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[Insider Gaming] PlayStation 5 Pro is “100%” in Development.


I think this is stupid. Sony is dominating the market, why be the first to launch a pro refresh, only to be obliterated a year later. Let Microsoft move, then answer it properly. PS5 has a lot more to gain with a cheaper, slim SKU than with a pro model.
Unless xbox backed themselves into a corner with 2 SKUs already and making a gap of twice the x would lead to more development issues. These companies know what the other are doing. There's no coincidences that they launch at similar price, specs and time frames.


Gold Member
Unless xbox backed themselves into a corner with 2 SKUs already and making a gap of twice the x would lead to more development issues. These companies know what the other are doing. There's no coincidences that they launch at similar price, specs and time frames.
100% each know what they other is doing

Have said it before but Xbox knew everything about the PS5 except the final form, its why I always said the Series X would be more powerful leading up to this generation though I didn't have the specific specs


is what AMD RT performance is.
In RDNA 3, RT only got a 50% performance increase per CU.
Sony can easily to do RDNA 3.5 + RDNA4 RT or full RDNA4. Anyway RDNA4 is already finished, so nothing can stop Sony use full RDNA4, before autumn 2024 still have time.
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If you're going by Mark Cerny, doubling the CU count may no happen based on what he said in Road to PS5.

"Also, it's easier to fully use 36CUs in parallel than it is to fully use 48CUs. When triangles are small, it's much harder to fill all those CUs with useful work."

Another thing we must understand, is what AMD RT performance is.
In RDNA 3, RT only got a 50% performance increase per CU.

Ai upscaling maybe is what defines PS5 vs PS5 Pro.

A PS5 Pro would be great, but the devs really needs to step up their optimizations, that's the problem.

Remember, this game is running on Jaguar CPUs and a 1.84 TFLOP GCN GPU.

PS5 on it's own is powerful enough to pull through this generation.

Its not.

What the most talented devs in the industry can make with the box, should not be used to set the bar.

Other devs with less budget and knowledge should also be able to put out good experiences, and not half-assed ones thanks to the bar being too high


100% each know what they other is doing

Have said it before but Xbox knew everything about the PS5 except the final form, its why I always said the Series X would be more powerful leading up to this generation though I didn't have the specific specs

they know to a point, but the xbox one situation has shown that they are willing to pull a fast one on the other to get a surprise advantage.

Microsoft clearly thought they had the superior hardware during the year leading up to the launch.
but then, even unknown to most first party studios, Sony doubled their GDDR5 memory.

Microsoft made a whole elaborate eSRAM setup to have 8gb of memory at a decent price, thinking the PS4 will be memory starved, and their system will in return offer superior visuals down the line.
but due to falling memory prices or simply to compete, Sony not only matched the memory pool size, but also now had the advantage of not needing to waste die space for eSRAM.

the funny fact is, that due to the eSRAM the Xbox One's APU was actually bigger and more expensive than the PS4's.

so I think neither can fully rely on info they get from the other camp


Sony can easily to do RDNA 3.5 + RDNA4 RT or full RDNA4. Anyway RDNA4 is already finished, so nothing can stop Sony use full RDNA4, before autumn 2024 still have time.
Any source regarding RDNA4 being already finished? I'm curious to know, if PS5 Pro use an equivalent of RX 8700, it could be a significant upgrade.
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Gold Member
they know to a point, but the xbox one situation has shown that they are willing to pull a fast one on the other to get a surprise advantage.

Microsoft clearly thought they had the superior hardware during the year leading up to the launch.
but then, even unknown to most first party studios, Sony doubled their GDDR5 memory.

Microsoft made a whole elaborate eSRAM setup to have 8gb of memory at a decent price, thinking the PS4 will be memory starved, and their system will in return offer superior visuals down the line.
but due to falling memory prices or simply to compete, Sony not only matched the memory pool size, but also now had the advantage of not needing to waste die space for eSRAM.

the funny fact is, that due to the eSRAM the Xbox One's APU was actually bigger and more expensive than the PS4's.

so I think neither can fully rely on info they get from the other camp
Yeah I think today its a lot different than it was when X1 launched though
they know to a point, but the xbox one situation has shown that they are willing to pull a fast one on the other to get a surprise advantage.

Microsoft clearly thought they had the superior hardware during the year leading up to the launch.
but then, even unknown to most first party studios, Sony doubled their GDDR5 memory.

Microsoft made a whole elaborate eSRAM setup to have 8gb of memory at a decent price, thinking the PS4 will be memory starved, and their system will in return offer superior visuals down the line.
but due to falling memory prices or simply to compete, Sony not only matched the memory pool size, but also now had the advantage of not needing to waste die space for eSRAM.

the funny fact is, that due to the eSRAM the Xbox One's APU was actually bigger and more expensive than the PS4's.

so I think neither can fully rely on info they get from the other camp



I personally have zero clue on specs

The only thing that keeps getting repeated to me is not a big bump in raw power but a very large ray tracing boost

The thought on TFs is around 15 but I wouldn’t bet any money on it
I buy that actually.

Single Player could comfortably be 4k/60 with great graphics and ray tracing.
Multiplayer could maybe do 1440p/120fps consistently with good looking graphics.

I don't believe they need a huge jump in performance, Demons Souls for example looks amazing. If they can get Demon Souls and Burning Shores type of quality but at higher fps and some nice ray tracing that's a fucking W.
My God just the thought of potentially getting Horizon FW/BS quality with RTGI @ 60 gets me excited. I like the idea of Sony focusing on improving RT I'm getting really curious how they reveal this thing.


Any source regarding RDNA4 being already finished?
That was from Angstronomics
To be abundantly clear, these configurations for Navi3x were done in 2019 and finalized sometime in 2020, with no changes since.
So how do you think RDNA4 design not finished? from 2022 to 2024 is phase of testing etc...
P.S AMD saying after RDNA2 release, they will focus more on RT, so that mean should be start from RDNA4
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I know RGT said a while ago that the PS5 Pro performance target was 2x in raster and 2.5x in ray-tracing. Validity aside it seems like sensible targets for a mid-gen refresh.

I think we'll get a doubling in teraflops but I think it's important that people realise this doesn't mean doubling in render performance, although would still be one of the aims.


I know RGT said a while ago that the PS5 Pro performance target was 2x in raster and 2.5x in ray-tracing. Validity aside it seems like sensible targets for a mid-gen refresh.

I think we'll get a doubling in teraflops but I think it's important that people realise this doesn't mean doubling in render performance, although would still be one of the aims.
Some RGT updates if your going to believe him.



With those specs, start applying for those second jobs folks.

Second hand kidney market is not great at the moment.
Tom's article came out a couple of days after this so I assume him and RGT talked before Tom posted that article

RGT did say he was working on a video which should be out soon, on the PS5 Pro. Maybe he got some new information?

Tom Henderson also claims to know the specs so I am curious if and when he does decide to leak those. It does mean a few people within the Playstation office will get into trouble lol


Yes. RGT has been wrong about too many things, especially when it comes to Playstation and AMD.

I do trust Tom more as he's been reliable in leaking Playstation hardware, most recently the Dualsense Edge controller.
My point is he's asking RGT for info, so how can he be more reliable? He should know the PS5 Pro code name before it's specs.


Gold Member
RGT did say he was working on a video which should be out soon, on the PS5 Pro. Maybe he got some new information?

Tom Henderson also claims to know the specs so I am curious if and when he does decide to leak those. It does mean a few people within the Playstation office will get into trouble lol
For that very reason I don't believe he will leak the specs until more teams have the dev kits as its under the guard of the Sony ninjas

Late Fall they should come out

My point is he's asking RGT for info, so how can he be more reliable? He should know the PS5 Pro code name before it's specs.
I am sure its a lets compare notes moment and when the codenames did not match Tom put out the article

This is 100% speculation on my part
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My point is he's asking RGT for info, so how can he be more reliable? He should know the PS5 Pro code name before it's specs.

It's tricky to understand the context of Tom's question. I interpreted it as he already knew the codename, but was trying to verify the validity of RGT's claims/leaks. This makes sense given that Tom claims to know the specs, and timeline of the development and distribution to the developers.

Up until Tom's leak RGT had already mentioned several times both in his videos and tweets that he had heard the PS5 Pro was canned, information which is likely very outdated assuming Tom's leak is correct. MLiD even leaked a while back that the Pro was in development.


For that very reason I don't believe he will leak the specs until more teams have the dev kits as its under the guard of the Sony ninjas

Late Fall they should come out

I am sure its a lets compare notes moment and when the codenames did not match Tom put out the article

This is 100% speculation on my part
As someone who doesn't mind a PS5 Pro being released, I still like to keep my expectations in check. From performance to it being real.

But when the leakers post stuff like this, it makes me lose hope the PS5 Pro is real.


Gold Member
As someone who doesn't mind a PS5 Pro being released, I still like to keep my expectations in check. From performance to it being real.

But when the leakers post stuff like this, it makes me lose hope the PS5 Pro is real.

What I like about Tom is he usually feels very confident in his stuff before posting it

I would bet a large sum of money its real but then again last March I was told they were coming last holiday then it just got dropped

Might have been chip shortages that delayed it or something else but I would have lost money last Spring because I would have taken that bet then too they were coming :)


I expect PS6 will be full current RT 4k native 60fps on all games. 8k dynamic60/30 fps full RT depending of the game

So PS5 Pro could be 2k 60fps full RT on performance mode and 4k dynamic 30fps Full RT on graphic mode.


Sony's business is about software, the console is just a port for it, cause of that it ends up being subsidized in the early years of the console's life. That said: why a Pro console if the PS5 already sells really, really well?

We already have lazy devs who barely use the standard PS5 hardware properly, with a Pro the neglect will be even bigger.
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With those specs, start applying for those second jobs folks.

Second hand kidney market is not great at the moment.
What are you talking about??

The console will be max 100-150 bucks more expensive than the normal PS5. We will never reach PC territory. Performance or price wise.


I dont know, seem PS5 is good enough as it is. What would be the features of the Pro version? 8k? I guess it will have higher specs so more fps/more smooth VR2 games for example. Maybe push games for smooth 60fps and even 120fps?


Reseterror Resettler
Breaking news: Insider confirms the big one is coming. In the event that you do not feel the big one once it comes, remain calm. You are either dead (from the big one), what you thought was the big one was a smaller one, or the Earth has canceled the big one. Regardless, you heard it here first.
From Tom's article on March 14..."Just like with the PS4 to the PS4 Pro, we can generally guess pretty confidently that the PS5 Pro will have increased visuals, performance, and speeds. But as for leaked details, we’ll have to wait until a later date to release those".

It reads as if he had specs for a while so he probably wanted to corroborate with RGT to see if they had the same info.


2 trillion T Flops built on the Perfect Cell Architecture offloading CPU & GPU intensive tasks on a monolithic structure that supports Nano Carbon AI Dating to better scan assets into a 50 billion Polygonal Data data center to create a photorealistic ray-traced path lighting image that's all done using a Quantum Edge RDNA AI Enhanced CU Clock Unit at 34000MHZ to offload any extra load with the support of SAALS Upscaling with Superposition between two Temporal Dimensions of Hardware to split the load.

And yet, some shitty indie dev will drop a PS2-looking game that runs at 14FPS at 144P and then will blame not have an extra 200 years to finish their game

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Neo Member
Im waiting to see what Insomniac’s Spider Man 2 will look like. It’s Insomniac’s 2nd exclusive PS5 title so the gloves are off. Hopefully it impresses otherwise bring on the Pro!


PS5 isbgood enough for right now. It has beautiful games. But if we're going to 2027 we need it for future proofing.


I would bet a large sum of money its real but then again last March I was told they were coming last holiday then it just got dropped

A Pro version 2 years after launch is literally unbelievable, even without the pandemic. And you were willing to place money on it launching in 2022? Nah you would've lost that one there's no way.


Guys Series X is the "Pro" console and PS5 is the "PS5 Pro" since Sony ditched 1080p base model of PS5 in early development. Nothing to see here. Midgen revision is not happening this gen.


tbh you guys are hilarious. This generation have barely started yet you clamor for a Pro when there isn't a clear need for one. Hell if I was Sony I'd just take the PS5 stuff in bigger hard drive and call it Pro and you fools would buy it. They could lie about the specs.


tbh you guys are hilarious. This generation have barely started yet you clamor for a Pro when there isn't a clear need for one. Hell if I was Sony I'd just take the PS5 stuff in bigger hard drive and call it Pro and you fools would buy it. They could lie about the specs.
If a Pro comes ths year, it would be coming at the same time that a pro came for the PS4.

I don't think it's coming, but then again, it wouldn't surprise me if it did.


If a Pro comes ths year, it would be coming at the same time that a pro came for the PS4.

I don't think it's coming, but then again, it wouldn't surprise me if it did.
Hey it would definitely be cool if it came, then I wanted to see what the specs and it's features are. But since PS4 Pro was so clearly aimed at 4K tvs I would think it was just a one time thing. PlayStation have never had a Pro console before that I believe? Maybe in Japan


What time is it?
they know to a point, but the xbox one situation has shown that they are willing to pull a fast one on the other to get a surprise advantage.

Microsoft clearly thought they had the superior hardware during the year leading up to the launch.
but then, even unknown to most first party studios, Sony doubled their GDDR5 memory.

Microsoft made a whole elaborate eSRAM setup to have 8gb of memory at a decent price, thinking the PS4 will be memory starved, and their system will in return offer superior visuals down the line.
but due to falling memory prices or simply to compete, Sony not only matched the memory pool size, but also now had the advantage of not needing to waste die space for eSRAM.

the funny fact is, that due to the eSRAM the Xbox One's APU was actually bigger and more expensive than the PS4's.

so I think neither can fully rely on info they get from the other camp

It's just a matter of time before the potential of the Bone's secret sauce is unlocked and it takes the graphics lead over the PS4.

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