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Iwata implies he may resign over poor business performance

Why would you believe this? I doubt if Iwata leaving they'll keep his model. Probably Nintendo will rely on core games like it used to in the days I mentioned.

Which will put Nintendo in an even worse position. Appealing to, at best, the same market they've got right now on Wii U, but with games and hardware that are far more expensive will just give them even more catastrophic losses.


I believe they can reach that goal, but only if they SERIOUSLY increase their software output worldwide for the next FY. It's no coincidence that most of their Q1 games got pushed back into Q2...that's when the new FY begins. They need to release those megatons every other month for Wii U sales to pick up.

That being said, I like Iwata and would hate to see him step down at this point. I just want him to be more daring and less conservative with his management descisions. More bombs would be very much appreciated as well!


Even if you start releasing Nintendo clones of Gears of War and Halo, the market still has to be receptive to buying Nintendo hardware to play it. Nintendo will have to release a few F-Zero GX2, Eternal Darkness 2s, and new Western IPs .. and watch them all bomb.. in hopes of somewhere down the line the perception of the system changing to gamers.
Besides the publicity such Nintendo clones would generate, I think people generally overestimate brand loyalty/fanboyism because of the culture of internet message boards and the general market would be receptive to Nintendo going hardcore.

Most people are not stupid: they will go wherever they need to to get the experiences they crave. The "core" crowd went to the SNES to get their adventures and RPGs and 2D shooters. They went to N64 to get Goldeneye and Perfect Dark and meanwhile developed an interest in PS1. Then moved to PS2 to get the same sorts of games and meanwhile developed an interest in Xbox. Then most moved to 360 and many chose PS3 because of the proposition of blu-ray, and they all developed an interest in generally ultra-violent AAA budget interactive stories (whether or not this model is sustainable).

People will swiftly move back to the Nintendo® Revolution™ and play with their triple-stick Revolver© controller and Sling© attachment if they see games like Miyamoto™ Presents - War of Duty: Bloodlust™ or Retro's new Death Craft: Devil Mission™, and that they can show off their achievements on Nintendo™'s online BulletBoard™, make no mistake.


I think most would agree that Iwata does a pretty good job if it comes to handling Nintendo in Japan. Getting dragon Quest, MonHun, MegTen etc on the nintendo platform shows this.

OTOH, most also agree Nintendo is often oblivious to the needs of the western audience.

So wouldn't it be a good idea for Nintendo to reinforce NoA (or NoE) with a stronger development arm and give them more freedom to work within the western market?

A few solutions I can come op with :
- Open 1 or 2 western studio's. Make them work together with other devs if needed. This would fit in with Nintendo's current strategy of coöperation to get software out asap.
- Be more active as a publisher for other western dev houses. Media Molecule would've been a perfect Nintendo partner before SCEE picked them up.
- Open 2 or 3 studios specialised in porting. Yes it's lame that you would need to do your own porting, but having a team specialised in porting UE engine games to WiiU could go a long way into convincing pubs to release their games on your hardware platform.
- Reïnforce your localisation team. Hire translators/programmers to bring more titles to the western market as quick as possible. Offer to publish more Japanese titles and carry the marketing cost if needed.
Why would you believe this? I doubt if Iwata leaving they'll keep his model. Probably Nintendo will rely on core games like it used to in the days I mentioned.
Because that would require investments that could easily backfire, as demonstrated in the graveyard of developers this generation.

This is all about profitability, so things like iOS would be a safer bet.
(Pasted from previous discussion)

Former 2012 Structure
- EAD Division (Central Building)
- IRD Division (Central Building)

- RED Division (Kyoto Research Building)
- SPD Division (Kyoto Research Building)
- NB Division (Kyoto Research Building)
- Mario Club (Kyoto Research Building)
- Intelligent Systems - (Kyoto Research Building)

New 2013 Structure
- EAD Division ------------> (Kyoto Unified R&D Building)
- SPD Division ------------> (Kyoto Unified R&D Building)
- IRD and RED merger --------> (Kyoto Unified R&D Building)

- Intelligent Systems stays at (Kyoto Research Building) ?
- Mario Club stays at (Kyoto Research Building) ?

- Empty R&D facility at (Central Building) ?

While several divisions are moving over to the building, the only actual division merger confirmed is IRD and RED. Which are Nintendo's two hardware development divisions. EAD and SPD which are software developers should be working alongside in different sections of the new building.

Ah, okay. Thanks for detailing the new structure. I still see a greater push of collaboration between EAD and SPD.

Theres already been tons of constant partnerships. Since the GameCube era. Iwata might be specifically mentioning the IP crossovers to dually push 1st party and 3rd party IPs together. Like Fire Emblem x Shin Megami Tensei. Mario x Sonic.

Oh I know that. But from the trend that we see from Lego City, Bayonetta, The Wonderful 101, Monster Hunter, Dragon Quest, etc. exclusivity agreements, I see Nintendo getting increasingly dependent on partnerships as we go along.

Comments in bold.
I do think X & Y will REALLY help, but not alone. 3D Mario and Mario Kart for the holidays would really help as well.

I don't see MH4 doing numbers like the PSP entries, I'd love to be wrong though. :)

Is AC really successful outside JP? Yeah NL is the best in JP by far sales-wise, but will it do the same outside JP?

They need quantity, which of course they don't have right now, they need to wow us from now 'til E3 that they'll go guns-a-blazing with awesome titles on both platforms.
If he resigns, I wish it'll be replaced with someone who could bring western audiences back to Ninty, they seriously need more games in the west and less Japanese exclusive games.
Which will put Nintendo in an even worse position. Appealing to, at best, the same market they've got right now on Wii U, but with games and hardware that are far more expensive will just give them even more catastrophic losses.

Wii U market is still under construction and they can model it yet. I don't get your point by saying if Nintendo shift focus to core games on Wii U it'll be far more expensive and grant losses, this is assumption at best.


Unconfirmed Member
Glad I'm not the only one who feels Scott Moffit has been terrible. If anyone needs to go from NoA it's him.

I think the biggest failing of Iwata's tenure has been either his inability or unwillingness to make Nintendo less Japan-centric.

I agree completely. Nintendo needs western studios to focus on western games, if they want to reach western gamers. They have games with worldwide appeal, but those aren't the kinds of games that are going to reach the Halo/Call of Duty/God of War/etc audience. Partnerships with studios like Monster Games for Excite racers and Pilotwings isn't going to cut it.


Winning strategy that would make me happy:

Release every damn Virtual Console game from all systems onto the 3DS/Wii U instead of this trickle, drip drop release schedule they have. They could cover their 1 billion profile just from me!
This. Free fuckin money Nintendo.


What if:

- Kids mainly play iOS games these days.

- Teens mainly want to blow up stuff in COD type games. Or play DOTA/LoL

- Adults that grew up with Nintendo don't play as much videogames anymore.

Not much Iwata can do then. So I hope he stays. And just goes into panic mode.

This. Free fuckin money Nintendo.

Indeed. Makes you wonder why Nintendo doesn't do it. Nintendo has a huge library of old amazing games, that are exclusive to Nintendo consoles. But they don't use that effectively at all.
I would say yes, especially following the breakout success of the Wii. They had something special and they let it slip out from under them, and then they seem to be making the same mistakes with third party support on top of that.

Nintendo consoles has had a problem with 3rd parties since N64, and I don't think that'll change anytime soon.


They are selling it at a small loss, and they aren't selling as many as expected. So, while it isn't apocalyptic bad like the Xbox 360 in Japan, it isn't profitable yet. They need games, and to cut the basic unit enitrely and try to get the price down on the premium set.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't I hear a quote from Reggie that they only need to sell 1 game per system for the Wii U to be profitable again, and the attach rate is a bout 1 WiiU to 3 games at the moment?


I agree that Nintendo needs to open/acquire more Western studios. Do they see how crazy GAF is for Retro!!?
I agree completely. Nintendo needs western studios to focus on western games, if they want to reach western gamers. They have games with worldwide appeal, but those aren't the kinds of games that are going to reach the Halo/Call of Duty/God of War/etc audience. Partnerships with studios like Monster Games for Excite racers and Pilotwings isn't going to cut it.

Nintendo had a significant amount of western second-parties until the GCN days. There was Silicon Knights, Rare, Factor 5 and Left Field Productions. DMA Design and LucasArts were part of the Nintendo Dream Team and Acclaim and Midway gave strong support it with a lot of exclusive titles.

This changed, however, when Iwata took the office and the situation got reverted. They got japanese support, but lost western.


They are selling it at a small loss, and they aren't selling as many as expected. So, while it isn't apocalyptic bad like the Xbox 360 in Japan, it isn't profitable yet. They need games, and to cut the basic unit enitrely and try to get the price down on the premium set.

Nintendo has had a problem with 3rd parties since N64, and I don't think that'll change anytime soon.
They made money on n64 and GameCube unlike Wii U so far.


Goddamn it dude, just dedicate some money to some games. And announce them! Give us a reason to care beyond the system's untapped gimmics.
Wii U market is still under construction and they can model it yet. I don't get your point by saying if Nintendo shift focus to core games on Wii U it'll be far more expensive and grant losses, this is assumption at best.

You previously suggested that the "low tech" approach is what was dooming nintendo. If nintendo dropped it, went all in with a high powered console they'd only hemorrhage more money.

Nintendos brand doesn't have it in it to bring in the xbox/ps/pc demographic who are into the high tech specs range, even if they released a Orbis/Durango equivalent console. The third parties won't come (other than maybe ubisoft?) because... I don't even know why, I'd love to only have to own a Wii U and not miss out on all the third party titles.

It would only result in higher game development costs, even longer gaps between nintendo titles as development times and costs soar and ultimately, Nintendo in an even worse position than they are right now.


I really believe that the original Wii was a fluke.

Wii Sports scratched an itch that non-gamers had. It was a nice little drinking game that people could play at parties.

The Wii U doesn't have a novel gimmick that non-gamers find appealing, and like the original Wii, it doesn't have much of an appeal to hardcore gamers.


Brotherhood of Shipley's
I like Iwata, but maybe new leadership would inject some common sense into the company. Common sense Nintendo would steamroll the competition.

Star Fox Wii U!
F-Zero HD!
2D Metroid on 3DS
3D Metroid on Wii U
Super Mario 64 HD
3D Pokemon MMO
Virtual Console with almost every game available

The list goes on and on...

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
It seems the solution in many people's minds is to basically wash Nintendo out and make them "a western company". In a sense, if that happens I think many people should get their wish and Nintendo should just go third party, software-only. Because by that point, it'd make no difference. Nintendo wouldn't really be Nintendo anymore.

I believe there is a perspective gap in which it is simply not understood that the "Nintendo magic" imagined to be greedily hoarded for Japanese centric operations and so-called "Japanese style games" is a holistic creation of the Japanese centric operation and so-called Japanese style games. This is what Nintendo is geared for. Some of the calls for Nintendo to change everything about themselves make as much sense as people suddenly and arbitrarily getting on a bandwagon to demand Blizzard stop everything they do and make fighting games designed to be released in Japanese arcades.

That said, while Iwata is regarded as a cartoon villain who doesn't want people to have games because he's a mean man, Nintendo's real troubles started long ago. Before Iwata. Anyone who steps into the hot seat at Nintendo has a big problem on their hands. Nintendo "lost" the game as many seem to perceive it, with the N64. They lost mainstream 3rd party support. It's unknowable whether or not there was anything they could have done to totally blunt Sony's advance, but rejecting CD media lost them momentum in the direction the industry was going. Ever since then, Nintendo has been trying to find a place for themselves, IMO. With the rise of Microsoft in console gaming, there is not a lot of gap left for a 3rd company to gain traction in the same market, with the same audience.

One of the only ways I could see Nintendo "return to prominence" as defined by many people, in combination with replacing Iwata as top operating officer, would be if Sony actually dropped out and another Nintendo exec had the right outlook and drive to move Nintendo into directly replacing the space they occupied. Hell, I could see Iwata voluntarily stepping down and eyeing a replacing he felt was good for the job, under those circumstances.

Otherwise, Nintendo's real problem is not something that I think can be easily just by swapping executives around.

I like Iwata, but maybe new leadership would inject some common sense into the company. Common sense Nintendo would steamroll the competition.

Star Fox Wii U!
F-Zero HD!
2D Metroid on 3DS
3D Metroid on Wii U
Super Mario 64 HD
3D Pokemon MMO
Virtual Console with almost every game available

The list goes on and on...

I'm just quoting this post as an example of something, with a question: do you really think games like Starfox, no matter how well produced a new title is, will steamroll a western market that wants Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed, and such?

I am a fan of Nintendo (among many things). I like Starfox and F-Zero too. But I feel fans have long had no perspective - just as Zelda, for example, has long been held up as a world beating event of gaming, when it's not really that big of a series in terms of popularity or sales. And the way fans can't comprehend why a game they turn their nose up at, like NSMB, sells 30 million copies.

What hardcore or enthusiast fans want, is not necessarily what the world wants, or what the world would even take notice of. There are plenty of people even right here on GAF, who are totally uninterested in Nintendo because of their games - as amazing as that might seem to many Nintendo fans. That's fine. Different tastes, different audiences.

But Nintendo just making Gamecube II and sticking a wishlist of fan favorite titles on it, isn't a magic bullet and may not really be as common sense as fans believe.

I really believe that the original Wii was a fluke.

Wii Sports scratched an itch that non-gamers had. It was a nice little drinking game that people could play at parties.

The Wii U doesn't have a novel gimmick that non-gamers find appealing, and like the original Wii, it doesn't have much of an appeal to hardcore gamers.

I would offer that the Wii wasn't a fluke, so much as the precursor to a major new market. Folks need to remember that the product that discovers a new market isn't always the product that reaps the benefits of it long-term. The iPod wasn't the first MP3 player. But it was the product that capitalized in just the right way on an emerging market.

Likewise, the Wii "discovered" a waiting audience of mainstream persons who might be interested in interactive games if they were packaged and presented differently than had become typical in the 'hardcore' game world aimed at 18-30 year old western males. Shortly after the Wii, the smartphone (then tablet) revolution hit, and ended up offering the perfect platform for a lot of people who wanted to play accessible, fun games regularly, but didn't want to buy a game console and sit in front of it just to play games.

The irony is that the Wii will be firmly regarded as a gimmick or a fluke by many moving forward, when it was really just the discoverer of an untapped market that is hanging around, even if enthusiast game fans don't pay attention to said market.

Fox Mulder

If he resigns, I wish it'll be replaced with someone who could bring western audiences back to Ninty, they seriously need more games in the west and less Japanese exclusive games.

Then why not just make NoA stronger? Buy/open some western studios, give NoA money to market and publish titles, etc.


I agree that Nintendo needs to open/acquire more Western studios. Do they see how crazy GAF is for Retro!!?

I really don't see talented studios wanting to work on technologically inferior platforms. The great studios tend to want to make cutting edge games. They're going to want to make PC/PS4/720 games--not last generation games, which is basically what you're stuck developing for on Nintendo platforms now.


Majora's Mask 2
MM is actually my favorite Zelda, but if Nintendo were to pull the unprecedented title hat trick, the only one that'd carry weight would be OoT2... which would also be an MM2, story-wise, since it would presumably complete the tale of the Hero of Time, forming a trilogy. (Like Castlevania: LoS being a trilogy, with Mirror of Fate and then LoS2)

Of course, Nintendo rarely if ever tries to sell a game with its plot, lol.
The fact that the out-of-touch Yamauchi-san handpicked Iwata is a cause for concern in and of itself. In what healthy business environment does an outed CEO choose his or her successor? That said, Iwata helped save Nintendo from the brink of disaster, but in this industry, previous successes earn very little slack today.


Goddamn it dude, just dedicate some money to some games. And announce them! Give us a reason to care beyond the system's untapped gimmics.

To be fair, he just announced a new Super Mario, Mario Kart, Yoshi And Legend of Zelda game, a new casual Wii Noun game, plus two major new RPGs in X and MegaTen x Fire Emblem, plus is funding Bayonetta 2, all for 2013. And who knows what surprises they've got left for E3 (Wii Sports U, Retro?)

I mean, yes, there are still software issues. Notably the early drought and the lack of western third party, but they have a phenomenal 2013 1st Party lineup for 2013.

I really don't see talented studios wanting to work on technologically inferior platforms. The great studios tend to want to make cutting edge games. They're going to want to make PC/PS4/720 games--not last generation games, which is basically what you're stuck developing for on Nintendo platforms now.

Talented studios are being shuttered left and right. Developers want to eat. They would develop for Wii U if Nintendo was willing to pay for it.


Unconfirmed Member
It seems the solution in many people's minds is to basically wash Nintendo out and make them "a western company". In a sense, if that happens I think many people should get their wish and Nintendo should just go third party, software-only. Because by that point, it'd make no difference. Nintendo wouldn't really be Nintendo anymore..

It's not about "washing them out," it's about adding to them. Having a 2-3 more prominent western studios (think Retro) making games that target western audiences would not hurt Nintendo's existing output. Studios that make games to target audiences that the existing "Nintendo magic" doesn't mean shit to.
You previously suggested that the "low tech" approach is what was dooming nintendo. If nintendo dropped it, went all in with a high powered console they'd only hemorrhage more money.

Nintendos brand doesn't have it in it to bring in the xbox/ps/pc demographic who are into the high tech specs range, even if they released a Orbis/Durango equivalent console. The third parties won't come (other than maybe ubisoft?) because... I don't even know why, I'd love to only have to own a Wii U and not miss out on all the third party titles.

It would only result in higher game development costs, even longer gaps between nintendo titles as development times and costs soar and ultimately, Nintendo in an even worse position than they are right now.

Nintendo didn't lost money when they had this direction before the Wii and they don't need to release a more powerful hardware because while there's no Orbis/Durango on the market, they have the most powerful system avaliable, so they can rely on hardware power. Still, nobody knows how powerful Orbis/Durango gonna be and how much it will cost (probably it'll be very expensive). People believe that just because they're PS3/360 successors the market will immediately jump on it, this is not gonna happen and the 1-year gap from Nintendo will probably be an advantage.


The fact that the out-of-touch Yamauchi-san handpicked Iwata is a cause for concern in and of itself. In what healthy business environment does an outed CEO choose his or her successor?
He wasn't outed, he retired. Iwata was good for the time but the industry has so vastly been altered by the move to HD on consoles and the rise of smartphones and tablets in the handheld market that Iwata may just plain no longer be a good fit for the market as it is now. Iwata still seems stuck in a 2008 mindset.


I really don't see talented studios wanting to work on technologically inferior platforms. The great studios tend to want to make cutting edge games. They're going to want to make PC/PS4/720 games--not last generation games, which is basically what you're stuck developing for on Nintendo platforms now.

So people making iOS or Facebook games are less talented? I never understood why some people feel videogames have to be completely technology driven. Do you think the Xenoblade sequel will be less ambitious because the Wii U can do a few less polygons and bumpmaps?

Besides, videogame developers are in no position at all to be picky. The industry for console gaming is in a downward spiral.


I really don't see talented studios wanting to work on technologically inferior platforms. The great studios tend to want to make cutting edge games. They're going to want to make PC/PS4/720 games--not last generation games, which is basically what you're stuck developing for on Nintendo platforms now.

The allure of developing for Nintendo comes from all of their big IP, not their technology. I'm sure we'd all learn something from discovering how many western devs would love to develop a Zelda game or a Metroid, Star Fox, etc.


Nintendos brand doesn't have it in it to bring in the xbox/ps/pc demographic who are into the high tech specs range, even if they released a Orbis/Durango equivalent console. The third parties won't come (other than maybe ubisoft?) because... I don't even know why, I'd love to only have to own a Wii U and not miss out on all the third party titles.

I disagree. The problem with the original Wii was that you couldn't trivially port current generation games to it. Instead of getting a port of Batman: Arkham Asylum on the original Wii, you got ports of shovelware budget PS2 games because the Wii wasn't capable of handling the current generation AAA 3rd party titles.

The same thing is going to happen with the Wii U. When the PS3/720 come out, all the third parties will start making games for it, and they won't run on the Wii U without major effort (cutting down the assets, etc.). The AAA third party games won't come.

Nintendo would have a really compelling system for hardcore gamers if their hardware was roughly equivalent to the competition. Not only would they have the strong Nintendo first party titles (Mario, Zelda), but they'd also get all the cross platform 3rd party games.

Also, there's a misconception that "more powerful hardware" is synonymous with "increased game budgets." If you look at the aesthetically pleasing first party Nintendo games (Mario Galaxy), they tend to have very clean and simple graphics that scale nicely as you raise the resolution. Nintendo could easily get away with making games with simpler graphics but just cranking up the resolution and anti-aliasing. Let the third parties go nuts on complicated graphics.

What Nintendo needs is a technologically competitive platform that's developer friendly/easy to port to.


So I can see more Square Enix partnerships, Sega partnerships, Namco Bandai partnerships, Tecmo Koei partnerships, Atlus partnerships, etc., coming our way.
This won't help them.

The days when Japanese games used to rule the world are over. Japanese games are just niche products in today's western market.

I may not like Iwata and his direction for Nintendo, but I do consider him a smart a man.

I can't believe he keeps pushing Nintendo in a Japanese-centric approach in this day and age.


Basically what it comes down to on consoles in the west the games most want are FPS's, GTA's and so on. Games not really on Nintendo consoles. And in the west their bread and butter for handhelds were kids playing simple family friendly games. A market iOS with games like angry birds and temple run have decimated.

In Japan they are fine, but the west looks nearly unsolvable in the current market.
Anyone else sick and tired of all this Nintendo hate? i mean.. what is going on here? Is this how gamers behave nowadays? Hate everything? Sure, the launch of the Wii U could hae been better. But i have never seen this level of pure hate from gamers and "journalists" alike in the last 20 years of gaming. What´s going on with people?

I am in my thirties and i barely found time for gaming anymore. But when i do i have a really hard time to finish by backlog on Steam alone.. Nintendo consoles are still day one for me because of their key titles and quality of gaming i can´t get somewhere else. I had fun with my DC, my GC, my 360 and with my Wii. And i am totally satisfied with my Wii U as well - even if it is hard to understand for some people. Actually i think it´s the best console Nintendo built in the last 15 years. I just don´t get the level of hate especially in a gaming forum like gaf. It´s like living in the twilight zone. Especially after a really good direct and some positive earnings. /rant.
This won't help them.

The days when Japanese games used to rule the world are over. Japanese games are just niche products in today's western market.

I may not like Iwata and his direction for Nintendo, but I do consider him a smart a man.

I can't believe he keeps pushing Nintendo in a Japanese-centric approach in this day and age.

Maybe Nintendo is trending towards a Japanese-only future?

It's always a possibility. I see Nintendo's lackluster effort in securing Western tiles as a trend towards narrowing their "world focus."


Anyone else sick and tired of all this Nintendo hate? i mean.. what is going on here? Is this how gamers behave nowadays? Hate everything? Sure, the kaunch of the Wii U could hae been better. But i have never seen this level of pure hate from gamers and "journalists" alike in the last 20 years of gaming. What´s going on with people?
Most of us like Nintendo, but that does not hide they are in a rather awful financial situation and Iwata could lose his job over it.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Am I crazy here to think it's not the fucking hard? Just announce cool games or release cool games when you launch a damn console. It's like they never launched a gaming system before.

Don't close the biggest gaming event with nintendoland after not showing enough games. Don't go 2-3 months without releasing games after launching with 2 IMO half assed games.

Do whatever you have to do to get 3rd parties. There are studios closing left and right im sure Nintendo could have funded a few projects with all that cash they have hoarded.
This won't help them.

The days when Japanese games used to rule the world are over. Japanese games are just niche products in today's western market.

I may not like Iwata and his direction for Nintendo, but I do consider him a smart a man.

I can't believe he keeps pushing Nintendo in a Japanese-centric approach in this day and age.

In N64 it was exactly the opposite situation. Nintendo had major western support and pretty much non-existant japanese support and back when the japanese had major influence on the market.

Don't see anyone complain about it when DS and Wii were making mad money.

This is past news and today is a completely different scenario.


So people making iOS or Facebook games are less talented? I never understood why some people feel videogames have to be completely technology driven. Do you think the Xenoblade sequel will be less ambitious because the Wii U can do a few less polygons and bumpmaps?

There are many talented people working on mobile games, but none of the best studios prioritize mobile games for a reason. You're really not pushing anything there.

Technology has a bigger impact on games than "polygons and bumpmaps."

For example, let's say a new console generation ships with SSDs. Because developers know they can install to an SSD, it's a game changer in terms of how they'd design games. They could do a lot more with streaming content.

Do you really think Xenoblade couldn't benefit from the capability to have larger areas with more sophisticated geometry and having no noticeable load time when changing regions?
This won't help them.

The days when Japanese games used to rule the world are over. Japanese games are just niche products in today's western market.

I may not like Iwata and his direction for Nintendo, but I do consider him a smart a man.

I can't believe he keeps pushing Nintendo in a Japanese-centric approach in this day and age.

It may help them actually do well in their home territory though.


Am I crazy here to think it's not the fucking hard? Just announce cool games or release cool games when you launch a damn console. It's like they never launched a gaming system before.

Don't close the biggest gaming event with nintendoland after not showing enough games. Don't go 2-3 months without releasing games after launching with 2 IMO half assed games.

Do whatever you have to do to get 3rd parties. There are studios closing left and right im sure Nintendo could have funded a few projects with all that cash they have hoarded.

I agree with your first point. But E3 isn't that relevant in the big picture imo.

When I turn on my Wii U I see a lot of potential, but it's still just that - potential. In a few months the amount of good games on Wii U will make it a worthwhile buy. But getting that message out in a convincing way will be a big challenge for Nintendo.

And of course it shouldn't take close to a year before your product becomes worth buying, the negative press is a good reason for that.

There are many talented people working on mobile games, but none of the best studios prioritize mobile games for a reason. You're really not pushing anything there.

Technology has a bigger impact on games than "polygons and bumpmaps."

For example, let's say a new console generation ships with SSDs. Because developers know they can install to an SSD, it's a game changer in terms of how they'd design games. They could do a lot more with streaming content.

Do you really think Xenoblade couldn't benefit from the capability to have larger areas with more sophisticated geometry and having no noticeable load time when changing regions?

I'm sure it can benefit in some ways. But is that so significant that the game wont be worthwhile for developers to work on? That's crazy talk imo. I hope developers see more challenges in making fun and interesting games. Not in the technology aspect.
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