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Kotaku: 98% of PC Copies of Rise of the Tomb Raider Were Bought on Steam


just curious but is MS actually an expert on anything anymore? I mean I use win10 but it is about as barebones as you can get and has zero worthwhile applications on it. you end up pretty much replacing every single application that they deem as your "default". My new windows pc couldn't even play dvd's without downloading a third party app. I thought there was something wrong with my dvd drive lol.

windows 10 store is hilarious I love how they log me in to xbox live even though I cancelled years ago. I guess I'm a MAU lol. can't imagine buying anything off there that was available on steam.
Microsoft always joins the party late and have a track record of abandoning stuff that is not doing well, I personally wont invest a penny into their store.
I don't agree with these kind of arguments. Steam has competition, and very good ones at that as part of an Oligopoly. Of course, Steam ends up as the only outlet for certain games purely due to its success and massive customer base that are happy to buy from it. More competition is always welcome as a way to push it forward, challenge it and its development - but to state that as exclusive games being the route of that competition, imo is pathetic, as the underlying service is not competing at all or improving. It's the consolised view of what competition looks like for the most part, and I don't think that is what works on PC. PC at the moment is more of an oligopoly, and is continually pushed by competition that improves underlying services and tools that move along everything from games to informing hardware pushes, monetisation mechanisms, policies and entirely new paradigms between them all

What I want is for the services to improve in customer service, feature sets / tools that add value to customers and developers - that push the possibilities that can drive completely new games and ideas, and the developers that then go and use the tools / spread across competing platforms, services, engines, hardware etc. Steam has been successful specifically because of this where no one else really is on PC. The problem is that without competition at that same kind of level, services are not evolving as far as they could. Valve using games to push new ideas and tools for everyone, or driving multiplatform with SteamPlay is awesome and what I want more of rather than "exclusive" games for the sake of growing a platform but not actually doing anything. There are plenty of developers that do that, but as a holder of a service - it is far more valuable and interesting to see a service / platform ecosystem evolve in that way - which has had a massive impact on PC gaming and even gaming as a whole when you look at it.

This is very well said. I'm always confused by those who want to foster competition by supporting a competititor whose plans are to keep specific games hostage as a means of forcing you to only use their platform.


It's not just Microsoft and Windows 10 - the traffic and selection in the Mac App Store is pretty bad as well. It just doesn't get as much coverage because it's not as high profile as Windows on the desktop.

People just need to realize that a mandatory app store with increased restrictions just doesn't work for consumer PCs/Macs.
I'm shocked, no one ever thought this would happen. I say wait for the next //build/ and you can reverse those numbers.
quite funny seeing the same names as in those 120 previous threads commenting the same topic :p
Not surprising considering what a restrictive mess the UWP version was at launch.

no SLI/CF, no way to disable VSync, no exclusive fullscreen, no modding (sweetfx, etc), no overlay support (fraps, MSI afterburner, etc), no >60Hz support, no editing files, non-refundable. the list goes on.

It went against everything PC gaming represents (choice) and left a very bad taste in peoples mouths

Actually we learned about those issues from Tomb Raider - before it released we didn't know any of that or that knowledge wasn't very widespread.
This is very well said. I'm always confused by those who want to foster competition by supporting a competititor whose plans are to keep specific games hostage as a means of forcing you to only use their platform.
You are saying that using exclusive content is not a healthy way to compete?

Do you feel the same about consoles or phones, or tv channels/ stream providers like Netflix?


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
My new windows pc couldn't even play dvd's without downloading a third party app. I thought there was something wrong with my dvd drive lol.

I'm pretty sure that DVD movie players require a licensing fee paid to the DVD forum by the developer.

It's a major reason why the original Xbox could only play DVDs if you purchased the remote (the licensing fee was essentially applied to the remote, not the console) and why the original Wii didn't have DVD playback at all despite it being possible through homebrew.

Including this functionality by default was more common 10 to 15 years ago due to the proliferation of DVDs, but since it's more of a niche today, hardware manufacturers will skimp on it in order to save a few pennies.


So you are saying that only 2 percent of sales occurred on a platform which had never had AAA game releases before, was on few computers at the time, had zero advertising, and was competing with the overwhelming monopoly in that space? Weird

Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but didn't they plaster the login screen with Windows Store adverts per default, including Tomb Raider at the time?


Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Still waiting to play this one, need it to hit around £15, guess I'll be waiting until next year.
I'm surprised at the amount of people blindly accepting this quote as fact. It seems dubious as fuck to me.

Edit: No wonder the author was kind enough to pass along the poorly sourced and inflammatory quote. It seems they have quite the agenda:

Keza MacDonald wrote this article? She's been ripping Microsoft ever since I saw her working for IGN. I can't take this article seriously since she wrote it. I mean, she writes headlines like this: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CdHj2WHUIAAdNYD.jpg:large

Some of this stuff is probably true like Halo 5 sales numbers not hitting expectations, but until other websites back up this article with sources, I have a hard time believing a lot of this article.
I wish Microsoft would get off their high horse and just go all in with Steam for their PC games.

Steam games always sell, regardless.
Ugh. The Quantum Break exclusivity really gets me. And Dead Rising 4 is supposedly going to be UWP-exclusive, too. I really, really hope Capcom doesn't get in bed with Microsoft for DR4... or at the least it'll be a timed exclusive and show up later on Steam/elsewhere.

After GWFL, I don't trust Microsoft at all with any PC-focused marketplace, and waiting for it to die isn't fair for anybody.


Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but didn't they plaster the login screen with Windows Store adverts per default, including Tomb Raider at the time?
I'm still amazed that they actually had the chutzpah to do that.

Then again, they turned the "X" on a window into an "OK, do it" for Win 10 updates, so they either lost all scruples or are getting really desperate.


The #s are horrible. MS needs to just swallow their pride, hold that L and release their games on Steam.

I mean seriously...if they can release Minecraft on the fucking Vita and give Sony their cut then there should be no reason on why they can't release games like Gears/QB on Steam. They are literally refusing millions of dollars because of their arrogance. Just release it on everything (GOG, Steam, Origin, Uplay and Win10) and let people decide where they want to play it. Its the most simple and most profitable solution.
Ugh. The Quantum Break exclusivity really gets me. And Dead Rising 4 is supposedly going to be UWP-exclusive, too. I really, really hope Capcom doesn't get in bed with Microsoft for DR4... or at the least it'll be a timed exclusive and show up later on Steam/elsewhere.

After GWFL, I don't trust Microsoft at all with any PC-focused marketplace, and waiting for it to die isn't fair for anybody.

I look forward to the blowback Capcom gets for making dr4 win 10 exclusive on pc and not release on steam.


I'm surprised at the amount of people blindly accepting this quote as fact. It seems dubious as fuck to me.

Edit: No wonder the author was kind enough to pass along the poorly sourced and inflammatory quote. It seems they have quite the agenda:
Any agendas aside, do you really think the Steam / W10 Store split is going to look anything other than positive for Steam and negative for W10 Store.

Come on now, its pretty obvious who the split will favour. Even if the 98% is an exaggeration due to sour grapes the reality most likely isn't going to be that far off anyway.


What if Microsoft released all their games on Steam but required Win10 for all of them?

Does Valve allow that? Microsoft would forgo a small cut to Valve/Steam, but they dramatically increase their revenue & increase adoption of Win10 (provided their games are attractive enough).


What if Microsoft released all their games on Steam but required Win10 for all of them?

Does Valve allow that?
Sure, Valve allows that.

But it wouldn't jive with Microsoft's strategic goal of pushing UWP above (and, if need be, at the expense of) all else.


just curious but is MS actually an expert on anything anymore? I mean I use win10 but it is about as barebones as you can get and has zero worthwhile applications on it. you end up pretty much replacing every single application that they deem as your "default".

I laughed the first time I saw the Windows 10 calculator. Then I got irritated when I had to go find an original Windows 7 calculator installer. Then I uninstalled Windows 10 (for other reasons).



But I don't expect them to learn any lessons from it.
They'll plop a few more games there and call it quits again.


What if Microsoft released all their games on Steam but required Win10 for all of them?

Does Valve allow that? Microsoft would forgo a small cut to Valve/Steam, but they dramatically increase their revenue & increase adoption of Win10 (provided their games are attractive enough).

Yes. For example most Ubisoft games require Uplay. It doesn't matter anyways as Steam survey shows Win10 as the most used OS on Steam. Plus Steam has refund system. So if something goes wrong with your purchase just get a refund.


listen to the mad man
Edit: No wonder the author was kind enough to pass along the poorly sourced and inflammatory quote. It seems they have quite the agenda:

Look, I understand that you think everyone are mean Valve fans, everyone hates MS, you don't like the article, and you think it's unfair. I understand what your perspective is in terms of MS and how GAF posters are mean.

But can you explain what specifically your issue with the sourcing is? Everyone quoted is an ex-Microsoft employees, all of the major statements, including the one you're objecting to, are substantively corroborated by at least two sources, and while the anonymity requires a degree of fuzziness about how many sources here are total, it appears from identifiers that there were at least 8-10 sources for the piece. The standard ethical journalistic practice is to identify sources when possible, but it is not here as the sources could be sued for providing the comments they did. The quotes are anonymized for public consumption, but on the record. And because the positions the sources held are identified in-text and at the beginning of the article, the audience has the capacity to interpret the source's motives for speaking as they did. There seems to be nothing here that would be unethical, journalistically. So, with that in mind, what makes this "poorly sourced"?


not that my outlook on the windows store is particularly sunny, but i see tomb raider and QB as MS dipping their toes in the water more than anything. my takeaway is it doesn't mean a whole lot, it's a conversation for later


What if Microsoft released all their games on Steam but required Win10 for all of them?

Does Valve allow that? Microsoft would forgo a small cut to Valve/Steam, but they dramatically increase their revenue & increase adoption of Win10 (provided their games are attractive enough).
I doubt it would matter much. Being brutally honest MS doesn't have enough games volume wise to move the needle on PC vs Steam, GOG etc.

Heck EA with Origin and more games has simply ended up with their "Store" as primarily a launcher for their games only and a niche purchase point mainly for their own games.

Nobody is going to challenge Steam via exclusives. Steam has too big a catalogue and too few games can be exclusive to other stores. The only really viable way is to try and free a better experience, price point and ecosystem.

EA, MS etc are taking the wrong tack thinking their relatively low volume of exclusives will divert customers. They're simply making their Stores separate launchers for some games: a minor inconvenience if you want the game.

I'm talking market share and averages. Majority will have Steam open as their ecosystem on PC and will only pop up MS or other platforms like Origin to launch a specific title then close it. That's the issue.

Or to look at it another way: I suspect it would win hearts/minds as well as making Halo 2 Vista exclusive did. Bottom line trying to force adoption isn't the way to go.


I wonder how like did, and how they would qualify their sales. Example - I installed ki on my desktop, but didn't buy it for Windows. Rather, my Xbox one license transfered over.

Does that mean I could as two maus for one game purchase?



I don't see it as good. MS has been at the forefront of gaming for a long time, always find odd how much gamers want to distance themselves from a company they use daily (well most PC gamers).

Steam wasn't always this holy grail for gamers, and MS' store could be great competition. As a developer that frequents into MS owned software I think they can provide great things (and watching them make bigger strides into open source) makes me that much more of a believer.

Gamers so quick to bite a hand they've depended on for so long.
I don't see it as good. MS has been at the forefront of gaming for a long time, always find odd how much gamers want to distance themselves from a company they use daily (well most PC gamers).

Steam wasn't always this holy grail for gamers, and MS' store could be great competition. As a developer that frequents into MS owned software I think they can provide great things (and watching them make bigger strides into open source) makes me that much more of a believer.

Gamers so quick to bite a hand they've depended on for so long.

MS has not been at the forefront of PC gaming forever. The store COULD be great competition., but it simply isn't currently because of MS incompetence. Your a believer because they can provide great things? lol can;t you say that about anyone? What have they shown to PC gamers that they can provide "Great things"? MS abandoned PC for xbox and now are crawling back way too late, stop blaming the gamers here, this is all MS doing.


I wonder how like did, and how they would qualify their sales. Example - I installed ki on my desktop, but didn't buy it for Windows. Rather, my Xbox one license transfered over.

Does that mean I could as two maus for one game purchase?

I think you would still be 1 MAU? lol.


Surely you can contribute more than that to the discussion.

Even with a very public and drawn out embarrassing episode when trying to carve out its place in PC gaming years ago, Microsoft makes many of the same mistakes and wastes millions of dollars in the process.
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