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Jeff Green plays Dark Souls II - The real Black Dragon starts here


I hate how enemy attacks pretty much lock onto you. That sentinel just did a 360 mid swing.

Yeah, that and the changes to the roll really can make it a bit frustrating at the start. You do get used to it, but I don't think it was a good change.

Either way he could really use some more points in ADP.
jeff did you forget who Old Dragonslayer was? That was really anti-climatic. I was hoping you would have been shocked to see your old friend again. have you forgotten solaire too?


Jeff still doesn't understand circle strafing.

The Dragonrider has a long reach weapon, but he is slow. So Jeff should get close to him, it's easier to get behind him that way.

It's basic geometry Jeff!



97.5: The Brodeo
Jeff still doesn't understand circle strafing.

The Dragonrider has a long reach weapon, but he is slow. So Jeff should get close to him, it's easier to get behind him that way.

It's basic geometry Jeff!


Yeah but my only C in all of middle school/high school was in geometry.

And shit, that was Ornstein?

Sorry for the borked stream tonight, gang...and thanks for watching what you could!


Ooh, gotta watch the archive.
I hate how enemy attacks pretty much lock onto you. That sentinel just did a 360 mid swing.
They basically act like the delayed stab on the sword and spear soldier hollows in the first game. Best way to avoid it is to just walk out of range.
Yeah but my only C in all of middle school/high school was in geometry.

And shit, that was Ornstein?

Sorry for the borked stream tonight, gang...and thanks for watching what you could!

YMMV it's up for debate as to who he really is. Was that guy in Anor Londo an illusion, or is this just some jack ass cosplaying as him?


YMMV it's up for debate as to who he really is. Was that guy in Anor Londo an illusion, or is this just some jack ass cosplaying as him?
I assumed this was Abyss-corrupted Ornstein. IIRC, he makes a groaning sound like Artorias does during his powerup when he uses his variant of the lightning buttslam.

Jeff, you should try to hit the bigger enemies on their back, since they tend to turn slow. Not in their face.
And if they have attacks with short range, bait out an attack, then hit their face.


Jeff to beat all 3 pending boses next stream! Wooooooooooo!

Edit: Jeff, your counting is good but don't go for 2 hits unless the 2nd one is the killing blow. Your weapon isn't that fast. Also, sometimes, rolling forward is your only option with guys with long reaches like Dragonrider. Also makes it easier to get behind them.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
I started playing along with your streams, Jeff. We're in the same spot so I'd play some, then watch an episode. You actually helped me beat the Giant on my first try, ha. I'm actually a bit fast for the streams now, though, at the
boss. I lost waaay too many souls there, watch out.

And hoping the next stream's title is "Shaaaaaaa-la-la, man".
I started playing along with your streams, Jeff. We're in the same spot so I'd play some, then watch an episode. You actually helped me beat the Giant on my first try, ha. I'm actually a bit fast for the streams now, though, at the
boss. I lost waaay too many souls there, watch out.

And hoping the next stream's title is "Shaaaaaaa-la-la, man".

Your wish is my command.
God, I was screaming at my monitor when you took off the Blue Apostle Ring and put on the Ring of Binding. You can equip up to 4 rings at a time! Your lack of attention infuriates me but I can't stop watching. Good job on actually learning to manage your stamina, I feel like this was a problem back in DS1 when you started to use the heavy armor and pretty much threw stamina management out the window.


I bet that if Jeff was playing without looking at chat or reading at this thread he would finish the game with only two rings equipped. :D


I don't know what you guys are talking about. I only have two ring slots on my character. With permanent Chloranthy Ring and Silver Serpent Covetous Ring equipped, my game is just like Demon's and Dark ;)


While his constant mentions of stamina school made it seem like he might have thought people's feedback was maybe a little too vocal, I do think just being conscious of it absolutely helped his performance. Even when he let it slide, he was clear about what went wrong. I think we'll see some forward momentum next time.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
While his constant mentions of stamina school made it seem like he might have thought people's feedback was maybe a little too vocal, I do think just being conscious of it absolutely helped his performance. Even when he let it slide, he was clear about what went wrong. I think we'll see some forward momentum next time.

Yeah I liked the last stream, because he was clearly paying attention to it, and playing better as a result. He's got the heide giants down at least.


I believe in you Jeff!

I believe that you will one day be able to kill a single enemy without taking damage.

I believe that you will in fact, stamina bro.

I believe that you know you can warp instead if running everywhere.

I believe that you will notice you have four ring slots.

I believe that I am being too hopeful and that your fails will continue to entertain me.
While his constant mentions of stamina school made it seem like he might have thought people's feedback was maybe a little too vocal, I do think just being conscious of it absolutely helped his performance. Even when he let it slide, he was clear about what went wrong. I think we'll see some forward momentum next time.

He's got the fundamentals down pat (in his head), it's just the execution on his part that's a bit lacking.

He absolutely knows the "why" and the "how" of each subsequent death. He's been in the game for quite a bit, and as with DkS 1, the hump will be crossed in around 5 - 6 more episodes hopefully.

Keep it up Jeff, your stream offers loads that others don't vis a vis Dark Souls 2.

Entertainment and the will to carry on.


Wish you the best of luck Jeff!

Best moment of the last playthrough? Solaire's death... reposting the tribute I made for him at the time:

I bet that if Jeff was playing without looking at chat or reading at this thread he would finish the game with only two rings equipped. :D

Replace with finish with play and you'd be right. I kid. Good job, Jeff. It's entertaining as so far (halfway through the 2nd stream), but the use of DLC items is disappointing.


Has Jeff said when the next stream will be? I remember him saying that he would not be able to stream this weekend but i don't remember if he made any promises for his next stream.


Oh, dear. Catching up on stream number 6. Jeff just used a life gem before resting at the bonfire and warping to Majula...


97.5: The Brodeo
Yes I caught that too. "Better heal up with a non-replenishable item before I touch the bonfire that heals me up".

Wait, that's not a sound strategy? I can't keep up with all you "power gamers." :)

Greetings from my mother's in Los Angeles. This 2400 baud modem is awesome. Next stream on Tuesday night!


Wait, that's not a sound strategy? I can't keep up with all you "power gamers." :)

Greetings from my mother's in Los Angeles. This 2400 baud modem is awesome. Next stream on Tuesday night!

Hey Jeff, I was wondering if you ever played Telltale's The Walking Dead game, I think that would be PERFECT for you to stream, a season is 5 episodes, and they're all about 2 hours. Plus you can't really fail.

I know it's most likely one of many stream requests, but I honestly think it would work out based on the time and simplicity of the game. Relaxing to watch and with your humor it must be great.

Not sure if you have played them already of course.
Hey Jeff, I was wondering if you ever played Telltale's The Walking Dead game, I think that would be PERFECT for you to stream, a season is 5 episodes, and they're all about 2 hours. Plus you can't really fail.

I know it's most likely one of many stream requests, but I honestly think it would work out based on the time and simplicity of the game. Relaxing to watch and with your humor it must be great.

Not sure if you have played them already of course.

Jeff will find a way.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
If they ever decide to do a US version of Game Center CX, they should seriously make Jeff Green the Kacho. He'd be perfect...charismatic as fuck despite the, uh, mistakes.


Wait, that's not a sound strategy? I can't keep up with all you "power gamers." :)

Greetings from my mother's in Los Angeles. This 2400 baud modem is awesome. Next stream on Tuesday night!

My general strategy on those is just use them if I feel like I have a chance of winning (mostly boss fights only.) Flasks replenish on bonfires, you have to work to get gems back.
Wait, that's not a sound strategy? I can't keep up with all you "power gamers." :)

Greetings from my mother's in Los Angeles. This 2400 baud modem is awesome. Next stream on Tuesday night!

Yeah that min/maxing is only something players learn their second time through the game. Say hello to your mother (and family) for me.


Ok a whole day to wait for next stream....am I the only one loving the Kay vs. Jeff motif? They should have a PVP match someday.

If you are still short on fun stuff to watch while waiting for Jeff/Kay to upload...check Heart Cooks Brain:

She is doing a semi meticulous blind playthrough like Kay, but has more FUN like Jeff than Kay does. [check out her reaction to beating the Pursuer @ 7:40] (spoilers for Jeff here so dont watch until after you beat pursuer.) I feel like instead of Jeff's death montage this heart cooks brain gal should get a "blissful reaction to boss wins" montage....how much do you charge Jintor? Do you do non-family channel oriented stuff as well? LOL
Jeff Green is almost as bad at Dark Souls as DSP is, almost. At least Jeff learns and isn't stupidly overpowered and using summons. DSP has never once learned from any of his mistakes, he just blames the game.
Watching more the previous DkS 1 vids from YT. If there's one thing I enjoy about Jeff is that he really seems to be having fun while failing and raging. It's all genuine and and not manufactured like some of those "Angry Gamers".

Those other "perfectionist" streams like Kay et. al don't hold the same appeal to me.
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