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Iwata implies he may resign over poor business performance


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That's a lofty goal they are shooting for, I hope for Iwata's sake they can pull it off. I don't agree with everything he and company does, but I do love them for what they bring to the industry.

Am I reading this right that there's a chance they may pull out of the console business and focus on handhelds? Not sure how the two groups can merge without one being dropped in the process.

Not exactly. Here's what Iwata said:


Iwata said:
Last year we also started a project to integrate the architecture for our future platforms. What we mean by integrating platforms is not integrating handhelds devices and home consoles to make only one machine. What we are aiming at is to integrate the architecture to form a common basis for software development so that we can make software assets more transferrable, and operating systems and their build-in applications more portable, regardless of form factor or performance of each platform. They will also work to avoid software lineup shortages or software development delays which tend to happen just after the launch of new hardware.
Some time ago it was technologically impossible to have the same architecture for handheld devices and home consoles and what we did was therefore reasonable. Although it has not been long since we began to integrate the architecture and this will have no short-term result, we believe that it will provide a great benefit to our platform business in the long run. I am covering this topic as today is our Corporate Management Policy Briefing.

Nintendo did something similar during the GC era where they starting using the same assets for multiple games. Ex. the same model of Mario was used in Mario Kart, Mario Golf and Mario Party. The idea is to speed up software development, but this won't have short term results and is geared toward the successor to Wii U and 3DS.


I asked myself, what if Nintendo started to publish most of the 3rd Party games themselve?
Most games should be profitable, even if they're not selling much (example: Ubisofts ports cost them less than 1.000.000 according to them, that's 50.000 units if you earn 20$ per copy).

Might not be such a bad approach. Some might laugh at me for saying this but I think there are a few devs in the West who wouldn't mind making something or porting a title to a Nintendo system. It's just that their publishers won't let them.

That's not the way you want to run a healthy business, though. Nintendo's objective needs to be focusing on making their platforms viable enough for third parties to want to develop on their system. Creating a culture where third parties expect Nintendo to pay for everything is not a good thing.

That being said, I think Nintendo should have done/should do some of that early on Wii U's life. They have some responsibility in convincing third parties to bring their big multiplat releases day and date to Wii U.


I like Iwata. I don't know if he has the know how to dig Nintendo out of their current position without doing the things they most definitely do not want to do, but I'm not sure many/anybody does. But I like him. I like listening to him speak. I am convinced he comes from an honest, software quality first place. And I think he has a good head on his shoulders for keeping the games fun at Nintendo.

If he were to resign, it would be nice if he stayed on, at the very least to host Nintendo Direct. I like him as a face of Nintendo.
My thoughts exactly. Iwata has an authentic quality to him. Admittedly, it's impossible to say with total certainty how much of the real Iwata comes through in staged interviews and presentations, but I feel he's genuine and has his heart in the right place.

That being said, reading the OP, maybe something is lost in translation, but it doesn't really sound like he's strongly implying he'd resign if he failed to meet his target. Maybe there's a cultural difference?

Also, I wonder how much Pokemon X and Y can change the 3DS' prospects? IIRC, BW1 did incredibly well on DS, even by series standards, or at least that's how things appeared right out of the gate.


The Everyman
He's a cool guy but damn Nintendo needs a shake up. Personally, I don't think they'll reach their financial goals. I don't see Wii u sales really picking up. Especially after Microsoft and Sony next gen announcements drop.
I like him, so if he does resign I hope he stays around in one form or another. That said, I think Nintendo needs this. Well, they really needed this before the Wii U, but better late than never.



I think Nintendo needs to take 50 or 100 million dollars and open up some western studios to compliment Retro at this point. They need western influenced titles mixed into the company. This would help even out the long wait for the big 1st party titles and help their image. Make their own versions of games in popular genres like FPSs and action/adventure

Reggie used to take a lot of the heat over here but I'm beginning to think that Iwata is tying his hands together. Reggie just doesn't strike me as someone who hasn't thought of that

Yep, if they don't do this, then pretty much every market except japan will suffer software shortages. Could have another potential 3DS situation where virtually all the software comes from japan, leaving every other region at the mercy of localization. Even the original DS had a fair number of western developed retail titles.


Iwata clearly has something against games...when Wii becomes the hottest selling console, three years later he decides; I'm going to stop releasing games for this console.

Then he decides to release the 3DS at $250, but without any games that'll make people pay attention to the device.

He then reveals the Wii U two E3s ago, shows laughable games at both shows, releases it at a high price with ports and two mediocre Nintendo developed games. Not he's sitting on his ass wondering why this thing isn't selling.

Iwata seems mental.


Iwata is a man of character. It's a rare trait to find in executives, and most of the reason Nintendo has hung on so long.


He's a cool guy but damn Nintendo needs a shake up. Personally, I don't think they'll reach their financial goals. I don't see Wii u sales really picking up. Especially after Microsoft and Sony next gen announcements drop.

Same here. I've already heard a few of my friends ask why should they consider buying a WiiU when the new ______ is coming in a few months. That's not good - blame poor marketing, poor word-of-mouth, and poor purchase incentive. That can't all be on Iwata.


Iwata is a perfect fit for Nintendo. The problem here is that the casual market has moved on into other things and there's no way Nintendo will recoup the hardcore gamers that, in all honesty, were never ever on board with Nintendo anyways. No matter who takes the seat, they won't be able to pull off a miracle regardless of the direction they choose (innovation, raw horsepower, middle of the road).

Yes. IMO this is one person that really needs to go.

No. Iwata/Nintendo abandoned the casual market by not launching WiiU with Wii Sports HD/Online and pricing the console out of the reach of most casual gamers.

A CEO with any Marketing sense would not abandon the game (Wii Sports) of universal appeal that made Wii console by far the best selling console of this generation and replace it with a game (Nintendoland) of limited appeal.


This is purely anecdotal, but in America at least, I just don't think the mainstream cares about WiiU, if they even know of its existence in the first place. I'm not surprised by this, since not even GAF can explain the WiiU's appeal in a compelling way. It's not the breakthrough of bringing motion control to the masses the way Wii was. So maybe they set their expectations too high based on a brand name, but priority no. 1 should be better defining their message and differentiating themselves from their previous system (which can also be said for the 3DS, a system that amazes a lot of people when you show it to them, but otherwise they're more likely to know about Apple's latest phone revision than anything to do with glasses-less 3D).


Ok this is pretty much non news if you think about it. Executive responsible will resign if business goes awry, well, no shit.

People acting like it's a sure thing Nintendo and Iwata will fail is something else. If what has been said in the thread is correct, their expectation isn't even that crazy, they even achieved it with the freaking GC. And with Pokemon and Mario kart releasing this year most likely I don't see the impending doom. But since it's Nintendo, doom is mandatory.

I really wish they could just buy their stock back and become private again, so Nintendo can dedicate to what they do best, which is making games. Pressure from investors is just doing harm.


Iwata clearly has something against games...when Wii becomes the hottest selling console, three years later he decides; I'm going to stop releasing games for this console.

Then he decides to release the 3DS at $250, but without any games that'll make people pay attention to the device.

He then reveals the Wii U two E3s ago, shows laughable games at both shows, releases it at a high price with ports and two mediocre Nintendo developed games. Not he's sitting on his ass wondering why this thing isn't selling.

Iwata seems mental.

Yes. The man who runs a video game company does not like video games and doesn't want to release them.
Winning strategy that would make me happy:

Release every damn Virtual Console game from all systems onto the 3DS/Wii U instead of this trickle, drip drop release schedule they have. They could cover their 1 billion profile just from me!


Nintendo did something similar during the GC era where they starting using the same assets for multiple games. Ex. the same model of Mario was used in Mario Kart, Mario Golf and Mario Party. The idea is to speed up software development, but this won't have short term results and is geared toward the successor to Wii U and 3DS.

Those games were still all done by different development teams. The notion is also very harmful to saturate the system with "Mario spinoffs", you basically are going to have the GameCube without F-Zero GX and Eternal Darkness.

I think Nintendo needs to take 50 or 100 million dollars and open up some western studios to compliment Retro at this point. They need western influenced titles mixed into the company. This would help even out the long wait for the big 1st party titles and help their image. Make their own versions of games in popular genres like FPSs and action/adventure

Reggie used to take a lot of the heat over here but I'm beginning to think that Iwata is tying his hands together. Reggie just doesn't strike me as someone who hasn't thought of that

Yes in theory, but the implementation is going to be very difficult. Even if you start releasing Nintendo clones of Gears of War and Halo, the market still has to be receptive to buying Nintendo hardware to play it. Nintendo will have to release a few F-Zero GX2, Eternal Darkness 2s, and new Western IPs .. and watch them all bomb.. in hopes of somewhere down the line the perception of the system changing to gamers.


Junior Member
That's not the way you want to run a healthy business, though. Nintendo's objective needs to be focusing on making their platforms viable enough for third parties to want to develop on their system. Creating a culture where third parties expect Nintendo to pay for everything is not a good thing.

That being said, I think Nintendo should have done/should do some of that early on Wii U's life. They have some responsibility in convincing third parties to bring their big multiplat releases day and date to Wii U.

Most definitely. It's something that should have happened earlier. I think a studio or two in the West could be a bloody good start.

Iwata clearly has something against games...when Wii becomes the hottest selling console, three years later he decides; I'm going to stop releasing games for this console.

Then he decides to release the 3DS at $250, but without any games that'll make people pay attention to the device.

He then reveals the Wii U two E3s ago, shows laughable games at both shows, releases it at a high price with ports and two mediocre Nintendo developed games. Not he's sitting on his ass wondering why this thing isn't selling.

Iwata seems mental.
Damn! I wouldn't want to be in Iwata's Position right now. I feel that Nintendo was definitely not prepared to launch the Wii U late last year. It somehow feels like the product was rushed to market with the lack of compelling software and the OS install and it being slow as molasses. Keep in mind I also expect Orbis/Durango to have software droughts. They also seemed to overestimate the importance of 3D when it came to the 3DS but it seems like the 3DS is doing better than before.

They just need games. I have no idea how they don't have anything to release for the Wii U right now since approximately the last two years of the Wii had fuck all when it came to games. What the hell were they doing?

Nintendo also needs to start doing something about NOA. They need to give them a little bit of freedom. I doubt NOA's perceived lack of incompetence comes down to Reggie. I am of belief that if NOA had any say in the way the Wii U was developed there is no way, the account system would have turned out the way it did. They should look to Sony when it comes to how to handle NOA. If Sony didn't have studios like Naughty dog, Sucker punch and all the various studios developing for them, they would have been fucked this generation.

If they're hoping for that number that means all their big hitters are supposedly releasing this year and they still have pokemon. I guess good luck to them

The Lamp

Ok this is pretty much non news if you think about it. Executive responsible will resign if business goes awry, well, no shit.

People acting like it's a sure thing Nintendo and Iwata will fail is something else. If what has been said in the thread is correct, their expectation isn't even that crazy, they even achieved it with the freaking GC. And with Pokemon and Mario kart releasing this year most likely I don't see the impending doom. But since it's Nintendo, doom is mandatory.

I really wish they could just buy their stock back and become private again, so Nintendo can dedicate to what they do best, which is making games. Pressure from investors is just doing harm.

But where the hell does he imply resignation? He just says it's his commitment to hit the goal.


My thoughts exactly. Iwata has an authentic quality to him. Admittedly, it's impossible to say with total certainty how much of the real Iwata comes through in staged interviews and presentations, but I feel he's genuine and has his heart in the right place.

That being said, reading the OP, maybe something is lost in translation, but it doesn't really sound like he's strongly implying he'd resign if he failed to meet his target. Maybe there's a cultural difference?

Also, I wonder how much Pokemon X and Y can change the 3DS' prospects? IIRC, BW1 did incredibly well on DS, even by series standards, or at least that's how things appeared right out of the gate.

I don't think he'll resign at all if they regain strong profitability. I suppose nothing is out of the question, but I think he was trying to convey the sense of shame he feels about the companies failure to produce "Nintendo like profits". Honestly, given the fact that the industry is contracting, and Nintendo has tried to launch two platforms in the last two years, it makes it pretty hard to be profitable. He also had a strong yen to deal with for most of that period, which also hurts them severely in the currency exchange.

Japan does have a history of business leaders taking radical steps when confronted with failure, though, so I guess I can't really predict what will happen. I hope everybody in the industry succeeds, Nintendo included, so I hope 2013 is a much better year for them. Since they only have to focus on software instead of launching hardware, it should hopefully get easier to turn a profit.
Now, Iwata, only one thing will save your job. Change the direction you took for Nintendo. You blue-ocean, low-tech and low-budget strategy is the reason for your hot seat and the market is already responding for it. They want the best what the gaming industry can offer and your strategy don't fit their demand, hence Wii U is struggling.

But honestly, I would be happy if he leaves and whatever take his place bring back the direction Nintendo took in the NES, SNES, N64 and even GCN days. And please don't even start by saying Nintendo can't compete if they decide to follow this model.
get rid of reggie already
other then comic relief WTF does that guy even do?

"nintendo of america" is a total joke

It really is. Reggie is the worst person they could have ever put in charge. NoA does a serious disservice to the greater goals of Nintendo, they constantly present things in a lame way that doesn't do Nintendo any good. Just imagine if they had Monster Hunter, Fire Emblem before Kid Icarus, Bravely Default, Animal Crossing and all the other wonderful 3rd party games all out on time for 3DS. Its a joke how badly NoA does everything, even trying to withhold great games like they did on Wii because it would "ruin that perfect little kiddie image we just NEED to survive" Fuck you NoA.


But where the hell does he imply resignation? He just says it's his commitment to hit the goal.

As has been said when you are an executive and say you'll "make sure it will happen" you are implying you'll resign if it doesn't, but this isn't some earth shattering news, is how the executive business world works, I don't know if people are being naive enough that they believe it isn't the same case with Sony and MS.


Iwata clearly has something against games...when Wii becomes the hottest selling console, three years later he decides; I'm going to stop releasing games for this console.

Then he decides to release the 3DS at $250, but without any games that'll make people pay attention to the device.

He then reveals the Wii U two E3s ago, shows laughable games at both shows, releases it at a high price with ports and two mediocre Nintendo developed games. Not he's sitting on his ass wondering why this thing isn't selling.

Iwata seems mental.

Nice troll post. The 3DS will be profitable all year, and the Wii U should pick up post E3 when a larger variety of games are announced and the mainstream can get a better idea of what makes it unique. Nintendo had insulated itself from the difficult transitions other publishers were feeling for the last 7 years. Now it's all hitting them at once. It's no surprise they've had a difficult time producing the software people are accustomed too. It sounds like they are in the process of turning that around. I think they are one of the few innovators left in gaming, so I hope Iwata gets close to reaching his goal.
Now, Iwata, only one thing will save your job. Change the direction you took for Nintendo. You blue-ocean, low-tech and low-budget strategy is the reason for your hot seat and the market is already responding for it. They want the best what the gaming industry can offer and your strategy don't fit their demand, hence Wii U is struggling.

But honestly, I would be happy if he leaves and whatever take his place bring back the direction Nintendo took in the NES, SNES, N64 and even GCN days. And please don't even start by saying Nintendo can't compete if they decide to follow this model.
If Iwata was resigning due to stakeholder pressure a loss leading model like the one you just described would be one of the last options to take.

The Lamp

As has been said when you are an executive and say you'll "make sure it will happen" you are implying you'll resign if it doesn't, but this isn't some earth shattering news, is how the executive business world works, I don't know if people are being naive enough that they believe it isn't the same case with Sony and MS.

I think that's extrapolating too much. I don't think that comment implies he'll leave.


I think the biggest failing of Iwata's tenure has been either his inability or unwillingness to make Nintendo less Japan-centric.
"...we plan to actively release our key titles for Nintendo 3DS which could potentially lead the markets this year."

I like the sound of this.
If Iwata was resigning due to stakeholder pressure a loss leading model like the one you just described would be one of the last options to take.

Why would you believe this? I doubt if Iwata leaving they'll keep his model. Probably Nintendo will rely on core games like it used to in the days I mentioned.


They need some damn Western first party developers other than Retro.

NST is working on something. Maybe it's eShop apps, or maybe it's something a little grander. They've got some serious talent in that studio right now.

Monster Games & Next Level games are essentially Western second party studios at this point.

So, they have 4 western studios now. What people want is a studio that makes big AAA western games, and I don't think Nintendo has that in them. Hence, the partnership route. I do agree they need to cut some deals with developers who aren't from Japan.


I think the biggest failing of Iwata's tenure has been either his inability or unwillingness to make Nintendo less Japan-centric.

I think it's probably as much a culture thing as an Iwata thing. Iwata's speech at GDC 2011 seems to indicate he understands other cultures, but it's another thing altogether to upend company tradition and culture overnight.


Lead Community Manager, Outpost Games
I've been suspecting that this might have to happen for awhile now. Japanese business is all about accountability. Two straight years of losses like this and you likely have to step down to save face.

Though that would be a sad day, I do think that Nintendo is getting the rude awakening it perhaps needs right now.

Fox Mulder

That's not the way you want to run a healthy business, though. Nintendo's objective needs to be focusing on making their platforms viable enough for third parties to want to develop on their system. Creating a culture where third parties expect Nintendo to pay for everything is not a good thing.

That being said, I think Nintendo should have done/should do some of that early on Wii U's life. They have some responsibility in convincing third parties to bring their big multiplat releases day and date to Wii U.

Sure, but there is no technological reason why the big releases this year can't have wiiu ports other than companies not give a shit. If there was any chance that Nintendo could have thrown enough money at Rockstar for a GTA V port, they should have done it.

Nintendo has had awful third party support for generations now. At this point, they'll only get meaningful support if they pay for it themselves. MS had to buy their way in early too, once the audience is there and the games roll in, companies will come over naturally.
I think the biggest failing of Iwata's tenure has been either his inability or unwillingness to make Nintendo less Japan-centric.

By far his biggest mistake has been letting Reggie and the fools at NoA do what they have done. People act like the Wii had no games because you know why? NoA ruined the releases of XenoBlade, The Last Story and Pandora's Tower. Not to mention countless others like the Fatal Frame games or Zangeki no Reginleiv.

Then the same bullshit all over again with 3DS. Should of had Fire Emblem out BEFORE Kid Icaurs(not to mention the retarded localization and rewriting of dialogue), definitly should of had Animal Crossing out last year, Monster Hunter has taken WAY too long. NoA is a failure to everything great about Nintendo.


Is WiiU doing that bad?

They are selling it at a small loss, and they aren't selling as many as expected. So, while it isn't apocalyptic bad like the Xbox 360 in Japan, it isn't profitable yet. They need games, and to cut the basic unit enitrely and try to get the price down on the premium set.


Iwata clearly has something against games...when Wii becomes the hottest selling console, three years later he decides; I'm going to stop releasing games for this console.

Then he decides to release the 3DS at $250, but without any games that'll make people pay attention to the device.

He then reveals the Wii U two E3s ago, shows laughable games at both shows, releases it at a high price with ports and two mediocre Nintendo developed games. Not he's sitting on his ass wondering why this thing isn't selling.

Iwata seems mental.

lol I like Iwata but this is true. ^_-

Now, Iwata, only one thing will save your job. Change the direction you took for Nintendo. You blue-ocean, low-tech and low-budget strategy is the reason for your hot seat and the market is already responding for it. They want the best what the gaming industry can offer and your strategy don't fit their demand, hence Wii U is struggling.

Don't see anyone complain about it when DS and Wii were making mad money.
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