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JonTron (youtuber) speaks against demographic "invasion" of America by nonwhites

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Also spouts the myth of America is the most diverse country in the world. It doesn't make him a bigot or an asshole or anything, he seems more knowledgeable on some stuff than me but that is an ignorant statement.

What country is more diverse than USA ???

California alone is probably more diverse than any country lol


Oh boy, listening to the Destiny debate. 20 minutes in.


Gosh, Jon is such a racist. Destiny does such a good job of flipping him onto his arse everything he gets the stupid confidence to get back up.


For anyone saying he won't have any repercussions this is his current subscriber trend on youtube.

Over 50,000 lost in one day.

Well, he certainly lost me today. Since I don't follow him on Twitter, I'm glad his shitbagness is getting exposure here and elsewhere, because it's not something I was aware of just from watching his content. I'm sure the same is true for many of his other subscribers.


Unconfirmed Member
Gaming, and also comics and other "nerdy" interests, are formerly niche hobbies that have become more mainstream in recent years.

There is definitely a group of fans who took some form of comfort in the previously "exclusive" nature of the hobby, who perhaps are now realizing that they may not be top dog as new blood comes into the fanbase. They preferred the old exclusionary model because it made them feel special and powerful over the more inclusionary modern reality.

This kind of mindset is rip for corruption by racist, sexist, etc. mindsets. These are people literally being told "You can be special again once we get rid of all these others"
This is an accurate description of Gamergate. Thinking about it now, I'd heard that argument before and it made perfect sense, but then I forgot about it. You're completely right, thanks for reminding me about it.


In my 30 years on this lovely blue sphere I've learned one thing. Never trust a man with a beard but without a moustache.


Yeah fuck this guy, Fuck all racists/fascists.

I understand that people keep saying "reach out, learn to understand"


You hate someone because of the colour of their skin and lie about a culture then fuck you, I am not employing you, I am not buying your shit, I wont defend you, you are scum and you deserve everything you get.

Unfortunately that will mean you probably get to sit around with other racists and talk about how poorly you are treated.


Every argument is like a sidebar, so strawmanney and tangential. Man.

Edit: haha, "virtue signalling", just so many easy outs for JonTron. Easy head-in-sand gambits.
What country is more diverse than USA ???

California alone is probably more diverse than any country lol

Worth noting that the metrics for this stuff is rooted in ethnic diversity rather than racial diversity, which is more commonly the barometer used in the west. Nigeria has hundreds of recognised ethnicities who would nevertheless all be considered 'black' in the American context of 'diversity'.


The important thing is, why is racism and sexism such a big problem in game fandom. How do we allow this to happen?

Boogie revealed himself to be an alt-right leaning sexist, PewDiePie just recently obviously, and JonTron of late. Not to mention the whole GameGate movement.

What leads to many gamers to turn to pure irrational hatred to females and minorities in such an alarmingly high numbers?

Gaming is, in its infancy a rather conservative medium. I mean all our big auteurs like Levine, Druckmann and Kojima seem left leaning or at least rational but the fanbase of players are indifferent and thus easy pickings for a populist agenda. I mean people just like being on the anti establishment side and for the youngsters of 10 years ago it was being a liberal against the George Bush government, but for the youngsters of today that establishment figure is Obama, so correspondingly they become radicalized by the right.

Also I don't like him but il vouch for Boogie here, he has been a lifelong Democrat voter who unfortunately fell for the Hillary is evil line and thus voted for Stein. Hate his role in early gamergate, but I don't think he is alt right.


Man, I used to be a big fan of his content, both on his own channel and on Game Grumps, but I'm unsubbing from his channel now. This has just gone too far. It's pretty fucked up that a guy with Iranian heritage has developed these kinds of views.

I see that a lot here in Europe as well with 2nd and 3rd generation immigrant childs, it really is worrying :(



That's pretty interesting. Gotta read more because I'm curious as to what metric they use for diversity.

I would still argue that, as far as radically different cultures all in one place, US still is pretty high, regardless of difference of languages and ethnicity. But I need to read these things in full first and understand the data


So, 54 minutes into the debate and the whole thing is this so far.

Jon: horrible racist thing and is idiotic and taken straight from /pol/

Destiny: Explains how what Jon just said is fucking idiotic.

Jon: *condescending laugh* That's not what I'm saying, what I'm saying is...*process to say another racist and idiotic thing*

Destiny: the fuck

Destiny, meet Density.
Will be extremely hypocritical of me and I'll get mocked for it after telling others I was willing to give him a pass, but he was my favorite gaming youtuber and his game Grumps phase got me through some not so happy times in college when I was switching majors.

But after some of the later tweets and that stream that's the final straw. I can only hand wave so much away from a guy I liked. Now I have to hope redlettermedia never goes this deep into the hole.


I unsubscribed him. I really enjoyed his videos over the years but I can't support someone who believe this shit.

I hope Arin,Dan, and Markiplier aren't secretly in the KKK.
This is an accurate description of Gamergate. Thinking about it now, I'd heard that argument before and it made perfect sense, but then I forgot about it. You're completely right, thanks for reminding me about it.

There are comic nerds that believe we are living in the worst era of comics cuz most companies are now aiming for diversity in their readership. It finally hit them that white men can't support the industry forever. It's fucking hilarious.


The important thing is, why is racism and sexism such a big problem in game fandom. How do we allow this to happen?

Boogie revealed himself to be an alt-right gamergate, PewDiePie just recently obviously, and JonTron of late such as this thread. Not to mention the whole GameGate movement.

What leads to many gamers to turn to hatred to females and minorities in such an alarmingly high numbers?

We need an open and frank discussion, how do we stop the radicalization of prominent gamers from joining hate groups such as the alt-right?
Racism exist every where.


Unconfirmed Member
Does he actually say that? He says US and Europe are fundementally different regions with different problems and they are not really comparable. An issue arising with Muslims in Europe and US can be caused by different reasons, it is not the same thing.
Also, after the debate, Destiny outright said that he was trying to prevent Jon from using this line of dialogue as a string of false equivalencies without actually referring to his comparisons to European countries as false equivalencies, as doing so would have bogged down the debate. Destiny wasn't saying that European countries aren't similar to the US, he was saying that they're European countries, and that they were not the focus of what the debate was supposed to be about.
That's pretty interesting. Gotta read more because I'm curious as to what metric they use for diversity.

I would still argue that, as far as radically different cultures all in one place, US still is pretty high, regardless of difference of languages and ethnicity. But I need to read these things in full first and understand the data

Again, a matter of 'ethnicity' as opposed to 'race'. The Americas are fairly high compared to the rest of the world on the latter, but are absolutely stomped on the former by any large African or Asian nation.


There are comic nerds that believe we are living in the worst era of comics cuz most companies are now aiming for diversity in their readership. It finally hit them that white men can't support the industry forever. It's fucking hilarious.
Too bad comic companies are stuck with people who want the same.I don't the commmunity are bigots just a good number of them just want to read the same thing. They will argue about things being stagnant and don't actually support newer titles then complain.


Man his content pre game grumps was great. Even some of the stuff he's done since he's left has been pretty good, but I can't support this.


He just said that wealthy black people are more likely to commit crime than poor white people. What the fuck is this shit he's peddling?!

Well all those rich black people probably became wealthy through crime, stealing and dealing drugs, whereas the poor white people are generally more american and dont resort to crime unless the those filthy non-american illegal immagrant mexicans steal all the jobs.

Probably what Jon is thinking.
Sad thing about all this is people cheering him up and thanking him for "being honest, being himself, taking down SJW, not being afraid". Not being afraid of spurting ignorance?

This whole situation makes me really sad. I used to loved his content back then.
What I just don't get is why he'd agree to do this. Stupid tweets are a whoooooole different animal than this.

His Disney and Amazon money ain't growing on trees. Dude ain't getting it back when they are gone and they are gonna be gone now


I remember someone leaving me a YT comment saying I should try and be more like jontron. I wonder if they knew about this crap at the time.


Nah I kid about all 3 of them. Mark seems like a pretty awesome dude who frequently gives to good causes.

Mark is sincere - perhaps to a fault unfortunately. His boilerplate response to the Pewdiepie fiasco was so much of a non-response that Slowbeef kind of took the piss out of it, and ironically Mark is so earnest that he thought that parody was pretty funny.

He's probably never gonna be the type of guy to be hurtful or instigating. He just focuses on trying to make people feel better.
But...but skin colour means diversity!

Generally speaking Americans identify diversity as being racially diverse. Which is also a valid way to observe it given the context of which that country was formed. It's not the only way obviously but it hardly requires snark.


Mark is sincere - perhaps to a fault unfortunately. His boilerplate response to the Pewdiepie fiasco was so much of a non-response that Slowbeef kind of took the piss out of it, and ironically Mark thought that parody was pretty funny.

He's probably never gonna be the type of guy to be hurtful or instigating. He just focuses on trying to make people feel better.
He also based on some of the videos i've seen of his seems to be the guy that doesn't want the Drama to follow to his channel especially seeing how big he is in the youtube spehere. Honestly don't blame him, i would have probably done the same.


Wow, he has 3 million subs.

Why do people watch and listen to assholes?

His work was genuinely funny; until the alt-right bit reared its ugly head, I'd say those 3 million subs were deserved. I'm hoping it continues to drop as more turn on him.

I might have a defunct account still subbed to him. I'll have to look; I used to be a huge fan, & even have an old Jon-era Game Grumps shirt I should probably donate to Goodwill... Or pitch.
This Destiny guy is amazing. I will have to sub to him. He's doing a really good job of refuting and shutting down Jon's bullshit.

Jon is literally full-blown insane racist Trump-following cretin. What a cunt. I will never ever give him another view. I hate the way he keeps laughing when Destiny is rebutting his hollow arguments.
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