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iOS Gaming February 2014: It's Groundhog Day and we have Season Passes for Everyone!

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I think all this quibbling about prices is a bit gross really, although the race to the bottom with prices on iOS a few years back is as much to blame as anything else. If you don't see the value proposition in something like X-Com or Baldur's Gate then I don't know what to say really. Platform aside (and the irony of the expense of an Apple device does not escape me), full, long games should be allowed to charge somewhat of a premium. And it's not even that much, these games are still inexpensive compared to similar on consoles.

It feels like people are too interested in the meta-game of collecting and downloading games that they're overlooking the actual value of the games themselves as artifacts people have spent time and effort making and deserve payment for. But no, wait for the sale and download it to spent the requisite hour with before moving on. And then complain iOS games have no depth or something. smh

God bless and keep this post.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Hmm, I just noticed that the achievements are also showing right on my iPad, which is also on iOS 7. The glitching I was talking about in a previous post is only affecting my iPhone's version of Game Center then. Weird.

10,107 in Threes. The game is delightful fun :)
Hopefully I can get to 10k eventually. My high score is sitting on 7932 atm, so close to 8000. :,(

Figured out the strategy to Threes, always check the "next" tile, it will be placed in the opposite side of what you're swiping. Usually in the corner if there are numerous unclaimed spaces.

Just broke 7k this morning.
Yep, the planning ahead in the game opens up after you notice that pattern. Especially relevant when it comes to managing the 1s and 2s.


My current addiction is Only One
iTunes | Trailer

It's free but not really freemium. There is one currency and while there are some currency packs, buying the Ultimate Power pack IAP (doubler + ability to rebuild your character's skills) makes the progression feel perfect, so it's more like a free game with a $1.99 unlock

As for the game itself, it's great. There are 70 waves, a boss every 10 waves, and while the first handful feel more like tutorial battles, the game soon ramps up and puts your skills to the test. The slower combat mixed with the hectic waves of enemies reminds me of Mage Gauntlet, in that positioning, smart use of your abilities, and timing strikes is key to success rather than fancy combos. The enemies are varied and each require different tactics, and every new power or buff you unlock adds some new strategy to your repertoire. The stylish pixel graphics, the humorous vibe, and the music add to the overall polish.

I'd definitely recommend giving it a try

Oh wow, I just killed 3 hours playing this. Thanks for the recommend!!
I had a great laugh the first time I heard one of the guys fall off the ledge.

Free cake IS a lie! lol


Neo Member
Threes is pure crack.

It is the perfect mobile game.

Adding personalities to the higher game tiles is pure genius, and the way they greet each other before they merge is so cute.

But where it really shines is the tutorial. The tutorial is a proper full game with a slightly modified start. It is brilliant to just give it to a friend or colleague with the tutorial on, and just watch them get sucked in. It is seriously the best tutorial on any iOS game I have seen.

Plus you can access the tutorial again at will. I've introduced so many people to this game without even having to explain how it work.

BTW: Can I request that any mention of the characters past
be marked as spoilers. Discovering the cool characters is part of this game IMHO, and the music and sounds really make it so much more compelling.


So, Flappy Wings (sadly), Threes, BG:EE, and Slayin (what a fun game, can't believe I missed it) got me back to iOS gaming.

But what I want are the best recent "high score" games. Anyone got any ideas? I'd like it to be pretty competitive. Dash Kappei, u always had a great selection in your "tourney" threads.

Jedeye Sniv

It's getting removed from the AppStore in 20 hours, so better download it fast if you wanna play it

What's the story here? I saw a lot of people going nuts about it last week in BGAF, and then my friend who doesn't even play games txt me about it last night. Why's it being taken down?


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
What's the story here? I saw a lot of people going nuts about it last week in BGAF, and then my friend who doesn't even play games txt me about it last night. Why's it being taken down?
The dev basically got fed up with all the attention, hate and demands he's been getting. Here aret he threads about it, they get ugly at certain posts though, some people are really venomous about this ordeal:

Flappy Bird Developer: "...it ruins my simple life. So now I hate it."

Flappy Bird developer removing the game from app store


Any news on mmorpgs to hit the app store within the year? I was hoping for Phantasy Star Ocean 2 last year, but that obviously did not happen. While I'm at it, any recommendations for "online-multiplayer-(any genre)" games? My gf and I have been scouring the app store to no success. We're playing Clash of Clans and Dragon City mobile atm, but they're not exactly "playing together".


Any news on mmorpgs to hit the app store within the year? I was hoping for Phantasy Star Ocean 2 last year, but that obviously did not happen. While I'm at it, any recommendations for "online-multiplayer-(any genre)" games? My gf and I have been scouring the app store to no success. We're playing Clash of Clans and Dragon City mobile atm, but they're not exactly "playing together".

Order and Chaos for more traditional MMO style.

Game of War for strategy MMO.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
So, Flappy Wings (sadly), Threes, BG:EE, and Slayin (what a fun game, can't believe I missed it) got me back to iOS gaming.

But what I want are the best recent "high score" games. Anyone got any ideas? I'd like it to be pretty competitive. Dash Kappei, u always had a great selection in your "tourney" threads.

They're not really super recent, but as far as highscore/reflex-based games go then Impossible Road, Boson X and Beat Drift are all legit (even tho the latter is pretty similar to Super Hexagon it's still its own thing, but ymmv). I was gonna say Slayin but I see you're already into that :) If you're into competitive non-conventional racing games (think Trackmania) where the fun and addiction comes from shaving off 1/10 of a second on your best time and comparing it to your peers and other players on the leaderboards, then I suggest you have a go with Jet Car Stunts 2. If you're into hard as balls platformers with perfect touch controls and incredibly deep and thought out level design and enemies placement, then Kidd Tripp is still my fav.


Eliss Infinity also has an "Infinite" high score mode. Haven't tried it though, I've been trying to get through the regular level-based mode. It's been getting pretty brutal with about 1/4th of the levels to go.


They're not really super recent, but as far as highscore/reflex-based games go then Impossible Road, Boson X and Beat Drift are all legit (even tho the latter is pretty similar to Super Hexagon it's still its own thing, but ymmv). I was gonna say Slayin but I see you're already into that :) If you're into competitive non-conventional racing games (think Trackmania) where the fun and addiction comes from shaving off 1/10 of a second on your best time and comparing it to your peers and other players on the leaderboards, then I suggest you have a go with Jet Car Stunts 2. If you're into hard as balls platformers with perfect touch controls and incredibly deep and thought out level design and enemies placement, then Kidd Tripp is still my fav.

Thanks a lot!
Yeah, I really enjoy Trackmania and platformers, have been playing Völgarr on my computer lately.
I think I'll check out all of those games!
So, Flappy Wings (sadly), Threes, BG:EE, and Slayin (what a fun game, can't believe I missed it) got me back to iOS gaming.

But what I want are the best recent "high score" games. Anyone got any ideas? I'd like it to be pretty competitive. Dash Kappei, u always had a great selection in your "tourney" threads.
Here's my ever-growing list:
If you like Volgarr, Trackmania, precision platformers, high score games, every single game on that list is right up your alley

Some highlights:
  • Super Hexagon
  • Canabalt
  • Boson X
  • Impossible Road
  • Wingdot
  • 1001 Attempts
  • Worm Run
  • Boost 2
  • Platforms Unlimited
  • Hyper Snake
  • Ziggurat
  • Beat Drift

Jedeye Sniv

I also picked up Threes this weekend - very fun indeed but damn I can't get more than 1000 points, you guys are amazing. I can feel my brain creaking as I play. Nice to have Eliss back in the scene too, always thought it was mad they didn't go universal. That game is incredible, you feel like a scientist in the future playing it or something.

All of this pales in comparison to the continued glory that is BG2:EE however, I don't think this game will ever end, just quests oozing from every pore. I'm going to be bereft if/when I finish it. Must be at least 40 hours in now.

Also finally got all my devices on iOS 7... fuck iOS 7! Runs like hot poop on my iPhone 4, stupid way of dealing with podcasts, have to swipe the other way to delete things... wtfffffff

Jedeye Sniv

Thats how they sell you an iPhone 5/s.

It helps if you disable all the animations in settings.

Every now and then I think I should get a new phone. And then I realise this one can still do txts, make phone calls and look at dubious pictures and I go about my day.

Animations is a good shout dude, thanks.

edit: ohhh yes thats so much better!


Every now and then I think I should get a new phone. And then I realise this one can still do txts, make phone calls and look at dubious pictures and I go about my day.

Animations is a good shout dude, thanks.
I didn't upgrade my iPhone 4 until about 6 weeks ago. Must admit though, the 5S has been a pleasure. Revisiting games that didn't run well on my 4 at the moment.

Jedeye Sniv

I didn't upgrade my iPhone 4 until about 6 weeks ago. Must admit though, the 5S has been a pleasure. Revisiting games that didn't run well on my 4 at the moment.

I literally have about 3 games on my phone at any one time. Right now these are Eighty-Eight, Threes and Flappy Bird. iPhone is a toilet gaming, gonewild and podcast device these days. Playing so many games on the iPad makes the phone seem impossibly tiny now.


I've only played the free to play games on IOS so far, but I was wondering; what are some good, buyable games? As in, a game you buy once, and doesn't have any more microtransactions. Is there a list of such games?
I've only played the free to play games on IOS so far, but I was wondering; what are some good, buyable games? As in, a game you buy once, and doesn't have any more microtransactions. Is there a list of such games?
Only straight up premium or what about free with a game unlock?

Here are some good ones:
Super Hexagon
Device 6/Year Walk
Toast Time
Platforms Unlimited
Beat Drift
A Dark Room
Hero of Many


iPhone is a toilet gaming, gonewild and podcast device these days. Playing so many games on the iPad makes the phone seem impossibly tiny now.

Same here, plus it hammers the battery. The mini has the perfect form for gaming I find, plus 10hr battery, even 6-7 when gaming...


I hate you guys. After all the praise I got Threes and now I swipe the home screen up and down expecting things to stack up...

Beautifully designed game, so clever. One of those gems that the mechanics feel intuitive and make sense without the need to overly explain things. I'm in love.

My best is 3000+ points so I still have a way to go...

And I was supposed to get my backlog cleared out :(


My current addiction is Only One
iTunes | Trailer

It's free but not really freemium. There is one currency and while there are some currency packs, buying the Ultimate Power pack IAP (doubler + ability to rebuild your character's skills) makes the progression feel perfect, so it's more like a free game with a $1.99 unlock

As for the game itself, it's great. There are 70 waves, a boss every 10 waves, and while the first handful feel more like tutorial battles, the game soon ramps up and puts your skills to the test. The slower combat mixed with the hectic waves of enemies reminds me of Mage Gauntlet, in that positioning, smart use of your abilities, and timing strikes is key to success rather than fancy combos. The enemies are varied and each require different tactics, and every new power or buff you unlock adds some new strategy to your repertoire. The stylish pixel graphics, the humorous vibe, and the music add to the overall polish.

I'd definitely recommend giving it a try

I feel differently. It's just another skinner box with tons of grinding and constant nagging to get you to buy more or rate the app (and as is standard by bribing you to do so). If it came with controller support, a one time payment and a proper sense of progression + more/better content, it might have been decent. As it is it's just another example of what is wrong with much of mobile gaming.


So I tried out:

Impossible Road: Only played very little, didn't get used to the controls, seemed really hard

Beat Drift: Took a little bit of time to get used to the controls in this game as well, it was fun though! I have a way harder time with 3D games though :p

Kid Tripp: Wow! I wasn't really expecting that from the platformer description, the controls were really good and it was a lot of fun!

And also, my favorite so far, 1001 Attempts; yep, this is what I like from Score Attack games, really intense, so I got a bit too excited and tried way too hard to get a good score...
4.8k right now...
So I tried out:

Impossible Road: Only played very little, didn't get used to the controls, seemed really hard

Beat Drift: Took a little bit of time to get used to the controls in this game as well, it was fun though! I have a way harder time with 3D games though :p

Kid Tripp: Wow! I wasn't really expecting that from the platformer description, the controls were really good and it was a lot of fun!

And also, my favorite so far, 1001 Attempts; yep, this is what I like from Score Attack games, really intense, so I got a bit too excited and tried way too hard to get a good score...
4.8k right now...
The trick with Impossible Road actually is the opposite of its name: you want to stay off the road as much as possible. Once you start jumping off the track and skipping over checkpoints, then it clicks and you start racking up big points.


The trick with Impossible Road actually is the opposite of its name: you want to stay off the road as much as possible. Once you start jumping off the track and skipping over checkpoints, then it clicks and you start racking up big points.

I noticed that it was possible to do that, didn't know that it was the right way to do it (even though there were some stuff hinting toward it :p ).
I'll try it out a bit more later then.


FFVI makes me so happy. Between that and FFV (and Bravely Default on the 3DS) I won't need any other portable goodness for awhile - still need to finish ALBW too!

I'm bummed at how poorly shit runs on iOS7 on my iPad 3...


I feel differently. It's just another skinner box with tons of grinding and constant nagging to get you to buy more or rate the app (and as is standard by bribing you to do so). If it came with controller support, a one time payment and a proper sense of progression + more/better content, it might have been decent. As it is it's just another example of what is wrong with much of mobile gaming.

I thought the game was really fun, it's like a top down version of Spell Sword . I would love to see controller support added


Anyone have some basic tips for Threes?

With Drop7, I eventually got into a groove where I could identify important patterns and intuitively figure out the smartest move or moves to take next.

With Threes, even after playing 20 or so games, I still feel like I'm guessing most of the time. Can't quite "see" things clearly yet.
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