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Iwata implies he may resign over poor business performance


Being a reassuring echo chamber doesn't help. I sure as hell don't remember any Nintendo fans saying that launching another underpowered console was a stupid idea.

Not sure if you've been in a lot of Nintendo threads but it's been argued before, time and time again, especially in the speculation threads.

Anytime any one would even suggest it was they were drowned out by the devout who somehow thought this would be the chosen Nintendo device that would finally bring back the 3rd party games.

Yeah there were definitely foolish enough people who believed this, but let's not put all Nintendo fans into one category.

Oh, I don't blame him entirely either. Of course NCL has the final say on issues, but there is no way they make all the decisions for them.

Probably not, but yeah they definitely need to change the way NA is managed and let NoA do their job. I do think Reggie needs to go because of how disastrous his localization decisions were.
I think 3D has it's place. It worked well in Resident Evil and Super Mario 3D Land. I think you're right though that making it the selling point of the machine was putting the cart before the horse. They didn't have the games ready to show off the tech. Same goes for Wii U and the gamepad. They need software to sell the uniqueness of the pad, and they haven't done that well enough yet. The Rayman Legends Demo does it pretty well if you can get more than one person to play, but that game hasn't gotten a big push for some reason.

I don't know. I'm just now playing through 3D Land (picked up an XL about three weeks ago), and I play about 50/50 with 3D. Aside from those specific screens that go out of their way to use 3D effects to get the coin, I honestly don't feel like the game is any worse for the wear without 3D. But my only exposure thus far to the effect is Mario Kart, 3D Land, and the Fire Emblem demo.
This is the same company who is trickling out the same VC games that were on Wii on the Wii U. They also made their controller completely ineffective in handeling Gamecube ports by not including analog triggers.

What the hell is going on over there? I've bought every system they've released yet that vibe that I use to get never came from the Wii U and I don't see myself getting one for a very long time.
I give it 5 months until wii u is blowing up japan and the US to start selling decently come fall. I learned my lesson with the 3ds, i never gave that a chance for anything.

This forum feels exactly like it did in 2011 for the 3ds.

What's happening in five months in Japan?


As critical as I can be of Nintendo at times, I don't really agree that the power race is the right route for them in the current market. I agree that the specs of the Wii U are too low, but I think the main problem is that the tradeoff for the GamePad was too great and that they have simultaneously failed to meaningfully market a real vision for the controller.

This could be true, we just haven't seen Nintendo actually try to be a competitor for the third party love since the Snes. Considering how lucrative the online/third party/etc stack seems to be, it would seem wise to try and gain those perks. MS did it by opening their pocket books, but they were kind of the whipping boy for their first entire gen. The N64 being cart based, the cube having an odd controller and small disc format, and the Wii with it's unfinished motion tech and horrible specs haven't done many favors for third parties, the Wii U will be no different in the end, but this time it seems Nintendo might have lost some grip on the casual markets interest.

Truthfully, I also think it's a lot easier to steal people who are Wii Fit fans to something like Kinect than it is to steal fans from the Zelda of COD series, considering how the Ps3 and 360 are still trucking it would seem plausible for Nintendo to eat some of that market share while still keeping their bread and butter, but who knows?


Being a reassuring echo chamber doesn't help. I sure as hell don't remember any Nintendo fans saying that launching another underpowered console was a stupid idea. Anytime any one would even suggest it was they were drowned out by the devout who somehow thought this would be the chosen Nintendo device that would finally bring back the 3rd party games.

By all rights Nintendo shouldn't even be around right now. Nintendo fans dont want to hear it, but soccer moms are the sole reason for the Wii's success. Gamers buy software, and software sales were incredibly weak on the Wii. The soccer moms supported the hardware side, but the hardcore Nintendo fans couldn't do enough on the software side, and the underpowered Wii couldnt attract the fat middle section of casual gamers that push most software sales. And betting on striking gold with another underpowered console with another controller gadget was Nintendo playing chicken with disaster. Sure it's a nice controller and much more interesting to me than the nunchuck, but you don't sink money into a controller that could be spent on better hardware in the box instead.

I'm going to say something else that Nintendo fans really dont want to hear. And I expect the same echo chamber to all reassure each other that it isnt true. This will be Nintendos last console. They played chicken with disaster too many times against competition that isnt fucking around, especially MS, and unless something big happens for them in the handheld space to keep the console side afloat, you will never see another new console from Nintendo.

I get the feeling you don't like Nintendo very much.


Yes that's what causes low Wii U sales right now.


Lol yeah...it kinda is.

Old hardware, developers already making games for upcoming systems that will no doubt far outstrip the Wii U from a power perspective, leads to lower sales as less games will be available. It's pretty simple.

That being said, I will be standing in line like a giddy school girl eager to get my hands on any first party Wii U titles. No doubt Mario, etc. are going to look amazing.


I really like that Nintendo is somewhat transparent and we can see these information.
It's better than "Vita sales is ok". At least, we know that Nintendo recognize that the situation is terrible and they NEED to do something fast.


This could be true, we just haven't seen Nintendo actually try to be a competitor for the third party love since the Snes.

They scored big deals with Capcom, Square Enix, Level 5, and so on.
They're doing a lot to court 3rd parties, they're just going for the Japan side of things.
One thing I find interesting is that Mario Kart Wii U and New 3D Action Mario game will apparently be playable at this E3 while X does not have that guarantee and Smash is supposedly only having new screenshots released (I still think trailer at least).

Is Iwata's major software gameplan the exact same as it was for 3DS? I.e. release a MK and 3D Mario very closely together before the holiday? Let's hope they're not rushed in the process.


Tbh, I think Nintendo can use new leadership. The whole reliance on mediocre lagging tech and gimmicks is not what Nintendo was once known for. I think Wii-U is going to have a very tough time when PS4 and Xbox 3 finally get announced.


Unconfirmed Member
Being a reassuring echo chamber doesn't help. I sure as hell don't remember any Nintendo fans saying that launching another underpowered console was a stupid idea. Anytime any one would even suggest it was they were drowned out by the devout who somehow thought this would be the chosen Nintendo device that would finally bring back the 3rd party games.

By all rights Nintendo shouldn't even be around right now. Nintendo fans dont want to hear it, but soccer moms are the sole reason for the Wii's success. Gamers buy software, and software sales were incredibly weak on the Wii. The soccer moms supported the hardware side, but the hardcore Nintendo fans couldn't do enough on the software side, and the underpowered Wii couldnt attract the fat middle section of casual gamers that push most software sales. And betting on striking gold with another underpowered console with another controller gadget was Nintendo playing chicken with disaster. Sure it's a nice controller and much more interesting to me than the nunchuck, but you don't sink money into a controller that could be spent on better hardware in the box instead.

I'm going to say something else that Nintendo fans really dont want to hear. And I expect the same echo chamber to all reassure each other that it isnt true. This will be Nintendos last console. They played chicken with disaster too many times against competition that isnt fucking around, especially MS, and unless something big happens for them in the handheld space to keep the console side afloat, you will never see another new console from Nintendo.

Could get the lottery numbers for the upcoming week please?
Iwata, please, read my post: (laughs)

1) Fix NoA, please! I know that games like Project x Zone and Bravely Default possibily won't sell what you Nin wants in US, but some people would buy a 3DS for playing this game and... guess what? They would start to buy ANOTHER GAMES! That's Brilliant, huh?



I agree that the WiiU needs better tech but to seriously say all Nintendo fans supported the WiiU specs.... yeah you are living in a fantasy


I'm beginning to wonder why Nintendo has not released anything since the Wii U launch. They can't afford any more droughts and in order to keep their momentum going they need games. I've been behind but is there any reason Pikmin 3 isn't out yet?


Unconfirmed Member
Tbh, I think Nintendo can use new leadership. The whole reliance on mediocre lagging tech and gimmicks is not what Nintendo was once known for. I think Wii-U is going to have a very tough time when PS4 and Xbox 3 finally get announced.

Let's say Nintendo released a "true" next-gen machine as the Wii U. Do you really think the third party support would have been better by now? They still would have gotten ME3, not trilogy. Sure the games that are there would be running better, but I really doubt we'd be seeing more than effort from third parties going into the games.

Would it even see the early games that are being made for Orbis/Durango? They're not even getting stuff from the 360/ps3 right now. All of that, plus they'd be losing a shit ton more money.

EVOL 100%

I'm beginning to wonder why Nintendo has not released anything since the Wii U launch. They can't afford any more droughts and in order to keep their momentum going they need games. I've been behind but is there any reason Pikmin 3 isn't out yet?

Apparently Nintendo's getting hit hard by HD development too.

I'm talking out of my ass here so don't quote me on that though


Nintendo is always designing everything with Japan in mind and hoping the rest of the world buys in. Need to start designing with a more global outlook and work on convincing Japan to buy in.

I have to agree with this point. Japan simply isn't the most important videogame market anymore and you can't rely on quirky japanese design concepts forever.

Furthermore there is a growing divide between what western & japanese gamers actually want. It's so much harder to appeal to both audiences these days.


Apparently Nintendo's getting hit hard by HD development too.

I'm talking out of my ass here so don't quote me on that though

There, I just quoted you on that. What you gonna do about it?

I have the same impresion as you.


They might be better off if they just lowered their expectations.

If Nintendo can't sell 90 million consoles, they should pursue a strategy where they are profitable selling 30 million instead.

I think that's better than throwing all of their money at trying to make their console the market leader. The consequences of failure in that scenario would be devastating.

They don't need to win the console war. They just need to find and grow their own market. They don't have an obligation to serve the "core gamers" who have never done right by them anyway.


There are many talented people working on mobile games, but none of the best studios prioritize mobile games for a reason. You're really not pushing anything there.

Technology has a bigger impact on games than "polygons and bumpmaps."

You're basically arguing everything here from an artistic standpoint. Which is admirable, but there's significant *business* issues tied to the pursuit of extreme levels of technology. How many of the shuttered studios from the last five years can be tied down largely to just one or two overambitious flops?

Isn't it a whole lot smarter to play it safe right now?

Do you really think Xenoblade couldn't benefit from the capability to have larger areas with more sophisticated geometry and having no noticeable load time when changing regions?

Also, while I wouldn't say there's *no* noticeable load time on Xenoblade, the load speed it has is *phenomenal*.
I'm beginning to wonder why Nintendo has not released anything since the Wii U launch. They can't afford any more droughts and in order to keep their momentum going they need games. I've been behind but is there any reason Pikmin 3 isn't out yet?

The only thing I can think of is that they planned (or have been forced to) launch soft and are intending to give the console a fresh push from March onward, likely aiming to keep it trucking through to the launch of one or two big titles - Mario Kart/3D Mario? - for the holiday season. To that end, it's better to have a small initial drought then keep running with regular titles, rather than launch heavy and then have a drought mid-year or coming into the holidays (especially with the likely timing for announcing the competing systems).


Apparently Nintendo's getting hit hard by HD development too.

I'm talking out of my ass here so don't quote me on that though

I'd believe it, but I'm kind of befuddled. They had the entire Wii life cycle to prepare for HD development, so I'm left wondering what went wrong internally.

The only thing I can think of is that they planned (or have been forced to) launch soft and are intending to give the console a fresh push from March onward, likely aiming to keep it trucking through to the launch of one or two big titles - Mario Kart/3D Mario? - for the holiday season. To that end, it's better to have a small initial drought then keep running with regular titles, rather than launch heavy and then have a drought mid-year or coming into the holidays (especially with the likely timing for announcing the competing systems).

If this turns out to be the case then I don't think they should have issues once games start releasing for the platform. I really hope they bounce back soon.


One thing I find interesting is that Mario Kart Wii U and New 3D Action Mario game will apparently be playable at this E3 while X does not have that guarantee and Smash is supposedly only having new screenshots released (I still think trailer at least).

Is Iwata's major software gameplan the exact same as it was for 3DS? I.e. release a MK and 3D Mario very closely together before the holiday? Let's hope they're not rushed in the process.

Konno announced they were in the planning stages immediately after the release of Mario Kart 7, so they've had some time now to work on it. EAD Tokyo hasn't had a release since Super Mario 3D Land, so perhaps there is some cause for optimism on those fronts.
I thought this was a possibility, but to be quite frank Iwata is a very competent CEO. He had a huge misfire as for the Wii U, but his overall record has been very good: Nintendo DS, Wii and 3DS (which is on fire in Japan).

The real issue is that because Nintendo is a video-game company, they don't have other products besides the 3DS to take the buffer for a product that doesn't light up the world. It's not Iwata's flaw but a flaw from the company's culture itself.

He's given the company a lot of vision and great direction in his tenure, and I think he should be given another chance.


The man's got a spine, kudos. However assuming this will inevitably happen is a bit premature. And if he ever should offer his chair, I'm more inclined to believe the board would say no. Which maniac wants to be on this hot seat instead of him. In any case, Iwata will never leave Nintendo completely. That'd be simply outworldly.
They might be better off if they just lowered their expectations.

If Nintendo can't sell 90 million consoles, they should pursue a strategy where they are profitable selling 30 million instead.

I think that's better than throwing all of their money at trying to make their console the market leader. The consequences of failure in that scenario would be devastating.

They don't need to win the console war. They just need to find and grow their own market. They don't have an obligation to serve the "core gamers" who have never done right by them anyway.

Any performance less than the Wii would absolutely shatter investor confidence, regardless of forecast or intention.


Anyone else sick and tired of all this Nintendo hate? i mean.. what is going on here? Is this how gamers behave nowadays? Hate everything? Sure, the launch of the Wii U could hae been better. But i have never seen this level of pure hate from gamers and "journalists" alike in the last 20 years of gaming. What´s going on with people?

I am in my thirties and i barely found time for gaming anymore. But when i do i have a really hard time to finish by backlog on Steam alone.. Nintendo consoles are still day one for me because of their key titles and quality of gaming i can´t get somewhere else. I had fun with my DC, my GC, my 360 and with my Wii. And i am totally satisfied with my Wii U as well - even if it is hard to understand for some people. Actually i think it´s the best console Nintendo built in the last 15 years. I just don´t get the level of hate especially in a gaming forum like gaf. It´s like living in the twilight zone. Especially after a really good direct and some positive earnings. /rant.

You said it yourself, you barely play anymore so obviously do not have the same needs of someone who plays constantly aka you do not have the same needs of most of the people on this forum. I was totally good 10+ years ago with my GameCube because i didn't even played 5 games every year in those times but now is totally different...

As for the topic... i really don't think that this year will be the last chance for Iwata and that the article is more wishful thinking more than other things but i have to say that as much as i like him as a person and how he knows about the industry because he was part of it in his early days i totally think that overall Nintendo will profit from his departure.
Im a ninty fan and i think its time to drop the gimmicks and get back to console parity. If the rumours are true both sony and microsoft will be profitable from day one. They started doing their own thing in the console space since the n64 and it really only payed off for them once. They need to stop burning bridges and please third parties. I find myself in another generation where i once again feel the need to own two consoles. Hell. The money they wasted on the tablet could have went to beefing up the console and getting dat third party support. Nintendo has marginalized themselves.
If Iwata was to leave I wonder who would replace him. I also wonder what direction Nintendo would go. High end again? Is that what people are hoping for?

Yes. If he does get replaced i hope they go back to pre wii days. Who doesn't remember the first time they saw Super Mario 64? :(


They might be better off if they just lowered their expectations.

If Nintendo can't sell 90 million consoles, they should pursue a strategy where they are profitable selling 30 million instead.

I think that's better than throwing all of their money at trying to make their console the market leader. The consequences of failure in that scenario would be devastating.

They don't need to win the console war. They just need to find and grow their own market. They don't have an obligation to serve the "core gamers" who have never done right by them anyway.

A private company could do that. A public company has to answer to shareholders.


Also, while I wouldn't say there's *no* noticeable load time on Xenoblade, the load speed it has is *phenomenal*.

Load times were super fast in Xenoblade. Its main technical limitation came in the form of low resolution. I played through the game on my Wii but was absolutely astounded at how much better it looked running on the Dolphin emulator. Without all those jagged edges its actually a really nice looking game. Still very annoyed at Nintendo for cheaping out on the Wii hardware.


Unconfirmed Member
Clean house at NOA first... Seriously!!!!!

Clean House? The only person who matters at NOA is Reggie, and that's a problem imo. NOA doesn't feel like a real company, just a PR wing for Nintendo Japan. What they need is a real presence in the west, a company that can make it's own decisions and a leader who can interact with and befriend western developers like Iwata does in Japan.

Neo C.

WTF, horrible. :(

He's actually the progressive head of the company. I don't want to imagine how Nintendo would look like with your typical shortsighted CEO.
Tbh, I think Nintendo can use new leadership. The whole reliance on mediocre lagging tech and gimmicks is not what Nintendo was once known for. I think Wii-U is going to have a very tough time when PS4 and Xbox 3 finally get announced.

You must be new to nintendo... What generation did nintendo use non-lacking tech and gimmicks? Nes cpu tech was already 10 years old, snes used extra chips like the super fx to give gimmicky early 3d games. The n64 had the 64dd... The list goes on. Nintendo has ALWAYS been this way. Microsoft and Sony are the ones that changed the game.


Unconfirmed Member
If this means we would see an improvement in Nintendo's online support across their consoles I'm all in for change.


Lead Community Manager, Outpost Games
Being a reassuring echo chamber doesn't help. I sure as hell don't remember any Nintendo fans saying that launching another underpowered console was a stupid idea. Anytime any one would even suggest it was they were drowned out by the devout who somehow thought this would be the chosen Nintendo device that would finally bring back the 3rd party games.

By all rights Nintendo shouldn't even be around right now. Nintendo fans dont want to hear it, but soccer moms are the sole reason for the Wii's success. Gamers buy software, and software sales were incredibly weak on the Wii. The soccer moms supported the hardware side, but the hardcore Nintendo fans couldn't do enough on the software side, and the underpowered Wii couldnt attract the fat middle section of casual gamers that push most software sales. And betting on striking gold with another underpowered console with another controller gadget was Nintendo playing chicken with disaster. Sure it's a nice controller and much more interesting to me than the nunchuck, but you don't sink money into a controller that could be spent on better hardware in the box instead.

I'm going to say something else that Nintendo fans really dont want to hear. And I expect the same echo chamber to all reassure each other that it isnt true. This will be Nintendos last console. They played chicken with disaster too many times against competition that isnt fucking around, especially MS, and unless something big happens for them in the handheld space to keep the console side afloat, you will never see another new console from Nintendo.

Although you may definitely be right, I'll say something that pretty much every hardcore gamer will try to reassure each other isn't true, this may well be the last console generation period. With consumer spend flowing away from $60 games on high-priced consoles to f2p microtransactions on web and mobile, there is definitely going to be a shift in the near future. Publishers are gonna see the high cost of developing AAA blockbuster next-gen titles with their front loaded profitability next to the long-term profits available for relatively small investments in the f2p space and often make the choice that most on GAF might revile
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