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Jefferies Equity Analyst: Mario Kart 8D a "mega-hit on a different scale altogether"



How times have changed 🤔

It needs "3rd party games won't sell on Switch" crossed out and then "Western, non-indie AAA games won't sell"
You gotta admit though that Nintendo brings a lot more of this forum's dark side than the other two.

Oh, and 'Nintendooomed!' is never not relevant when it comes to success stories such as this one. It's a decades long running gag that's always welcome.

The Nintendoomed nonsense doesn't hold up one bit for me, because it's exaggerated. I saw plenty of the same sort of comments aimed at Sony during the PS3's years on the market, and I'm seeing plenty of it aimed towards Xbox over the past couple of years, especially on GAF.
I assume all these people who expected mario kart 8 deluxe to sell faster then mario kart wii called it months ago and have post to back up their nostradamus ability to predict the market.


It needs "3rd party games won't sell on Switch" crossed out and then "Western, non-indie AAA games won't sell"

It's going to be really interesting to see how well Western AAA games sell on the Switch (and how much they have to be downgraded graphically compared to the Xbox/PS4/PC).

Hopefully we'll get some game announcements at E3 and some big titles will come out starting this fall.


Nintendo should really invest into DLC for this game. At least contract and outside developer like Sumo Digital to create content.

I'm really hoping for at least 16 more tracks, a few more battle maps (including a Block Fort remake) and of course more non-Mario tracks and characters.
Honestly you're just being willfully ignorant if you think that having an almost complete lack of competition for major titles on the Switch didn't help the launch sales of Mario Kart 8.

I'm not saying Mario Kart 8 Deluxe would ever have sold poorly. It's an excellent game and would of sold very well no matter when it was released or how much competition it had. Most gamers don't have an unlimited budget to buy games. If there were more major titles on the Switch some Switch owners would of bought those titles instead and may of delayed buying Mario Kart or decided to skip it all together.

It's the other way around: these major titles would have suffered from mk8d if released in the same timeframe.
I think a Donkey Kong dlc pack is going to happen soon,since Donkey Kong is not in MK8D

I think third party contractors who have had success with racing games would be good alongside other first party studios like Retro. I also think other company Mascots should appear like in Smash.


Honestly you're just being willfully ignorant if you think that having an almost complete lack of competition for major titles on the Switch didn't help the launch sales of Mario Kart 8.

I'm not saying Mario Kart 8 Deluxe would ever have sold poorly. It's an excellent game and would of sold very well no matter when it was released or how much competition it had. Most gamers don't have an unlimited budget to buy games. If there were more major titles on the Switch some Switch owners would of bought those titles instead and may of delayed buying Mario Kart or decided to skip it all together.

What major title would compete with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe if released on Switch at the same period?


Saint Titanfall
Yeah, I'm kind of confused about that. What's that line referring to?

It's referring to a post in this thread I believe were they talked about the analyst in question about a pic showing their daughter with a Nintendo DS and their general nintendo bias.


What major title would compete with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe if released on Switch at the same period?

Any major title would. Not every gamer has the exact same level of interest in Mario Kart and some would choose to buy another major title instead of Mario Kart.


It's referring to a post in this thread I believe were they talked about the analyst in question about a pic showing their daughter with a Nintendo DS and their general nintendo bias.

That was a clear joke though, I thought it was referring to a specific, genuine post.
The Nintendoomed nonsense doesn't hold up one bit for me, because it's exaggerated. I saw plenty of the same sort of comments aimed at Sony during the PS3's years on the market, and I'm seeing plenty of it aimed towards Xbox over the past couple of years, especially on GAF.

For Sony we saw it pre-PS4 when almost all their divisions were bleeding money, with the notable exception of insurance, but the comment has not resurfaced since.

For Xbox it had mostly to do with some comments from MS executives, notably the would-be CEO, implying they'll cancel the brand. Their continued focus on Windows for gaming reinforced this. My memory is a bit hazy on this one though.

But in Nintendo's case it continued well into the DS/Wii era when there were breaking sales records left and right. And this included industry analysts, mind you. So much this very forum dubbed them "fanalysts" for a good while.

The difference here is that doom and gloom for the other two console holders was somewhat grounded in reality. For Nintendo it's safe to say it'll continue for a long long time regardless.


I still wish I'd had significant enough side money to burn when Nintendo was down to like $14 or $15 a share.

Oh well. There's always next time they're 'doomed'.


Any major title would. Not every gamer has the exact same level of interest in Mario Kart and some would choose to buy another major title instead of Mario Kart.

But how many of those people will buy those games instead of MK8D? What if those people, instead of buying MK8D, just decided to hold on to their money and wait for a game that will be more in line with their interests since only MK8D is the biggest game in April?

So if Xenoblade 2 and MK8D released on the same period, MK8D would instantly drop in sales big time? Or if Dark Souls trilogy magically appear on the Switch at the end of April, MK8D would drown down the sales charts?

People keep ignoring the fact that Mario Kart is on the top tier of Nintendo's best selling franchises, and it does it on a constant basis. What if, just a theory of mine, that many bought a Switch to play the latest Mario Kart? There are the so-called casual audience who are into these kinds of games and are pretty large in quantity, you know.
The Nintendoomed nonsense doesn't hold up one bit for me, because it's exaggerated. I saw plenty of the same sort of comments aimed at Sony during the PS3's years on the market, and I'm seeing plenty of it aimed towards Xbox over the past couple of years, especially on GAF.

What makes Nintendo unique in this space is that the salty-ass posts prevail even when they are doing well as a company. PS3 and Xbox One got shit on when they were behind in sales. Nintendo gets shit on when they're failing, then they get shit on even harder when they're succeeding.


What makes Nintendo unique in this space is that the salty-ass posts prevail even when they are doing well as a company. PS3 and Xbox One got shit on when they were behind in sales. Nintendo gets shit on when they're failing, then they get shit on even harder when they're succeeding.
Usually playstation got heats from Xbox fans, Xbox got heats from playstation fans. Nintendo in the other hands, gets shit on from both of them, and even the pc audience lol


Saint Titanfall
What makes Nintendo unique in this space is that the salty-ass posts prevail even when they are doing well as a company. PS3 and Xbox One got shit on when they were behind in sales. Nintendo gets shit on when they're failing, then they get shit on even harder when they're succeeding.

The PS4 clearly got shit on early in it's life though not as much since it's competition was still the xb1. There was plenty of PS4 has no games and greattness awaits but greatness never came memes to go around.


But how many of those people will buy those games instead of MK8D? What if those people, instead of buying MK8D, just decided to hold on to their money and wait for a game that will be more in line with their interests since only MK8D is the biggest game in April?

So if Xenoblade 2 and MK8D released on the same period, MK8D would instantly drop in sales big time? Or if Dark Souls trilogy magically appear on the Switch at the end of April, MK8D would drown down the sales charts?

People keep ignoring the fact that Mario Kart is on the top tier of Nintendo's best selling franchises, and it does it on a constant basis. What if, just a theory of mine, that many bought a Switch to play the latest Mario Kart? There are the so-called casual audience who are into these kinds of games and are pretty large in quantity, you know.

It's impossible to say how many people would have bought a different game over Mario Kart 8. I don't think many games would of made a huge impact on sales but you never know.

If a Dark Souls trilogy port or Prey came out around the time of Mario Kart 8 I imagine that some MK8 buyers would of bought those instead if they only had the budget for one game. And yes I'm sure there are people buying the Switch mainly for MK8.

Not everyone has the same level of interest in every game. Not everyone has an unlimited budget to buy games. If there were more major games on the Switch there would be some people spending their limited budget on a different game.


Outside of the NeoGAF bubble, those are beloved, system-selling titles that move a ton of units. And to be frank, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag is actually a really good game.

Black Flag is the only good game in that list. But even then isn't easy late port at at the PS4 launch.

The Hermit

I still wish I'd had significant enough side money to burn when Nintendo was down to like $14 or $15 a share.

Oh well. There's always next time they're 'doomed'.

Yeah, ntdoy blewed up after the mobile anouncement.

To be honest, I expect it to grow even bigger, people already forgot they are building a theme park. Their peak was 76 and they are sitting now at 33.

Too bad I don't have any extra money to invest, otherwise I would totally go for it.
So what? Why do you give a shit? Let people dream if they want. If they consider it innovative, then who are you or I to tell them they're wrong? I rather that than the twenty Nintendo is doomed posts.
Same goes for that. Who are you to tell someone if Nintendo is not doomed? Are you micheal J fox? Do you have a Nintendo Sports Almanac?
It's a discussion. People will discuss.


Saint Titanfall
It's impossible to say how many people would have bought a different game over Mario Kart 8. I don't think many games would of made a huge impact on sales but you never know.

If a Dark Souls trilogy port or Prey came out around the time of Mario Kart 8 I imagine that some MK8 buyers would of bought those instead if they only had the budget for one game. And yes I'm sure there are people buying the Switch mainly for MK8.

Not everyone has the same level of interest in every game. Not everyone has an unlimited budget to buy games. If there were more major games on the Switch there would be some people spending their limited budget on a different game.

The is true but some f the people will likely be wii u owners. Wii u had plenty o third party games at and around launch. They all bombed outside of major Nintendo releases.

Nintendo games have a a tendency of eating most of the oxygen in the room which is part of the reason why third parties aren't that keen on releasing games on there. The top 10 games of all Nintendo systems skew towards their games which is why regardless of what was released alongside unless it was GTAV or Minecraft in it's prime Mario Kart would have still sold close to what it ended up selling keep in mind the software sales for the rest of the games by most markets we have data for went up not down. It's more likely they'd buy MK and something else or just MK than a large proportion outright ignoring it.


It's impossible to say how many people would have bought a different game over Mario Kart 8. I don't think many games would of made a huge impact on sales but you never know.

If a Dark Souls trilogy port or Prey came out around the time of Mario Kart 8 I imagine that some MK8 buyers would of bought those instead if they only had the budget for one game. And yes I'm sure there are people buying the Switch mainly for MK8.

Not everyone has the same level of interest in every game. Not everyone has an unlimited budget to buy games. If there were more major games on the Switch there would be some people spending their limited budget on a different game.

There's really no disputing that not everyone has the same level of interest in every game. But the thing is if budget is limited and MK8D is not the gamer's interest, then why buy MK8D? People spending for games they know they will never like even if they know that they don't have big pockets to waste money on is nonsense. And that goes back to the topic as to why MK8D sold that well. The brand is huge, the audience for the game is big and well established, the reviews are recommending it and the word of mouth is very positive. While there maybe some truth about buying MK8D because it's the only big release for Switch right now, but those who think like that, how much of them are there? Are their quantity that significant?
Considering MK7 got a stage based on Donkey Kong Country Returns, I think it's a shame Mario Kart 8 couldn't get a Tropical Freeze themed track.
Same goes for that. Who are you to tell someone if Nintendo is not doomed? Are you micheal J fox? Do you have a Nintendo Sports Almanac?
It's a discussion. People will discuss.

Really don't think the almanac is necessary. They just had one of their most successful hardware launches in their entire history as a games company. Can probably set the Doomclock™ back a few more years.
Analysts are interesting to me. It was plainly obvious that Mario Kart was going to be huge because of the Switch momentum. I personally could have predicted this mega hit fairly easily but I do understand that analysts are looking at every type of company and not just video games so they wouldn't have the insiders view that nerdy GAF users would have.


Outside of the NeoGAF bubble, those are beloved, system-selling titles that move a ton of units. And to be frank, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag is actually a really good game.

To be frank, it's a mediocre game that happens to be the best AC game.

BOTW and MK8D are legitimately great games. And this time around they've sold well. Yet this thread is a field of excuses as to why they shouldn't have.
This console is poised for success.

I have Zelda BOTW and MK8D and loving it.

The only thing which will take it to new heights is a great *brand new* 3rd party title.

I will likely purchase SKYRIM for Switch as I have never played the game. (I have only ever had Ninety consoles the last several gens)
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