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Joe Rogan: "Video Games Are a “Problem” and Gamers Are Wasting Their Time"


i never get this, its like any other entertainment, if you do it too much its never good

if you are earning a living and are happy, then you can do whatever the fuck you want in your free time


I'm very surprised how many people agrees with Rogan here. In a videogame forum of all places.

Judging only by the limited context of the video in the OP, he isn't saying you should limit your time gaming or that it can be dangerous if you are not careful. Which is obviously right. He is saying it is a waste of time and something very bad for your life, a problem because you can't go anywhere with it.

I would never game if I thought it was a waste of time. Time is the most precious thing in life. I play games because it is a great way to relax and having mental stimulation in a very fun way.

The idea that videogames are just mindless fun is mind boggling to me when it comes from people who play. Like Sid Meyer said one time, "games are a series of interesting decisions". When you play a good game, your brain is calculating possibilities and doing strategies to pass a mental/dexterity challenge. There are many genres and each of them have its own types of challenges. How this would not have a good impact in the brain's health?

There are a lot of mental stimulation, you are learning patterns, there is an artistic experience with the art, music and story. It is the opposite of mindless.

That said, Rogan is great and I like his podcast a lot. Thinking it is garbage because he has one opinion I don't agree is as silly as his opinion about games.
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It's making him money. Some people probably put his show on in the background while in the office or on long haul drives and it gets them through 5 hours of a mind-numbing day.

There are also a good amount of people out there making admirable money talking, reviewing and streaming video games as well. Not everyone will make a plethora of cash with video games of course, but the same applies to practically any profession including things like podcasts.
very wel said.. I also can never believe my friends when they look down upon me playing games but then they start taling about all the series they binge watched the weekend..

The funny thing is, I hear from people that gaming is huge a waste of time, but at least games can test and sharpen your brain, hand and eye coordination as well as your reflexes while it’s entertaining you and telling a story.

I ask them, what does watching Netflix, being on social media or nonsensical Youtube videos all day really accomplish? I think with a lot of people still associate gaming as a child’s hobby as well, so they are quick to dismiss them.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I honestly feel the same way a lot of the time. I think it's why I've almost completely given up games that aren't story-focused.


I have heard this several times in my life, usually from older generations (lol boomers).
My answer: Just like Books, Music, TV/movies/streaming/cinema. Nothing advances you, but all feel good and entertaining.
Humans need entertainment to not die of boredom. Its part of life. Discrediting videogames is just trendy with older generations and because gaming-addicted people (those that piss in bottles and starve during WoW) give them a bad name.

I agree with tv and movies but you are totally wrong about books. I learned how to read, write, math, science, etc thanks to books.


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All entertainment is a "waste of time", watching porn is a waste of time. Just because you consume art and entertainment doesn't mean you can't work and live a normal life. Common sense? Yes I know. Just don't let it consume you.
If I didn't play / understand games I could see myself sharing this opinion.

Also if I were as sociable and likeable as Joe I'd probably share the same opinion too.

Alas I'm some loser sitting here with nothing else to do. So games it is.
You are just a filthy copper in Siege :messenger_grinning_sweat:


Me and my wife both worked our ass off and have really good jobs and the way we choose to spend time together sometimes is through video games.

We literally played stardew valley for 12 hours this past Tuesday while talking and enjoying each others company,it was awesome.
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I wish I could have all the time back that I listened to Rogan ramble about bow hunting, ancient aliens, and shit he can’t remember clearly because of all the pot he smokes. He is going exclusive to Spotify so maybe we won’t be hearing much more from him.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
That's one of the motivations behind games like Brain Age and Wii Fit.

Sadly, we didn't get much further than that, and we're basically back at square one right now. Yes, we have things like Ring Fit Adventure and a new Brain Age for Switch, but they're not in the front lines anymore.

All you see representing gaming, or creating a perception of the hobby, is over 40 hours of cinematic violent action game times 100..
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As I get older I feel similarly but it really is just another form of entertainment. I think for me it's about how much filler there is in games. Nowadays I far prefer a 10-20 hour single player campaign that is paced well.

There's also some mechanics that just in their entirety feel like busy work to me as I age, crafting being the worst offender but there's others like the preposterous realism of something like RDR2 (that's not really all that realistic, such as being reported to the police for animal cruelty for accidentally killing my horse in a jump, nobody back then gave a hoot about livestock abuse).
I'm 26 but i'm already too tired of prioritising my life around gaming. Been gaming heavily since i was 7 and this addiction stopped when i started uni. 6 years later, now that i'm working, i feel too stressed, feels like i'm not completing anything, it's like endless pressure. So i started playing video games again, but only single player without going through the side quests.etc and i'm having a good time and i'm better at managing my time. I respect Joe rogan and he have a point but he couldn't explain it clearly, with the way he said it we can say the same thing for many pointless entertainment hobbies like watching sports, so many people addicted to that nonesense and very religious to it, at least i'm here going through new stories and competing online instead of watching someone else competing.

Life is literally wasting time.
I like to think of life as a chance to find/reflect/fix our mistakes, that's the only way to grow, to face these mistakes, gaming addiction is one of them. so i'm always busy with my self instead of looking at people's mistakes or drama.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Oh Joe. Love ya man, but back when you first got money in the 90's the first thing you did was pay for a T1 line into your house to play Quake.

It's a hobby. Almost everyone plays games at this point. The industry now pulls in more revenue than movies and books and television. Just let people have their fun.

Also, some people are millionaires by streaming themselves playing games.


I'd rather play games than go to a sporting event (Which is also a waste of time) and pretend throwing a ball into a hole is exciting.


Me and my wife both worked our ass off and have really good jobs and the way we choose to spend time together sometimes is through video games.

We literally played stardew valley for 12 hours this past Tuesday while talking and enjoying each others company,it was awesome.



i mean, if you play as much as Joe Rogan claims to play when he is on it, then yeah...it is a problem. Dude goes full MMO/MOBA mode when playing quake and shit, it's like an alcoholic telling you to be careful about alcohol.

I do worry about addiction in video games and kids with games like Fortnite, i've seen some kids in a pretty big spiral addiction with it, some games are just tailored to tickle that and kids are not precisely savy to spot that shit a mile away like most older gamers.

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It’s true. I like games but I play for maybe like 6 hours a week. Once in a while a game comes out that I really like and I’ll finish it in a week or so.

If you’re a grown man playing games for 6 hours In one sitting trying to get platinums and all this other crap there is something seriously wrong with you. Last time I did that I think I was 14.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
I like Rogan but literally, everything in life is a waste of time. lmao.


Golden Boy
I agree with tv and movies but you are totally wrong about books. I learned how to read, write, math, science, etc thanks to books.
Well it depends on the book. But for an adult person there is no difference between playing a videogame and reading a criminal novel.


He's talking about those who are addicted, i agree definitely, one must find enjoyment in many different things in this life imo because if you only invest into 1 thing and then lose interest you might be in for depression.
There’s a harsh truth to what he is saying to an extent. I think he is mainly talking about gaming as an addiction, not as a leisurely hobby. As an addiction, gaming is a massive problem and doesn’t really lead to any personal growth. Even the games themselves feel pointless and meaningless (see open world games).

This, of course, isn’t always the case as great Games have the capacity to make us think deeply about certain things and challenge us on a philosophical and emotional level. Many times, though, those games tend to not sell the most copies or be the most popular.


Can’t Git Gud
i never get this, its like any other entertainment, if you do it too much its never good

if you are earning a living and are happy, then you can do whatever the fuck you want in your free time
But You could make more kids and learn REAL skills like languages, kung fu or traveling. REAL EXPERIENCES. What a joke...


I agree with him. But you know, i always believed you shouldnt stop doing something you enjoy because others tell you its a waste of time or its dumb.
I don’t get what people are mad about it’s his opinion this isn’t the 1st time joe said this either he played nothing but doom and quake non stop daily for 4+ hours a day and he said it wasn’t healthy for him specifically. I think the bigger problem people have is this inferiority complex about games never going to get taken seriously like tv and movies. The casual general public by and en large young or old feels almost the same way joe does expect swap out doom or quake for yearly sports games, br and cod. Again who cares let games be this unique entertainment form that stands on its own like anime and manga.
He's not wrong in theory. Gaming is fine in moderation just like drinking alcohol. It's when you consume it too much that it becomes a problem.

I've been procrastinating about getting a new job which I know I can do but problem is I am too lazy and just want to play Division 2 instead. So yeah. He isn't 100% wrong and does have a point.
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So we shall not have fun with videogames?
Wtf kind of logic is this?
He is like saying I wasting my time when I put my dick in a vagina cause I have fun.


It’s not nice to say it like that. Every bit of time spent on anything, is time wasted.

I understand what he means, but I think Joe is best when he resists the urge to make definite statements.

For example, I could say his stand up is a waste of time. Clearly his podcast is where the cheese is. And I could also say that by now he’s wealthy enough that he could easily keep making money while spending less time at it and spend more time with his family and nobler causes like helping others. So I can say he his wasting his time with the podcast....

Let people live their lives as they see fit as long as they aren’t bringing evil to the world, and keep an open mind.


Can’t Git Gud
He's not wrong in theory. Gaming is fine in moderation just like drinking alcohol. It's when you consume it too much that it becomes a problem.

I've been procrastinating about getting a new job which I know I can do but problem is I am too lazy and just want to play Division 2 instead. So yeah. He isn't 100% wrong and does have a point.
But drinking is not good in any qty. It's just poisoning your blood stream even if You drink 1 beer.

Kev Kev

even joe doenst believe what hes saying.

his logic could be applied to anything, but he singles out video games because he know itll get big ups. hes not being genuine at all. anything you do is a waste of time depending on what your goals are. some people goals are to just live a simple life playing video games as much as possible.

so shut the fuck up joe.


So basically anything in life that doesn't lead to making money is a waste of time then.
That's quite sad.
That’s the only thing I don’t like about his comment. Fame and fortune are shallow things.

He could have sold his point by just stating the inherent benefits of learning a marshal art.

Dumping hours into video games does not seem to develop you into a better version of yourself. You can argue that all want of course, but I do believe it is quite difficult to.

I think most people would agree video games detract them from the things they really want to do. As said over and over in this thread, it is the same for all forms of entertainment (though reading does tend to provide benefits that others do not).

We all strive to develop ourselves by learning new things. The fact is though that we all need time to relax.


Gold Member
Well he did play a fuck load of quake, and said it wasn't a positive thing for him, so I can see his logic

Just an opinion, just not explained very well

I've moved away from gaming a lot, apart from VR, because it was stopping me doing other stuff like my music and socialising

But for some its a true escape, take someone like broly legs, or other disabled people, its a true escape, so in that respect its not a waste of time for them

Each to their own, but gaming can bring out the worst in people (look, at tthis forum or resetera), people can care too much, but that's the same with any medium tho.
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He's not wrong, but coming from a dude that promotes all sort of recreational drug use is a bit hypocritical.
The so-called "recreational" drugs you speak of are not really recreational. They are not for enjoyment. But we live in a culture that seeks pleasure at every corner and sees everything 'weird' as recreation, and we miss a lot of things that are right in front of our faces.

This is not directly related to Joe Rogan, but, it might shed some light on a different perspective on drugs.

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