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JonTron (youtuber) speaks against demographic "invasion" of America by nonwhites

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TIL a random guy/youtuber I never heard of says random things on twitter and gets 2500 replies on neogaf. Damn I'm getting old.
He was bordering on Nazism in his comments. He is a massive YouTuber with over 3 million subscribers. Not just some random guy. It's worth talking about.

A lot of us are old. Maybe you're just out of touch?



That's not even an unfair characterization of what he said/clarified in the exchange. I was up super late following the conversation on the stream (unrelated caffeine excess), and it was almost confusing how indefensibly horrible his points were. And I'd disagree with anyone saying he just presented his points poorly. He presented them fine, they were just manifestly horrible points and counterpoints.
TIL a random guy/youtuber I never heard of says random things on twitter and gets 2500 replies on neogaf. Damn I'm getting old.

This "random youtuber" has millions of subscribers and probably even more that watch his stuff. They should know what kind of person they're supporting. Not to mention the impressionable preteens/teens that probably follow him.


How often you think Arin looks at stuff like this and thinks to himself, "Holy shit, that was the biggest bullet I ever dodged in my life."


That's not even an unfair characterization of what he said/clarified in the exchange. I was up super late following the conversation on the stream (unrelated caffeine excess), and it was almost confusing how indefensibly horrible his points were. And I'd disagree with anyone saying he just presented his points poorly. He presented them fine, they were just manifestly horrible points and counterpoints.

if anything some of the summaries are too generous. it's not just that "America is gonna become Mexico" but that mexican immigrants are coming to america with the explicit purpose of making america into mexico, despite the fact that they left mexico to come to america in the first place, and the primary driver of that is because they get better handouts in america.

yeah. ok.


I unfollowed him on Twitter a while ago. Just about everything he says has a pretty big backlash. Bummer to see the guy who got me into YouTube gaming channels turn out like this.
lmao, are you serious?

Yes I am serious. I have family in India and I'm honestly surprised people outside of India thinking India is very multicultural. Or perhaps our definition of multicultural is different?

Perhaps the quantity of different cultures is big but the diversity is not that big. We have Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs but they are quite similar. The difference between a Mexican and Nigerian is bigger than between a Hindu and a Sikh.

You have lots of tiny subcultures but that's what you can expect 1+ billion country. The majority is like 80% Hindus.

BTW Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims are all respresented in Bollywood. India also has tamils but they have their own "Bollywood". The bigger problem with Bollywood is the women being displayed as objects, but that's a whole different story.


Why in the FUCK would anyone go on sargon's stream.

Probably because Sky is the kind of earnest person who truly believes in the concept of hearing out "both sides" of the argument but is pretty unable to articulate a proper response for himself, and he figured Sargon was "smart" because he has a way with articulation.

Needless to say his appearance on Sargon's stream was like watching death of innocence in action. He already has a hard time defending himself in videos where he hangs out with Dunkey.
There are specific meltdown points that are worse than others, but it is all bad and I cannot bear to watch it in it's entirety myself.

Yeah... I can't listen anymore.

I really wish I never learned anything about the people I find entertaining. Because now if I see JonTron pop up on my subscriptions I'll just get pissed off :p


Jontron is a huge racist?! When did this happen 0_0 ?!

Admittedly I never follow YouTube news but this is a huge reveal for me!

When the politicial climate has gradually but consistently been poking holes at the social taboos for expressing reprehensible views, we're going to see more and more people come out of the woodwork.


He's not some 'random guy', he's a person with millions of subscribers that gets millions of views per video spouting racist and white nationalist rhetoric. That's not nothing.
To be fair he avoided politics in his videos, the reason there was a lot controversy because no one expected his even his fans who were giving him the benefit of the doubt are turning on him.
To recap (and I'm sure this is not all of what JonTron said), JonTron said, in what he thought was perfectly fine for a debate:

- Foreigners dilute the gene pool
- Black crime in America is the same as in Africa (like, he fuckin' brought this up TWICE)
- Racial issues can be summed up via mixing different colors of paint
- Statistical data means nothing because Clinton lost the election
- Destiny wants to kill black people
- Black Lives Matter is a violent organization
- the richest black man commits more crimes than the poorest white man
- Tribalism is a valid theory
- Immigrants are destroying every single country they are let into
- America is gonna become Mexico
- Racism is over
- Muslims are organizing to make it seem like Christians are protesting abortion clinics

And Destiny didn't even fucking ask the most obvious fuckin' question: "If you're so concerned about immigrants, why do you keep bringing up blacks?"

Holy shit. Didn't know he was such an asshole.
What a loser.
Thank you haha. I'm not super familiar with the topic so I didn't bring it up, but every time he mentioned Japan I was like "Yo, aren't they in crisis because of that shit?"

I think it might have been my favourite part of the discussion, because it's immeasurably dumb. Moreso than all the other dumb stuff, I mean!

EDIT - well, that and the part where he said discrimination does not exist in North America any more.


Man, it seems like a large part of the "hardcore" gaming community somehow is related to the whole bullshit with "feminism hate, sjw hate, refugees out + other racist shit" and wholly embraces figures like PDP, JonTron etc. who fuel the hate.

I don't know, when did it go wrong? I thought most of the youth were super liberal and tolerant (when i was younger) but it seems like the current ~14 generation has a really large part of vocal shits. Especially gamers, at least that's how I remember, where totally the guys who tried to learn as much interesting stuff as possible on the (then-newish) internet and be open-minded.

You look at places like 9gag, reddit, imgur etc. and it's really sad to see how much of the "fun" is bashing people that are either disadvantaged or fighting for the disadvantaged.

Is that only my feeling or did the general ideology really shift that much in the last 10 or so years?
It isn't new at all. This stuff has been festering in the nerd community since the 70s or even earlier, before videogames even came into existence.
I dunno if that'd have any bearing. Sky said he doesn't want to hate Jon but he's visibly saddened and disappointed with what he said. And of course, a bunch of people are calling Sky out for it as well, claiming Destiny "twisted Jon's words" and that Sky is "weak" for caving in to people who've talked him down previously. He's the very definition of someone who doesn't feel very comfortable talking about this stuff and I think his appearance on Sargon's stream a while back kind of got to him.

I don't know Sky well. Hell, I don't know any of these guys well. I just think dunkey's videos are hilarious. Even so it's got to be tough for Sky. He was probably friends with Jon and since he's black both sides are going to look to him the most to see his reaction. It's frankly a lose lose situation for him, because neither side will be satisfied completely and he's going to catch hate regardless.


*wakes up*

"WTF the jontron had 50 pages?!"

*Reads updated op*

Jesus christ... like, we knew he was a piece of shit before but man did he dig a deep hole.


Not an asshole.
His arguments were really flimsy and not thought out at all.

People are surprised by this? Watch any of his videos. They are completely devoid of critical thinking or interesting observations.

His whole body of work boils down to, "Hey remember when I was a little boy and video games made me happy? Whatever happened to that? Now look at my bird!"
To be fair he avoided politics in his videos, the reason there was a lot controversy because no one expected his even his fans who were giving him the benefit of the doubt are turning on him.
Right but you also can't deny that his popularity also means that people will seek him out on Twitter etc. where he IS spouting this crap. A lot of people are getting exposed to this hatred.

EDIT: Just looked it up, he has 1.7M followers on Twitter. That's significant.
I don't know Sky well. Hell, I don't know any of these guys well. I just think dunkey's videos are hilarious. Even so it's got to be tough for Sky. He was probably friends with Jon and since he's black both sides are going to look to him the most to see his reaction. It's frankly a lose lose situation for him, because neither side will be satisfied completely and he's going to catch hate regardless.
Sky's also gay and caught shit on Twitter for calling out Mike Pence's past. He's in an awkward position in a lot of ways.
What a stupid motherfucker.....

The "if being a minority is so great, how come nobody wants to be one???" tweet is levels dumb I don't think even Trump could sink to.




He's not some 'random guy', he's a person with millions of subscribers that gets millions of views per video spouting racist and white nationalist rhetoric. That's not nothing.

Especially when you consider the likelihood that the majority of his subscribers are kids/teens.
To recap (and I'm sure this is not all of what JonTron said), JonTron said, in what he thought was perfectly fine for a debate:

- Foreigners dilute the gene pool
- Black crime in America is the same as in Africa (like, he fuckin' brought this up TWICE)
- Racial issues can be summed up via mixing different colors of paint
- Statistical data means nothing because Clinton lost the election
- Destiny wants to kill black people
- Black Lives Matter is a violent organization
- the richest black man commits more crimes than the poorest white man
- Tribalism is a valid theory
- Immigrants are destroying every single country they are let into
- America is gonna become Mexico
- Racism is over
- Muslims are organizing to make it seem like Christians are protesting abortion clinics

And Destiny didn't even fucking ask the most obvious fuckin' question: "If you're so concerned about immigrants, why do you keep bringing up blacks?"

this is


What a shame. I never watched his stuff but he always seemed pretty cool. The current political climate really is bringing out the worst in people.


this is


What a shame. I never watched his stuff but he always seemed pretty cool. The current political climate really is bringing out the worst in people.
Brings out the worst in people, or brings out people's true feelings? Since Trump has gotten into office it's felt like the latter.


I just need to come here and say that Destiny utterly slayed Jon.

It is amazing the amount of information Destiny had an how Jon was continually trying to push tangents with other countries and.... tribalism? it is amazing he just laughed a point and went on with another made up argument not related with the issue discussed.

I'm amazed to find how racist Jon is. It is pretty accurate to call Jon racist, I didn't know this some months ago and after Trump was elected it got pretty clear by his showings of racism on twitter
The silence after Destiny responds to Jontron bringing up BLM was golden. Being Canadian I haven't been as exposed to the alt-right style of arguing, so if this is it... Jesus. The way he ignores facts, calls them false and then promptly throws out an unsubstantiated claim is incredibly frustrating.

Also, that smug fucking laugh.
Man, it seems like a large part of the "hardcore" gaming community somehow is related to the whole bullshit with "feminism hate, sjw hate, refugees out + other racist shit" and wholly embraces figures like PDP, JonTron etc. who fuel the hate.

I don't know, when did it go wrong? I thought most of the youth were super liberal and tolerant (when i was younger) but it seems like the current ~14 generation has a really large part of vocal shits. Especially gamers, at least that's how I remember, where totally the guys who tried to learn as much interesting stuff as possible on the (then-newish) internet and be open-minded...

I think in the case of PDP, Jontron and other Youtubers/Online influencers, it's a bit of a "Chicken or the Egg" scenario. Do people who already foster these backwards ideologies naturally drift towards these personalities for their entertainment? Alternatively, do their audiences of young, impressionable viewers flock to them for their entertainment value, and then end up falling into their political ideologies as well?

I liked Jontron for his entertainment value, finding his videos to be pretty smart and funny. However, I have some pretty established progressive beliefs and upon finding out more and more about his personal politics, decided to no longer be a fan of his. However, if I didn't have a political identity already, would I be swayed to his beliefs because I'm a fan of his work? It's entirely possible.

Closed-mindedness can be taught just as much as open-mindedness, and despite their insistence that they're not role models, people like PDP and Jontron with audiences of millions do have an influence over that audience.
The silence after Destiny responds to Jontron bringing up BLM was golden. Being Canadian I haven't been as exposed to the alt-right style of arguing, so if this is it... Jesus. The way he ignores facts, calls them false and then promptly throws out an unsubstantiated claim is incredibly frustrating.

Also, that smug fucking laugh.

We do have this in Canada just to a much smaller degree. The new Conservative Party is basically hijacked by similarly narrow minded individuals like those who have hijacked the Republican party.

Read on Kellie Leitch's and other Conservative leadership competitors' comments among others for those pockets of discussion quite emblematic of the same kind of absurd racism. Or Harper's history of attacking the hijab through the courts etc.

And it's always funny how these people bring up places like India or whatever or Japan. We're not trying to be secluded in the West, those aren't attributes to aspire to, and even further places like India have huge minority populations of Muslims and Christians, and Japan has religious minorities as well. There are problems there with racial and religious divides too but becoming more overt about racism and bigotry and corruption even more than India is not a thing to advertise that USA now has. So embarrassing for the world to be experiencing this right now. So many fucking racists world wide.

Fuck the alt right. Bunch of fucking assholes.


Un Rama
His Reddit seem to mostly be turning on him which is giving me life.

Where can one with this destiny interview thing? Might need to watch for Schadenfreude.
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