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iOS Gaming Thread March 2013: It's $1 per post, $5 for 8 posts or $10 for 20 posts

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Okay, as an example, there's the idea that Hundreds has no filler at all. This was something the developer was pretty big on, mentioned it in pre-release hype, mentioned it in the app description, and it leaked into reviews. Eurogamer go so far as to claim that literally every new level has a new idea in it on its way to giving it 8/10. Various other sites laud the game for its constant new ideas and lack of filler.

Play the game, it's full of filler. A good 30-40% or more of the levels are just exactly the same as previous levels but with one extra circle on the screen. That the game has filler is a factual comment, it's not an opinion, it's a fact. Maybe the reviewers didn't mind the filler, maybe they liked the filler, it's still filler and to claim that the game has new ideas in every level is just an outright lie based on what the reviewer had heard about the game rather than what they experienced.

This isn't "I don't like the game and they do," this is reviewers believing the hype and letting it colour their opinions, or just not bothering to play the game enough to form a proper opinion on their own. Obviously it's true that I don't care for the game that much and they like it, but that is absolutely not what I have an issue with in this case, that aspect is irrelevant.

I totally get where you're coming from, but I think that the estimation that 30-40% of the game was filler is a little high. It's more like 10-15% imo. I do think there are cases of reviewers buying into the hype and this seems especially high for mobile gaming (since there are so many really small companies putting out content), but I think using the example of Hundreds to prove this point may be why you're getting some pushback from the community here. I thought Hundreds was really really fun and it definitely captivated my attention for a few weeks before I realized that the last level is almost impossible.


I've actually been putting some time in that Battleheart knock-off that Glu made. Heroes of Destiny.

As usual for Glu games, it's well-made but completely drenched in IAP. If you can overcome that, there is a pretty satisfying experience underneath that. As long as you don't want to play the game for long stretches of time, because you will run into timers and whatnot as you get later into the game.


I've actually been putting some time in that Battleheart knock-off that Glu made. Heroes of Destiny.

As usual for Glu games, it's well-made but completely drenched in IAP. If you can overcome that, there is a pretty satisfying experience underneath that. As long as you don't want to play the game for long stretches of time, because you will run into timers and whatnot as you get later into the game.

Sefirah is a good Battleheart knock-off, and is currently discounted at $0.99.

Also puzzle restorer is down to $0.99.


Downloaded Angry Birds HD for free on the iPad today, it has ads though.

Also, is it just me or does it seem like they've created a bunch of Angry Birds games that are all basically the same but revolve around different themes? They're really milking the franchise.

My hiscore on Temple Run 2 is around 24 million.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Challenge's Timeframe:

Starts March 8, 00:01 (AM) GMT
Ends: March 15, 23:45 (PM) GMT

Current GMT / World Time


Last Update before the end of the competition for

GAF's iOS Challenge 7

you can STILL join us and participate and have a chance to win the final raffle!

FULL LEADERBOARDS + Screenshots of scores currently not recorded by Game Center
TOTAL PLAYERS COUNT: 80 participants


I've actually been putting some time in that Battleheart knock-off that Glu made. Heroes of Destiny.

As usual for Glu games, it's well-made but completely drenched in IAP. If you can overcome that, there is a pretty satisfying experience underneath that. As long as you don't want to play the game for long stretches of time, because you will run into timers and whatnot as you get later into the game.

I'm quickly losing favor with this game after only playing for 20 min, it really does seem like an IAP masquerading as a game. It also controls like that Ghostbusters game i hated where you had to constantly drag people around the screen to escape danger with no basic a.i. to help out the common sense stuff like attacking an enemy when there is only one on screen.


Has anyone played Slitherine's Legion that just came out? It seems like a very meaty strategy game with both 4X elements and battle simulation.

One of Slitherine’s best and critically-acclaimed classic turn-based strategy games is here for the iPad! Legion for the iPad is the first of many of classic strategy games getting faithfully transferred to the portable tablet. Not one shred of content is lost!

* 20+ sides - gamers play against up to 20 unique opponents, each depicting the nations of the Roman Empire era.
* Detailed economy - players control their cities, allocate workers, increase production by constructing new buildings, build fortresses for protection and train new regiments.
* Historical accuracy - all maps, scenarios, uniforms and weapons are accurately modeled to capture the flavor of the ancient world and its warfare.
* Diplomacy - with so many nations, careful use of diplomacy will be required to succeed.
* 3D battlefields - the battlefield is made up of rendered terrain and will affect the combat model.
* Huge battles - based on historical data, the combat model gives the most realistic look and feel as hundreds of men are displayed in epic battles.
* Battle system - improved strategic and tactical elements.
* Improved - diplomatic, economic, and management elements.
* 3 levels of difficulty - provide a challenge for all gamers.


Neo Member
Ridiculous Fishing is awesome. Probably my favorite mobile game this year.

Ridiculous Fishing is adictive and fun.

It is awesome!

Quick synopsis for people who haven't seen it...

You are a fisher, you do the following.

1) Drop your line down, and avoid fishes on the way down. If you hit a fish then you...
2) Drag your fish up to the surface, catching as many fish as you can, and avoiding nasty jellyfish. When you reach the surface you can...
3) Throw all the fish in the air, and shoot them out of the sky earning money which you can then use to...
4) Buy upgrades from a catalogue, with funny descriptions etc.

That is basically the game. It has a cool cubist art style, funky retro music, and absolutely no IAP.

The only downside is, it has tilt-controls.


It is awesome!

Quick synopsis for people who haven't seen it...

You are a fisher, you do the following.

1) Drop your line down, and avoid fishes on the way down. If you hit a fish then you...
2) Drag your fish up to the surface, catching as many fish as you can, and avoiding nasty jellyfish. When you reach the surface you can...
3) Throw all the fish in the air, and shoot them out of the sky earning money which you can then use to...
4) Buy upgrades from a catalogue, with funny descriptions etc.

That is basically the game. It has a cool cubist art style, funky retro music, and absolutely no IAP.

The only downside is, it has tilt-controls.

I found the art style interesting with all the 45 degree angles. Though I love how the App Store editor's note describes it as "classic 8-bit style" heh
Y'all should join us in the Puzzle & Dragons thread. The game just got a huge content update a few days ago, bringing it up to parity with the Japanese version. Today they're celebrating by boosting rare rates on some of the new guys, so it's a great time to start getting addicted.


Just completed Capsize+.
Really a nice experience.
Sometimes it was really hard but with the TONS of 'money' you earn just playing normally you can upgrade everything and then some, not to mention getting tons of lives.


Just completed Capsize+.
Really a nice experience.
Sometimes it was really hard but with the TONS of 'money' you earn just playing normally you can upgrade everything and then some, not to mention getting tons of lives.
Still stingy because the game went free a few hours after I bought it. But such is the way on iOS land.

Wasn't impressed with it to be honest. It just isn't a good fit for touchscreens. Soon I was frustrated for not pulling some moves as smoothly as I wanted, and I'm pretty good with virtual controls. It's manageable with auto aim, but that takes away a lot of the fun in the combat.

Question, did you play it with auto aim on?


Still stingy because the game went free a few hours after I bought it. But such is the way on iOS land.

Wasn't impressed with it to be honest. It just isn't a good fit for touchscreens. Soon I was frustrated for not pulling some moves as smoothly as I wanted, and I'm pretty good with virtual controls. It's manageable with auto aim, but that takes away a lot of the fun in the combat.

Question, did you play it with auto aim on?

Auto aim off, I hated it because it locks on an enemy and it's stuck till you destroy it, even if much more powerful enemies appear....so I disabled it at level 2 and never looked back.
I found the controls pretty good to be honest, considering they are more complex than the average game.
They are still touch controls...so some mistake is a given...nothing serious tough...I would say on par with Bastion ones.
The only moments when I needed more time was when using the gravitational hook (you use it A LOT in later levels)....but I just waited a bit and use it after having wiped out every enemy in the level.
After I maxed out the second weapon and the armour...I never opened the shop again till the last boss (almost never used a different weapon).
Played it at normal (I admit I didn't find EVERY secret tough).
Overall I found it very enjoyable....even if I wished for a bit less action and a bit more puzzles.


I dunno, with Bastion the controls felt great to me beginning to end. Definitely not on par with that, IMO.

I will give it another try though.


I dunno, with Bastion the controls felt great to me beginning to end. Definitely not on par with that, IMO.

I will give it another try though.

Well, here I think controls are a bit more complex due to the fact you move in every direction (generally with bastion, excluding some stages, you always fire towards the front).
Maybe in Bastion they were a bit tighter...but I think I made the same 'mistake ratio' in both games.
Bastion is a better game, for sure...but Capsized is a nice little experience IMHO.
If you already have the game...stick with it a bit more till you upgrade something...maybe it will surprise you; it's not a long game anyway (campaign).
I was a bit disappointed hoping for a more complex and panned out story, and more puzzles....but in the end it was fun.


Gold Member
Well, here I think controls are a bit more complex due to the fact you move in every direction (generally with bastion, excluding some stages, you always fire towards the front).
Maybe in Bastion they were a bit tighter...but I think I made the same 'mistake ratio' in both games.
Bastion is a better game, for sure...but Capsized is a nice little experience IMHO.
If you already have the game...stick with it a bit more till you upgrade something...maybe it will surprise you; it's not a long game anyway (campaign).
I was a bit disappointed hoping for a more complex and panned out story, and more puzzles....but in the end it was fun.

Bastion's just not Bastion until you're playing with all the idols activated at the same time... anyone ever try that on iOS? I can't imagine it holds up too well from what little I played of it - I couldn't deal with the 30fps (and lower) framerate at the time either, just felt bad to me.


The PREMIUM version of BattleFriends at Sea, normally $2.99, is FREE this weekend. Get it here.

It's basically Battleships with Friends or Sink Something - an asynchronous Sea Battle game to be played with buddies.


Game's my baby, so please be kind to it :) My nickname is Radogol.


On another subject, I'm hearing good things about Stargate. Anyone tried this?

I've only played the first chapter, and so far it's been surprisingly good. I honestly wasn't expecting much, and I never watched the show. The game is very cinematic, with lots of voice acted cutscenes.

You move around with virtual sticks, and you pass through some obstacles and narrow pathways using QTEs. It seems to vary the action a lot (so far) and the combat so far has been time-crisis-like in some parts, and virtual stick in other parts.

Will report back with more impressions once I've played it more.


I've only played the first chapter, and so far it's been surprisingly good. I honestly wasn't expecting much, and I never watched the show. The game is very cinematic, with lots of voice acted cutscenes.

You move around with virtual sticks, and you pass through some obstacles and narrow pathways using QTEs. It seems to vary the action a lot (so far) and the combat so far has been time-crisis-like in some parts, and virtual stick in other parts.

Will report back with more impressions once I've played it more.

Thanks! Game reminds me a lot of Disaster Day of Crisis, which is a game I love.
Is simcity deluxe any good? Or are there any games that are similar that are better? Id rather not support EA after the nba jam hd running like shit on my 4th gen ipad.
Game's my baby, so please be kind to it :) My nickname is Radogol.

I've just started playing a game with a friend, only a couple of moves in though so hard to tell what I think yet, although there were a couple of things that struck me almost immediately:

- I had a random user attempt to start a game with me mere minutes after I created my account, was that legit? Also, I see no way to opt out of random game invites.
- That fog horn sound, while thematically appropriate, is fucking obnoxious.


- I had a random user attempt to start a game with me mere minutes after I created my account, was that legit? Also, I see no way to opt out of random game invites.

This might happen during high traffic and we're currently getting a lot of hits due to the promotion. Please just remove randoms as they come, although playing with strangers is useful for leveling up while you're waiting for your friends to respond.

We've had a random invites toggle at one point but that lead to its own problems.

- That fog horn sound, while thematically appropriate, is fucking obnoxious.

Thank you for putting it mildly ;) I'll try to have it toned down for the next update.


Y'all should join us in the Puzzle & Dragons thread. The game just got a huge content update a few days ago, bringing it up to parity with the Japanese version. Today they're celebrating by boosting rare rates on some of the new guys, so it's a great time to start getting addicted.

I wish I could but apparently I don't exist as I live in Sweden.
Woo alive.

Been playing Vector and really liking the animations. Also been enjoying ridiculous fishing.

Shame that both games have shitty to no iPod music support. Should be a requirement for all apps.

Also for people still playing real racing 3. Pro tip. If you are having a really bad race and wrecking your ride, kill app process ;)
This might happen during high traffic and we're currently getting a lot of hits due to the promotion. Please just remove randoms as they come, although playing with strangers is useful for leveling up while you're waiting for your friends to respond.

We've had a random invites toggle at one point but that lead to its own problems.

Well the problem with that is that notifications are either on or off. If random players are going to spam me with random game requests and the app isn't going to allow me to opt out of those, I sure as hell don't want my phone to notify me every time a request comes in.

There's little chance I'm going to stick with it if that isn't going to change, I'm afraid.
Oh? Is there a guide for it? Cause I have been waiting for a European release on the app store but it never seems to arrive.

If they don't want me to have the game, I don't want the game. Fuck 'em, not even going to bother if it ever even does hit the UK now.
In Little Things Forever, if you accidentally choose to delete a file and then pick cancel instead of confirm, it deletes your file anyway. Ace
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