad turned around to pay him and say thanks the guy was gone. No footprints in sight.

Reminds me of:

Make sure to record when you go to work, you said you noticed the ketchup when you came home from work.

Whats your relationship with ketchup? You have it in the house? Had you been using it in the days leading up?


Subscribing. Regardless of what it is, remain safe OP. Leave the house and stay in a hotel if you feel unsafe at any point.


Make sure to record when you go to work, you said you noticed the ketchup when you came home from work.

Whats your relationship with ketchup? You have it in the house? Had you been using it in the days leading up?

pretty good odds that it was menstrual blood and OP has pissed off a strega who is doing blood magick against him.

Followed the instructions on sensr.net and signed up for the 7 day trial. Everything went well but camera is not showing anything although I see something on my through my cameras local Web address.

Link to non functional stream

The spirits are telling me that this instruction is vital

Go back to the camera’s network access page and add your new FTP credentials.


Make sure to record when you go to work, you said you noticed the ketchup when you came home from work.

Whats your relationship with ketchup? You have it in the house? Had you been using it in the days leading up?

Have never used ketchup in months don't even have it in the house.

Good news finally! Bandicam works like a charm for recording. I can get a 10 hour recording using just 15 gigs of storage. Uploading preview YouTube video of the scene now. Will record while sleeping tonight
Did that during initial setup and doesn't help. Btw, sample YouTube video of the scene is up. Not sure how to embed youtube video in GAF so just linked it.


Perfect, good angle. How hidden is the camera?

I'm through and through a non-believer of ghosts, but (shameless plug) made a game about this topic of ghosthunting on steam, taking photos of events like flickering lights, moving doors, plates dropping, etc. Was a lot of fun to make.
Have never used ketchup in months don't even have it in the house.

Good news finally! Bandicam works like a charm for recording. I can get a 10 hour recording using just 15 gigs of storage. Uploading preview YouTube video of the scene now. Will record while sleeping tonight

I understand you feel more vulnerable at night but it's more likely you're being invaded while at work than while sleeping.


The camera is hidden under the bed with enough covering it to make it very difficult to notice if not impossible unless someone is looking for it.

Yeah the only reason I'm recording while sleeping is just in case I find out I have developed a sleepwalking problem. I'm going to record while at work on Wednesday. I'm taking work off Monday and Tuesday for E3 conferences.
We can never see beyond our observable universe, we can never measure what's going on in a black hole, and we can never know precisely the position and momentum of an electron. I'm not talking about anything spooky.

For the first two, that's definitely not "indefinite", as you propose. Theories on on how universes are birthed are being hotly debated right now. Whether or not they are truly untestable remains to be seen. I wouldn't be so hasty to proclaim that this is unknowable. I mean, if you are able to invoke this idea of the "unknowable", then why can't another just invoke the idea that the "unknowable" is just unknowable in the current context of our understanding? They're both nebulous statements, but at least the one I provided has a verified method that has predicted and categorized nearly every facet of nature that humanity has come across.

As for black holes, we don't have to measure inside of them. We can know how they function by theory and other forms of experimentation. Once again, in order to understand them will take (likely) many more years of bridging the gap between the theory of gravity and quantum mechanics.

For your last one, that's a common misunderstanding: with particle-wave duality, position and momentum aren't definite things like in our Classical world. That's largely because they are probabilistic. These visuals and summaries should help explain it: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/uncer.html#c1
Here's an analogy to illustrate how this is not a case of the "unknowable": http://newt.phys.unsw.edu.au/jw/uncertainty.html

Honestly, I'm not seeing how any of these examples are "limits" to human understanding. Furthermore, and this isn't meant to be an attack on your integrity, your argument comes off as an appeal to ignorance.

In relation to the thread: has supergiz checked to make sure his carbon monoxide detector wasn't malfunctioning or off?


CO2 Meter is good.

Not sure if relevant but this is the apartment building next to me. Been like that since I moved in.


I'm going with: Why did you move to that ghetto in the first place?

Lives in a bad area, has people breaking into his home - must be ghosts lol.

That's the only brownstone of block like that. The place on our other side just sold for 2 million dollars. That's Brooklyn for you.
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