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IndieGamerChick: NX more powerful than PS4/XB1, easy to develop for [rumor]

"does it have a dGPU in the power brick? NOT IT DOESN'T. So no, it's not more powerful than the secret sauce machine."

I like the way Sony did it in 2013. Kick it off in February with reveal, go to E3 and blow the doors off the place with price, games, and info, then release in November to critical acclaim. I'm excited for the possibly of a new console this year, but Nintendo need to get the ball rolling. They could do the same thing, just with a smaller gap of time between reveal and E3. That's better honestly. That 3-4 month wait for E3 2013 was awful.


Games have ran at 60fps since almost forever. Games have been able to run at 1080p since the 360 and PS3. 1080/60 is a choice. It's practically hardware irrelevant. You were able to do this last gen - just nobody really chose to do it. They chose "prettier looking games" over higher resolution and frame rate.

Some of Nintendo's games are 1080/60 - but they make sacrifices to get there and for the most part, we can accept these sacrifices. However, most 3rd parties want prettier looking games, because pretty = easy to advertise versus "plays way better".
I believe the only 1080p 60 Nintendo game is smash and maybe Mario maker?

720p 60 is the norm for Nintendo on wii u.


Not really, plus there's the risk of Nintendo getting upstaged by PS4K, XB1.5, & VR.
If the PS4K, XB1.5 leave the NX in the dust, wouldn't it implicitly screw PS4/XB1 owners? Like if Nintendo goes on a biennial iterative launch for devices with the NX's base hardware at least operating in the same hardware bracket as the PS4 and XB1, then why would the PS4k matter?
Not really, plus there's the risk of Nintendo getting upstaged by PS4K, XB1.5, & VR.
The only way i see the intermediate versions of the consoles upstaging the NX announcement is when we're talking about some big changes in hardware power ... and even then, i fear this would mostly cause a massive backfire for them.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
How is this impressive and worth getting excited over?

The Wii U was on par with the PS3 and 360 and was left in the dust as soon as PS4 and Xbone hit because it hit so late. Now Nintendo are releasing a current gen spec console, meanwhile the PS5 and Xbox2/720 or whatever are just around the corner most likely? Nevermind the the PS4.5 and Xbone 1.5 will probably have better specs than the NX too plus VR. What an absolute trainwreck.

I'm really disappointed. I wish Nintendo would go back to making a powerhouse console to actually COMPETE with the competition like they were known for from NES - Gamecube eras and drop any gimmicks. Let the games speak for themselves. It's like they are determined to flop.
How is this impressive and worth getting excited over?

The Wii U was on par with the PS3 and 360 and was left in the dust as soon as PS4 and Xbone hit because it hit so late. Now Nintendo are releasing a current gen spec console, meanwhile the PS5 and Xbox2/720 or whatever are just around the corner most likely?

They are???

Not the impression I am getting.
How is this impressive and worth getting excited over?

The Wii U was on par with the PS3 and 360 and was left in the dust as soon as PS4 and Xbone hit because it hit so late. Now Nintendo are releasing a current gen spec console, meanwhile the PS5 and Xbox2/720 or whatever are just around the corner most likely? Nevermind the the PS4.5 and Xbone 1.5 will probably have better specs than the NX too plus VR. What an absolute trainwreck.

I'm really disappointed. I wish Nintendo would go back to making a powerhouse console to actually COMPETE with the competition like they were known for from NES - Gamecube eras and drop any gimmicks. Let the games speak for themselves. It's like they are determined to flop.

The PS5/Xbox 2? This gen has barely got started surely.


Just building on that:

Phones take a minimum of 18 months to go from design start to shelves, and phones are cut throat competitive with billions of r&d and the brightest minds. Consoles are looking at 24-36 months. So if launch is Dec 2016, look for, at best, late 2014 tech. Moreover, tape out needs to be 18 months out from shelves. The above is assuming custom hardware and OS etc.

Unless N is dropping Apple/Samsung money on these products, they will not be cutting edge or substantially more powerfulthan x1 ps4 at $399 or less.

I hope they prove me wrong. Maybe they are just going to slap off the latest off the shelf bits in there and massively subsidise the hardware.
Yeah. My theory is puma APU, which is the 2014 version of the jaguar APU from 2013 inside the current consoles. More efficient, can be clocked higher, and will use a stronger gpu at best.


This is what I doubt. If Nintendo is really unifying their consoles & handhelds, Nintendo has more to gain from making the console of a similar ARM architecture as the handheld.

Having a "similar architecture to PS4/XBO" from a developer's perspective has nothing to do with the CPU's ISA. In fact, A72's would be much more of a like-for-like replacement for the Jaguars used in PS4 and XBO than Skylake or Zen would be (there's a reason AMD have dropped development of Bobcat-derived x86 cores in favour of ARM).

Not that I necessarily have a huge amount of faith in the rumours (and they're vaguely enough worded that they would be difficult to verify in any case), but if someone said to me that one console has a similar architecture to another, I would assume

  • A CPU with a similar number of hardware threads and similar performance per thread
  • A GPU with a similar architecture and similar performance levels
  • A similar memory layout (ie a single pool of RAM vs multiple pools)
  • Tools and APIs which expose this hardware to a similar degree
Aside from performance levels, it's very likely that the home NX console could be considered a similar architecture to PS4/XBO by any reasonable measure. ARM A57/A72 are single-threaded cores with approximately similar performance to Jaguar. AMD are very likely to be providing the SoC, which means a GCN GPU architecture similar to the one used in PS4 and XBO. PS4 has a single memory pool and XBO has a split pool, so it'll be similar to one of them or the other. And on the APIs/tools, Nintendo has joined the Vulkan working group, which confirms support for an industry-standard low-level graphics API, which certainly bodes well on that front.

I personally don't expect the NX home console to be much more than XBO levels in terms of performance, but I'd be quite surprised if it wasn't a similar architecture to both.


Since the same thing was said about Wii U I'm inclined not to believe this at all... but this is also a slightly different situation. Unless the NX has some revolutionary idea it would make no sense for it to be only slightly stronger than Wii U. The console at least matching the XB1/PS4 seems fairly likely. Not to mention we're also halfway into the generation already...


Good Art™
i'd like a powerful Nintendo console, but let's not think it will gives them any chance to take a part of Microsoft and Sony's cake.

It's always Nintendo fans or people knowing Nintendo games who discuss those things and it makes the conversation so blind.

If the NX is slightly more powerful than PS4, same price (it won't be cheaper with the PS4 having a price cut possibility), with an online infrastructure that can replace PSN or the Microsoft equivalent (which is far from being sure), AND a large part of the multiplatform offer (it will never have everything, and won't have the exclusives obviously).. Even with all that, i don't see why guys who are the real problem would migrate. And by guys who are the real problem, for Nintendo, i mean guys who didn't buy a Nintendo console in the last 10 years, who don't give a shit about Nintendo games.

That demographic, they won't touch it, unless they have a game changer, something that would make playing call of on other consoles lame as fuck. That's the only thing that can create a shift in the market.

That doesn't mean Nintendo cannot fill all the right cases and have a bigger sucess than WiiU. But they can't compete directly with the XBO/PS4 demographic, and even by having an equivalent nor even slightly better offer. They are just too late and not relevant anymore for that part of the market.

Having new ips could help, but look at Splatoon. As efficient as it can be, and i'm sure it could create a real phenomenon.. They market it for kids and girls, design wise. They don't go for the young dudebro with it. And i'm not saying they should make characters bald marines. I'm saying there is a middleground, and having your characters being colorful anime squids (and i have nothing against it) will stop you from touching certain demographics.

Anyway what i'm saying is, i'm not sure going full competitive with the other brands will be good for Nintendo if they don't analyze the market well enough.


Went to bed thinking nothing would come of this last night, woke up and saw it trending on Facebook.

People really will believe anything anyone says about the NX huh? I guess nobody learns.

Davey Cakes

As powerful, 3 years late. great Nintendo
You shouldn't expect more.

If it is as powerful, but also easy to develop/optimize for, then it'll already be better than the Wii U, which had modern, efficient tech but was hamstrung but a weak CPU.

We saw what Nintendo themselves could do on Wii U. A generational leap will benefit just as it did before, especially for Nintendo's own games.


Is this going to be another 130 page thread that ends in disappointment because of lack of any actual sources, even credible or believable ones?

Feels like I'm watching fox news with nx stuff.

"Sources say...." Yeah, great, I'll believe it when something substantial gets said by Nintendo or someone with a source they want to credit


A decent chunk of power and the ability to easily port games would be nice...

...but when it comes down to it, how well it does is depends on if the "new concept" and software (and marketing behind it) can appeal to the masses like the Wii remote/Wii Sports..as opposed to Nintendo Land and the Gamepad.

If the new concept gains traction then more ports will happen, if not then it'll likely face the same fate as Wii U for support regardless of how easy a port is.


As powerful, 3 years late. great Nintendo

incremental upgrades brah, incremental ugrades

Well, unless the PS4K runs games that the PS4 can't then the NX ought to be fine. Unless Sony makes the PS4K so much better it screws existing PS4 owners.

this too. the baseline will still be with the vanilla PS4/X1 unless Sony and MS want to fuck over millions of their own consumers, which I doubt


Membero Americo
Well, unless the PS4K runs games that the PS4 can't then the NX ought to be fine. Unless Sony makes the PS4K so much better it screws existing PS4 owners.

Which, if they're smart, is not something they want to do.

And that's assuming the PS4K is even happening.
Is this going to be another 130 page thread that ends in disappointment because of lack of any actual sources, even credible or believable ones?

Feels like I'm watching fox news with nx stuff.

"Sources say...." Yeah, great, I'll believe it when something substantial gets said by Nintendo or someone with a source they want to credit

Nintendo isn't going to make statements about the power.


All I want is a Nintendo home console with at least one game from every one of their franchises.
I'm sick of their consoles missing out, give me f-zero and pilot wings amongst everything else.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
The Wii Us lack of power can't be blamed on Nintendos engineering abilities, just different design goals.

If Sony or MS made a system with small form factor, low power consumption, backwards compatibility and an expensive gimmick / innovation it wouldn't have been powerful either. The wii us performance is actually pretty good considering all that.

I agree. And the PS4 might have cost more too. We already saw what MS did with Kinect to bring the price down.

Jup, remember FIFA 14 for WiiU? No you don't, because although EA delivered FIFA 13 for WiiU, they couldn't be bothered to develop (=update) FIFA 14, a game they made for almost every other platform, including good old PS2 (yes, PS2).

Thing is, EA already had the basic assets and I am sure they also had the resources to develop a succesor, but they didn't think it would be profitable (enough) on Nintendo's console. And if you can't convince EA to make another FIFA for your console, 3rd party support is officially dead.

Making a game for PS2 and not Wii U is like a literal slap in the face.

I agree that it puts Nintendo in a rough spot. But I don't think Nintendo forced Sony's or MS's hand.

I agree with this too. The NX may have played some into their decisions now that I think about it more, but Sony is about to do VR and MS is looking for a way to include PC gaming in with their MAU. Those 2 things would have probably happened anyway without NX coming soon.

Don't the PS4 and XB1 have like...3GB dedicated to non-gaming things? That could be what it's referencing. As in, Nintendo is not doing that and whatever numbers the console has, it's all only for gaming.

I think this is a good point. But Nintendo needs to at least copy what the others are doing as far as OS features.

What Nintendo have done in the past has little bearing on that though. If it did, we'd have to scoff at rumours of them using industry leading chips, a unified OS and a modern network infrastructure for accounts.

I'm not saying it doesn't seem like an odd phrase, but we're approaching uncharted waters with this console, and "optimised for gaming" may have been used to allay fears that Nintendo would be making a jack of all trades console more akin to their competitors, potentially at the expense of what some perceive to be their more focussed approach.

This is a good point too...lol.

This is what I doubt. If Nintendo is really unifying their consoles & handhelds, Nintendo has more to gain from making the console of a similar ARM architecture as the handheld.

I'm leaning more towards ARM too, I know Intel has used chips in smartphone and tablets tho.. Has AMD used something in a small form factor like a handheld before? I know Nvidia has/is but its still based on ARM.
It doesn't need to same or better specs as PS4. It does need something very appealing though, something the Wii U completely lacked. NX needs to appeal to an audience other than the PS/Xbox audience.

If NX is just similar or even worse specs wise than PS4 with a gimmick tacked on, oh boy. Noone will care. At this point I just can't think of anything Nintendo can reveal that will be a commercial success.


I stopped reading her blog two or three years ago. Has she done anything in that time to be in a position to know these details? I always thought she was a small time blogger who started reviewing XBLIG games and eventually branched out to other systems.


Well too bad PS4K and XB1.5 are on their way...

J/K these are great news if true, it doesn't matter if PS4K will be more powerful, developers will target XB1 as the minimum, so NX should get every major game if Nintendo are smart.
Rumour says more powerful.

We dont need to completely rely on rumors

other topics had knowledgable users sift through the current market of potential sources for components

If we go by what current partnerships are being maintained and what chips are provided we could get a reasonable estimation of where the NX will fall


If nothing else she's right, though, that if Nintendo wants to have the NX succeed they can't depend on Mario, Zelda, etc. If they just the basics of marching out the old franchise, they will fail again.

Well, in their defense, the thread title says "as powerful".

Maybe a mod can fix it?

Its not a defense when you failed to read anything but the title, lol.


It's funny people keeping saying as powerful, when the rumor says more powerful.

Those reading skills...
Does it matter? If it operates in the same hardware processing power bracket as the PS4/XB1 and the developer tools are there then there shouldn't be a problem (traditional inputs too). The PS4K/XB1.5 are a red herring unless Sony/MS plan on screwing their customers.
We dont need to completely rely on rumors

other topics had knowledgable users sift through the current market of potential sources for components

If we go by what current partnerships are being maintained and what chips are provided we could get a reasonable estimation of where the NX will fall

I'm saying that this particular rumour saying that it's more powerful, not as powerful. Whether it ends up being true is another story.
So if it's similar in power to consoles that are 3+ years old (likely 4 years old by the time it comes out), isn't it pretty much still underpowered?
So if it's similar in power to consoles that are 3+ years old (likely 4 years old by the time it comes out), isn't it pretty much still underpowered?

I would expect it to use reasonable current mass produced chips

Whether its a powerful configuration or not depends on how they put this together

Saying it will use OLD chips is kind of weird. Old chips tend to be more expensive especially if manufacturers are no longer efficiently able to produce them in large quantities

Expect whatever design they go with this time to be sourced from something that can be cheaply mass produced


So if it's similar in power to consoles that are 3+ years old (likely 4 years old by the time it comes out), isn't it pretty much still underpowered?
No. Just late. Unless you're comparing it to a theoretical PS4K which ought to share the same library with the PS4 unless Sony wants to commit Sudoku.
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