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JonTron (youtuber) speaks against demographic "invasion" of America by nonwhites

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What I just don't get is why he'd agree to do this. Stupid tweets are a whoooooole different animal than this.

His Disney and Amazon money ain't growing on trees. Dude ain't getting it back when they are gone and they are gonna be gone now

Yiu really think he's going to take a meaningful hit?

What a smart and educated man.

You gotta love the idea that unless you're being oppressed in a brutally open manner for everyone to see to a degree that you can't even get food from a drive-thru restaurant, then then things are honky-dory and all is right with the world.


The one thing i have to say im happy about is all the racist coming out of the woodwork and being in the open. I dunno, i never really knew about this guy or his online personality but if this was someone i looked up to or liked go on a full blown racist tirade i would be kinda hurt/upset. Hopefully it spreads like wildfire so more people can see the kind of person he really is.
As a brown guy it's disconcerting seeing influential people in the game media adopting such stances. I know it is a loud minority but those views will spread.


Destiny: "Why is it so bad if white people become a minority in America?"
Jon: "Because nobody wants to become a minority in their own country."

This dude. This fucking dude.


Ah, good old tribalism and isolationism, two things responsible for the greatest and brightest advancements of humankind. Everybody knows nothing good ever came from mingling with other cultures. I mean, everybody hates math, right?
Worth noting that the metrics for this stuff is rooted in ethnic diversity rather than racial diversity, which is more commonly the barometer used in the west. Nigeria has hundreds of recognised ethnicities who would nevertheless all be considered 'black' in the American context of 'diversity'.

Because "race" doesn't actually exist while ethnicity does.
Mark is sincere - perhaps to a fault unfortunately. His boilerplate response to the Pewdiepie fiasco was so much of a non-response that Slowbeef kind of took the piss out of it, and ironically Mark is so earnest that he thought that parody was pretty funny.

He's probably never gonna be the type of guy to be hurtful or instigating. He just focuses on trying to make people feel better.

Yeah, and he even admitted that there was a time somewhat recently where he had become a person he didn't want to be and that's part of the reason he does monthly charity streams right now, because he wants to be a good person and do good in the world.
Man's pretty dedicated to ruining his career for... some reason. Are we at the age where YouTubers need to start hiring PR handlers?

It's not about having PR handlers... It's about just having no common sense... and It's not just YouTubers that need to just stfu and have PR handlers:

Again, a matter of 'ethnicity' as opposed to 'race'. The Americas are fairly high compared to the rest of the world on the latter, but are absolutely stomped on the former by any large African or Asian nation.

Even this isn't really a guarantee, because outside of Hispanics (which is a vague "you have ancestry from somewhere where people speak Spanish") the US doesn't track ethnicity.

Iranians, New York Jews, Southern WASPs, Italians, and Russians fresh off the boat are all lumped in as "white people" for census reasons.

African Americans descended from slaves, those that immigrated from the carribean, Afro Brazilians and Nigerians are all just "black people."

Pakistanis, people from India, Chinese, Koreans, Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders are all just "Asian."

Any reasonably large city can have you navigating through dozens of different ethnic groups on a given day, but there's no way to actually know this since the US doesn't track this data in any meaningful sense.

Confusing the issue there's been a tendency for certain Hispanics to begin self identifying as "white people" making the country look less diverse than it actually is.
This Destiny guy is amazing. I will have to sub to him. He's doing a really good job of refuting and shutting down Jon's bullshit.

Jon is literally full-blown insane racist Trump-following cretin. What a cunt. I will never ever give him another view. I hate the way he keeps laughing when Destiny is rebutting his hollow arguments.

It's so pathetic and forced when people do that shit.
Wow, just listened to the two hour Twitch "debate". This guy's a fucking moron. Obviously he's a racist, but lots of racists can at least put forth enough of an argument for his racist followers to proclaim him correct. This guy is just a total fucking idiot AND a racist.


...this Twitch stream - the fact that he actually thought this would be a good idea... holy shit.

He's a straight up white supremacist, yo. The mask has been lowered.
Eh race exists. Unless you wanna do the whole "while technically blah blah blah" thing race is in fact a real thing. Its a fluid social construct but that doesn't make it fake.

Race is entirely arbitrary and has no solid definition. There has never been any consensus on what makes someone a member of one race as opposed to another. This is why people say race doesn't "exist" because the only criteria is how someone feels and this can vary from person to person or viewer to viewer.

This isn't true for ethnicity, since there are clear language and/or cultural norms you can point to to define it.
Destiny: "Why is it so bad if white people become a minority in America?"
Jon: "Because nobody wants to become a minority in their own country."

This dude. This fucking dude.

He's fully a believer of the "dog eat dog" mentality mixed with racism. Right down to even saying non-black shouldn't help black people.
Am I the only one who thought that both Destiny and Jon didn't know what they were talking about?
Destiny especially afterwards was pretty open about not being super well versed, but I think the difference here is half of Jon's rants have included not-too-subtle allusions about how he's some super genius about this topic. Put into a public setting where he was forced to defend where he was coming from and even the slightest amount of prodding caused him to crumble instantly.

The Big N

Am I the only one who thought that both Destiny and Jon didn't know what they were talking about?

That's in every political debate.

Most people are unable to view both sides of the coin. Their opinions are right, the other is wrong. Except nowadays, we like to tell people their opinions make them racists to justify our opinions. Politics are laughable in 2017, because most people know little to nothing about them. The best comedy is when someone asks someone why they identify as conservative or liberal.
Race is entirely arbitrary and has no solid definition. There has never been any consensus on what makes someone a member of one race as opposed to another. This is why people say race doesn't "exist" because the only criteria is how someone feels and this can vary from person to person or viewer to viewer.

This isn't true for ethnicity, since there are clear language and/or cultural norms you can point to to define it.

It doesn't have a solid definition because it's a social construct first and foremost. But to pretend like because its constantly evolving and ambigious to an extent its not a real thing is naive. Is racism now not a thing? Are documents of rights and freedoms that reference race now not real?

I dislike the semantics argument. For all intents and purpose race is a real thing with real world implications.


Jon: "Wealthy blacks commit more crime than poor whites."
Destiny: "Wait, WHAT?!"
Jon: "Look it up."

*Stunned silence*
Destiny: "Why is it so bad if white people become a minority in America?"
Jon: "Because nobody wants to become a minority in their own country."

This dude. This fucking dude.

I didnt knew America was about being white. But yeah, racism as its best. We dont judge individuals on who they are or what they do but on their skin color.

For now, it's about immigration. And soon, they'll start with birthrate and decide that people with a different color shouldnt make too much kids, otherwise it'd be a disaster for demography. Fuck these people.
I didn't even know who Destiny was until this morning and I'm listening to their discussion right now and holy fuck, does Jon not know what he's talking about. Did he have a head injury or something? I'd never think someone would knowingly commit career suicide this hard.
Jon: "Why do we have Black Lives Matter then"

Destiny: "Because black people experience a disproportionate amount of problems in the United States and this is a group that's trying to advocate on behalf of those problems to get them fixed"

Jon: (momentarily speechless)

Lol. I really enjoyed this part - such a perfect response from Destiny.
Right, I havent saw Steve King's tweets. So yeah, there it is: Demography. Now they're talking about how dangerous it is for non white americans to make kids.

It makes that JonTron guy even worse. Also lol at another of these "good ones" :")
I'm looking forward the day this guy will try to explain to some racists that he is a good one. :")
That's in every political debate.

Most people are unable to view both sides of the coin. Their opinions are right, the other is wrong. Except nowadays, we like to tell people their opinions make them racists to justify our opinions. Politics are laughable in 2017, because most people know little to nothing about them. The best comedy is when someone asks someone why they identify as conservative or liberal.

When someone is saying that America was founded as a European nation I don't think it's hard to come to a conclusion on what type of shitty person you are. There is no "both sides". One side is trying to understand and fight for equality, the other is just being an asshole.


If he's dropped by his sponsors and loses his partnership, yes. Despite the fact that his videos regularly get a few million views, unlike PewDiePie he doesn't upload frequently.

Not only does he not upload often, but last I recall hearing his channel isn't managed and independent. So he doesn't run risk of being "dropped" like Maker did PDP. However most of his videos in recent time have actually been sponsored videos, which it seems like is all he goes for anymore which may explain why he doesn't release many videos now.
That's in every political debate.

Most people are unable to view both sides of the coin. Their opinions are right, the other is wrong. Except nowadays, we like to tell people their opinions make them racists to justify our opinions. Politics are laughable in 2017, because most people know little to nothing about them. The best comedy is when someone asks someone why they identify as conservative or liberal.
This wasn't a political debate.

This was Jon being asked to justify his positions and doubling down on "black people amirite".
Eh race exists. Unless you wanna do the whole "while technically blah blah blah" thing race is in fact a real thing. Its a fluid social construct but that doesn't make it fake.

Race is entirely arbitrary and has no solid definition. There has never been any consensus on what makes someone a member of one race as opposed to another. This is why people say race doesn't "exist" because the only criteria is how someone feels and this can vary from person to person or viewer to viewer.

This isn't true for ethnicity, since there are clear language and/or cultural norms you can point to to define it.

Pretty much on both counts. 'Race' is a thing in that it is a concept that has a tangible effect on people's lives that they must account for, but it's also not because the actual basis and boundaries of such is arbitrary as fuck.

The strange overlap and distinction between race and ethnicity is also why someone can view themselves as 'white', on the basis of race, but also as a minority, on the basis of ethnicity.


Good morning, Gaf. For those of you just joining us, please be prepared to have your brain actually pause with every sentence that comes out Jon's mouth.

This is just a way of your brain asking "did he just say that?".


Am I the only one who thought that both Destiny and Jon didn't know what they were talking about?

No one person holds all the right answers and it is way too much to expect someone to be extremely well versed in every subject as far as race, politics, society and so on goes. It's detrimental to your sanity to want to be an expert at all those issues and that's why it's totally okay if a person only wants to commit to knowing more/talking about one of the above, or any other subject.

Difference between the two is that Jon doesn't seem to realize this at all - and his cognitive dissonance convinces him that he has to be right because he's made such a habit for himself hanging out with a bunch of people in an echo chamber that stroke his ego and desire to shut any conversation up.

You can easily tell this by following his Twitter feed since November, or even well passed that like when he caught flack after being so defensive about using the word retarded. It always starts with the insecurity of wanting people to just shut up about hot button issues. Then it spirals down from there.
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