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iPhone 8 should cost $1,500?


Most important for every day use on an iphone*

Apple only allows one app running at all times and suspends any others. You have to manually suspend apps on Android or use a low power preset. Multicore is vastly more important if you have multiple apps running which I would guess 95% of Android users do because manually closing apps at every switch is a pain.
Both systems suspend apps that are not actively on screen the system also does not guarantee that inactive apps will stay on memory which is why android docs recommend developers to consider this in their application design and to fully implement code in their applications that handle this gracefully. Both systems are very similar in design as far as background running is concerned but Apple is more strict in enforcing best practice for their devices which is part of why they tend to get better battery performance than comparably specced Android phones, that's also why apps that like running on the background tend to get promptly uninstalled from my Android phone. Facebook being the greatest offender taking some 30% of battery when I am not even using it.

As for multi-core CPU benchmarks, the two core A10 is comparable to a 4-core Snapdragon 835 as found in a One Plus 5. The later is slightly faster but again multi-core benchmarks are not really important for every day use considering most tasks are bound on a single thread and even when multi-tasking don't benefit from having more cores the single thread gap is pretty massive.

Guess Who

Both systems suspend apps that are not actively on screen the system also does not guarantee that inactive apps will stay on memory which is why android docs recommend developers to consider this in their application design and to fully implement code in their applications that handle this gracefully. Both systems are very similar in design as far as background running is concerned but Apple is more strict in enforcing best practice for their devices which is part of why they tend to get better battery performance than comparably specced Android phones, that's also why apps that like running on the background tend to get promptly uninstalled from my Android phone. Facebook being the greatest offender taking some 30% of battery when I am not even using it.

As for multi-core CPU benchmarks, the two core A10 is comparable to a 4-core Snapdragon 835 as found in a One Plus 5. The later is slightly faster but again multi-core benchmarks are not really important for every day use considering most tasks are bound on a single thread and even when multi-tasking don't benefit from having more cores the single thread gap is pretty massive.

moreover: absolutely no one on earth cares how much cpu power facebook can harness to burn your battery in the background (which is why many SoCs feature low-power slower cores they can offload background tasks to), they care how fast the foreground app is running, which is where single-threaded performance is most important


The Amiga Brotherhood
Same. I have no time for green bubbles plebs who don't respect themselves enough to buy the best phone.

If I ever have to engage with greens for whatever reason it's always a much lower level of conversation, littered with txt speak and other such nastiness.

No time for that.
I didn't know apple fanboyism ran so deep on gaf, ya'll make console fanboys look reasonable.

That said, for most regular human beings, outside of maybe work computers, their phones are easily our most used things in our life.

So yeah, spending £1500 on something that vital and used that much in your everyday life is not a big deal.

Or they could...wait for it, use their old phones? Or get a rental/contract out for like a quarter of the price for the same device. These phones only last just over a year before the next model is out.


Mr.Shrugglesツ;242918100 said:
The fuck @ hoping for a high price point.

Because then they can feel superior and vindicated that the normies can't afford their super luxury phone.

They're gonna look so badass browsing Facebook on a slightly differently shaped hunk of metal and glass.


I immediately assume anyone with an iPhone is technologically challenged and boring to be around.

Haha, and you were the one apalled at the personal insults earlier in the thread?

Way to generalize.

EDIT: Holy shit, some of you are so worked up you can't tell when someone is obviously joking lol.


I'd pay over 1k for an Apple phone if it could act like a full fledged computer and had a big enough screen w/ inclusion of top-tier components.

I'd never pay over 1k for an Android.


Plus I'd never want to be associated with tools like this ^

Call me a tool all you want. Can't really deny that I'm right to some extent. The iPhone is a symbol of status. That's part of the reason the 5c didn't sell well and why they desperately want to avoid that with the 7s. I mean the 5c was definitely a budget iPhone and it showed and no one wanted that.

Guess Who

Call me a tool all you want. Can't really deny that I'm right to some extent. The iPhone is a symbol of status. That's part of the reason the 5c didn't sell well and why they desperately want to avoid that with the 7s. I mean the 5c was definitely a budget iPhone and it showed and no one wanted that.

the SE is a budget phone and it sold gangbusters

apple sells like, a hundred billion iphones every year. tons of lower-income people have them. it's not special.
Call me a tool all you want. Can't really deny that I'm right to some extent. The iPhone is a symbol of status. That's part of the reason the 5c didn't sell well and why they desperately want to avoid that with the 7s. I mean the 5c was definitely a budget iPhone and it showed and no one wanted that.

It's a status symbol for people that don't know anything about technology aside from how shiny it is.

Pissing away money for shiny things doesn't make you superior, it makes you a tool of a corporation. That's fine if you like it, but don't pretend it makes you better somehow.
Honestly it's about social status to me. Samsung lacks that. I mean I'm a millennial, if you don't have an iPhone you don't have shit and everyone basically silently agrees with this. I'm gonna eventually have to start buying two phones. One for show and one for function. But yeah it will sell easily at $1500. Every girl I know will have to have one. When I was in college if you made the text bubbles turn green everyone basically thought less of you.

Really can't read when something is sarcasm or when it isn't in Apple threads. There's no line anymore.

EDIT: Welp, he was being serious.


Both systems suspend apps that are not actively on screen the system also does not guarantee that inactive apps will stay on memory which is why android docs recommend developers to consider this in their application design and to fully implement code in their applications that handle this gracefully. Both systems are very similar in design as far as background running is concerned but Apple is more strict in enforcing best practice for their devices which is part of why they tend to get better battery performance than comparably specced Android phones, that's also why apps that like running on the background tend to get promptly uninstalled from my Android phone. Facebook being the greatest offender taking some 30% of battery when I am not even using it.

As for multi-core CPU benchmarks, the two core A10 is comparable to a 4-core Snapdragon 835 as found in a One Plus 5. The later is slightly faster but again multi-core benchmarks are not really important for every day use considering most tasks are bound on a single thread and even when multi-tasking don't benefit from having more cores the single thread gap is pretty massive.
I don't know what you are referencing but Nougat doesn't start to suspend apps until it reaches whatever threshold your current performance mode sets. This is why they inttoduced the app "sleep" fucnction that allows you to manually suspend apps and prevent backround resource usage. My S7 in the highest performance mode runs everything. If I turn it down a notch it runs apps up til certain thresholds, for instance not running a scheduled app that hasnt been brought to front for 3 days.

Apple only runs the foreground app and suspends virtually everything else.

moreover: absolutely no one on earth cares how much cpu power facebook can harness to burn your battery in the background (which is why many SoCs feature low-power slower cores they can offload background tasks to), they care how fast the foreground app is running, which is where single-threaded performance is most important
Patently false. I for one do video editing and sometimes small media server apps on my S7 and I would absolutely die if I had to limit my phone to just those tasks while they are running.
Really can't read when something is sarcasm or when it isn't in Apple threads. There's no line anymore.

EDIT: Welp, he was being serious.

Like I said earlier, a lot of Apple users are cult like in their worship of the company.

They somehow think paying more for subpar technology makes them better than the plebs who want the most bang for their buck.


The Amiga Brotherhood
the SE is a budget phone and it sold gangbusters

apple sells like, a hundred billion iphones every year. tons of lower-income people have them. it's not special.

The SE was more filling the hole of small iPhone, and the 5 design was still riding off the back of the 4 and was well liked and aged well.

No one liked the C. They do run the same risk this year, the 7S will be completely eclipsed and there's a tricky balancing act to be done with price. This wouldn't have been Apple's best case plan at all.


The explosive rage in this thread over some random's op-ed piece is about to reach Note 7 battery levels. How embarrassing lmao.
Ok, well luckily they have a choice of being able to buy other phones.
So who cares about Apple prices?

Well for starters the person mentioned in the OP and that guy who apparently doesn't talk to people who don't own Apple products because they're poors (lol)

Guess Who

The SE was more filling the hole of small iPhone, and the 5 design was still riding off the back of the 4 and was well liked and aged well.

No one liked the C. They do run the same risk this year, the 7S will be completely eclipsed and there's a tricky balancing act to be done with price. This wouldn't have been Apple's beat case plan at all.

Oh, yeah, the SE is a way better budget phone. If anything, my point is precisely the same as yours, which is that the 5C didn't fail just because it was a "budget" phone.


Rodent Whores
I probably wouldn't spend $1.5K on a phone, unless I had convincing evidence that it could provide me with $1.5K worth of enjoyment/convenience or improve my work productivity that would allow me to earn my money back.


( ≖‿≖)
Is this Android stigma the same in Europe? Here in Japan I can't imagine anyone giving a shit about someone using something besides an iPhone.

Sounds like some self-hypnosis by USA serfs. "i..im not poor, l..look" *unsheaths iphone 6*
Is this Android stigma the same in Europe? Here in Japan I can't imagine anyone giving a shit about someone using something besides an iPhone.

Sounds like some self-hypnosis by USA serfs. "i..im not poor, l..look" *unsheaths iphone 6*

Apparently owning an iPhone SE makes you better than someone who owns an S8. The iPhone being half the price and junk compared to it is irrelevant.

All that matters is shiny and dat Apple logo.


Ok, well luckily they have a choice of being able to buy other phones.
So who cares about Apple prices?

You both weren't talking about the Sling Shot test?
We were. He explained why the physics portion of the 3Dmark test may underate the A10 a bit but I question that by that logic the 835 would also be limited. Its beside the point because the graphics score is still significantly higher on the S8.

The 7+ is higher on-screen(obvious reasons) in gpu benches and single core cpu performance but the S8 seems to win just about everywhere else.


nods at old men
Why don't you ask them why they care?

Why do you care?

See how silly that question is?

Person in the OP cares because he's a longtime Apple enthusiast and frequently speculates about things like this.

The other post seems like an obvious joke post. And it wasn't then he cares because he's shallow.

So why do you care?
Person in the OP cares because he's a longtime Apple enthusiast and frequently speculates about things like this.

The other post seems like an obvious joke post. And it wasn't then he cares because he's shallow.

So why do you care?

They weren't joking. If you scroll up like 2 posts he tries to make sense of it.

Why do you care why I care?


nods at old men
They weren't joking. If you scroll up like 2 posts he tries to make sense of it.

Why do you care why I care?

Alright, so he's shallow as hell. Neat.

You're commenting about Apple's prices as well so I'm wondering why you care if they seem to charge a premium.


the SE is a budget phone and it sold gangbusters

apple sells like, a hundred billion iphones every year. tons of lower-income people have them. it's not special.

Yeah but does the SE look like candy colored cheap shit? No. It looks and feels premium. If the 5c looked like the SE I wouldn't be calling it a failure because it likely would've done better.

It's a status symbol for people that don't know anything about technology aside from how shiny it is.

Pissing away money for shiny things doesn't make you superior, it makes you a tool of a corporation. That's fine if you like it, but don't pretend it makes you better somehow.

I'm just telling you what I've seen. Do I know that an android phone will likely outperform the iPhone? Yes. Do I prefer Andorid? For somethings yes. Does an android handset carry the same social value as an iPhone? no. It's the same thing as going into a college class and every fucking sorority girl or prep has a damn MacBook but can't give you a real reason why. They just wanted it, why? Because social status.


I don't know what you are referencing but Nougat doesn't start to suspend apps until it reaches whatever threshold your current performance mode sets. This is why they inttoduced the app "sleep" fucnction that allows you to manually suspend apps and prevent backround resource usage. My S7 in the highest performance mode runs everything. If I turn it down a notch it runs apps up til certain thresholds, for instance not running a scheduled app that hasnt been brought to front for 3 days.

Apple only runs the foreground app and suspends virtually everything else.
You might want to define what you mean by running in the background. Push notifications couldn't work for instance if what you were claiming were true which of course it is not and of course iOS can run more than one application at a time. I did edit in the link describing the Android activity lifecycle if you want to take a look.
Damn, fucking Zealots in here. Apple can do no wrong lol.

I thought 1k was a crazy price before reading the responses in this thread. Tim Cook fucked up if this phone is "only $1000"

Put a price tag of $2500 on iPhone 8. You zombies would still find a way to blindly defend and purchase it.
Damn, fucking Zealots in here. Apple can do no wrong lol.

I thought 1k was a crazy price before reading the responses in this thread. Tim Cook fucked up if this phone is "only $1000"

Put a price tag of $2500 on iPhone 8. You zombies would still find a way to blindly defend and purchase it.

Exactly. My Samsung S8+ has all my iPhone friends turning heads and commenting on it, lol.
Do they really have a 35% profit margin on the phones themselves? That explains the already outrageous prices. Bizarre to me that people are willing to pay so much for a phone that's designed to only really last for 3 years.


You might want to define what you mean by running in the background. Push notifications couldn't work for instance if what you were claiming were true which of course it is not and of course iOS can run more than one application at a time. I did edit in the link describing the Android activity lifecycle if you want to take a look.

Android apps, no matter what they do or are doing can be allowed to run fully in the backround if your other settings permit.

Apple only allows you to do certain things out of focus. Push notification being one of them.
The following are the only scenarios in which a third-party iOS app can use CPU in the background.

Background Fetch

Any app can use "Background Fetch" (aka Background app refresh) to fetch content in the background for a few seconds, about once a day (on a timeframe regulated by iOS, out of the developer's control). Background Fetch takes up very little battery and CPU, and is mainly used by news/weather/social media/mail apps to update your feed so that when you open the app it won't be completely out of date.

Audio, Voice over IP, Bluetooth Communications

If an app plays audio in the background (over AirPlay or through the phone's speakers), iOS permits it to run in the background until it ceases to play the music; if an app allows you to make data-based phone calls (like Whatsapp or Skype calls) in the background, it can stay active, using CPU for the duration of the call; and if an app communicates to Bluetooth Accessories (like the Pebble app communicating with the Pebble Smartwatch), it can stay awake permanently in the background.

Newsstand downloads, remote notifications

Newsstand apps (as long as they are approved by Apple to be a major news organization and show up in the Newsstand part of the App Store) are permitted to download new content in the background; any app (like The New York Times app) that needs to display notifications generated outside the app (for example, breaking news notifications), can stay awake in the background to recieve such "remote" notifications.

Location Updates

If you allow an app to "always" use your location (i.e. in the background), then it can be active at any time in the background. Apps like Facebook, Find Friends, and others use this to update location-related information, though other apps can use it to surreptitiously use it to do tasks in the background (but only if you specifically allow them to access your location).


Do they really have a 35% profit margin on the phones themselves? That explains the already outrageous prices. Bizarre to me that people are willing to pay so much for a phone that's designed to only really last for 3 years.
Not really considering how important smartphones are to people's lives.
I would wager that for most people it is the single most important personal device they own rivalled only by their computers but even then those two tend to go hand in hand. And so people are willing to spend a lot of money on them ignoring that most people get a phone on a plan since there is very little reason no to, considering you need a plan to even use a phone. (yes you will spend more money on a plan over 2 years to pay for the phone than you would have if you straight bought it but honestly who cares about $200 over 2 years)


Not really considering how important smartphones are to people's lives.
I would wager that for most people it is the single most important personal device they own rivalled only by their computers but even then those two tend to go hand in hand.

Mine would be my car but I get it.


I immediately assume anyone with an iPhone is technologically challenged and boring to be around.
If I ever have to engage with greens for whatever reason it's always a much lower level of conversation, littered with txt speak and other such nastiness.

No time for that.
It's so nice to have a way to instantly tell if someone is worthy of your respect and attention. Thanks Apple.
Not really considering how important smartphones are to people's lives.
I would wager that for most people it is the single most important personal device they own rivalled only by their computers but even then those two tend to go hand in hand. And so people are willing to spend a lot of money on them ignoring that most people get a phone on a plan and there is very little reason no to considering you need a plan to even use a phone. (yes you will spend more money on a plan over 2 years to pay for the phone than you would have if you straight bought it but honestly who cares about $200 over 2 years)

They are at a level these days that even a few hundred dollar phone will do everything you need (unless you have very specific usage needs). Really, whats the practical difference between a $400 and $1000 phone these days? My friend got an LG G6 for $400 AUD last week. An iPhone 7 is over $1000 AUD. There are actually things the $400 phone does better than the $1000 iphone in this scenario, so it's not like the extra money means better everything.

I could understand if there was a huge difference in performance or a battery that lasts for several days, but I just don't see that level of difference these days. Cheap phones are insanely capable now.

The phone plan thing makes sense for why the sales are so high. I've cut that cord and couldn't be happier. I only wish phones lasted longer than a couple of years!
Do they really have a 35% profit margin on the phones themselves? That explains the already outrageous prices. Bizarre to me that people are willing to pay so much for a phone that's designed to only really last for 3 years.

A dollar a day, to own and participate in the one of the modern marvels of the world.

Not a bad entrance fee.
I don't think there's a single Apple pundit who isn't completely out of touch with the average consumer. I think Gruber is generally a very level-headed guy, but he and others spend plenty of time talking on their ad-funded podcasts about the maxed-out new computer they bought that week.
Mr.Shrugglesツ;242954241 said:
A dollar a day, to own and participate in the one of the modern marvels of the world.

Not a bad entrance fee.

That's not a bad way to look at it. But there are much cheaper tickets to the same ride.

I guess that's why I dont fly first class.
Mr.Shrugglesツ;242952135 said:
I need more backstory on what happened with quantumzebra and apple.

I'm an IT Manager for a large corporation that was primarily Apple products (their DC and File and App servers were all boot camped Mac Minis... No, I'm not joking), yet also leans heavily on Office 365. Aka a nightmare hellscape.

I've virtualized them on Dell servers since then and transitioned most to Dell Latitudes and things have never been better.

We still deploy hundreds of iOS devices to the field and dealing with Apple's account systems and platform is shit hell.

So yea I'm intimately familiar with Apple and think they're just fine for personal use if you want to throw money away. That's about it.
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