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IndieGamerChick: NX more powerful than PS4/XB1, easy to develop for [rumor]


Junior Member
PS4K is not a going to kill PS4 support (which would be suicide for Sony), but somehow it will kill NX support before it's even launched? Come on.

PS4K is going to be a small, unstable market to start with so why would publishers be rushing to pump out games which only work on that platform and alienate the biggest userbase in the market? This makes no sense.

If NX is roughly the same spec as PS4/XBone AND has a similar architecture then it will be fine.
This is what I doubt. If Nintendo is really unifying their consoles & handhelds, Nintendo has more to gain from making the console of a similar ARM architecture as the handheld.
There is bits of actual NX info that gives me hope that it will be a compelling system

Nintendo Accounts and the new store are a nice foundation

It will be more powerful than WiiU simply by default. I dont know where its power puts its and I honestly dont care

The power gaps are starting to shorten and with Most WiiU titles running at 1080/60 on shit hardware its clear that Nintendo can make amazing games run on almost anything

No the big issue here is whether they nail all the small details. Im a firm believer that it was the little things that killed off the WiiU

Yeah sure there was the price, the tablet and market confusion.. but all the little problems added up quickly as well
That first tweet is basically this




So, its that wishful thinking + vagueness thing.

Remember when the Wii U was supposed to be more powerful than the X360 and PS3?
New management for one. Wii U being a flop the other.
The latest changes in Nintendo's upper management won't affect NX in a big way. The system's base concept, target hardware, hook/"gimmick", etc. were all done and decided during the time Iwata was still alive.
And it's not that Kimishima came in and upended the table Miyamoto-styled. NX will be Iwata's system for sure.

Also, Nintendo isn't now magically in the power race ... it's just that they hopefully realized that a good dev enviroment includes non-exotic hardware on a certain power level. Disregarding UE4 which also runs on mobile devices, simply for getting engine support.
Should be possible to get a system with comparable, maybe even slightly better beef, done, that has reasonable pricing.

Even if the PS4.5 would be a big jump in hardware power compared to PS4 (which i doubt it is, backfiring and support issues and all), i can see NX still being around the power level of the current versions of PS4 or XOne.
I just said, if it launches with identical third party support. "Where their friends are" only goes so far when only a very small fraction of the total of possible (last gen) console gamers have even upgraded. Especially if the console is portable, people who have a PS4 already may also consider buying the NX as well as a complimentary device to be where /their/ friends are. Especially after being burned by Sony and Microsoft's quick replacement/upgrade of the PS4/X1.

Nintendo can play their cards totally right and have a Wii- level "it prints money" success. It's not impossible.

But it won't launch with identical third party support. Don't be ridiculous.

The fact you're making it sound so simple for Nintendo to have a repeat of the Wii generation, completely ignoring the state of the industry and Nintendo's position in the market just tells me I'm wasting my time here. Wishful thinking at it's finest.
Nintendo's then hardware general manager said that they have to be less insular and react to what is popular in different markets going forward back in 2014 (?).

So yeah, I don't see why around PS4/X1 level performance is super out there, impossible or unlikely.

These consoles were pretty good in 2013, but nothing earth shattering. A late 2016/ early 2017 console could pack some punch while still leaving room for a Nintendo-esque gimmick.

And the whole PS4.5 X 1.5 stuff. Yeah. We'll see. I think you are expecting far too much.

Edit: The source is horseshit though.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
The NX device(s) was/were conceived under Iwata's watch. I doubt that any significant changes were made.

To be fair, I believe Miyamoto and/or Iwata are on record stating the low-powered CPU of Wii U was a major problem.

That doesn't mean they'd fix it, but even so.


The latest changes in Nintendo's upper management won't affect NX in a big way. The system's base concept, target hardware, hook/"gimmick", etc. were all done and decided during the time Iwata was still alive.
And it's not that Kimishima came in and upended the table Miyamoto-styled. NX will be Iwata's system for sure.

Also, Nintendo isn't now magically in the power race ... it's just that they hopefully realized that a good dev enviroment includes non-exotic hardware on a certain power level. Disregarding UE4 which also runs on mobile devices, simply for getting engine support.
Should be possible to get a system with comparable, maybe even slightly better beef, done, that has reasonable pricing.

Shinya Takahashi (now head of Nintendo EPD & business development and on the board of the directors) mentioned in one of the last couple investor Q&As that his big project before he got promoted being in charge of a new development environment for both Nintendo & 3rd parties. He was the head of SPD before who worked with 3rd parties regularly.


I just said, if it launches with identical third party support. "Where their friends are" only goes so far when only a very small fraction of the total of possible (last gen) console gamers have even upgraded. Especially if the console is portable, people who have a PS4 already may also consider buying the NX as well as a complimentary device to be where /their/ friends are. Especially after being burned by Sony and Microsoft's quick replacement/upgrade of the PS4/X1.

Nintendo can play their cards totally right and have a Wii- level "it prints money" success. It's not impossible.

To sell like the Wii they would need something that would be as big as the motion control boom.


The part of NX being indie friendly is the part that makes me most suspicious. Of the 3 big players Nintendo I would say are the most bit behind on the indie developer relations front, and would be surprised if they pulled a 180 so quickly. Takes years a la Sony's current excellent track record. But I would be very pleasantly surprised!
Pretty safe bets all around. The only questionable thing is "easy to delevop for" but that could honestly mean anything.

Remember, it's "optimized for gaming". A console, optimized for gaming, what a world we live in.

Of all the leaks, this is probably the most bullshit one yet. At least the fake controllers took some effort.
The part of NX being indie friendly is the part that makes me most suspicious. Of the 3 big players Nintendo I would say are the most bit behind on the indie developer relations front, and would be surprised if they pulled a 180 so quickly. Takes years a la Sony's current excellent track record. But I would be very pleasantly surprised!

Are you aware of nintendos indie policies as they are now? In some ways they are more forward thinking than other console manufacturers
Are you aware of nintendos indie policies as they are now? In some ways they are more forward thinking than other console manufacturers

They may not get the bulk of indie games the others get or they may get them late but I don't hear indie developers have anything bad to say about Nintendo nowadays.

Still work to be done but I hear glowing praise of the relationship.


El Capitan Todd
Nintendo NX will be some sort of Ultron of gaming consoles and, once connected to the internet, it will infect every other device and they will transform into other NX machines. I know shit, my uncle work at Nintendo.


The part of NX being indie friendly is the part that makes me most suspicious. Of the 3 big players Nintendo I would say are the most bit behind on the indie developer relations front, and would be surprised if they pulled a 180 so quickly. Takes years a la Sony's current excellent track record. But I would be very pleasantly surprised!
If NX used ARM, and the rumour of nintendo using AOSP i can see them having some very interesting functionality to get their games easily deployed on NX.
So, if I own a webpage too, everything I say about NX will become very believable. Gotcha.
Some of you Nintendo fans are SO gullible. IdeaMan played you like a fiddle for years, now random people on Twitter do that too.

Why does it bother you???

This is what happens in the insanity of secrecy.

People believe or don't believe what they want to.

It's not Nintendo-fan-specific.


King Snowflake
It sounds like WiiU2. The WiiU was touted as "more powerful than PS360" and ended up being about the same. With the incremental updates on PS4 and XB1 it may be less powerful than both.

So why should I buy one? The answer to that question needs to be "games" and with a PC ( and all current consoles) the more accurate answer to me alone is "different, better games." Nintendo can deliver on that and convince me to pick one up with little more than Mario and Zelda, but for the masses I can't imagine them being able to gain traction.

I hope I am wowed by something unexpected, but I think Nintendo is going to be a system I buy for the kids until they want something "cooler."


I would hope it'd be at least as powerful as the XBone/PS4. It'd be a complete laughing stock if it couldn't manage that much despite being 3-4 years late to the party.

A little disappointed she's the one getting news, though. I've... had less-than-cordial interactions with her in the past. I partook in one of her indie game giveaways a year or two ago, innocently enough - but then she started harassing me on Twitter, just because I had a Sonic avatar at the time, and she apparently has a thing for riling Sonic fans up into a tizzy. Refused to stop when I asked her to, insisted on making it more public when I was trying to keep it private. Got so bad that I had to block her. Ah, well, really doesn't have any bearing on anything she's said here, I suppose.

That sounds super shitty.

I'm sorry that happened.
Remember, it's "optimized for gaming". A console, optimized for gaming, what a world we live in.
Well, we live in a world where PS3 was initially a trojan horse for Bluray adoption, where consoles feature multimedia playback of various sorts, where console have some sort of DVR feature, where you can install apps for various streaming services.
And in a world where even Nintendo gave a half-assed shot with "TVii" ... which i totally forgot exists if not for one post in this thread!

So this sentence could mean, no multimedia stuff, just games, although i can't see them dropping the possibility for streaming services to develop an app for the system.

It could also mean that they're using a certain kind of hardware, that is known for it's rich multimedia features, have most of this stuff removed and optimized for anything gaming-related.

I wouldn't nitpick that single sentence, as power rumors are more likely to be fishy than a sentence we don't really know what's meant for it.
So, if I own a webpage too, everything I say about NX will become very believable. Gotcha.
Some of you Nintendo fans are SO gullible. IdeaMan played you like a fiddle for years, now random people on Twitter do that too.

1. I'm not a Nintendo fan.
2. I answered the question that she is not just any random person, and my response is true no matter how you spin it.
3. If you own a webpage about gaming journalism and reviews and have some developer connections and have been doing this for over 5 years, then yeah I can say you can talk about a rumor and people will say "This rumor sounds plausible". We put these ridiculous GAF "insiders" to a pedestal made of Sonic's Chaos Emeralds covered in Master Chief's shitstains, but if someone else talks about something they may have heard, it's gullible? Okay. If she's proven to be wrong then we can say "Pfft. This person again?", but until now that is not the case and folks are enjoying this discussion.


Gold Member
I complained for years about the Wii U's horsepower being the reason it failed, and a couple people clued me in that NX was powerful.

I mean, obviously it will be powerful, as it should be, but this tweet made me laugh.


For Nintendo to be successful, either it A) has to deliver a truly innovative console ( think Wii ) or B) it has to compete on price.

Despite persistent concern of its online infrastructure, Wii U could haven been a success.

There is nothing wrong with the Wii U processing prowess.
Yes it is on par with ps3 and xb360 but mario kart is excellent.

A) the wii u controller is just too similar to the omnipresent Android tablets and few games made use of it.

B) for whatever reason, the Wii U is stuck @ 299 price point ( in the same price range of then ps3 and now ps4) and Nintendo never lowers the price of its large catalogue of games.

The Wii U situation was made worse by Nintendo not able to ship enough games in a timely manner.

The NX 'unifying' development platform is now being touted as the solution but I feared this is just PR talk. I remember Nintendo was more candid and openly admitted the delays was due to underestimation of HD games development.

Remember the Wii U is Nintendo first ever HD console.

NX being talked about as more powerful will just made the development cost bigger.

A few things to note here. First off, saying Mario Kart is excellent as an argument for how powerful the parts in the console are not mattering is a complete cop out. Nintendo has always made excellent games regardless of how powerful a system is. The power issue majorly affect the ability to optimize multiplatform games. Add in the smaller user base and this leads to third parties not even wanting to try, because it's not easy to port to the system in part because the system is structurally different from the 360/PS3 and because and because it's power is not even remotely close to current gen competitors. It's stuck in a limbo where the only way to optomize a game for it is because you want to invest in it. Ubisoft did for a couple years before realizing it was a waste of money. HOWEVER, if the system was easy to port to with little optimization needed, there isn't much reason to NOT release a 3rd party game on it since that is bare minimum investment.

So power mattered. It may not make two hoots of a difference to Nintendo's games, but it does to getting support from those not named Nintendo. In response to your other points:

A. One issue the GamePad had is that wasn't similar ENOUGH to modern day tablets. It was using dated technology, no multi-touch support, low res screens, and at the end of the day it was a very expensive controller. I believe still today, half the cost of the Wii U is that controller. The fact few games used it to a point that you can say the controller is needed to me is irrelevant. The Controller was unappealing to the masses before we even knew how "useless" it was.

B. The Wii U GamePad makes up roughly $150 out of that $300 pricepoint. However, one thing to remember is that price point can't be blamed entirely, can it? It launched at $300 and $350, while the competitors a year later launched at $400 (PS4 is still $400) and $500 respectively. So it had a pretty good price advantage. The problem with that might have been perception. But really, it was the big GamePad that caused that price point.

As for games, it's true there was a drought, but Nintendo, overall, released a ton (and still are) of great games over the course of the console's life. In fact, the PS4 has had piss poor support in terms of Sony's controlled studios and contracts since launch, barely releasing more than 5 titles overall since 2013. The reason you probably didn't notice how bad Sony's game support internally has been? Because it got ALL the 3rd party games. The reason you notice that Nintendo went 9 6 months between Lego City coming out and Pikmin 3? NO THIRD PARTY SUPPORT.

Basically, Nintendo makes more games than Microsoft and Sony put together. But they don't get third party support. It's both a boon for them that they make so many, but often used as a copout, with many studios CLAIMING they can't compete with Nintendo's software.
The part of NX being indie friendly is the part that makes me most suspicious. Of the 3 big players Nintendo I would say are the most bit behind on the indie developer relations front, and would be surprised if they pulled a 180 so quickly. Takes years a la Sony's current excellent track record. But I would be very pleasantly surprised!

Thats just perception.

They have really good ties with indies, are easy to work with, quite a lot of free software bundled with the devkits, several exclusives and the sales seem to be allright.

Sony is obviously ahead of them (well, their console has 3 times the installbase of the WiiU)., but MS really isn't (far, if at all).


Yup. Fresh from the factory. 2016 GPU's and CPU's are gonna make their debut on the NX lol.

Just building on that:

Phones take a minimum of 18 months to go from design start to shelves, and phones are cut throat competitive with billions of r&d and the brightest minds. Consoles are looking at 24-36 months. So if launch is Dec 2016, look for, at best, late 2014 tech. Moreover, tape out needs to be 18 months out from shelves. The above is assuming custom hardware and OS etc.

Unless N is dropping Apple/Samsung money on these products, they will not be cutting edge or substantially more powerfulthan x1 ps4 at $399 or less.

I hope they prove me wrong. Maybe they are just going to slap off the latest off the shelf bits in there and massively subsidise the hardware.
If rumors are true, consider it bought. I love Nintendo. They got lazy in the power department after the success of Wii. Glad to see they're trying again.

Now come on and give me a console Pokemon Game Freak! You can approach it like DQ11. Same game but different graphical quality. I'd buy both of them. Would be a good reason to buy game A and B. Doesn't need to be the Unicorn "All Regions/All Pokemon" MMO-ish game that people (including myself) have been pining away for. Can just be one region and I'd be happy. Just want the scale and scope of a console RPG.


There is bits of actual NX info that gives me hope that it will be a compelling system

Nintendo Accounts and the new store are a nice foundation

It will be more powerful than WiiU simply by default. I dont know where its power puts its and I honestly dont care

The power gaps are starting to shorten and with Most WiiU titles running at 1080/60 on shit hardware its clear that Nintendo can make amazing games run on almost anything

No the big issue here is whether they nail all the small details. Im a firm believer that it was the little things that killed off the WiiU

Yeah sure there was the price, the tablet and market confusion.. but all the little problems added up quickly as well

Games have ran at 60fps since almost forever. Games have been able to run at 1080p since the 360 and PS3. 1080/60 is a choice. It's practically hardware irrelevant. You were able to do this last gen - just nobody really chose to do it. They chose "prettier looking games" over higher resolution and frame rate.

Some of Nintendo's games are 1080/60 - but they make sacrifices to get there and for the most part, we can accept these sacrifices. However, most 3rd parties want prettier looking games, because pretty = easy to advertise versus "plays way better".


Sony is obviously ahead of them (well, their console has 3 times the installbase of the WiiU)., but MS really isn't (far, if at all).

True, it is a pretty subjective topic. I would say from my perception that Sony is pretty far ahead on the indie dev front. I think it takes 3-5 years of solid committed work to smaller devs before you get to a place that you're pretty trusted.
What are Nintendo waiting for? I want some news about NX. I hope they don't wait until E3, it's too late if it release this year.

Too late for impatient fans(including myself in that) but I don't get this.

Why is it too late to reveal something at E3 and release it at the holidays???

That's plenty of time to market it.


Membero Americo
What are Nintendo waiting for? I want some news about NX. I hope they don't wait until E3, it's too late if it release this year.

They'll wait for the start of their next fiscal year (starting April 1st) at the very least. We MIGHT hear something at their next fiscal meeting on the 27th.
True, it is a pretty subjective topic. I would say from my perception that Sony is pretty far ahead on the indie dev front. I think it takes 3-5 years of solid committed work to smaller devs before you get to a place that you're pretty trusted.
Fair enough !

Sony's ecosystem is a great asset as well (the ability to sell the same game to PS3/4/Vita owners), so let's hope a more agressive Nintendo can capitalize on their handheld/console synergy with NX!


Junior Member
Too late for impatient fans(including myself in that) but I don't get this.

Why is it too late to reveal something at E3 and release it at the holidays???

That's plenty of time to market it.
Not really, plus there's the risk of Nintendo getting upstaged by PS4K, XB1.5, & VR.
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