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Joe Rogan: "Video Games Are a “Problem” and Gamers Are Wasting Their Time"


Gold Member
The so-called "recreational" drugs you speak of are not really recreational. They are not for enjoyment. But we live in a culture that seeks pleasure at every corner and sees everything 'weird' as recreation, and we miss a lot of things that are right in front of our faces.

This is not directly related to Joe Rogan, but, it might shed some light on a different perspective on drugs.

His Graham Hancock interviews are great, some of my favourite, if you're into that type of thing


The so-called "recreational" drugs you speak of are not really recreational. They are not for enjoyment. But we live in a culture that seeks pleasure at every corner and sees everything 'weird' as recreation, and we miss a lot of things that are right in front of our faces.

This is not directly related to Joe Rogan, but, it might shed some light on a different perspective on drugs.

You guys smoke crack, I'll keep playing video games. Let each person make their own mind about what to do with their time.
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You guys smoke crack, I'll keep playing video games. Let each person make their own mind about what to do with their time.
I've never smoked crack ^_^ But there is nothing wrong with playing video games. However, video games are still an easy way to fall into escapism and a way to run from responsibilities. It can really mess up your priorities in life, and people should be aware of that. Like most things in life, video games should be consumed in moderation.

Also, at the bold part, that is exactly the point that the video above was trying to make, albeit more on a consciousness level than on a physical one.
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I've never smoked crack ^_^ But there is nothing wrong with playing video games. However, video games are still an easy way to fall into escapism and a way to run from responsibilities. It can really mess up your priorities in life, and people should be aware of that. Like most things in life, video games should be consumed in moderation.
I think there is everything wrong with playing video games, but Joe Rogan talking shit on it? He is a well known idiot that wastes our time just the same.
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I think there is everything wrong with playing video games, but Joe Rogan talking shit on it? A guy that makes money wasting people's time lecturing us? Nah, he is a well known idiot.
I would never classify Joe Rogan as an idiot. He seems to have his shit together a lot better than the majority of people.

If you think his podcast is a waste of time, each person has the right to their view I guess. To me, his podcast is valuable. Why? Because it does not have an agenda or something to sell you. It does not shy away from controversial topics, and at the same time, BS is not really tolerated either. Anything and everything is debatable, and it is extremely varied.
I'm not a regular follower of the podcast. It simply takes too much time. Generally, I do think it would be more useful to listen to his 2 hour podcast than to play videogames for 2 hours, because there is always something to be learned in the podcasts. Another good one that's good for some information is London Real.

You can also learn things from gaming, but generally these are few and far between. There's little to learn from playing Overwatch or COD by yourself for example. Those same games do offer some type of teamwork, so that can be something you can develop, i.e. effective communication. Some games give you more potential to learn about the real world, like Assassin's Creed has some background info about certain characters in history, although the lines between real and fiction are blurred here. And some games can put a mirror up to you with certain choices...
But most people don't play games for that. They do it to escape the life that they hate, and rather than trying to change their life, they look to temporarily escape from it through different means, including gaming.


I would never classify Joe Rogan as an idiot. He seems to have his shit together a lot better than the majority of people.

If you think his podcast is a waste of time, each person has the right to their view I guess. To me, his podcast is valuable. Why? Because it does not have an agenda or something to sell you. It does not shy away from controversial topics, and at the same time, BS is not really tolerated either. Anything and everything is debatable, and it is extremely varied.
I'm not a regular follower of the podcast. It simply takes too much time. Generally, I do think it would be more useful to listen to his 2 hour podcast than to play videogames for 2 hours, because there is always something to be learned in the podcasts. Another good one that's good for some information is London Real.

You can also learn things from gaming, but generally these are few and far between. There's little to learn from playing Overwatch or COD by yourself for example. Those same games do offer some type of teamwork, so that can be something you can develop, i.e. effective communication. Some games give you more potential to learn about the real world, like Assassin's Creed has some background info about certain characters in history, although the lines between real and fiction are blurred here. And some games can put a mirror up to you with certain choices...
But most people don't play games for that. They do it to escape the life that they hate, and rather than trying to change their life, they look to temporarily escape from it through different means, including gaming.
He wants to sell me on DMT and BJJ.

My point is that I think it's a waste of time to go around judging other peoples activities by what I think they are learning from it. I do not care, I watch movies because I like them, I read book because I like them, I have no intention of learn anything from them, same for games. We are discussing this in a forum where we are wasting out time just the same. Game is a problem, sure, what isn't?

Music is a big waste of time so is sex without the intention to procreate, so is everything.
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Gold Member
He wants to sell me on DMT and BJJ.

My point is that I think it's a waste of time to go around judging other peoples activities by what I think they are learning from it. I do not care, I watch movies because I like them, I read book because I like them, I have no intention of learn anything from them, same for games. We are discussing this in a forum where we are wasting out time just the same. Game is a problem, sure, what isn't?

Music is a big waste of time so is sex without the intention to procreate, so is everything.

dmt is great, and everyone should experience it (in my opinion)


He wants to sell me on DMT and BJJ.

My point is that I think it's a waste of time to go around judging other peoples activities by what I think they are learning from it. I do not care, I watch movies because I like them, I read book because I like them, I have no intention of learn anything from them, same for games. We are discussing this in a forum where we are wasting out time just the same. Game is a problem, sure, what isn't?

Music is a big waste of time so is sex without the intention to procreate, so is everything.
I can partially agree... But I can't say that music is a big waste of time. We all have emotions too. We have an internal world and an external world. Some things stimulate only the external, some only the internal, and some both. And that also varies from person to person. Each person must find what works for them.

And at the same time, while we have all that, we are social creatures that require at least some minor connection to others. And the examples of both music and sex are directly related to this. There is something about rhythm that is intriguing to not only humans but nature itself. Although we may not objectively understand it, music is a powerful tool and something that all humans across all cultures on the whole planet take part in. It's a stretch to call it a waste of time, considering it is so central to human nature. It does seem to have some sort of purpose, and I would speculate that it's some sort of connection to existence itself.

We have been taught that everything is matter, but experience is central for us as humans. And new experiences bring growth. In other words, experiences are constructive. The issue starts when we start looking to repeat the same experience over and over and over again. There comes a point where it becomes useless, and then there comes a point where it becomes destructive rather than constructive. That applies universally, be it alcohol, gambling, gaming, social media, porn, Netflix etc. etc.


Gold Member
I can partially agree... But I can't say that music is a big waste of time. We all have emotions too. We have an internal world and an external world. Some things stimulate only the external, some only the internal, and some both. And that also varies from person to person. Each person must find what works for them.

And at the same time, while we have all that, we are social creatures that require at least some minor connection to others. And the examples of both music and sex are directly related to this. There is something about rhythm that is intriguing to not only humans but nature itself. Although we may not objectively understand it, music is a powerful tool and something that all humans across all cultures on the whole planet take part in. It's a stretch to call it a waste of time, considering it is so central to human nature. It does seem to have some sort of purpose, and I would speculate that it's some sort of connection to existence itself.

We have been taught that everything is matter, but experience is central for us as humans. And new experiences bring growth. In other words, experiences are constructive. The issue starts when we start looking to repeat the same experience over and over and over again. There comes a point where it becomes useless, and then there comes a point where it becomes destructive rather than constructive. That applies universally, be it alcohol, gambling, gaming, social media, porn, Netflix etc. etc.

Music will always resonate with us, because we have an internal rhythm (heart beat obviously). Why drugs work so well with music. Music can match your mood, or change it, it can bring back memories. Its a source of creative outlets.

If you don't like music I partly feel you must be dead inside.

Music is universal and requires no language.
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I can partially agree... But I can't say that music is a big waste of time. We all have emotions too. We have an internal world and an external world. Some things stimulate only the external, some only the internal, and some both. And that also varies from person to person. Each person must find what works for them.

And at the same time, while we have all that, we are social creatures that require at least some minor connection to others. And the examples of both music and sex are directly related to this. There is something about rhythm that is intriguing to not only humans but nature itself. Although we may not objectively understand it, music is a powerful tool and something that all humans across all cultures on the whole planet take part in. It's a stretch to call it a waste of time, considering it is so central to human nature. It does seem to have some sort of purpose, and I would speculate that it's some sort of connection to existence itself.

We have been taught that everything is matter, but experience is central for us as humans. And new experiences bring growth. In other words, experiences are constructive. The issue starts when we start looking to repeat the same experience over and over and over again. There comes a point where it becomes useless, and then there comes a point where it becomes destructive rather than constructive. That applies universally, be it alcohol, gambling, gaming, social media, porn, Netflix etc. etc.
Please, explain to me how music isn't a waste of time but games are.


I don't think I ever said that games are a waste of time. I said they have a high potential to become destructive to your life.
So do most things.

Have you heard of sarcasm, and you're almost proving my point with your tone lol
Sarcasm doesn't tend to work on the internet over text, I could just as well be talking to someone that believed what you wrote based on some response I'm reading.

I don't even think he is wrong.
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He’s cautioning others because he’s susceptible to gaming addiction and knows how it can consume him if he’s not careful.

Game, but have your life priorities straight.

Couldn't have said it better myself. This thread will likely turn into people screaming Joe is so ignorant, etc - the man's point is valid and EviLore just explained why. Well said.


Gold Member
So do most things.

Sarcasm doesn't tend to work on the internet over text, I could just as well be talking to someone that believed what you wrote based on some response I'm reading.

Probably because spend to much time on the Internet and gaming, its nerfed your social skills to pick up on these things

Joe must be right


Probably because spend to much time on the Internet and gaming, its nerfed your social skills to pick up on these things

Joe must be right
I should be on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter enjoying life instead of wasting all of my potencial gaming and talking nonsense.
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Gold Member
I should be on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter enjoying life instead of wasting all of my potencial gaming.

Facebook for seeing how fat your ex is
Instagram for the skimpy cosplay outfits
Twitter is cancer stay away


I learned english playing games(for whatever good that did me), suck it Joe.

Facebook for seeing how fat your ex is
Instagram for the skimpy cosplay outfits
Twitter is cancer stay away
Cosplay? Please, I'm not that deranged.
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Gold Member
You are about to convince me to go live in a hut nourishing myself with DMT.

No, I don't see the point, be a waste of money on my part, dmt is for opening your mind, you'd probably flip out and start trying to fly off a cliff or some shit

try coke, thats a good ego drug, and great for gaming, or speed. Cheap too, or sniff glue, that's a quick high lol

Davey Cakes

People taking offense to this is crazy. It's true, playing video games are not productive and that's not in dispute. I don't care though, we don't have to be productive all the time.
Even the argument about "productivity" is nuanced. Video games can (and usually do) involve problem solving and memory-related tasks. They can also help improve attention span.

The extreme examples are educational games and brain training apps, but even traditional games are stimulating in ways that CAN have real-world benefits. Never mind entire genres that are meant to improve you as a person (e.g. fitness games).

Basically, Joe isn't off-base. Extracurricular activities that become obsessions can be problematic. But, the statement "video games are a waste of time" can't be properly answered with anything other than an essay's worth of elaboration. Even if Joe provided context, people are going to drive by and get triggered.
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No, I don't see the point, be a waste of money on my part, dmt is for opening your mind, you'd probably flip out and start trying to fly off a cliff or some shit

try coke, thats a good ego drug, and great for gaming, or speed. Cheap too, or sniff glue, that's a quick high lol
Coke should make me more productive, you got a good point.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Coke should make me more productive, you got a good point.

Man, Joe. There is no right or wrong as to how a person chooses to use their time. Some people want to make as much money as possible. Some are happy with what they are earning and choose to spend their time elsewhere. It's all up to the person. I don't think it really matters as long as you take care of your responsibilities and aren't doing anything that harms someone else.

Davey Cakes

Man, Joe. There is no right or wrong as to how a person chooses to use their time. Some people want to make as much money as possible. Some are happy with what they are earning and choose to spend their time elsewhere. It's all up to the person. I don't think it really matters as long as you take care of your responsibilities and aren't doing anything that harms someone else.
Personal responsibilities are the only concern, really. When it comes to getting joy and fulfillment out of life, that's up to the person and there's no "one size fits all" approach.

You cannot do everything, thus you will never make the most out of life. That's the harsh reality.
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Same old tale of videogames being picked on, at least relative to movies, television series, sports, or other forms of entertainment.


Its a harsh truth but Joe does have a point. I quit gaming 8 months ago. Bought a new car, I have an amazing new girlfriend, I make a shitload of money and I'm buying a house this spring. I party every weekend, I'm never home. I'm enjoying life. Do yourselves a favor, gaf. Stop trying to make gaming a career. Its cringe as fuck.
Cool flex, nerd. He will never see your comment.
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Its a harsh truth but Joe does have a point. I quit gaming 8 months ago. Bought a new car, I have an amazing new girlfriend, I make a shitload of money and I'm buying a house this spring. I party every weekend, I'm never home. I'm enjoying life. Do yourselves a favor, gaf. Stop trying to make gaming a career. Its cringe as fuck.
You sound like a badass.
He's speaking a lot on his experience with quake and how addicted he was but most people can't just play games a little and still do their normal activities.
He's not wrong in that video games can be a w as are of your time but that can be said for most entertainment. He calls UFC fights and watching any no movie, sport ECT can also be be a waste of time
Don’t know how to tell you this, but if your taekwondo involved any cock rubbing or oil you were definitely molested....

I'm just saying bro, if you want to characterize gaming as a trivial activity that won't net you any return you could do the same for MMA with the possible exception that that will actually net you a return in the form of a concussion and hours upon hours of thong rocking Ricardo Milos style homoeroticism.


Nothing wrong with playing some games a few hours every day, but the problem is where they are pretty much your life. I get in from work most days and have a few hours gaming then watch a movie or 2 and listen to music. But the problem is when you have no direction in life and unemployed. Waking up to play games until bedtime is a nasty routine. Would be the same with any activity that doesn't lead to anywhere most of the time.

Break your time up by going to the gym or going for a run where you can benefit physically and if you enjoy it so much it's easier to make a living from it.


So basically anything in life that doesn't lead to making money is a waste of time then.
That's quite sad.

Yeah, pretty much.

I started arguing about the gaming benefits to the brain but seeing what are the other things people consider waste of time here, I don't know what to say beyond agreeing with you. Quite sad, really.

Since english is not my native language, perhaps something is lost in translation. "Waste of time", from where I come means something very bad. A total waste of life.


You know what's a waste of time? God damn Twitter. At least when playing a video game, you're using your brain to solve problems, not create more.
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Totally agree! Everything except earning money, eating, fucking and sleeping is a waste of time.
To be honest, unless you have some intended use for significantly more money(a particular project for example, more luxurious lifestyle, etc ), once you have enough for FIRE(financial independence retire early) at say $500~K annual dividend income from investments, earning more money is probably a waste of time. Unless you take enjoyment out of what you do to earn more money once you reach FIRE, if the additional money is just going to sit as a passive asset the rest of your life, doing something that you don't enjoy for it is probably not worth it.

Generally, I do think it would be more useful to listen to his 2 hour podcast than to play videogames for 2 hours, because there is always something to be learned in the podcasts. Another good one that's good for some information is London Real.
What you said about games could easily be said for watching some movies, watching some TV series or reading some fiction books.

learning is not the only important thing, enjoyment is also a good use of time even if you don't learn anything. In fact I would say other activities are only useful in so much as they allow you to gain time to do what you enjoy doing.

Unless someone uses excessive time gaming or neglects their real world needs, I don't think gaming is a problem.

Even the argument about "productivity" is nuanced. Video games can (and usually do) involve problem solving and memory-related tasks. They can also help improve attention span.
Yes the person could do something like learning the skills for a high skill high pay activity which could drastically improve their lives. But not only do a large number of people lack the IQ or talent to perform at a high level, but if those that could do so did so wages would go down for many of these skills from adding millions of additional workers.

For there to be those that win there must be those that lose. If everyone's a millionaire no one is. Why? Because money becomes devalued. Either wages go down or if everyone earns a high wage the value of the currency drops through inflation.

The access to jobs and opportunities for those that give the extra mile, is exponentially easier thanks to most not giving the extra mile, and their rewards are more the greater because they are rare, they are the exception. If giving the extra mile was common, the rewards for it would tend to be significantly lower in general.

Anyone who's focused on getting ahead in almost any field should be greatful for how common lower productivity is. If most people were highly productive, there would be higher competition for particular positions, higher number of start ups, higher number of high skill individuals, and it would devalue the value of having high skills for most.
can you explain a bit more here?

i agree with what you were saying about moderation, and the other two lines, but this one has me scratching my head?

So when someone has to much free time, and they aren't as disciplined as a person who has a job, responsibilities, things that keep them busy, they tend to do things that aren't healthy mentally and physically. Not having a routine, not getting enough sleep, eating right. Free time can be seen as "I can do this, but I really want to do this" and a lot of people fall into that category. Same thing with gaming, 4, 5 hours can go by in a fun gaming session, but is that really healthy? Yeah maybe once in a while, but we know hardcore gamers play even longer and forget to do a lot of important things that humans should be doing everyday, like eat properly, some sort of exercise, have human to human contact.

It's more my opinion, I don't say this with any expertise other then I went through a lot of free time and fell into those traps.

Pretty much if you have to much free time and you're an unmotivated person, you most likely will use that time unwisely, leading to mental or physical health problems.
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