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ISIS orders female genital mutilation in Mosul for ages between 11 and 46

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The report could be fake, according to journalists and residents inside Mosul.





Islamist group Isis orders women aged 11 to 46 in Mosul, Iraq, to undergo female genital mutilation, UN says

The al-Qaeda-Inspired Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has ordered all girls and women in and around Iraq's northern city of Mosul to undergo female genital mutilation, the United Nations said on Thursday.

The "fatwa" issued by the Sunni Muslim fighters would potentially affect 4 million women and girls, U.N. resident and humanitarian coordinator in Iraq Jacqueline Badcock told reporters in Geneva by videolink from Arbil.

"This is something very new for Iraq, particularly in this area, and is of grave concern and does need to be addressed," she said.

"This is not the will of Iraqi people, or the women of Iraq in these vulnerable areas covered by the terrorists," she added.

No one was immediately available for comment from Islamic State which has led an offensive through northern and western Iraq.


The ritual cutting of girls' genitals is practised by some African, Middle Eastern and Asian communities in the belief it prepares them for adulthood or marriage.

The UN General Assembly approved a resolution in December 2012 calling for all member states to ban the practice.


Al Arabyia
BBC News


That does it, all of these isis fucks can die in a fire. Seriously.

Mutilating women in the name of your god? What the FUCK is wrong with you?!?


Why would anyone want that? People like this are unfit for modern civilisation.

Please, may the powers that be introduce them to the fury of drone strikes.


When it comes to Iraq FMG was mostly done in certain Kurdish areas/tribes since they've had that practice for centuries or so (although I believe I read an article a few years back that showed they were trying to remove it). Now it's being forced on a population that doesn't go through this disgusting practice. Where is our ISIS closet supporter gaffers? Let's see them try and spin this one.

Also good job, the soldiers and Sunni tribes of Mosul, you got what you wanted. If you refuse to mutilate your women you'll be killed now. I hope you're happy.

That does it, all of these isis fucks can die in a fire. Seriously.

Mutilating women in the name of your god? What the FUCK is wrong with you?!?
Or we could try and treat them kindly like people in other threads prefer to when I suggested that you execute any scum that joined this group and participated in their crimes.


This is so frustrating considering how limited our options are.


Western governments need to very careful with these fighters when they return back from the battlefield, this is not the sort of influence that we need in our Muslim communities.


This is when they remove the part of the organ that gives pleasure to women during sex because apparently sex shouldn't be pleasurable to them. ISIS needs to go asap


Barbarians, savages, scum of the earth and some of the most evil motherfuckers in the world. Bomb them back to the stone ages.


Man, that's messed up. I don't even know what else to say about it.

What's with the arbitrary ages? 11-46 seems kind of random. Do the numbers have some kind of significance to them or something?


I can't get a hold of my breath.

Who the fuck are those people!? (please don't post any of your gifs or images now)


There were really people on this forum that sympathised with their cause?

I just... What the fuck!

"But, but, they're treating everyone well. No one is complaining!"
Apparently, everyone = Sunni males

I mean, we always have stonings for adultery to look forward to, if nothing else.


Seriously, this shit is beyond depressing.

Is there any evidence that some types of female circumcision may lower the transmission rate of STDs?

How would this in any way impact whether this was right or not?
I'm never okay with war and many a time am I wondering what is the use of simply killing people with other ideologies. When ideologies makes you believe this is the right thing to do though, I am not sure if we are talking about people. More like savages that have no place in a tolerant and open world like we should have today.

Send them to the sun.


Man, that's messed up. I don't even know what else to say about it.

What's with the arbitrary ages? 11-46 seems kind of random. Do the numbers have some kind of significance to them or something?
I assume ages of puberty to menopause? But 46 seems kind a little young for menopause.


It's bad enough when they do similar to boys, but there's no medical excuse at all for female circumcision. It only does harm. You don't get to decide what happens to someone else's bits. This is an utterly ridiculous religious practice.
Really keen to see the defense force for this one. Fucking disgusting.
The only defense of this practice that I have heard is when it is seen as a traditional rite of passage. This is not a practice in Iraq. In some circles, it was suggested that it should be called "female genital cutting (or circumcision)" because "mutilation" stigmatizes the practice -pushing it underground. I read about village girls in Kenya walking to the river, singing songs loudly to cover the screams of the girls that made it to the riverbank, and then had part of their clitoris removed with broken glass. The idea is that this sort of practice would end quicker if it was made into a symbolic thing; maybe just a pinprick or even something less benign that wouldn't draw blood (a symbolic gesture).

This, from the Islamic State, is strait-up subjugation and abuse.


How about no?

Why do these extremists hate women so much? :/

Probably because they think that women are lower than males, since Eve was created out of Adam's rib and ate the apple.

This is when they remove the part of the organ that gives pleasure to women during sex because apparently sex shouldn't be pleasurable to them. ISIS needs to go asap

Basically no fun allowed.


Junior, please.
How can anyone think this is OK? Why don't you just live your life in peace and leave people alone?

I will never truly understand. Some people are just horrible.


Is there any evidence that some types of female circumcision may lower the transmission rate of STDs?
First of, there's no such thing as "female circumcision". It's mutilation, nothing else.

Not a medical procedure, just an attempt to control female sexuality born out of superstitition and misogyny.

So the answer is obviously no.


Water is not wet!
Man, that's messed up. I don't even know what else to say about it.

What's with the arbitrary ages? 11-46 seems kind of random. Do the numbers have some kind of significance to them or something?

The ages are just about when females become sexually mature to the age when menopause usually begins. From here on out all girls will likely undergo the procedure at 11 in all ISIS areas.
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