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Is HOT RYU™ the most significant event in videogame history?

Is HOT RYU™ the most significant event in videogame history?

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I can't wait for the PC version of SFV to come out so someone can rip the model and make


except with hot ryu
I get that, but I was talking specifically about the quality of the in-game models.

It's not equality if the two sides aren't starting on equal ground. Let's not act like the exploitation of women isn't a mountain compared to the pebble that represents the exploitation of men. Let's not ignore 2000+ years of marginalization of women, and the patriarchal structure of society that affects everything from the social messaging that conditions children in acceptable ways to express their gender, to how much women are paid compared to their male peers, to portrayals of women in media.

I love you. Thank you for posting this!


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Meh, Zombie Nash > Hoboroo any day.


The Hermit

To people comparing this with the sf4 version, the beard and the black padding in the hands and no ripped shirt hanging makes this version much more mature.

It's nice to see a proper evolution of this character. Too bad it's not the default version.

Edit: I am biased though, I love my beard!
I love this thread. Mostly cause it's people talking about beards.
When I saw the new costume I thought he looked better, but it's still not the guy I go for (needs body hair on chest and arms, a lot less muscle). I would still use it over the default, hope it's not locked for ever behind a preorder bonus.
I'm feeling more the concept art from SFIV, wish he had body hair. This is a great thread, I love you guys.

The next step would be to release this as DLC, I just want to hear straight males say "uughh that is too much".

Beards are absolutely disgusting. Nothing more than the easiest way to announce "I'm unhygenic." Like, 1/10 guys can get away with it.
I don't understand, he's only sexualized because there's facial hair on that particular model of him?

Fuck that, he's always hot, in that generic, plastic, cartoon way.


Rugged Ryu sucks because he's a retailer exclusive pre-order bonus and not Ryu's new standard look. They fuck up Ken's look but play it safe with Ryu!?

Better be able to buy him with fight money/Bison bucks.


Rugged Ryu sucks because he's a retailer exclusive pre-order bonus and not Ryu's new standard look. They fuck up Ken's look but play it safe with Ryu!?

Better be able to buy him with fight money/Bison bucks.

Alt. outfits are paid DLC, but anything gameplay related can be unlocked with Bison Dollars/Vega Yens.


lol at OP thinking this is clearly an attempt to sexualise Ryu, like it's this groundbreaking move for the industry. I think you're reaching dude.

Maybe they just, you know, wanted to give him a beard?
Beards are absolutely disgusting. Nothing more than the easiest way to announce "I'm unhygenic." Like, 1/10 guys can get away with it.
Yes, bearded men do wash less, it's a well documented fact.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
lol at OP thinking this is clearly an attempt to sexualise Ryu, like it's this groundbreaking move for the industry. I think you're reaching dude.

Maybe they just, you know, wanted to give him a beard?

This is clearly the latest in a line of moves towards equality and diversity by Capcom. Do you really think nobody along the way designing this costume noticed that he was hot?
I could've sworn there were shirtless males in fighting games before, although yes,...it is rare oddly.

I say shirtless alts for all the SFV male cast! We already get thigh, ass and boob teases from the ladies, let the boys show off a little.

I can't wait for the PC version of SFV to come out so someone can rip the model and make


except with hot ryu

Oh you'll get your wish, alright.

In fact, everyone'll get their wish with everyone in the cast in that regard. It's what modders do.


lol at OP thinking this is clearly an attempt to sexualise Ryu, like it's this groundbreaking move for the industry. I think you're reaching dude.

Maybe they just, you know, wanted to give him a beard?

I think the reactions are enough evidence that it was. Of course not the groundbreaking part, the title is obviously intentionally hyperbolic, but #HotRyu wasn't a thing when they revealed his SF V model for the first time, so it's not just the fidelity, and it wasn't a thing when they revealed his Alt 1 for SF IV, so it's not just being shirtless.

I could've sworn there were shirtless males in fighting games before, although yes,...it is rare oddly.

I say shirtless alts for all the SFV male cast! We already get thigh, ass and boob teases from the ladies, let the boys show off a little.

I don't think just making them shirtless would be enough, though. Just look at Necalli. They need to work in different ways to fit each character.

Vega is a lost cause by design though, the one guy whose beauty is canon looks like shit.


I do like Daddy Ryu since that beard it's a little change but makes him looks more serious, awesome and iconic, but I guess that's the natural side effect of a well trimmed beard...


Yes, bearded men do wash less, it's a well documented fact.
I want the receipts on this one, pls.
Love that he's got a more mature look; a stylized, distinct look. Japanese design sensibility is wayyy bigger and better than just the large eyed prepubescent waifu look that's become de rigueur. (And yes, I'm aware of the Cammy change)


This is clearly the latest in a line of moves towards equality and diversity by Capcom. Do you really think nobody along the way designing this costume noticed that he was hot?
1. He's a videogame character (and a comically proportioned, highly stylised one at that), I find the idea that he's "hot" weird as fuck.

2. No, I think they just thought he'd look cool with a beard. They're all the rage.

It's cool/a bit strange that you happen to think he's hot but I honestly think it's a complete coincidence.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
1. He's a videogame character (and a comically proportioned, highly stylised one at that), I find the idea that he's "hot" weird as fuck.

2. No, I think they just thought he'd look cool with a beard. They're all the rage.

It's cool/a bit strange that you happen to think he's hot but I honestly think it's a complete coincidence.

Okay, sure. And I guess they give Cammy a skintight leotard because it's practical, too.
lol at OP thinking this is clearly an attempt to sexualise Ryu, like it's this groundbreaking move for the industry. I think you're reaching dude.

You know I sort of agree! He isn't nearly sexulized enough!! Sure they shirtless daddy look is hot, but he needs some more chest hair, maybe a fundoshi?

For the love of god this is just sad. We get tits McGee R Mika and the rest of us are throwing our hands to the lord for getting a shirtless guy.



Who is this?

1. He's a videogame character (and a comically proportioned, highly stylised one at that), I find the idea that he's "hot" weird as fuck.

2. No, I think they just thought he'd look cool with a beard. They're all the rage.

It's cool/a bit strange that you happen to think he's hot but I honestly think it's a complete coincidence.

So you also think the female characters being hot is just a coincidence? You think the concept of fanservice is a delusion? Since they're just videogame characters.

You know I sort of agree! He isn't nearly sexulized enough!! Sure they shirtless daddy look is hot, but he needs some more chest hair, maybe a fundoshi?

For the love of god this is just sad. We get tits McGee R Mika and the rest of us are throwing our hands to the lord for getting a shirtless guy.

Fundoshis just look lame to me, I can't find that hot, chest hair could help, tho.

And Mika is all about the hometown, the tits are just there as a bonus.


Why is this a big deal? He has a beard and is understandably ripped. Woohoo?

It's not a huge deal, OP is using hyperbole on purpose.

I find it interesting though, that many in here seem to not "get it" at all, when it comes to the appeal of the skin.


Capcom's just being extremely fanservicey across the board with SFV. It's cool but at the same time I don't care for it.
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