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Jimquisition: Nintendo - A Shit Distributor And Fuckheaded Toymaker (Nov. 28, 2016)

It is Defending it even when claiming you are understanding their approach.


How? I'm saying that we want to determine why these stock shortages are happening so that we can place blame accordingly. You don't blame a company for something if you're defending that something.

Yes, but I don't think advocating downloading ROMs for free while licence holders are still selling ROMs is justifiable.
Buying a VC title and then format shifting it is different to saying "I don't want to pay $5 for a NES ROM so I'll just download it for free". That's just piracy.

I think the more relevant issue here re: emulation (that you brought up before) is that Jim apparently suggested (or even advocated for) emulation instead of buying an NES Classic, apparently thinking it was a dumb product that no one should buy, yet here blasts Nintendo for undershipping a product that was clearly in high demand. You can't have it both ways, Jim.
I don't see how Nintendo avoids risks. The Switch seems like a huge gamble, and they've shown us almost nothing about it.

In this poker metaphor, the Switch would be the good hand that they eventually push all in on. I think it's possible that they are cutting back on their marketing budget and shifting that money towards lowering the initial sales price. Which could be effective.

We will see in January I suppose.


I'm fucking sick of Nintendo's artificial scarcity and incompetence with production/shipping.

No other company would get away with this bullshit. Nobody.


The very concept of of "false/manufactured demand" is one of the dumbest things gamers have come up with.

If Nintendo would get to choose between being guaranteed to sell significantly more pieces of something or having that "artificial demand"-nonsense, while scalpers are having one heck of a time, they'd always pick the former.

Indeed. I think people are giving Nintendo (NoA specifically) way too much credit. They're not that brilliant; they're incompetent.
Wait, Jimquisition is from bumfuck Mississippi? Why does he sound British when he lives in the deep south? No British expats live in the deep south!


Nike deliberately manufactures low amounts of their new Jordan shoes and other limited editions to drive up demand. The videos of long lines, reports of mobs, high resale value, and people getting mugged over the products, increases brand awareness for the rest of their product line and future releases.

Good article on it here: http://www.highsnobiety.com/2015/06/09/sneaker-resell-market/

Edit: I should add that Nike so closely monitors demand that they almost always have sellouts and rarely over/undership by more than 5-10%. They are better at this "game" than Nintendo is.

They are limited edition for a reason. And they can basically get away with it because it's a Jordan brand. Anything that is a limited item that involves Michael Jordan has insane collectors value, that itself drives its price up. And some obviously are from superstar players' brands. Like the Jordan ones to a lesser degree, it's the brand and collectors value that hikes up the price.

I mean, if it's called limited edition, it should be limited in literal sense.


You can't have it both ways, Jim.

Well, that's the beauty of the "artificial scarcity" argument.
You get to claim its a bad product and that you should just emulate it, that its only selling on nostalgia and to dads who want to show their kids what games they wanted to play when they were young, and claim you have no interest in it whatsoever.

But then you also get to claim that if you saw one right now and didn't have to make any effort to find one, that you would snap it up immediately, because thats the power of artifical scarcity and marketing, and you are powerless to fight against capitalist urges, not that there is anything desirable about the product itself.

Nintendo eating their crackers like they fucking own the place again


Conspiracy idiocy with zero evidence and even less motive, plus made up business theory like artificial demand and supply creating demand. LOL.

Mwa haha, we'll produce less units and people won't be able to buy it! Instant profit!

Goat jizz isn't easily available. But its scarcity isn't making people want it more than they would if it was everywhere.


Unconfirmed Member
How does everyone still not get this? Here, let me break it down for you.

Look at amiibo. First group of amiibo come out, Nintendo has it's initial shipment. It underestimates demand, and people get pissed. Bad.

So, Nintendo decides to try to fix the issue with Animal Crossing amiibo. Well, Nintendo overestimates demand. They litter store shelves for months and can't be sold for even $5 or less. This is WORSE. Stores get annoyed they are stuck with extra merchandise they can't sell. This costs Nintendo a lot of money and relationships.

Fast forward to NES classic. Does Nintendo over produce it and risk a repeat, or under produce it and if demand is high, do a second shipment? The answer is pretty clear. Watching people think it's some sort of manipulative scheme is hilarious...It's cost. Nothing else. If you over produce and misread it, you're left with a lot of leftover supply.

I've seen it time and time again with more products I can't mention. But that's how it works.

So Nintendo is either extremely incompetent and can't do what most companies do, which is accurately estimate demand for a product, or deliberately narcissistic and primarily concerned with creating an exotic and exclusive culture surrounding itself.
What if the answer is a little simpler than this conspiracy theory bullshit? What if it's more like Nintendo realized over the summer that they don't have their usual big November release, they decided to excrete out a little Plug & Play TV Games console in a cute box, make and distribute as many as they could in just a few months, and hope for the best?

As to the Amiibo argument... they flooded the stores with Marios and Links and shit because those games sell. Sure, Wii Fit sold gajillions of copies, but not to the crowd that likes to own plastic figurines of their childhood heroes. So they probably initially made the initial minimum factory run of characters they didn't have high expectations of, like the Wii Fit Trainer, and the speculators drove demand crazy.


Hmm, just like the New 3DS at this Black Friday, right?

These actually had numbers on each black box for every anniversary edition PS4. As in there were only so many made. And were only available i believe directly through Sony, amazon and PSX 2014.

I don't remember seeing them in a lot of retail chains for that weekend. And they were sold out in like 24-48 hours.


eh, this is just whine about not being able to buy stuff instantly

complaining about cord length is legit since it has actually practical repercussions


eh, this is just whine about not being able to buy stuff instantly

complaining about cord length is legit since it has actually practical repercussions

Wow, such an informative post. This has been an issue with Nintendo as a company through many products. It's relative to have this discussion especially with a new console on the horizon from them.

Everyone knew how hot this was going to be, not doing preorders for the device was dumb, shipping low quantities to retail stores is dumb. They had tons of time for this device. There is no excuse.

Nintendo is bad when it comes to producing enough quantity's.


The Birthday Skeleton
What if the answer is a little simpler than this conspiracy theory bullshit? What if it's more like Nintendo realized over the summer that they don't have their usual big November release, they decided to excrete out a little Plug & Play TV Games console in a cute box, make and distribute as many as they could in just a few months, and hope for the best?

As to the Amiibo argument... they flooded the stores with Marios and Links and shit because those games sell. Sure, Wii Fit sold gajillions of copies, but not to the crowd that likes to own plastic figurines of their childhood heroes. So they probably initially made the initial minimum factory run of characters they didn't have high expectations of, like the Wii Fit Trainer, and the speculators drove demand crazy.

You know that there is such a thing called market research? Which is pretty essential for a company like Nintendo that depends a lot on a success of few products. So if what you say is true then their market research departments are severally lacking in quality. I know that Wii U doesn't make their market research department look very strong, but that seems to be a misstep more in the sense that the market moved quickly into new direction and it was too late to change.

I find the scenario in which Nintendo really have no idea what the demand for their products is to be the worst of all possible scenarios. As I said previously, as a last resort in case there is not enough market data get the preorders up as quickly as possible to gauge the interest.


So Nintendo is either extremely incompetent and can't do what most companies do, which is accurately estimate demand for a product, or deliberately narcissistic and primarily concerned with creating an exotic and exclusive culture surrounding itself.

There is no such thing as accurately estimate demand. That's why it's called an estimate. Sony also underestimated the demand for PS4 Pro in some regions where it was out of stock in an instant. Capcom overestimated SFV sales big time so we see bargain bin prices for the game this early. Those things happen to every company.


Either there is intentional supply chain constriction going on or Nintendo is the worst major corporation on the planet at determining what demand is for their products. This has been happening for twenty years.


Wait, why would allowing pre-orders have helped? If they'd done that there's no way anyone but scalpers would ever have gotten one.


Nintendo are either dodgy bastards that are forcing artificial rarity.

Or they are so incompetent that they can't create enough units to fulfil the demand.

Either way they look bad. But you could write a book on the idiotic backwards things Nintendo do. And yet there are still crazy people that defend them, and those people are exactly why Nintendo will always pull this kind of shit and get away with it, deliberate or otherwise.

Can I get a synopsis of the video as I refuse to give another YouTube blowhard from NeoGAF any clicks or views?

No. Go participate in a discussion you deem worthy of your time to get the information for.


It is nonsense, and people working shopfloor retail have literally no insight outside of what their microclimate ecosystem looks like.
It's like asking a temporary contract QA tester at the budget for a AAA multi-studio title.


Yes, but I don't think advocating downloading ROMs for free while licence holders are still selling ROMs is justifiable.
Buying a VC title and then format shifting it is different to saying "I don't want to pay $5 for a NES ROM so I'll just download it for free". That's just piracy.

You are unbelievably ignorant, quit blindly defending Nintendo like a fanboy, they don't deserve it.


The Birthday Skeleton
Wait, why would allowing pre-orders have helped? If they'd done that there's no way anyone but scalpers would ever have gotten one.

If you plan to deliver 100000 units at launch but you sell those 100000 via pre-orders 2 months before launch you know for sure that you need to produce and deliver much more to the stores to cover up for the demand. You can even open new pre-orders as you handle the additional production and see how much more is needed.



How? I'm saying that we want to determine why these stock shortages are happening so that we can place blame accordingly. You don't blame a company for something if you're defending that something.


I think the more relevant issue here re: emulation (that you brought up before) is that Jim apparently suggested (or even advocated for) emulation instead of buying an NES Classic, apparently thinking it was a dumb product that no one should buy, yet here blasts Nintendo for undershipping a product that was clearly in high demand. You can't have it both ways, Jim.
Jim is not a hypocrite fool, he clarified in the video that even if the NES classic does not appeal to him personally, it does appeal to plenty of other people, did you not watch the whole video?


Jim is not a hypocrite fool, he clarified in the video that even if the NES classic does not appeal to him personally, it does appeal to plenty of other people, did you not watch the whole video?

Most of the people in this thread calling him a hypocrite or claiming conspiracy probably haven't even clicked on the video. Just like every other Jimquisition thread.


how is nintendo "getting away with this bullshit" when everybody is calling them out?

There's still a lot of fanboys out there who will blindly defend them no matter what, i've seen that happen every single time Yahtzee dares to criticize a Nintendo game(he even devoted an entire episode to responses he got from butthurt fanboys that insulted him over his review of Brawl), people have no problem with him criticizing games from other publishers, but as soon as he takes aim at a title from the Big N(even shitty ones like Star Fox Zero, Sticker Star and Federation Force), there are people in the comments section whining about how "biased" he is(despite Yahtzee repeatedly stating that he does like some Nintendo games and quite liked the Gamecube)


The amount of Nintendo apologism here is hilarious. People are literally claiming that false demand is a myth that gamers have created to insult Nintendo. Okay guys.


The amount of Nintendo apologism here is hilarious. People are literally claiming that false demand is a myth that gamers have created to insult Nintendo. Okay guys.

Dude the NDF is real. It's been here for like forever just like there is for UWP, and Sony especially with PS4 PRO.

It's gaf.
Yes, but I don't think advocating downloading ROMs for free while licence holders are still selling ROMs is justifiable.
Buying a VC title and then format shifting it is different to saying "I don't want to pay $5 for a NES ROM so I'll just download it for free". That's just piracy.
You have made the most dramatic logical leaps of anyone in this thread, it is actually astounding


You are unbelievably ignorant, quit blindly defending Nintendo like a fanboy, they don't deserve it.

If his topic was about whoever-the-fuck-makes Hatchimals creating artifical scarcity to sell more Hatchimals I would also say that that is self-evidently bullshit, and I am not a whoever-the-fuck-makes-Hatchimals fanboy blindly defending them.

I mean, if your response to "That makes zero logical sense, why do you believe that is true?" is "STFU fanboy stop defending them", I genuinely have to question who is looking at this from a biased perspective.

You have made the most dramatic logical leaps of anyone in this thread, it is actually astounding

Please, give an example and I will break down the step-by-step logic of my stance if you do not follow it.


Unconfirmed Member
There is no such thing as accurately estimate demand. That's why it's called an estimate. Sony also underestimated the demand for PS4 Pro in some regions where it was out of stock in an instant. Capcom overestimated SFV sales big time so we see bargain bin prices for the game this early. Those things happen to every company.

Okay but show me the track record of those companies overestimating or underestimating as much as Nintendo. Nintendo is special in that regard and to pretend otherwise is foolish.

They have a proven history of underestimating shipments, either deliberately or unintentionally.


Nah. I argued on behalf of artificial scarcity in video games when the ps2 hit the market and got fucking schooled by people wiser and more experienced than myself. Pretty sure it hasn't changed since then. Nintendo would sell to every customer who wants one if they had the option.
Clearly, Nintendo doesn't run a tight ship.

No, the problem here is likely that they run too tight a ship.

As many people have indicated in this thread, they try to save as much money as possible on manufacturing, shipping, and storage and what this does is both cause their production numbers to go down and cause resupply to take a lot longer than if they actually had a more cohesive supply chain ready.

This ensures that releasing a new product is as risk-averse as possible, which they probably doubled down on after the Wii U failed to move even half of the estimated 10 million they produced in the first year.

And it's a very annoying habit to consumers, and people are right to call them out on it. But artificial scarcity it is not, and it's probably debatable whether or not you can call it incompetence, as this shows Nintendo is very, very good with managing their money. Though it could very well indicate a lot of money left on the table that they're missing out on, but that's a bit harder to quantify.


If his topic was about whoever-the-fuck-makes Hatchimals creating artifical scarcity to sell more Hatchimals I would also say that that is self-evidently bullshit, and I am not a whoever-the-fuck-makes-Hatchimals fanboy blindly defending them.

I mean, if your response to "That makes zero logical sense, why do you believe that is true?" is "STFU fanboy stop defending them", I genuinely have to question who is looking at this from a biased perspective.

I have to genuinely question your logic, your posts are the only things here so far that make "zero logical sense", you just seem to have a hate boner for Jim for no good reason.

Artificial scarcity IS real, deal with it:http://www.artificialscarcity.com/
Nintendo have made some of the best games ever, but luckily video gamers have plenty of other options to play magnificent games elsewhere when Nintendo are being silly fuckwits. Too many options really, which is why their casual customers left for mobile and the money gamers left for PC, Xbox and PlayStation.

I'll buy a Switch if Nintendo don't act like dicks and I don't have to play a fucking game to get one. I'm not expecting much to be honest. Tis always a jolly good laugh to see the Nintendo contingent getting their knickers in a twist, though. Thanks for that Jimothy.


The amount of Nintendo apologism here is hilarious. People are literally claiming that false demand is a myth that gamers have created to insult Nintendo. Okay guys.

There is no valid excuse for the the NES Mini being in short supply especially considering it's price and the 30 year old hardware it's based on.
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