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Jared Leto joins Blade Runner sequel

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In b4 he was tricked into being in Bladerunner sequel when they decide to cut out scenes and 20 years later have 8 different versions of the film.
People who only saw Leto in Suicide Squads are easy to recognize.

Yeah, lets be fair. His brand of preening, mockish method acting people confuse for good screen perfromances has been terrible in several movies now. Dallas Buyers Club, Requiem for a Dream, The Kill, Chapter 27. Let's give the man his props; he's no one-hit blunder.


I'm like...sure, why not.

More worryingly the only major screenplay Michael Green has worked has been Green Lantern LOL. Fancher hasn't worked in nearly 20 years, and I think most of his work for Blade Runner didn't actually make it to the screen. What an odd writing duo.
I'm like...sure, why not.

More worryingly the only major screenplay Michael Green has worked has been Green Lantern LOL. Fancher hasn't worked in nearly 20 years, and I think most of his work for Blade Runner didn't actually make it to the screen. What an odd writing duo.

I think Fancher is only being credited for the scrapped parts of the original script they plan on reusing.




Yeah, lets be fair. His brand of preening, mockish method acting people confuse for good screen perfromances has been terrible in several movies now. Dallas Buyers Club, Requiem for a Dream, The Kill, Chapter 27. Let's give the man his props; he's no one-hit blunder.

Eh, this could be good, apart from his joker his other roles have been fantastic throughout his career, imho.

He was one of my highlights in the dallas buyers club.


He's a fine actor in most of his roles so this isn't too big of a deal but heaven forbid they let him do interviews.

Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member
Wonder how big his role will be. They have been shooting since July or something like that? Also: Gosling a replicant or no?


I don't mind this whatsoever. He's a great actor!


First thing I thought of.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I don't see the problem with this. It isn't like he personally ruined Suicide Squad. Even if he did, it's a comic movie. Who cares? He has a strong enough acting resume that I'm sure he can handle a Blade Runner sequel lol


I don't mind this whatsoever. He's a great actor!

First thing I thought of.
It's as if the only performance people have seen him in was Suicide Squad.

Even when i didn't want him as Joker i still praised him as a great actor and his performance in SS was fine i just didn't care for that direction of the Joker. It's hard to make something great out of a bad script.
Blade Runner is my most loved movie ever.

When I first heard about this sequel, I felt confused. Part of me said "Leave BR alone, it's perfect as it is". In the other hand I was like "what if they actually have a super solid story to tell?"

Villeneuve hasn't disappointed me so far, on the contrary he's been truly fantastic, and so far... each new announcement regarding the cast has made my interest to go from 1 to 10, to be honest.

Leto is solid as hell, I like him.

Now I just want Vangelis on board and we are done!!!!!!!!!!


People in this thread seem to think an actor is responsible for the editing of a movie and design of a character.

Fucking childish.
This tryhard asshole again.
Thank god this movie will probably suck anyways.

EDIT: for the record, I've seen other movies that he's in. Still a tryhard asshole. I've disliked him for years.


Hi, I'm nortonff. I spend my life going into threads to say that I don't care about the topic of the thread. It's a really good use of my time.
Well, I just hope the movie won't be damaged by him.
Outside of maybe the Blade Runner credits theme, I don't see this happening. The director already has a super solid composer who can work in the same style.

I know the chances are pretty much equal to zero, but looking at how awesome the BR OST is, man... it would be amazing to have Vangelis on board again.
Denis Villeneuve's track record should at least make people keep an open mind. He's no hack.

Oh i'll keep an open mind but i do have little hope it will be really good.
But i'll certainly wait for reviews and gaf reports.

But damn, first Movie is so great.


Harrison Ford, Jared Leto, Ryan Gosling, and director of Sicario? Oooo weee

And Roger muthafuckin Deakins

At least they're going all in on visuals and acting and directing. The writing could be merely average, but if the other two factors are good, it might be a decent sequel.


People in this thread seem to think an actor is responsible for the editing of a movie and design of a character.

Fucking childish.
This. Jared told EW back in April the entire external design of the Joker was Ayers creation.

I don't know why. His Joker wasn't terrible. His actions outside the screen were.
Not even that a lot of it was overblown and over reported for PR. Actually, he sent a lot more thoughtful character related gifts besides the strange ones. He also said there are a lot of fake stories going around the media about It. The cast said he helped them rally together. The cast loved it, some like Karen had him sign his gifts. They've all pretty much talked highly of him. Joel Kinnaman hangs out with Jared and has been rock climbing with him since. And the cast members ended up going to his Halloween Party well after filming was done, so stop taking offense for them lol. That's their twisted humor, they all did weird shit. Jai Courtney ran around naked on set. Cara snapchatted Will Smith showing and laughing with everyone at hardcore porn fakes of Margot on his or someone else's phone, they constantly talk about how X-Rated their entire cast was on set but for some reason people feel the need to be upset for them when they have no idea.
Leto proved he can deliver in good movies. Dallas Buyers Club earned him a deserved Oscar, he was also good in Requiem for A Dream, and although his part was small in Fight Club he wasn't bad there. Given the director I have high hopes for this film already.

I'm almost certain he'll play a replicant and I think he'll pull it off. However, I hope his part is small, Ford and Gosling must be the main dudes.
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