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Joe Rogan: "Video Games Are a “Problem” and Gamers Are Wasting Their Time"


joe lost pure respect , a few times tbh , illuminati puppet chatting pure shit , about made up shit... joe , stop sipping the adrecrome with hollyweird , get on cod , and let me bum ditch your nose , tbag style.


So many butthurt people in this thread lol. Seems Joe struck a nerve.

Do whatever makes you happy as long as its not interfering with other aspects of your life or doing harm to others. Life is finite after all.
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Its a harsh truth but Joe does have a point. I quit gaming 8 months ago. Bought a new car, I have an amazing new girlfriend, I make a shitload of money and I'm buying a house this spring. I party every weekend, I'm never home. I'm enjoying life. Do yourselves a favor, gaf. Stop trying to make gaming a career. Its cringe as fuck.

Oh dear, you are doing it wrong when you can’t do that plus game.

House bought, practically married, good job and a still find the time to game.

Not all day or everyday but it’s still my primary hobby, all things in balance.

Things aren’t a problem, people and their inability to maintain a balance is the issue, too much of anything is bad for you ..... like getting punched in the head for a living.
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Let’s not forget that many of us don’t just spend a lot of our free time gaming, but we spend it ‘reading’ about gaming.

That’s even worse, when you think about it.

Joe’s saying we’re wasting our lives gaming, so if you’re reading this right now it means you’re wasting your life NOT gaming.


Depends on person to person and I think he's correct. If you're ignoring rea life to game, you're wasting your time. If you're playing games as a hobby or to socialize with friends, it's not. I feel I have wasted a lot of time on gaming. I have the platinum trophy for Assassin's Creed Syndicate and Origins (both have dumb grinding portions).


Watched the entire thing and not the snippet. There was a bit more context and explanation and from someone who may not have experience or numbers, that comment didn't kill me at all. Even if I don't agree


Lets be honest, the people that say they have no time to game because they are 'too busy doing real life important stuff....' are usually spending most of their free time scrolling facebook, browsing reddit, arguing with idiots on twitter, watching youtube or any of the other modern day time consuming activities we tend to all indulge in.... are any of those things a better use of your time? One could make some strong arguments for them being worse. Nothing wrong with incorporating gaming into your life, just time manage things appropriately.


He's absolutely right. Like drugs. When you're done with them, you had your fun, but what was the point?

Sometimes, they'll teach you something. But all in all, bit pointless.

You could be running around kicking a ball.

Kev Kev

An 1800s philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, talked about mans desire for their ideal life and how 99% never achieve that life because of fear, laziness, or both.
Video games have become a lazy mans best friend.
depends on what your ideal life is. if someones ideal life is to be lazy and play video games all day then theyve achieved the same as someone who who's ideal life is fame and fortune

joe rogan is framing his argument in a bad way. all hes trying to say is if you want his version of an ideal life (fame and fortune) then youll have to sacrifice your time (including the time you put forth toward video games). but not everyone wants that. some just want to make enough to live and retire and live a simple life. and or those people, there is no need to give up video games or other fruitless entertainment. which is in direct opposition with rogans argument

so it's a yes and no kind of thing

you guys see what im saying right? lol im not necessarily agreeing or disagreeing qith anyone, im saying hes stating his idea in a way that leaves it vulnerable. if he just didnt something specific like video games, id wholly agree with his argument.

so its like your original pst said, on one hand i agree and on another hes being ignorant.



so under that context, yeah, even i would tell a fitness guru that games are a waste of time.

secondly i disagree with him but i also don't care. in fact it won't affect me in any way and ill continue listening to his podcasts WHILE i game.

Joe Rogan rules precisely cos he will say something like this without questioning it. and i know what he means. he doesn't mean gamers are all evil or hate women or anything. he thinks that physically there are better things you could be doing. that's kind of objectively true (well it would be without the pandemic quarantine).

too many people think "if you disagree with me, you're my enemy!". i don't. we're all good Joe, no probs here. think what you want.
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Having fun is not a waste of time.

But you should earn your fun time; that's the problem for a lot of people.

I work my ass off to have the time to do what I want, and some of that time is spent gaming.


Playing video games is hedonistic and is driving us towards a complete collapse of society. Instead, the populace sould be forced to spend more time in mines and factories.
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Technically, all entertainment is a waste of time if you think about it. For me, I play games for fun and escapism. Never understood why video games are considered a waste of time, but things like social media, podcasts, movies, planting flowers, TV, fishing, partying, amusement parks, camping, mountain climbing, watching animals at the zoo, etc are fine. Those aren’t exactly productive either when you think about it.
very wel said.. I also can never believe my friends when they look down upon me playing games but then they start taling about all the series they binge watched the weekend..
Any type of hobby could be destructive if you don't have your priorities straight. I don't know why people go 'he's not wrong though and then proceed to post an essay explaining that very simple fact as if they are more enlightened than anybody else. It's not something new.

It's making him money. Some people probably put his show on in the background while in the office or on long haul drives and it gets them through 5 hours of a mind-numbing day.

So what? Video games also make a lot of people a lot of money and plenty of people only play a couple of hours a week so i don't see the point you are trying to make.
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If you don't have a job or whatever, games and computers will destroy you. Ideally you should have your life in order then dvele into the internet, now though, its happening the other way around and people are more lazy, self indulgent, and bitter about their life than ever before.


Golden Boy
I have heard this several times in my life, usually from older generations (lol boomers).
My answer: Just like Books, Music, TV/movies/streaming/cinema. Nothing advances you, but all feel good and entertaining.
Humans need entertainment to not die of boredom. Its part of life. Discrediting videogames is just trendy with older generations and because gaming-addicted people (those that piss in bottles and starve during WoW) give them a bad name.
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Videogames are for the most part a waste of time. There are about a billion things that are more beneficial to you as a person.

I dont see how anyone can disagree really.

I am pretty sure no one ever said "i wish i played more vidya games" on their deathbed.
Listening to one of his podcasts is a tremendous waste of time. You don't see him stop making them though.

People can do whatever the fuck they want for entertainment. Some people can take 'roids and go to the gym 5h a day, some people go out and play golf, others shitpost on the internet. Its their prerogative to do so.

People don't exist just to be productive all day every day, so some indolent trust-fund schmuck on the board of executives, keeps getting money. Let people have their fun.
It's been hilarious watching people get mad about this.

I'm just glad I'll never be anywhere near as famous as someone like Joe Rogan. He's gotten to the point where he's trending on twitter every other week for some incredibly trivial shit that people got butthurt about. Dealing with that stuff must be pretty stressful
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Any type of hobby could be destructive if you don't have your priorities straight. I don't know why people go 'he's not wrong though and then proceed to post an essay explaining that very simple fact as if they are more enlightened than anybody else. It's not something new.

So what? Video games also make a lot of people a lot of money and plenty of people only play a couple of hours a week so i don't see the point you are trying to make.

Yeah, and reading novels makes a lot of people a lot of money.

The point I am making (not trying to make, it was made successfully) is that Joe Rogan's show is not a waste. It's not a waste for him to make it, as the first person suggested, because it's his job. It's not a waste for listeners because most of them are probably working and making a living while they listen.

Also, Rogan never said it was a waste for everyone. His sound byte actually made it sound more like video games are a waste of time for him, to which he said it was a big problem for him because they're so damn fun.

He's not shitting on video games, per se. He's one of us.


video games are a waste of time in the sense that almost everything is. actual important work is rarely being done by anyone and that's ok, we are not built to only work and never entertain ourselves.


Gold Member
I didn't understand why people got SO up in arms about this. I figured it was because they had nothing better to do or be upset about. I mean, I was born into video games, and I still play every time I am able to do so. Of course when I have free time that doesn't impact anything else I have to do, especially responsibilities.

Anything that is taking up majority if not all of your free time can be problematic. Especially when it interferes with other things in your life. It's all about moderation, and that goes with literally anything in your entire life.

I will say I thought it was kind of funny that he took this stance where he dismissed them and said they were such a problem. But then provided an example regarding comedy and how his parents reacted. The same can be said regarding video games. But there have been big changes in gaming in regards to streaming and esports.

Video games at their core are a hobby, if they're yours, enjoy them for what they give you and don't worry about what others say or think. If you have a personal goal to be a streamer or professional player, shit, go for it. The only person that can really ever hold you back is yourself. <3
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Do they make money playing games to pass mind-numbing days?
Yeah, and reading novels makes a lot of people a lot of money.

The point I am making (not trying to make, it was made successfully) is that Joe Rogan's show is not a waste. It's not a waste for him to make it, as the first person suggested, because it's his job. It's not a waste for listeners because most of them are probably working and making a living while they listen.

Also, Rogan never said it was a waste for everyone. His sound byte actually made it sound more like video games are a waste of time for him, to which he said it was a big problem for him because they're so damn fun.

He's not shitting on video games, per se. He's one of us.
I dont think anybody implied making a podcast was a waste of time for him. Im pretty sure his podcast can be considered a waste of time for those who happen to listen to it while doing nothing else(and i dont agree that 'most' people are working and making a living while listening to a podcast). The same way playing video games when you have some free time is by no means a 'waste' of time. Those things go without saying which was my point. Now if he's talking about him only then fine, i don't really care.
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Also, Rogan never said it was a waste for everyone. His sound byte actually made it sound more like video games are a waste of time for him, to which he said it was a big problem for him because they're so damn fun.

He's not shitting on video games, per se. He's one of us.

this is a meathead interviewing a fitness guru. of course they will say games are a waste of time.

have Joe Rogan interview PDP and he will probably say the opposite. that's who he is.

it is a non story. some nothing video game website trying to farm outrage.
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depends on what your ideal life is. if someones ideal life is to be lazy and play video games all day then theyve achieved the same as someone who who's ideal life is fame and fortune

joe rogan is framing his argument in a bad way. all hes trying to say is if you want his version of an ideal life (fame and fortune) then youll have to sacrifice your time (including the time you put forth toward video games). but not everyone wants that. some just want to make enough to live and retire and live a simple life. and or those people, there is no need to give up video games or other fruitless entertainment. which is in direct opposition with rogans argument

so it's a yes and no kind of thing

you guys see what im saying right? lol im not necessarily agreeing or disagreeing qith anyone, im saying hes stating his idea in a way that leaves it vulnerable. if he just didnt something specific like video games, id wholly agree with his argument.

so its like your original pst said, on one hand i agree and on another hes being ignorant.
I know what you were saying. I was trying to supplement it with some highly regarded philosophy is all.


You know how anime have those nasty fillers nobody like? Video games are fillers of life. Fact. But I will still pay
Trying to think about how the same couldn't be said about chess.

I know lots of different people who are hardcore into gaming. Some are lazy fucks who opt out of society any chance they get. Some are incredibly hard working people for whom it's a passion and they use it in different ways to bring people together and have a good time.

Gaming is a huge tent, too huge to just blanket say it's a waste of time. As in many things it's about balance. It is addictive, no doubt. So people have to manage their addictions. You need to have willpower. If you can play games and manage that compulsion and gain balance in your life, that ability will serve you well and you'll still be able to partake in the most modern and cutting edge form of entertainment there is, that is developing in all these weird and wonderful ways, where there's all sorts of cultural events you can join with other people. It's fucking fun. Fun is not a waste of time.

But if you can't manage it then yeah it can be a problem. But if it isn't gaming that will cause you issues, if you can't manage your willpower, it'll be something else. It'll be porn or gambling or drugs or alcohol or whatever. There's lots of ways to fuck yourself up. Gaming is probably one of the least harmful. Worst thing about it is the potential lost elsewhere.


Millionaire celebrities, athletes and everyone else telling me how I should act and what I can and can not say are always right.


Snake Oil Salesman
"If it doesn't get you paid or doesn't get you paid, don't do it."

I generally find that successful people approach productive activities similarly to how unsuccessful people approach fun activities.
Its a harsh truth but Joe does have a point. I quit gaming 8 months ago. Bought a new car, I have an amazing new girlfriend, I make a shitload of money and I'm buying a house this spring. I party every weekend, I'm never home. I'm enjoying life. Do yourselves a favor, gaf. Stop trying to make gaming a career. Its cringe as fuck.
Tai Lopez? That you?


Why does anyone care about a guy who used to make a living off getting people to eat bull balls for money say anyway?


I generally agree with him.

And it's alright, as long as you are aware of it, manage your time and set your priorities straight.

Tho from experience I gernerally do better in life when I don't game at all.. Then again I probably will never able to drop it entirely. It's just too much fuckin fun.
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