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JonTron (youtuber) speaks against demographic "invasion" of America by nonwhites

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Well, this is entirely subjective, but yeah for no small amount of time I appreciated Jon's ability to sing and make videos. I'm merely pointing out that another dude is on the receiving end of white privilege when defenders arise at the merest hint that he might also be an apologist for white supremacy.


"You're so stupid for calling X or Y a Nazi!" is one of the classic deflections of the alt-right. It's similar to racism. The absolute worst thing you can do to a person in their eyes is call them Nazi or racist, even if they behave 100% in lockstep with that of Nazis or racists.

Especially when King posted a paraphrase of the 14 words.


Neo Member

I think Drew Scanlon could cosplay this guy pretty successfully.
So how long until it turns out ProJared and Caddicarus are similarly total scumbags?

Nah, Jared's pretty clearly against this sort of shit. He doesn't make it a particular point of his twitter activity, but well, in the week after the inauguration he specifically retweeted about how it was okay to end friendships over politics if the other side supported nazism, sexism, etc.


He can pass for white.

It's not as if the Jews aren't white either. If the US goes to war with Iran he doesn't stand a chance in a fully realized Trump America.

Reality is a lot of people are in denial of what all this actually means for them. They want to believe they're the chosen ones and they won't be eliminated.


It's an interesting look at the notion of audience algebra, and how people solve for it. Essentially, a lot of these personalities either strongly suspect, or flat out know, that a percentage of their audience is racist/sexist/homophobic. So the question becomes "Is it worth more to me to cultivate an audience base that more closely reflects me and my interests/beliefs/values? Or do I value above all the prospect of making more money by letting deplorables into my tent and making them feel safe enough to keep coming back?"

This is honestly the dilemma at the center of a lot of channels/blogs/podcasts. Businesses in general, really. They're forced to make a value judgment: Potentially smaller audience that isn't full of disgusting pieces of fucking shit, or larger audience that includes a lot of turds, but might make more money.

Many people will choose the latter. It's just more important to them to tolerate (and be known for tolerating) racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic beliefs so long as they're not directly, blatantly espoused, for the sake of maximizing their profit potential. "Oh, it's all about the games." "Oh, we keep politics out of our content." "We're not left wing or right wing, we're X-wing!" that kinda shit.

And for some content producers, once you make peace with that decision, maybe it's even easier to slide down that greasy, deplorable little hill into their valley and openly cater/pander to that mindset.

Which makes the projection about SJW's and White Knights all the more transparent. Of course they think people doing the right thing and standing up for the right thing are faking it for the hits and the empty plaudits. Because that's exactly why they've forsaken common sense and basic decency and thrown in with gaters, neo-nazis, misogynists and anti-LGBTQ. Because those people will love them for it—and more importantly, maybe they'll even kick them down a few bucks or two.

Good post. This seems to be the natural progression of things the last couple of years.


Yeppp. Jon has a serious problem. Sucks because the guy makes some of my favorite content on YouTube. :/

Holy shit why does GameXplain invite this guy to their discussion videos?
Considering he called one of the main members of GameXplain a fool in those tweets, I don't see them inviting him back any time soon, thank god.


Holy shit why does GameXplain invite this guy to their discussion videos?

This has given me so much more respect for Ash (and Charles).
Retroactively glad that I didn't watch any of his Animal Crossing coverage when he was one of the only people who had an English review version.


fuuuuuuck man

JonTron has said some stupid shit in the past, but this takes the cake. So disappointing, I genuinely like the guy and think he's cool in a lot of ways, but he needs to pull his head out of his ass on this one.


Am I remembering incorrectly, but isn't this side a total gamergate dude? Thought people had learned after that whole fiasco.(if I'm remembering him correctly)
fuuuuuuck man

JonTron has said some stupid shit in the past, but this takes the cake. So disappointing, I genuinely like the guy and think he's cool in a lot of ways, but he needs to pull his head out of his ass on this one.

Not a chance, he's been


for a while now


paid requisite penance
So how long until it turns out ProJared and Caddicarus are similarly total scumbags?

God, everyone quoting you is like "ProJared's okay" but nobody's mentioning Caddicarus lol. It either means they don't know him at all or they think "yeah, I can see him being a shithead." Hope not, I watch him every now and then. Reminds of the good old teenage PS1 days. He's alright in small doses.

I'm getting paranoid about youtubers I like now. From now on I'll always have this nagging question at the back of my head: "is (s)he a bigot?"

I doubt h3 is one even though he is a (former?) friend of Jon, defended PDP's Jew joke and has talked about "SJWs". Heck, PDP's isn't one as far as I can tell, he just lacks common sense.

And people keep asking about that videogamedunkey video, but nobody obliges. What is it? Can't anyone provide a link or at least sum it up, for God's sake? Don't tell me he's a bad apple. He really doesn't sound like one, but now I'm worried.


God, everyone quoting you is like "ProJared's okay" but nobody's mentioning Caddicarus lol. It either means they don't know him at all or they think "yeah, I can see him being a shithead." Hope not, I watch him every now and then. Reminds of the good old teenage PS1 days. He's alright in small doses.

I'm getting paranoid about youtubers I like now. From now on I'll always have this nagging question at the back of my head: "is (s)he a bigot?"

I doubt h3 is one even though he is a (former?) friend of Jon, defended PDP's Jew joke and has talked about "SJWs". Heck, PDP's isn't one as far as I can tell, he just lacks common sense.

And people keep asking about that videogamedunkey video, but nobody obliges. What is it? Can't anyone provide a link or at least sum it up, for God's sake? Don't tell me he's a bad apple. He really doesn't sound like one, but now I'm worried.

As another son of an Iranian immigrant(though my parents went to NL, not the US) I'm appalled at these words, he sounds like my father, which makes me think he learned all this from his father.
Ok Jon... just be quiet. Still love him, but somebody should pull him back for a moment if not tell him what's wrong.

This is exactly the wrong approach to take. this isn't some misguided mistake, this is vitriolic hatred spoken to a large audience. Your "love" of him in spite of this is appalling.
Things got even more curious when he split from GameGrumps and quite a lot of people pointed the blame at Arin's girlfriend Suzy. Leaks however suggested it was because Jon was just terrible to her but people wouldn't hear that about their beloved JonTron. "An angel because he's socially awkward and likes the same videogames as us!"
Fantastic. People (Gators) love a female scapegoat.

Not long before (or after?) this part there are 2 black NPCs walking around and Jon says "Look at these Blacks"

Being offensive was like, part of his shtick or something, but its taken a whole new light recently

It's interesting to me that anti black racism is so casually applied in gaming culture that people pretend they can't even tell whether someone is an *actual* racist or not when it is present. Like, people will actually argue about whether repeatedly implying that you want to put a hole in a black person while laughing is racist or not.

Weird that Disney hired a passive bigot (Pewdiepie) and an active one (JonTron)

Two for two. Not a good score.

The people that disney hired 300 chains of command down to give these "cool internet guys" deals were looking at view numbers and not YT comments or forum drama. They honestly go through a lot of trouble to avoid this kind of thing because of the way people perceive Walt to have been (a more complicated conversation for a different time, but whatever). So I would think that Disney, and big media companies in general will start to look carefully before they start sponsoring internet fads.


I don't understand why someone from his background would be against immigration. If things had been that way 30 years ago then he wouldn't exist. But I suppose Fuck You Got Mine is his line of thought?

There's been pics (This is the Internet of course so take it with a grain of salt) showing that he was emotionally abused by his dad.

So it could be all kinds of fucked up things. Could be utter contempt for his father and in turn, any other immigrant, or it could be just wanting his acceptance by emulating him if his dad is one of those "Fuck you got mine" immigrants.
Am I remembering incorrectly, but isn't this side a total gamergate dude? Thought people had learned after that whole fiasco.(if I'm remembering him correctly)

During the height of Gamergate, Jontron was quite insistent on making sure everyone knew who "both sides were equally bad" and "no one is giving gamergate a fair chance to voice their views." And his since then only doubled down on all the bullshit the more he's been called out on it.


I guess it's a good thing I just fell out of favor with JonTron. His cleanup of his older video game centric content, coupled with some contradictory talk on streams and Game Grumps made so much of his seemingly earnest feelings towards games that I loved him for come across as disingenuous. Dude's a great actor, I'll give him that much, but with my lack of interest in his content and his continuous icky behavior I can't in good conscience support him anymore. All I seem to see from him these days is Twitter complaining and he pretty much fell hook line and sinker into the irony poisoning well.

I'm reminded of an image macro where someone took a tweet Arin made replying to someone that accused him of being a sellout for apologizing for offensive behavior, where he pretty much said " whatever, what do you lose for apologizing and owning up to shitty behavior?", and then compared that tweet to Jon's infamous instigating tweet when someone asked him if he could avoid using the word retarded. Funny to see where we've gotten since then. Jon just seems like the kind of person who just wants people to shut up about issues because of his own insecurities and cognitive dissonance.


And people keep asking about that videogamedunkey video, but nobody obliges. What is it? Can't anyone provide a link or at least sum it up, for God's sake? Don't tell me he's a bad apple. He really doesn't sound like one, but now I'm worried.

Dunkey doesn't seem like the kind of person who wants to stick his foot into any of this. At his most "hot take" moments he takes the piss out of shitty corporation and sometimes disingenuous YouTubers. He's just a silly old donkey who plays games.


Neo Member
Here's a perspective I thought was pretty interesting and may be correct regarding how these Youtube guys ends up like this.



The tl;dr is that one of these guys says a genuinely offensive/bigoted joke or statement, and brush off the people getting offended as just "angry SJWs" so they don't feel like they did anything wrong. And then they double down and go even further, start only listening to the things the people who agree with them say, including the crazy alt-right websites, and that gets them pushed further and further right. Not trying to excuse it, just I think that may be "how we got here".

He went more in depth in an article, here: http://birthmoviesdeath.com/2017/02/23/p.c.-culture-vs.-the-big-joke
Holy shit, he went full uncle tom on the "if it weren't for the stock that built yadda yadda" garbage. Is he talking about the African slaves or perhaps the Chinese slaves or?

Ignorant as hell, anyone sent this shit to Audible? I wonder how they feel about it.



Well this sucks. JonTron's videos were genuinely funny (like the Barbie games and the Sonic Colors videos). He has been making fewer videos that take longer to make, and he often doesn't really focus on video games anymore but they were still kinda entertaining. Guess this is the final straw then. I really hate to see some of these YouTube Gamers side with the right, and even go alt-right at times, but they made a conscious decision to use their voices this way. I just can't support people like that though. It's everything I'm against.

Also, I'm glad we have threads like this on NeoGAF so we know not to go visit their channels and websites. They don't see our clicks and views, and we don't support them anymore.
It's interesting to me that anti black racism is so casually applied in gaming culture that people pretend they can't even tell whether someone is an *actual* racist or not when it is present. Like, people will actually argue about whether repeatedly implying that you want to put a hole in a black person while laughing is racist or not.

hah, he was actually talking about putting a hole in Arins cake that he made for his girlfriend/wife, not a person
So has Jon actually formed an argument against any of the constant arguments of 'you are literally who Steve King is talking about' or is he still just trying to deflect with irrelevant 'I'm not a nazi!!!' comments. For all the people joking about 'it sure is ironic racists/nazi's hate being called racists/nazis'' here, it *does* allow them to derail an argument enough to seem like to their impressionable kid audience that they actually have a point and all their opposition can do is shoot ad-hominem attacks.
Even if they're somewhat appropriate.

I think Jon's bizarre explanations on Sargan's streams about his politics (there is an issue if THAT guy of all people is trying to reign you in politically) he then tried to bury and brush under the rug did more to paint him as a moron who has no clue what he's talking about then the people just lining up to yell names at him. He wants you to do the latter because he has no real substance if you're going to argue with him, and he knows it.

TheBitBlock's a big one


BitBlock has been insufferable for near a decade and has a comparatively tiny audience so I have no clue why he's always brought up as an example. Literally nobody gives a shit about him beyond the embarrassing private shit about him that keeps leaking, regardless of being a moron politically or not.
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