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iOS Gaming Thread March 2013: It's $1 per post, $5 for 8 posts or $10 for 20 posts

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Okay now that I played SSG2 I understand the complaint. There seems tone way more iap here than necessary. An iap to increase the number of asynchronous games you can have going at once? Gtfo

I really wouldn't mind paying $3 for SSG2 that included a last shot power indicator. It's just what they're presenting you to pay extra money for that feels slimy.

Still, it is a damn good game so far at $1, $3 whatever. Can't wait to get some async games going.
I thought Ridiculous Fishibg would be dumb based on the name.

Boy was I wrong.

I can't seem to find one fish on the first map-a seahorse that prefers the day?
OT here if anyone is interested. toythatkills' most anticipated review here.

Five stars! It's like they auto-generate this stuff. I hope it's worthy

Where do people come up with this crap? Indie cred? It's a super polished action game, not some art exercise. Indie cred...

I'm not talking about the game or the developers, just that journalists like to be seen to be into indie games because then they feel like people will take them more seriously. It's not an art exercise, sure, but its definitely indie, look at the developers, look at its history, etc.

I haven't played the game, as I've said, so I can't comment on that directly and nor will I.


formerly "chigiri"
Seems Stargate SG-1: Unleashed Ep 1 came out today as well.



The Stargate SG-1 interactive adventure has arrived! The original cast of Stargate SG-1 is back, and they are reunited in an entirely new episode that will awaken all your Stargate memories.

Starring the voices of Richard Dean Anderson as Jack O’Neill, Amanda Tapping as Samantha Carter, Michael Shanks as Dr. Daniel Jackson and Christopher Judge as Teal’c, this is an all new immersive third-person adventure you can enjoy on your iPad or iPhone.

Get involved in the action – defeat Jaffa warriors, infiltrate a Goa’uld labor camp, solve cryptic ancient puzzles - and stop a new evil menace before it’s too late!

You control the actions of O’Neill, Carter, and Daniel as they explore and discover new worlds through the Stargate.


•Voice over from the original Stargate SG-1 cast
•Episode written by well-known Stargate novelist, Sally Malcolm
•Travel to previously unknown planets through the Stargate
•High quality 3D graphics
•Follow the story through eight interactive chapters
•Amazing cinematics
•New soundtrack based on the original score
•You control the SG-1 team
•Easy-to-master touchscreen controls


Yesterday I finally bought Capsized+ and played almost non stop till mission 4 or 5.
I'm surprised there isn't much more talk about the game, it's really well done and ported/adapted (reminds me the Bastion port).
On iPad 3 is flawless...graphics and sounds are damn good and the number of things that moves on screen at once is staggering.
It's a LOT more actiony than, let's say, Waking Mars...but it has a really cool atmosphere and great pacing.
Controls are very well done, even if I wish they could be a tad lower positioned.
Overall I'm very impressed for a genre I always found lacking on AppStore (or non existent).
were you a tester? :D Alistair is a pretty awesome dev :D thoroughly enjoyed Bankers!

No (although I gladly would have been), the podcast I co-host interviewed him for our episode this week. We really enjoy his work and as we're all Brits, a bit of helpful promotion doesn't go amiss.


If you feel like getting your Where's Waldo on, Little Things Forever is free at the moment.

Hey all. This is my game, discounted to free for the first time. Definitely a more chill kind of game than Gaffers may normally go for.

Please download, have a try. My next game is more 'core' oriented. A real time collectible card game :)



i FINIshed Silent Age Ep. 1 some days ago and really liked it. I'd donate for Ep. 2 but I sadly can't use Paypal =(

Jedeye Sniv

So....I've turned my iPad into a "gaming console" with a little dosage of jailbreak goodness, and Apple TV 3, and most importantly, a Dual Shock 3. I'm playing SFV and SFxTekken on my 50" Plasma using a Dual Shock 3. This is all, of course, running on my iPad mini.

Apple... It's time to stop playing around, and release native apps for Apple TV!


More info here: http://www.idownloadblog.com/2013/03/13/ios-gaming-console-blutrol-dual-shock-ipad-mini/

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t61gqVXx7GM

I'm telling you guys, I was literally floored by how responsive SF was using the DS over Bluetooth. It felt _completely_ natural.

Siiiiiiick! that new Blutrol looks amazing. I need to get on this. This could make Vice City perfect.


Ridiculous Fishing is indeed ridiculous. Loving it.

I'm addicted to Tapped Out. Spent £10 and have removed my card to stop any more purchases.
Mmm hmm, I hear that. Spent about £30 myself, but I was the beneficiary of a glitch that gave me 900+ donuts, so Karma must dig me.


Good friend dream, I'm eagerly awaiting the friends list for turn-based multiplayer in SSG2 to populate.

$1.99 to unlock the last shot power indicator is quite the hidden cost, wouldn't you say? Double the price of the game.

I don't find it essential at all. I mean, it's only a last shot indicator, and it has notches you can count anyway.

Super Stickman Golf 2 is the real deal.


Murderer's Gut Feeling™
Hey all. This is my game, discounted to free for the first time. Definitely a more chill kind of game than Gaffers may normally go for.

Please download, have a try. My next game is more 'core' oriented. A real time collectible card game :)


Cool! I've had your Little Things games for a while. Just want to say I love them. If anyone is into hidden object games, Little Things is top notch. Very polished. Hope this gets you some sales.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important

To non participating gaffers: sorry to bother you. It's just a couple of posts. As usual when the challenge is near the ending of the competitions, I'll take a bit of space from this thread to remind people who've forgot or might not follow the specific thread. Be merciful my lords :)

GAF's iOS Challenge VII - 'TINY WINGS on *Distance Traveled* Mode'

Time Left on the Challenge::

Starts March 8, 00:01 (AM) GMT
Ends: March 15, 23:45 (PM) GMT

Current GMT / World Time


You can participate until the very last moment, even as a new member!
If you're already on my GC Friends List all you have to do is to play the game, otherwise send a friend request to:
Dash Kappei GAF


Due to some players suffering bugs with the game's leaderboards on Game Center, here's how it's gonna fly:
If your highscore hasn't been registered by Game Center, come and post it with the screenshot ASAP!
From now on, if you make a new highscore which GC didn't track, you have to come in here and post it within the hour (screen will show the time on the iDevice as well), with this format:
GC Name: Dash Kappi GAF
Score: 1 billion km
Screenshot can be edited in later, but to give people enough time to react you have to at least post your new highscore. Failing to do so will likely invalidate your score.

TOP20 •75 Players Total as of Today@11:30 GMT •




Wanted to throw my game center info out there.


Hit me up if we've got the same games. Looking forward to trying out the challenges.
Hey all. This is my game, discounted to free for the first time. Definitely a more chill kind of game than Gaffers may normally go for.

Please download, have a try. My next game is more 'core' oriented. A real time collectible card game :)


My Gf and I love Little Things! Great esthetic and fun time waster! Good to be able to thank you for hours of fun!


I was wondering do you guys know whatever happened to that Peter Molyneux Curiosity game? Is it still going?


Junior Member
So....I've turned my iPad into a "gaming console" with a little dosage of jailbreak goodness, and Apple TV 3, and most importantly, a Dual Shock 3. I'm playing SFV and SFxTekken on my 50" Plasma using a Dual Shock 3. This is all, of course, running on my iPad mini.

Apple... It's time to stop playing around, and release native apps for Apple TV!


More info here: http://www.idownloadblog.com/2013/03/13/ios-gaming-console-blutrol-dual-shock-ipad-mini/

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t61gqVXx7GM

I'm telling you guys, I was literally floored by how responsive SF was using the DS over Bluetooth. It felt _completely_ natural.

Video is meh nothing to see except DS3 because it doing same thing with Blutrol 2.0 or older, but Holy Grail analog controls, Dual stick shooter joy!!!

I've been waiting to use two sticks for too while. It work very well and DS3 support even better.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
I know I'm months late, but The Blockheads is all kinds of amazing. I didn't play it when the "jobs run offline" patch wasn't in... seems like it would be a grind. But now that you can queue up tasks and go do other stuff, it's great.

I set up huge jobs - stuff like mining 30 blocks, then just leave and play something else for a minute. IT's great.
I know I'm months late, but The Blockheads is all kinds of amazing. I didn't play it when the "jobs run offline" patch wasn't in... seems like it would be a grind. But now that you can queue up tasks and go do other stuff, it's great.

I set up huge jobs - stuff like mining 30 blocks, then just leave and play something else for a minute. IT's great.

What mine-crafty game do you recommend most? I have the official minecraft app but the controls frustrate me. Maybe I would prefer blockheads or Junk Jack?
Hey all. This is my game, discounted to free for the first time. Definitely a more chill kind of game than Gaffers may normally go for.

Please download, have a try. My next game is more 'core' oriented. A real time collectible card game :)


Another promotion for your game-my wife and I love it.

Everyone should download this-it's awesome and has a lot of polish.


What mine-crafty game do you recommend most? I have the official minecraft app but the controls frustrate me. Maybe I would prefer blockheads or Junk Jack?

Junk jack is a good terraria clone. Only downside I've encountered is the jumping, which is rage inducing.


What mine-crafty game do you recommend most? I have the official minecraft app but the controls frustrate me. Maybe I would prefer blockheads or Junk Jack?
I'm a big fan of Eden: World Builder, but the controls are fairly similar to Minecraft PE, so you might not dig it. Arf arf.


What mine-crafty game do you recommend most? I have the official minecraft app but the controls frustrate me. Maybe I would prefer blockheads or Junk Jack?

I am also playing Blockheads and it's amazing. I am interested in Junk Jack but it doesn't support iPhone 5 and they have Junk Jack 2 coming out at some point so I will just wait (plus Blockheads is free!).
Five stars! It's like they auto-generate this stuff. I hope it's worthy

I'm not talking about the game or the developers, just that journalists like to be seen to be into indie games because then they feel like people will take them more seriously. It's not an art exercise, sure, but its definitely indie, look at the developers, look at its history, etc.

I haven't played the game, as I've said, so I can't comment on that directly and nor will I.

Yeah, I still don't know what you're talking about. You sound like that guy who thinks music critics just pretend to love Sonic Youth to look cool. The fact is: There are no cool points in games because games are not cool and never will be. Ever.

I can't believe people still throw around "game journalist." It was obnoxious 10 years ago. There are no critical authorities left to tear down, so you can stop throwing your feces now.


Hey all. This is my game, discounted to free for the first time. Definitely a more chill kind of game than Gaffers may normally go for.

Please download, have a try. My next game is more 'core' oriented. A real time collectible card game :)


Just wanted to say thanks, my daughter and I love playing the game! Keep us updated on the new game!


FYI information Siltherine (Battle Academy, Panzer Corps, Legions and others) just signed a deal with Games Workshop for a turn based Warhammer 40000 game (platform not specified but they recently said all their upcoming titles will be for iPad too).

This is shaping to be a Warhammer year.
I'm in heaven.

(This game is on top of the already announced Warhammer Quest and Space Hulk).


I heard it had tilt controls which is kind of putting me off, but I also read that it's pretty finely tuned. I'm on the fence about it.

The controls work fine, actually they're pretty fun. I do feel like the game is a bit shallow though. Great art and music, but not a lot of substance - sort of like a micro-arcade game (or a fun Wario Ware mini-game).


Is there a way to not have to play as a first person shooter in block fortress? I want to build towers and stuff but I don't want to run around and shoot…


Gold Member
Is there a way to not have to play as a first person shooter in block fortress? I want to build towers and stuff but I don't want to run around and shoot…

Not currently, though I saw Foursaken Media mention one of the ideas up for a future update for it was a mode that does what you're asking, make it in to just crafting then seeing if you survive without the first person part.

How's the KR update?

Looks good at a quick glance to me. 2 new heroes ($5 each lol), but they do sound good, and 2 new stages, and all existing stages get a hard mode. I enjoyed the campaign more than the challenge levels for the most part, so revisiting it on hard will be the most fun and that's free at least. For the paid heroes, one is a ground-only fighter that can summon three support units and change in to a bear, and the other hero has a high damage ranged attack with ice/freezing abilities.
155/155 in Pixel People! No money spent, though I probably would have bought the coin doubler if I had found that building earlier in the game.
Not currently, though I saw Foursaken Media mention one of the ideas up for a future update for it was a mode that does what you're asking, make it in to just crafting then seeing if you survive without the first person part.


Looks good at a quick glance to me. 2 new heroes ($5 each lol), but they do sound good, and 2 new stages, and all existing stages get a hard mode. I enjoyed the campaign more than the challenge levels for the most part, so revisiting it on hard will be the most fun and that's free at least. For the paid heroes, one is a ground-only fighter that can summon three support units and change in to a bear, and the other hero has a high damage ranged attack with ice/freezing abilities.

Awesome. I'll gladly go through all the stages again.
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