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IndieGamerChick: NX more powerful than PS4/XB1, easy to develop for [rumor]

So if it's similar in power to consoles that are 3+ years old (likely 4 years old by the time it comes out), isn't it pretty much still underpowered?

Won't it be three years this autumn?

All this talk of power reminds me of the Mitchell and Webb Football sketch. It is like the only lens people see the industry through. There will be a time ladies and Gentleman where they can't get much more power out of a box that sits under your tv. Then what happens?

If the NX is in the same ball park as the X1 and PS4 than it should receive third party ports (Depending) for years to come. Thats all that matters.


It says *technically* more powerful, which means not much of a discernible difference.

Could be a newer node/APU but the clockspeeds and GPU through-put are either restrained or set-lower intentionally.

If there's an actual handheld lowest-common then that would explain the *technically* aspect. Your console can't be leagues beyond the handheld to the point where cross-development becomes an impractical concept and untennable.

A lot of movements by Nintendo would seemingly fit to this in some ways and with other rumors:
* Industry leading chips fits the above.
* Engine support being actively sought out fits the development tools/ease of use rumor.
* Vulkan, see above.

"Optimized for gaming" and "ease of use" may well be about the breadth of well supported engines and software API support. After the WiiU's dreadful support for most modern engines, it wouldn't surprise me if Nintendo went whole-hog on making sure all engines were exceptionally supported internally.

Azure J


I expect the specs to at least be somewhat recent

Even current off the shelf components in their console price range should be more than enough to give us a significant boost over WiiU

Now you see, I've been browsing/lurking these NX topics for a while now and this post right here gave me a massive bit of deja vu to Wii U Speculation Thread thoughts. :X

FWIW, I don't know what NX will be like technically and I'm going to play the "wait and see" card with regards to this much, but I do hope that even if it isn't a massive priority like past Nintendo hardware reveals, they have matched the core feature set necessary for multiplatform development in 2016.
Indie Gamer Chick is a fun reviewer, but I haven't seen anything that says that she is a viable rumor source. Although admittedly, I haven't seen anything that says she isn't a viable rumor source either.


It's funny people keeping saying as powerful, when the rumor says more powerful.

Those reading skills...

That's cause they come here to troll. They read the title which says "as powerful" so they come here to post without reading the actual source. Think of how people respond on reddit. They respond to the title...not the actual source.

Übermatik;199617212 said:
When's that quarterly meeting thing? I remember Rösti and others posting a countdown, but can't find it now.

April 27
Now you see, I've been browsing/lurking these NX topics for a while now and this post right here gave me a massive bit of deja vu to Wii U Speculation Thread thoughts. :X

FWIW, I don't know what NX will be like technically and I'm going to play the "wait and see" card with regards to this much, but I do hope that even if it isn't a massive priority like past Nintendo hardware reveals, they have matched the core feature set necessary for multiplatform development in 2016.

I wonder if they are learning some tough mass production lessons with the WiiU

Sure they are denying ending production but if it truly ends after 2016 it will be the fastest a core console has ceased being manufactured

I cant help but wonder if the costs associated with making Gamepads and PowerPC chips just wont go down over time

Sometimes when standards changes it ends up even more expensive to make old hardware


I cant help but wonder if the costs associated with making Gamepads and PowerPC chips just wont go down over time

PPC won't go down as its not getting any die shrinks or revisions any more. Its a stable platform in all ways, which also includes price.

GamePad is hampered by an old screen that no one sells anymore.


So many rumors, and people's reactions are always funny to see.

If the PS4K and Xbox One.5 are supposed to come out within the same relative timeframe as the NX, couldn't the NX be just as powerful as them? Afterall, it's not like any of these companies has secret technology to make industry chips better than the others (although the WUST was pretty funny in this regard).

On the flip side, it's pretty interesting to see people claim Nintendo couldn't provide anything but a powerful system because it wouldn't be cost effective to use older designs. Do people not remember the 3DS and Wii U?

I don't know if any of these rumors are true, but it's interesting to see the logic behind trying to prove or debunk them.


So many rumors, and people's reactions are always funny to see.

If the PS4K and Xbox One.5 are supposed to come out within the same relative timeframe as the NX, couldn't the NX be just as powerful as them? Afterall, it's not like any of these companies has secret technology to make industry chips better than the others (although the WUST was pretty funny in this regard).

On the flip side, it's pretty interesting to see people claim Nintendo couldn't provide anything but a powerful system because it wouldn't be cost effective to use older designs. Do people not remember the 3DS and Wii U?

I don't know if any of these rumors are true, but it's interesting to see the logic behind trying to prove or debunk them.

Thing is these systems really don't matter. Gaf is overstating their impact.
So many rumors, and people's reactions are always funny to see.

If the PS4K and Xbox One.5 are supposed to come out within the same relative timeframe as the NX, couldn't the NX be just as powerful as them? Afterall, it's not like any of these companies has secret technology to make industry chips better than the others (although the WUST was pretty funny in this regard).

On the flip side, it's pretty interesting to see people claim Nintendo couldn't provide anything but a powerful system because it wouldn't be cost effective to use older designs. Do people not remember the 3DS and Wii U?

I don't know if any of these rumors are true, but it's interesting to see the logic behind trying to prove or debunk them.

They are going to go with whatever partnerships and contracts net them the highest margin on investment

Didnt work out with WiiU but i dont have the inside info on what drove that system to become what it was outside of building off precedent and momentum from the success of Wii and the Wii Brand

3DS totally used mass produced chips (ARM).


Thing is these systems really don't matter. Gaf is overstating their impact.

I don't follow. What do you mean they don't matter? And I'm merely remarking on the statements to the effect of "As powerful as PS4? Too bad PS4K is coming out soon."

They are going to go with whatever partnerships and contracts net them the highest margin on investment

Didnt work out with WiiU but i dont have the inside info on what drove that system to become what it was outside of building off precedent and momentum from the success of Wii and the Wii Brand

3DS totally used mass produced chips (ARM).

3DS uses ARM11 for the main processor. It first came out in like 2002. The 3DS uses an updated version sure, but it was still quite old technology when it was released. So I'm not sure what "mass produced chip (ARM)" is supposed to mean in the context of Nintendo using old technology.


Unconfirmed Member
Übermatik;199617212 said:
When's that quarterly meeting thing? I remember Rösti and others posting a countdown, but can't find it now.
Nintendo's FY 2015 Financial Results Briefing is tentatively scheduled for April 28, 2016 (JST), 09.00/10.00 AM JST. This corresponds to Pacific time:


But there will likely also be a news conference on April 27 (JST).


I don't follow. What do you mean they don't matter? And I'm merely remarking on the statements to the effect of "As powerful as PS4? Too bad PS4K is coming out soon."

Because the PS4K and XB1.5 won't be the focus for developers. They'll have slightly better graphics and may run a bit better, especially for Xb1.5. Ya know more 1080p/60fps and less 900p/30fps lol.

But at the end of the day the focus will be PS4 and XB1. NX only has to be as powerful as them or better. Sony and MS aren't going to drop those two systems. That'd be a disaster and makes little sense.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
If the NX is in the same ball park as the X1 and PS4 than it should receive third party ports (Depending) for years to come. Thats all that matters.

I just...

How is ports of dusty old games most people will have already played ages ago a positive in NX's favor? What they need is exclusive 3rd party games, or at least releases that coincide with PS4.5/Bone 1.5. We already saw Nintendo's own 1st party software, as amazing as it can be, was not enough to keep the Flop U alive.

Will NX even be backwards compatible? Will the online remain free? These are important too.


If nothing else she's right, though, that if Nintendo wants to have the NX succeed they can't depend on Mario, Zelda, etc. If they just the basics of marching out the old franchise, they will fail again.

I don't necessarily disagree with this, but only the Wii had mainstream appealing versions of Zelda and Mario early on in its console life. I think those two have huge selling potential when done "properly." I'd argue that part of the reason the GCN and Wii U failed, was because they didn't have them.

Wii U:
- Super Mario 3D World: a lot of people argue this isn't a 'true' 3D Mario game. I'm not here to debate whether that is accurate or not, but it clearly isn't the same style as Mario 64 and Galaxy. The game just did not have that epic wow factor the other two did, and I doubt it did a whole lot to sell consoles. While I know Mario 64 and Galaxy did just that.

- Zelda: Still no new Zelda game out to sell console. This is actually huge to me thinking about it in retrospect. OOT did a lot to sell N64s.

- Super Mario Sunshine: while plenty will argue this is a great title, the majority of people weren't feeling it. It did not feel like a true sequel to Mario 64, esp one that took 8 years to make. Worse, it definitely contributed to Nintendo's 'kiddy' image during that era. The advertising was awful and made it seem like it was completely for kids. I understand it was a parody, but I don't think most people got that.

- Wind Waker: Obviously a great game, but that style hurt it's marketability a lot. This isn't debatable as NoA urged the a Zelda team to make an OOT sequel to help sales. Given how well TP sold, it's hard to argue otherwise.

So I agree that Nintendo needs more than Mario and Zelda to be a huge success, I'd argue they are still very important factors in their success. Arguably the Wii U and GCN were hurt significantly by not having really marketable versions of those games. They both have the potential to be huge system sellers. Nintendo needs those games to start building an audience. I think Zelda is especially important here, as through it, Nintendo could make an audience that would buy games like Witcher, Dark Souls, etc.

It's interesting to think how the GCN would have done if Mario Galaxy and Twilight Princess came out first instead of Sunshine and Wind Waker. There was no way it was catching up with the PS2, but I would speculate it would have done a lot better and had a solid lead over the XBox.
I heard handheld only and much less powerful. At this point, it'd be good for Nintendo to put the rumors to rest...
Well ... if it is a handheld, then yeah sure, it should much less powerful than the current gen consoles.

But i think that should be pretty much a given, considering Nintendo doesn't want a handheld with some iPad Pro prices. ^^


I just...

How is ports of dusty old games most people will have already played ages ago a positive in NX's favor? What they need is exclusive 3rd party games, or at least releases that coincide with PS4.5/Bone 1.5. We already saw Nintendo's own 1st party software, as amazing as it can be, was not enough to keep the Flop U alive.

Will NX even be backwards compatible? Will the online remain free? These are important too.

Yeah, this is essentially what the Wii U got.
I am getting tired of so many rumours and no concrete info from Nintendo. When will these guys start taling about the NX we are almost in April wake up Nintendo
I just...

How is ports of dusty old games most people will have already played ages ago a positive in NX's favor? What they need is exclusive 3rd party games, or at least releases that coincide with PS4.5/Bone 1.5. We already saw Nintendo's own 1st party software, as amazing as it can be, was not enough to keep the Flop U alive.

Will NX even be backwards compatible? Will the online remain free? These are important too.

Do you think that Sony and Microsoft will stop making games that are capable of playing on the X1 and PS4?


Because the PS4K and XB1.5 won't be the focus for developers. They'll have slightly better graphics and may run a bit better, especially for Xb1.5. Ya know more 1080p/60fps and less 900p/30fps lol.

But at the end of the day the focus will be PS4 and XB1. NX only has to be as powerful as them or better. Sony and MS aren't going to drop those two systems. That'd be a disaster and makes little sense.

Ok? I still don't know why you are saying this in response to me. I'm saying the NX could be as powerful as the PS4K or Xbox One.5. It could be less powerful. It's just funny to me that people think Nintendo would be incapable of releasing a console at the same time as those, and as powerful. As if Sony and Microsoft are the only ones with access to certain technology.


Just building on that:

Phones take a minimum of 18 months to go from design start to shelves, and phones are cut throat competitive with billions of r&d and the brightest minds. Consoles are looking at 24-36 months. So if launch is Dec 2016, look for, at best, late 2014 tech. Moreover, tape out needs to be 18 months out from shelves. The above is assuming custom hardware and OS etc.

Unless N is dropping Apple/Samsung money on these products, they will not be cutting edge or substantially more powerfulthan x1 ps4 at $399 or less.

I hope they prove me wrong. Maybe they are just going to slap off the latest off the shelf bits in there and massively subsidise the hardware.

  • N64's RCP wasn't pre-existing 1994 tech
  • Gamecube's Flipper wasn't pre-existing 1999 tech
  • XBox360's Xenos wasn't pre-existing 2003 tech
  • PS4/XBO's Jaguar wasn't pre-existing 2011 tech
(I've left out Cell, because that was obviously a different beast in terms of R&D spend than the above)

Judging by comments in AMD's earnings calls, AMD started design work on NX at the end of 2014 (likely October or November). New designs like Polaris, Zen and K12 would have been well under way in AMD at that point, and AMD would definitely have been pushing this newer tech on Nintendo (as it would offset their own R&D spend on these projects). K12 is obviously out of the picture, as AMD have delayed it to 2017, and Zen seems unlikely to significantly outperform A72 on perf/W or perf/mm² metrics (although obviously it will provide substantially higher perf/thread, that's less important in a games console).

Polaris is pretty much the only new AMD tech that Nintendo would consider for NX, but I think it's very unlikely for the home console purely as its dependent on 14nm manufacturing, and it would have been a big risk for Nintendo to commit to 14nm in late 2014 for a late 2016 launch. It's very difficult to predict yields that far in advance, and poor 14nm yields could lead to either substantially higher costs or a delayed launch.

There is, however, the outside chance of Polaris in the handheld. If Nintendo are really serious about unifying development for their home console and handheld, then using the same GPU architecture (i.e. GCN) for both would be by far the best way of going about that. Attempting to squeeze a 28nm GCN-based SoC into a roughly 2W handheld thermal envelope would give you very little performance to work with on the handheld, but a Polaris chip on a 14nm process could give them the power they need to close the gap between handheld and home console (and the smaller the gap between handheld and home console the more they save in development costs over the life of the system). It's also less risky for them to commit the handheld to 14nm, as the small die would be less yield-dependent, and the continued sales of the 3DS would make a delay less of a blow. AMD would also be very happy to have a showcase for the power efficiency of their new Polaris architecture.

Of course, my money would still very much be on a dedicated mobile GPU IP (i.e. Mali, PowerVR, etc.), but it's not completely impossible that Nintendo would surprise people with some new tech in the handheld.


Ok? I still don't know why you are saying this in response to me. I'm saying the NX could be as powerful as the PS4K or Xbox One.5. It could be less powerful. It's just funny to me that people think Nintendo would be incapable of releasing a console at the same time as those, and as powerful. As if Sony and Microsoft are the only ones with access to certain technology.

Oh I'm just adding onto your comment. Not disagreeing really.

I am getting tired of so many rumours and no concrete info from Nintendo. When will these guys start taling about the NX we are almost in April wake up Nintendo

Well ... if it is a handheld, then yeah sure, it should much less powerful than the current gen consoles.

But i think that should be pretty much a given, considering Nintendo doesn't want a handheld with some iPad Pro prices. ^^

I don't think it's a given that software will be made specifically for console, meaning everyone may have to develop for handheld as the base model.
I am getting tired of so many rumours and no concrete info from Nintendo. When will these guys start taling about the NX we are almost in April wake up Nintendo

Same. Too many bullshitters as usual. Need official info.

It's like some have not learned from the project cafe days.
I don't think it's a given that software will be made specifically for console, meaning everyone may have to develop for handheld as the base model.
Sorry, i don't really get your post.

Do you mean because of the possible shared library? Iirc Nintendo even said that not all games will be available on console and vice versa, so i'd guess that if a 3rd party dev wants a console only game (port), they can just do that.
Sorry, i don't really get your post.

Do you mean because of the possible shared library? Iirc Nintendo even said that not all games will be available on console and vice versa

That's news to me.
Might be the case but pretty sure they never went into that sort of detail.
It's just my speculation that they would do that though, I don't think there's much evidence either way.


Ah, I thought that name looked familiar!


She's the critic who bashed my first indie game. My script writer contacted her, thanking her for buying the game and she just replied with how talent-less we are. I know it's kind of off topic, but that really stuck with me all of these years. Now, I don't mean that people can't criticize my games. I openly embrace criticism and take it as something I can use to better myself. But seriously, who makes fun of someone for taking criticism well and thanks you for trying their game??

So yeah, I don't trust her because I'm still butt-hurt over that. Haha
Ah, I thought that name looked familiar!


She's the critic who bashed my first indie game. My script writer contacted her, thanking her for buying the game and she just replied with how talent-less we are. I know it's kind of off topic, but that really stuck with me all of these years. Now, I don't mean that people can't criticize my games. I openly embrace criticism and take it as something I can use to better myself. But seriously, who makes fun of someone for taking criticism well and thanks you for trying their game??

So yeah, I don't trust her because I'm still butt-hurt over that. Haha

Comes across as a bit of a obnoxious soul


Nintendo making a more powerful console doesn't really fall in line with the comments it has made about the company's focus on not wanting to make a competitively priced high-spec console according to Miyamoto back in June 2015. So I wouldn't expect NX To be any better than Xbox One with a hardware gimmick that Nintendo attempts to have sell around $250-300 price range. Any higher and it's going to end up like the Wii U, especially if Nintendo cannot effectively communicate the value of the console's capabilities.
Ah, I thought that name looked familiar!


She's the critic who bashed my first indie game. My script writer contacted her, thanking her for buying the game and she just replied with how talent-less we are. I know it's kind of off topic, but that really stuck with me all of these years. Now, I don't mean that people can't criticize my games. I openly embrace criticism and take it as something I can use to better myself. But seriously, who makes fun of someone for taking criticism well and thanks you for trying their game??

So yeah, I don't trust her because I'm still butt-hurt over that. Haha

You mean this?

Looks to me like a light little banter in a comment section that's tamer than a Twitter conversation. Not sure what you expected. Don't be so butthurt over someone bashing your first product. :)


Junior Member
You mean this?

Looks to me like a light little banter in a comment section that's tamer than a Twitter conversation. Not sure what you expected. Don't be so butthurt over someone bashing your first product. :)
Kind of messed up she called him talentless though. Pretty uncalled for.
Well, no. Nintendo is doing it so they don't have to split resources but they're not making devs use a specific device as a base model.

Maybe. It's hard to tell what their intentions are and they haven't said much about specific handheld and console units since early 2014 I think, It's very mysterious.


You mean this?

Looks to me like a light little banter in a comment section that's tamer than a Twitter conversation. Not sure what you expected. Don't be so butthurt over someone bashing your first product. :)

Yeah, I'm not seriously still mad about it though, but I thought it would speak a little bit about the person behind the current rumor. Besides, the game got a glowing review from Kotaku, was listed under their favorites category on XBLIG, and ended up selling near 3k. It was her attitude that got under my skin -- not the actual review itself.

And thank you XenodudeX, I thought so too!


Maybe. It's hard to tell what their intentions are and they haven't said much about specific handheld and console units since early 2014 I think, It's very mysterious.
A family of devices has already been mentioned, a policy of arbitrarily making a handheld a base model for 3rd parties is from nowhere.
A family of devices has already been mentioned, a policy of arbitrarily making a handheld a base model for 3rd parties is from nowhere.

Hopefully they will offer up new names or codenames for the individual devices soon if the general feeling is they are only related by an SDK. Personally I'd find that a let down.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Ah, I thought that name looked familiar!


She's the critic who bashed my first indie game. My script writer contacted her, thanking her for buying the game and she just replied with how talent-less we are. I know it's kind of off topic, but that really stuck with me all of these years. Now, I don't mean that people can't criticize my games. I openly embrace criticism and take it as something I can use to better myself. But seriously, who makes fun of someone for taking criticism well and thanks you for trying their game??

So yeah, I don't trust her because I'm still butt-hurt over that. Haha

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