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JonTron (youtuber) speaks against demographic "invasion" of America by nonwhites

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First experienced it in my early 20's when I was dating a black girl. Got yelled at by some rando that I was committing genocide of the white race. It's insane.

Not sure if anyone had watched the Hidden Colors Documentaries, but it mentions that when you think about it, Caucasians are the "minority" major race on the planet, dwarfed by the East/West Asian as well as Black African population of the world. Supposedly, this fact is well known among white supremacists, and is the basis for the whole "genocide of the white race" rhetoric you sometimes see. Insanity, really.

FYI, what happens when you ignore people like Jontron and PewDiePie:


Aye, this is a huge problem. It's why I don't support trash like South Park. People can always say the context is king, but at the end of the day there are millions of young kids/teenagers that watch that show freely and are influenced by the racist jokes in the show. I find it crazy how it gets a free pass from so many people on here while the PewDiePie stuff was a pitch forks moment. Part of the issue we have is that many people are so selective with what they deem as racist.
FYI, what happens when you ignore people like Jontron and PewDiePie:


This is my biggest fear of all this. JonTron will take a hit in viewers, may lose partnerships, but in the end he'll still have a huge viewership. Of those left are a whole lot of non-political young people finding themselves defending their bests bud JonTron or PDP along side the alt-right brigade that know exactly how to slowly indoctrinate young people who do not know better. It's truly terrifying.


This fuckwit literally said he stands behind a mega racist, meaning he is fine with it. Like either he doesn't understand the "I stand behind..." line or he's a racist that wanted to expose himself. Either way, neogaf doesn't need a piece of garbage like him.
I see PDP being mentioned here again. I thought he ended up being ok?

It's a different situation. While I don't think PDP is anything like JonTron, he's still exposing his audience which is made up of a lot of very young impressionable people, to casual racist humor. Worse yet, this audience sees the alt right as an ally when defending their hero from criticism. This is a situation he needs to see and do something about instead of playing the victim and allowing the alt-right to coddle him through it all.

The best way to deal with racists.

That man is a hero and should be applauded. The fact that I read so many opinions saying "tsk tsk, you should try to engage with the white supremacists, this only hurts our movement" infuriated me. The man had a fucking milk emoticon for God's sake, he deserves nothing but a punch to the face like the coward he actually is.


It's a different situation. While I don't think PDP is anything like JonTron, he's still exposing his audience which is made up of a lot of very young impressionable people, to casual racist humor. Worse yet, this audience sees the alt right as an ally when defending their hero from criticism. This is a situation he needs to see and do something about instead of playing the victim and allowing the alt-right to coddle him through it all.
Ok, got it. Thanks.
What the fuck is up with that twitter background? Holy shit

Ben is the guy that originally posted the article about PDP making anti-semitic jokes and basically tried to get him fired before even getting a comment. PDP then found the same writer had anti-semitic and racist jokes posted on twitter. So he really wants to rub it in.


Not sure if anyone had watched the Hidden Colors Documentaries, but it mentions that when you think about it, Caucasians are the "minority" major race on the planet, dwarfed by the East/West Asian as well as Black African population of the world. Supposedly, this fact is well known among white supremacists, and is the basis for the whole "genocide of the white race" rhetoric you sometimes see. Insanity, really.

Aye, this is a huge problem. It's why I don't support trash like South Park. People can always say the context is king, but at the end of the day there are millions of young kids/teenagers that watch that show freely and are influenced by the racist jokes in the show. I find it crazy how it gets a free pass from so many people on here while the PewDiePie stuff was a pitch forks moment. Part of the issue we have is that many people are so selective with what they deem as racist.

When they say "majority" they mean in areas they have most dominion in, I'd assume. But even then if you actually run their numbers when they give out percentages and compare them with other situations, it becomes clear that some of the numbers they throw out are BS.


Unconfirmed Member
Ben is the guy that originally posted the article about PDP making anti-semitic jokes and basically tried to get him fired before even getting a comment. PDP then found the same writer had anti-semitic and racist jokes posted on twitter. So he really wants to rub it in.

I don't see how any of that makes it any less fucked up at all. That is truly discusting


Aye, this is a huge problem. It's why I don't support trash like South Park. People can always say the context is king, but at the end of the day there are millions of young kids/teenagers that watch that show freely and are influenced by the racist jokes in the show. I find it crazy how it gets a free pass from so many people on here while the PewDiePie stuff was a pitch forks moment. Part of the issue we have is that many people are so selective with what they deem as racist.

Because south park and often other professional comedians often construct their jokes, condemning said things. South Park ain't perfect by any means but to compare it to the off the cuff ramblings of some youtube personality who's comedic talents are armature at best is kind of really underselling their actual comedic writing prowess.

I also don't subscribe to the notion that because someone makes an off color joke about something its immediately worry some to watch. One of my favorite comic to show transitions are the boondocks. They make plenty of really bad jokes , that I at full admittance watched way before I was supposed to .I think i was like 12 when the boondocks originally came out on TV.

The difference between south park/ The boondocks and PDP or any minecraft streamer is simple.

1) these shows run on networks so anything too outthere is going to be restricted in some degree.
2) These shows go through in an incubator and have to be crafted in such a way that allows for jokes to touch on dark subjects with out actually just condoning the thing they are condemning. ( Though to be fair south park even with that time, has been guilty of this )
3) Parents can actively and more easily curate the content being shown to their kids on TV.

TV is a long standing institution in the world, Cable too and it has things that allow for parents to curate what they feel is inappropriate. This is much easier to do in cable services because they advertise regularly they have monetized and made convenient the idea of sitting your child in front of the television and leaving and not having to worry about whats happening.

Which is another bad thing, but we will get to that in a second.

Youtube? Not so easy, paren't see their kids watching a video game, you know they just assume they are watching a video game. Especially stuff like mine craft which is just video game lego's . Seems tame enough, not understanding the usual streamer/youtuber game format that also continues continues to permeate this medium.

What would fix this is parents actually paying attention to at least, some of the content their child consumes. And talking to them about it. But that hasn't happened in any meaningful capacity since..... ever. Until there is some fox newscast about it and then they care for a bit and stop. So youtube would need to curate that, and youtube curating anything besides the lining of their pockets is one of the most laughable things ever.

Folks need to talk to their kids about who, and what the fuck they are watching, listening ,reading ect.


Gold Member
The man had a fucking milk emoticon for God's sake, he deserves nothing but a punch to the face like the coward he actually is.

Yes, the man talking to a camera and getting punched by a muffled person out of the blue is a coward...

This is what Scientologists Antifas actually believe


Aye, this is a huge problem. It's why I don't support trash like South Park. People can always say the context is king, but at the end of the day there are millions of young kids/teenagers that watch that show freely and are influenced by the racist jokes in the show. I find it crazy how it gets a free pass from so many people on here while the PewDiePie stuff was a pitch forks moment. Part of the issue we have is that many people are so selective with what they deem as racist.
South Park is satire, and a pretty good one too. It obviously condemns these things.
Because south park and often other professional comedians often construct their jokes, condemning said things. South Park ain't perfect by any means but to compare it to the off the cuff ramblings of some youtube personality who's comedic talents are armature at best is kind of really underselling their actual comedic writing prowess.

I also don't subscribe to the notion that because someone makes an off color joke about something its immediately worry some to watch. One of my favorite comic to show transitions are the boondocks. They make plenty of really bad jokes , that I at full admittance watched way before I was supposed to .I think i was like 12 when the boondocks originally came out on TV.

The difference between south park/ The boondocks and PDP or any minecraft streamer is simple.

1) these shows run on networks so anything too outthere is going to be restricted in some degree.
2) These shows go through in an incubator and have to be crafted in such a way that allows for jokes to touch on dark subjects with out actually just condoning the thing they are condemning. ( Though to be fair south park even with that time, has been guilty of this )
3) Parents can actively and more easily curate the content being shown to their kids on TV.

TV is a long standing institution in the world, Cable too and it has things that allow for parents to curate what they feel is inappropriate. This is much easier to do in cable services because they advertise regularly they have monetized and made convenient the idea of sitting your child in front of the television and leaving and not having to worry about whats happening.

Which is another bad thing, but we will get to that in a second.

Youtube? Not so easy, paren't see their kids watching a video game, you know they just assume they are watching a video game. Especially stuff like mine craft which is just video game lego's . Seems tame enough, not understanding the usual streamer/youtuber game format that also continues continues to permeate this medium.

What would fix this is parents actually paying attention to at least, some of the content their child consumes. And talking to them about it. But that hasn't happened in any meaningful capacity since..... ever. Until there is some fox newscast about it and then they care for a bit and stop. So youtube would need to curate that, and youtube curating anything besides the lining of their pockets is one of the most laughable things ever.

Folks need to talk to their kids about who, and what the fuck they are watching, listening ,reading ect.
There is a YouTube app designed explicity for kid friendly programming. I guess that's curation...

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Any other sites reporting on this at this point? I couldn't find anything, so I'm gonna go with widespread ignorance is bliss for now?


So I've never seen or heard anything from this guy before, so seeing this thread I went to his Youtube channel, scrolled through his videos and randomly chose this Far Cry Primal vid to watch: https://youtu.be/ICvRmN9A8RQ

At 13 seconds in, when the date is scrolling backwards past the early 1900's, he says, "Oh there goes Adolf Hitler, hey this was a better time, wasn't it."

So I've never seen or heard anything from this guy before, so seeing this thread I went to his Youtube channel, scrolled through his videos and randomly chose this Far Cry Primal vid to watch: https://youtu.be/ICvRmN9A8RQ

At 13 seconds in, when the date is scrolling backwards past the early 1900's, he says, "Oh there goes Adolf Hitler, hey this was a better time, wasn't it."


Normally I would guess that such is meant to be a dry sarcasm. Now though...

Funny enough, I got Jacksepticeye killing Hitler in my youtube feed, so that's some catharsis.


For you.
Yes, the man talking to a camera and getting punched by a muffled person out of the blue is a coward...

This is what Scientologists Antifas actually believe
The dude getting punched is Richard Spencer, a literal genocide advocate.

Dude should be getting punched every single fucking day whenever he comes out of his house.
Yes, the man talking to a camera and getting punched by a muffled person out of the blue is a coward...

This is what Scientologists Antifas actually believe

Yes, he is a coward. What did he do after getting punched? Ran away like a coward and hasn't made any more public appearances. Whats your point? You stand behind the neo-nazi?


Gold Member
You do know you are defending an actual Neo-Nazi from getting punched in the mouth? Right?

Yeah so he's spewing his white power nonsene into the camera. Still not ok to attack him out of the blue. If he's talking directly to you and getting personal, fine, bash his teeth in, but otherwise it just feels like a total cowardly dick move to me.
Five second search of Indian restaurants in Tokyo.

A weird choice to make for a restaurant type to say that Japan doesn't have much of. And it isn't just Tokyo—I know we had them down in Osaka as well. If you want to pick something that's hard to find in Japan, I'd say Mexican/tacos, but even then I've found a few places by poking around even without doing internet searches (like the one I stumbled upon in Harajuku).

There's a place in Shinjuku also. But honestly, after the novelty of having a taco in Tokyo has worn off I realized they're pretty bland :(

I'm not trying to debate, I'm trying to defend myself against the hoards of people who jumped on me after I said a simple platitude about how you should always try and talk to people first.

It was a general statement that got twisted into "LOOK, CLOUKYO THINKS WHAT JONTRON SAID IS OK"

Kind of a redundant statement in a topic about someone who did talk to him and within that debate we all found out that the dude is an actual racist. There's really no way to spin that in to something that resembles a gray area after Jon starts talking about "diluting genetic pools."


Yes, the man talking to a camera and getting punched by a muffled person out of the blue is a coward...

This is what Scientologists Antifas actually believe

You're not gonna have a good time here are you.

Jon's been awfully quiet the past two days. I wonder what's going through his head right now.

Probably mostly "fuck I shouldn't have done that interview" lol.

If he comes back with an apology I'll be pleasantly surprised...but after that debate...I don't see it happening. This wasn't a flub. This was 100% him.

Yeah, I mean, there's perfectly valid reasons to discuss how to tackle the influx of refugees and how you tackle the localized symptoms of disenfranchisement and lack of opportunity, but it does not involved Jon's...Uh, 'ideas'

Yeah, he didn't say anything remotely defensible like "I think we should limit immigration" (I mean, we don't exactly have open borders anyway tho). Even the tired bit about Sharia Law would be easier to defend. He just straight up doesn't want scary brown people breeding with glorious master race white women. If you don't think that's nazi shit you don't know much about nazis.


That guy is absolutely despicable, but I would have a hard time condoning most types of violence (especially violence like this) when the reason I fight bigotry is to prevent violence.

Advocating a platform of racial supremacy and amassing support for said platform is an act of real violence that demonstrably hurts innocent people.
Yeah so he's spewing his white power nonsene into the camera. Still not ok to attack him out of the blue. If he's talking directly to you and getting personal, fine, bash his teeth in, but otherwise it just feels like a total cowardly dick move to me.

Give me a break, this is a man that literally condoned the genocide of non-white peoples, he doesn't need you defending him. When did it not become OK to punch literal Nazis? Do you think they will listen to pacifism and reason? He's a big man when he's hiding behind his computer screen, but as soon as you pop him in the face, he runs away like the coward he is.


Yeah so he's spewing his white power nonsene into the camera. Still not ok to attack him out of the blue. If he's talking directly to you and getting personal, fine, bash his teeth in, but otherwise it just feels like a total cowardly dick move to me.

This is the one case where this has proven to actually stop the spreading of his vile BS.
I'd say this specific case is fairly ok.


That guy is absolutely despicable, but I would have a hard time condoning most types of violence (especially violence like this) when the reason I fight bigotry is to prevent violence.

You don't have to condone it necessarily. But speaking against it seems like a very poor use of time, which is why I question when people go out of their way to seemingly defend these people (not saying you are, I just see it too much so I wanted to blab).

I wouldn't go out with a baseball bat and ask people if they're white supremacists, but if I saw someone stomping a Klan member half to death it's not my goddamn responsibility to call an ambulance.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Yeah so he's spewing his white power nonsene into the camera. Still not ok to attack him out of the blue. If he's talking directly to you and getting personal, fine, bash his teeth in, but otherwise it just feels like a total cowardly dick move to me.

Well as long as he is only talking about throwing minorities in the ovens we have to tolerate him.

Gun Animal

He is a Nazi. At his rallies he's done the seig heil and chanted "HEIL TRUMP!". His entire platform is pretty much what the Nazi's were about.

this thread is about jontron and the post i quoted said "this is how you respond to racists"

Implicitly, punch racists like jontron.

I don't disagree with political violence necessarily, mind you. Hans Hermann Hoppe might have some interesting things to say about this. Since that poster brought up Spencer, I'm asking: should we punch Jontron? Who'd like to volunteer?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
We had this in the oringal richard spencer getting punched thread too. A lot of people took issue with the hit and run because it violates some inane gentleman's agreement about what kind of punching is acceptable, forgetting the fact that he's a neo-nazi raising a neo-nazi platform.

It's stupid. Far right extremism is seeping into Western society and all you can focus on are nonexistent rules of engagement for street fighting. Get some fucking perspective.
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