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JonTron (youtuber) speaks against demographic "invasion" of America by nonwhites

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I'm nearly finished watching Destiny's demolition of JonTron.

It's a small consolation that JonTron is an inarticulate cretin, given the size of his audience he could be pretty dangerous. Thank god he is thick as pig shit.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
This entire thing must've been some sort of post modern performance art piece by Jon.

What an imbecile, I hope he loses sponsors and followers only to end up with a vitriolic, garbage-spewing base that will do him no good when either a) this post-truth/fact/Trump reality comes to an end or b) we all perish in the inevitable nuclear holocaust.

Love his stuff, really do, so it's going to suck not giving him the time of day by my god has he made it unbelievably easy to ditch him like the piece of garbage he is.

What's wrong with you?

From one 2nd generation Iranian immigrant to another, get your life together pedarzag.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
A lot of people seem to think there's some kind of "new" Jontron who suddenly changed all his original beliefs. Pretty sure that's not the case, he just didn't talk about it or got caught before. There is no sudden "..I should try being a racist" moment in most people's lives.


That's in every political debate.

Most people are unable to view both sides of the coin. Their opinions are right, the other is wrong. Except nowadays, we like to tell people their opinions make them racists to justify our opinions. Politics are laughable in 2017, because most people know little to nothing about them. The best comedy is when someone asks someone why they identify as conservative or liberal.

"Rich black people commit more crime than poor whites" is not an opinion. That's a racist and objectively verifiable statement, so if you're going to make it you damn well better be able to show that it's true or it's just you being a racist moron.

Even a scumbag like you can't pretend this wasn't about race dude. Don't try.


The worst thing is the chat feed. All "redpillers" it seems sreaming "Jon won", just like the "Trump won" thing. It's insane and unbearably dark.


That's in every political debate.

Most people are unable to view both sides of the coin. Their opinions are right, the other is wrong. Except nowadays, we like to tell people their opinions make them racists to justify our opinions. Politics are laughable in 2017, because most people know little to nothing about them. The best comedy is when someone asks someone why they identify as conservative or liberal.

He isn't arguing conservative politics vs. liberal. He arguing for white nationalism, his argument is "non-white people are bad, they commit more crimes. America should be a white cultural country".

That isn't conservative. That isn't Republican vs. Democrat. That is racism. That isn't "politics".


A lot of people seem to think there's some kind of "new" Jontron who suddenly changed all his original beliefs. Pretty sure that's not the case, he just didn't talk about it or got caught before. There is no sudden "..I should try being a racist" moment in most people's lives.

I do think that is true to some extent actually, in the sense that he was more or less indifferent/didn't care back when politics was boring and "uncool", but with the advent of anti-PC culture with gamer gate and Trump, he has been radicalized into a useful idiot. Why he chose to go down this path though is beyond me, if I had to guess its because he thought everything was hunky dory in his life and he hated the idea that maybe, just maybe things weren't as good for everyone as they seemed- he wanted to maintain the illusion of a society without problems while propping himself up as "one of the good ones". And once he got in, there was no turning back- he just went deeper and deeper until he arrived at the point where we are now.
It doesn't have a solid definition because it's a social construct first and foremost. But to pretend like because its constantly evolving and ambigious to an extent its not a real thing is naive. Is racism now not a thing? Are documents of rights and freedoms that reference race now not real?

I dislike the semantics argument. For all intents and purpose race is a real thing with real world implications.

Just because race is not an actual concept doesn't mean people don't make decisions based around fiction anyway.

I'd be here all day if I wanted to dredge up examples of people doing horrific things because God told them to. That doesn't mean their God (or at least that interpretation of it) is real, it means people are capable of making irrational and terrible decisions based on nonsense.

RACE doesn't exist because it can't be defined in any meaningful way.

RACISM as a behavior exists, but it's not based on anything concrete. How it actually impacts someone is going to vary person to person and day to day: even down to legislation. Some of the old school Jim Crow era racist laws were virtually impossible to enforce on anyone light skinned enough to "pass" as non black to a casual viewer.


He isn't arguing conservative politics vs. liberal. He arguing for white nationalism, his argument is "non-white people are bad, they commit more crimes. America should be a white cultural country".

That isn't conservative. That isn't Republican vs. Democrat. That is racism. That isn't "politics".

I wish we'd stop calling it "white nationalism", that term doesn't make any sense. We're not a white nation and there's zero point at which you could say there is any form of "right" for "whites" to own the nation.

It'd old fashioned white supremacy, that's all it is. Even white nationalism is whitewashing it.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
Maybe he was simply acting opportunistically.

He must have thought to himself: "Never in my life time have there been a better time or political climate in America in which to come out of the closet as a racist and a bigot. The time for me to shine is now!"


Weird to see GAF experiencing Destiny for the first time.

Dude's oldschool.

I concur, I used to watch him loads in SC2 days. I tuned out because he plays league too much but I watch his non-league stuff. Whereas I've never really watched any Jontron stuff. Although I am enjoying Destiny's recent skype conversations. Although he talks to some idiots sometimes. (yes, worse than Jontron)


Maybe he was simply acting opportunistically.

He must have thought to himself: "There has never been a better time or political climate in America in which to come out of the closet as a racist and a bigot. The time for me to shine is now!"

...only to see, in horror, that the wax his wings were made of began to melt from the heat.


Why on earth does Jontron live in NYC, the biggest melting pot in the country, if he believes all this shit?

I mean, he moved there because of business opportunities, so I'm not sure whether the greater irony is that he lives in NYC or the fact that he grew up in California.
This entire thing must've been some sort of post modern performance art piece by Jon.

i sincerely hope ironic/"performance" racism starts going by the wayside. worst trend ever, what is with everybody acting like a pseudo intellectual these days? you realize acting like an asshole is still being an asshole, right?

racist language is violent language. it doesn't matter if you are "above it all" or making some statement about how about it all you are, you are spreading violent language.

not saying there is zero comedy to be found but we aren't talking George Carlin and Eddy Murphy here, these are mostly barely literate people raised on Family Guy and South Park.
Good morning, Gaf. For those of you just joining us, please be prepared to have your brain actually pause with every sentence that comes out Jon's mouth.

This is just a way of your brain asking "did he just say that?".

I was about to ask that when I read he said something like "diluting the genetic pool"

Closer Two

No one person holds all the right answers and it is way too much to expect someone to be extremely well versed in every subject as far as race, politics, society and so on goes. It's detrimental to your sanity to want to be an expert at all those issues and that's why it's totally okay if a person only wants to commit to knowing more/talking about one of the above, or any other subject.

Difference between the two is that Jon doesn't seem to realize this at all - and his cognitive dissonance convinces him that he has to be right because he's made such a habit for himself hanging out with a bunch of people in an echo chamber that stroke his ego and desire to shut any conversation up.

You can easily tell this by following his Twitter feed since November, or even well passed that like when he caught flack after being so defensive about using the word retarded. It always starts with the insecurity of wanting people to just shut up about hot button issues. Then it spirals down from there.

I'm aware of that, it's just that he himself decided to challenge Jon. I just found his methods of arguing kind of odd. Thankfully Jon took himself out with his lack of knowledge on everything.
From the little I've seen of him in the past, the bloke (and I use that term loosely) seems like a massive dickhead. I don't know how he's gained as much attention as he has.


Just watching that chat for a little bit, and I'm still laughing at the constant use of "cuck" as an alt-right jab word. You'd think a group with more sexual complexes than Freud wouldn't kinkshame so much.
*Brings up White Supremicists and Neonazis supporting Jontron*

Jontron's response:

"Why don't you denounce all the communists in your movement"

How fucking stupid can you go JonTron?


beliefs aside, why all this "celebrities" have the urge to suicide themselves showing their true colors?

Is cool that everyone has an opinion (well, in this case jontron opinions are not cool) but is mindblowing that you want to destroy your revenue so bad just because you want to show your shitty beliefs on twitter
Maybe he was simply acting opportunistically.

He must have thought to himself: "There has never been a better time or political climate in America in which to come out of the closet as a racist and a bigot. The time for me to shine is now!"

I mean, at least online this is pretty true. It's easier to be an outspoken alt-right racist and bigot online right now than it is to be an outspoken progressive. Brainless drones will flock to and promote every video you make, anyone who criticizes you will be harassed by a sizeable group of zealots - all for fighting "the good fight" against those "damn SJWs."
At around 15m 20s John: "A nation is supposed to be a people that are all bound by, at least, culture if not genetics"

Genetics? Genetics?? Really? I'm fucking done. This is disgusting.


beliefs aside, why all this "celebrities" have the urge to suicide themselves showing their true colors?

Is cool that everyone has an opinion (well, in this case jontron opinions are not cool) but is mindblowing that you want to destroy your revenue so bad just because you want to show your shitty beliefs on twitter

Maybe when Jontron's views stagnate and he begins making less than forty times the amount of the average person his age in the US, then maybe (MAYBE) his tune will change.
Why on earth does Jontron live in NYC, the biggest melting pot in the country, if he believes all this shit?

This is the most incredible thing to me as well. For months on GameGrumps he would go on and on about NYC talking about the culture and the history, yet he doesn't understand the debate Destiny was having with him about Irish and Italian Americans in the past. How do you live in the most diverse city on the planet, the center of the melting pot, and live this completely blind life.
beliefs aside, why all this "celebrities" have the urge to suicide themselves showing their true colors?

Is cool that everyone has an opinion (well, in this case jontron opinions are not cool) but is mindblowing that you want to destroy your revenue so bad just because you want to show your shitty beliefs on twitter

Because they like attention? Also, I'm sure he has more than enough money to live off of, so it's not like it's something he really has to worry about anyhow. They do it after they've made a lot of money.
Just because race is not an actual concept doesn't mean people don't make decisions based around fiction anyway.

So how is it not an actual concept?

I'd be here all day if I wanted to dredge up examples of people doing horrific things because God told them to. That doesn't mean their God (or at least that interpretation of it) is real, it means people are capable of making irrational and terrible decisions based on nonsense.

For all intents and purpose race is a real thing. Again. You think the police target people because of their ethnicity or do you think they target you because your black? Playing stupid on this issue doesn't help solve the problem. Just becauae skin color is an arbitrary state it doesn't mean it doesn't have a real social implicationn.

RACE doesn't exist because it can't be defined in any meaningful way.

Whole countries have been able to assign and recognize race based on sets of ifentifiers. It's a social construct but that doesn't mean its not real.

RACISM as a behavior exists, but it's not based on anything concrete. How it actually impacts someone is going to vary person to person and day to day: even down to legislation. Some of the old school Jim Crow era racist laws were virtually impossible to enforce on anyone light skinned enough to "pass" as non black to a casual viewer.

You literally can't have racism if you don't acknowledge race. What are you even talking about? As I said it's a social construct not a scientific fact so it is fluid and not always obvious but that doesn't make it fake. It has real implications. You can't have wave it because it isn't 100% easily defined. Gender is also a social construct. Is that also not real?


It doesn't have a solid definition because it's a social construct first and foremost. But to pretend like because its constantly evolving and ambigious to an extent its not a real thing is naive. Is racism now not a thing? Are documents of rights and freedoms that reference race now not real?

I dislike the semantics argument. For all intents and purpose race is a real thing with real world implications.
Race is an informal taxonomic group in biology (scientists LOVE grouping things). Anyway a lot of these ignorant/stupid claims these white nationalist make sound like they have some knowledge of genetics but don't actually understand it. Biologically speaking a mixed population is a healthy population. I "pure" population increases otherwise rare recessive diseases and the like. It also means any disaster could wipe out the population because they all share the same strength and weakness. As a scientists people that believe themselves superior because the melanin content in their skin is somehow better than yours make me die inside. How could you possibly justify telling someone you hate them with every fiber of your being because they don't look like you? Racism is fucking stupid, not only is it stupid but makes no logical sense.


beliefs aside, why all this "celebrities" have the urge to suicide themselves showing their true colors?

Is cool that everyone has an opinion (well, in this case jontron opinions are not cool) but is mindblowing that you want to destroy your revenue so bad just because you want to show your shitty beliefs on twitter
People like Jon likely see themselves as the same ones. They think they're just bringing logical thought into the conversation.

Like, when Jon goes on about "wealthy blacks commit more crimes than poor whites" or whatever other shit he's babbling about he sees it as being realistic, as not living in some PC fantasy land.

Which is damn ironic.


Neo Member
Jon, no


He has serious comedic acting chops (imo, ymmv) that I've always admired, but this really sucks. I've heard rumours in the past, but this time it's straight from the source.

Always bums me out when talented people end up being jerks =(


This is baffling, how do you not know basic stuff like how the races like the irish were discriminated against. It is not even an obscure fact and he keeps telling destiny he's wrong even though that should be basic knowledge.


Haven't read through the whole thread yet, but has Ethan (H3H3) commented on this at all yet?

He might, he made an offhand comment the last time Jon went on a Twitter breakdown, which could have been interpreted either way, but he's getting into Joey Salads territory and Ethan went after him pretty hard.


Like, when Jon goes on about "wealthy blacks commit more crimes than poor whites" or whatever other shit he's babbling about he sees it as being realistic, as not living in some PC fantasy land.

That's what I'm noticing more and more of late; the idea of that "it's not racist to state the truth", when the 'truth' is... somewhat questionable in itself.
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