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JonTron (youtuber) speaks against demographic "invasion" of America by nonwhites

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There's an interesting phenomenon where people from one culture can assimilate themselves into another to the point that they become hostile towards their culture of origin.

Look at latinos who consider themselves white and purely American to the point they have contempt for brown immigrants. Hell, look at Americans who have made Japan into a fetish through the avenue of anime and games, and see themselves as part of a "superior" culture that they place above western trash.

Video games represent an engrossing and deeply affecting virtual empowerment fantasy. It's not inherently bad; games can elevate people, act a therapy, and increase confidence and ability. They actually can bring people together and bridge gaps. Ironically games can also isolate people within virtual worlds and give them a false sense of power and competency; when in reality those people are terribly sheltered and incapable of relating to other human beings outside of their bare minimum comfort zone.

The case of Latinos is different because racism *within* La Raza. Latin America was built on racial oppression of whites against blacks and natives, so skin-color variation is huge there.


as someone who is subscribed and loved jontrons content, wtf is this?

wow, he actually has an history of being a dumbass too... what a shame


I didn't know black people (who have been in the US for as long as Anglos) and white people speaking a different language (who have been there for longer than Anglos) are now seen as 'invading'.

Invading what, exactly? The conservative white Anglos' privileges?


I'm half Iranian and completely agree with Jon. The freedoms that I enjoy in Australia most certainly did not derive from my mother's ancestry. She left that mess behind and it boggles my mind when people suppprt the notion of importing it wholesale into Western civilization unchecked.

Just open your goddamn eyes and look at what's happening in places like France, Sweden and Germany. Across most of Europe actually. Open. Your. Goddamn. Eyes.

I'm not in any way shape or form a racist. How could I be.. Im half Middle Eastern.


I doubt he's making his statements with the same outright racist intent that David Duke and Steve King are, but he seems too preoccupied with being outrageous and getting back at those darn SJWs to take a second and think about what the people he's aligning with are actually advocating... so basically he's a typical alt-righter. Disappointing, but not unexpected at this point.


I would assume that Jon is talking against the idea of like, sharia law lovers coming here or something. Hence the wording of "contempt."

The problem, assuming he's referring to such a group of people, should be obvious: that is sure as shit not what Steve King is referring to...
His gifs were gold, but if that's the only thing of worth he had for me, it's going to be no problem getting rid of his presence or opinions from me.
I'm half Iranian and completely agree with Jon. The freedoms that I enjoy in Australia most certainly did not derive from my mother's ancestry. She left that mess behind and it boggles my mind when people suppprt the notion of importing it wholesale into Western civilization unchecked.

Just open your goddamn eyes and look at what's happening in places like France, Sweden and Germany. Across most of Europe actually. Open. Your. Goddamn. Eyes.

I'm not in any way shape or form a racist. How could I be.. Im half Middle Eastern.

it seems like most of the biggest personalities are either supporters or neutral, because that's exactly how it is.

It's an interesting look at the notion of audience algebra, and how people solve for it. Essentially, a lot of these personalities either strongly suspect, or flat out know, that a percentage of their audience is racist/sexist/homophobic. So the question becomes "Is it worth more to me to cultivate an audience base that more closely reflects me and my interests/beliefs/values? Or do I value above all the prospect of making more money by letting deplorables into my tent and making them feel safe enough to keep coming back?"

This is honestly the dilemma at the center of a lot of channels/blogs/podcasts. Businesses in general, really. They're forced to make a value judgment: Potentially smaller audience that isn't full of disgusting pieces of fucking shit, or larger audience that includes a lot of turds, but might make more money.

Many people will choose the latter. It's just more important to them to tolerate (and be known for tolerating) racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic beliefs so long as they're not directly, blatantly espoused, for the sake of maximizing their profit potential. "Oh, it's all about the games." "Oh, we keep politics out of our content." "We're not left wing or right wing, we're X-wing!" that kinda shit.

And for some content producers, once you make peace with that decision, maybe it's even easier to slide down that greasy, deplorable little hill into their valley and openly cater/pander to that mindset.

Which makes the projection about SJW's and White Knights all the more transparent. Of course they think people doing the right thing and standing up for the right thing are faking it for the hits and the empty plaudits. Because that's exactly why they've forsaken common sense and basic decency and thrown in with gaters, neo-nazis, misogynists and anti-LGBTQ. Because those people will love them for it—and more importantly, maybe they'll even kick them down a few bucks or two.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
I'm half Iranian and completely agree with Jon. The freedoms that I enjoy in Australia most certainly did not derive from my mother's ancestry. She left that mess behind and it boggles my mind when people suppprt the notion of importing it wholesale into Western civilization unchecked.

Just open your goddamn eyes and look at what's happening in places like France, Sweden and Germany. Across most of Europe actually. Open. Your. Goddamn. Eyes.

I'm not in any way shape or form a racist. How could I be.. Im half Middle Eastern.

You're late.
I'm half Iranian and completely agree with Jon. The freedoms that I enjoy in Australia most certainly did not derive from my mother's ancestry. She left that mess behind and it boggles my mind when people suppprt the notion of importing it wholesale into Western civilization unchecked.

Just open your goddamn eyes and look at what's happening in places like France, Sweden and Germany. Across most of Europe actually. Open. Your. Goddamn. Eyes.

I'm not in any way shape or form a racist. How could I be.. Im half Middle Eastern.

Anytime some one says "Wake up!!" or "Open your eyes!!!", it let's me to know that...

aww fuck it


Jon is an idiot though. He makes video game videos for a living, so why do we care about his opinions?

some weird skewing of the meritocracy ideal. He's successful in a fashion, is famous in some way, more infamous, but whatever. And he has a platform and money. In the American eye, he's a role model to emulate.


I'm half Iranian and completely agree with Jon. The freedoms that I enjoy in Australia most certainly did not derive from my mother's ancestry. She left that mess behind and it boggles my mind when people suppprt the notion of importing it wholesale into Western civilization unchecked.

Just open your goddamn eyes and look at what's happening in places like France, Sweden and Germany. Across most of Europe actually. Open. Your. Goddamn. Eyes.

I'm not in any way shape or form a racist. How could I be.. Im half Middle Eastern.
"i'm not racist!"

"i just agree with this reaaaallly racist thing!"


I feel like there's this weird disconnect between game devs, whom for the most part are liberals, and the overall gamer culture, which gave birth to GG.

When you keep producing games filled with whiteness, always centering heterosexual masculinity, and revolving around dominating others, you end up with fragile gamers who become toxic and vioelently lash out against the presence and voices of marginalized people.

Developers might be liberals, but the marketing and the culture in and around their products is not particularly progressive.
Pat's gf was on an alt-right podcast recently (The Dick Show). A little scary.

What the fuck?

It legitimately enrages me that such a huge portion of gaming culture is full of racist cunts. This guy is extra fucking stupid since he's from an Iranian family. I'd laugh if it wasn't so god damn insane.


Oh god now I really hope SBFs don't turn out to be actually racists...

Or any of Max's crew @_@

I'll be crushed if that ever happens.

I'm half Iranian and completely agree with Jon. The freedoms that I enjoy in Australia most certainly did not derive from my mother's ancestry. She left that mess behind and it boggles my mind when people suppprt the notion of importing it wholesale into Western civilization unchecked.

Just open your goddamn eyes and look at what's happening in places like France, Sweden and Germany. Across most of Europe actually. Open. Your. Goddamn. Eyes.

I'm not in any way shape or form a racist. How could I be.. Im half Middle Eastern.



She left that mess behind and it boggles my mind when people suppprt the notion of importing it wholesale into Western civilization unchecked.

So Australia should deport your mother ?

EDIT: Banned, so I won't get an answer.


This is honestly the dilemma at the center of a lot of channels/blogs/podcasts. Businesses in general, really. They're forced to make a value judgment: Potentially smaller audience that isn't full of disgusting pieces of fucking shit, or larger audience that includes a lot of turds, but might make more money.
I'd say it's the other way around. Larger audience, but less engaged/involved, or smaller audience that produces more added-value for the creator.

Basically, the mobile industry's whale dilemma applied to shitlords.

It's why Facebook and Twitter have not dealt with the fucktards among their subscribers, despite them hurting other people (and causing image problems, especially in Twitter's case). The shitbrains interact with their product more.
I'm half Iranian and completely agree with Jon. The freedoms that I enjoy in Australia most certainly did not derive from my mother's ancestry. She left that mess behind and it boggles my mind when people suppprt the notion of importing it wholesale into Western civilization unchecked.

Just open your goddamn eyes and look at what's happening in places like France, Sweden and Germany. Across most of Europe actually. Open. Your. Goddamn. Eyes.

I'm not in any way shape or form a racist. How could I be.. Im half Middle Eastern.
you're the exact opposite of what an Australian should be


God, it really, really bummed me out when all this shit started coming out about Jontron. He was one of my favorite Youtubers for a really long time. At first I was just like "well as long as his content doesn't get political I can still enjoy it." And then it just kept getting worse.
For me, that day was today :/
I heard he was a little controversial, but hadn't seen the specifics until now.

Found this article with some of his older ones archived


the fuck kind of website is this

the author seems to pretty much agree with jon

that website said:
However, in the past few months, JonTron has slowly been evolving into a stern anti-feminist and politically incorrect activist.

It seems like Feminist rhetoric is so toxic that even the most non-partisan people are repulsed by it.

clicking around a bit on that site, it seems to be full of anti-feminist rants

do you not read a page before linking it or do you agree with that shit
Egoraptor looking smarter and smarter for dropping this guy when he did.

Bizarre that at one point Jon was considered the "victim" when he left.

Fuck him. Bizarre that a child of Iranian immigrants who lives in NYC could have such warped views of reality, but it goes to show this is 100% nurture (i.e. brainwashing).


Since when is H3H3 alt-right?

H3H3 is not as far as I know; he seems to do certain things to appeal to his community which tends to veer in the direction at least of the alt-right e.g. "DID YOU SEE THIS CRAZY FEMINIST?!?" as clickbait for reaction videos) and has a few questionable beliefs... Nothing nearly comparable to Jon though.


I like how him mocking people calling King a Nazi is based on an idea Nazis pushed (Jews and communists trying to destroy German culture).

History is not a strong suit for people, people like this ask why people followed the Nazis. This shit right fucking here.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Being right about JonTron from the beginning has been a real jewel in my "You should listen to me more" crown with some real life friends recently.

Thanks for outing yourself as a piece of shit Jon!


Apparently the gaming community at large has enough alt-righters to fund quite a lot of YT "nerd culture" personalities. Almost all of them are in the same circle of shit (PDP, H3H3).

For PDP, he's already back at it again and just a day ago made a nazi concentration camp "joke" on his Twitter.
I'm trying really hard to get it but that tweet makes no sense to me at all :-/

He thinks that because any ol' Muslim wearing a hijab (or not) can freely walk into any McD in the country, they aren't being oppressed.

I don't fault you for not getting it, because it's incredibly stupid.
I like how him mocking people calling King a Nazi is based on an idea Nazis pushed (Jews and communists trying to destroy German culture).

History is not a strong suit for people, people like this ask why people followed the Nazis. This shit right fucking here.

"You're so stupid for calling X or Y a Nazi!" is one of the classic deflections of the alt-right. It's similar to racism. The absolute worst thing you can do to a person in their eyes is call them Nazi or racist, even if they behave 100% in lockstep with that of Nazis or racists.
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