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KS8000 settings for gaming at 4k/HDR

I set up a KU6300 today but noticed a couple of things. I can only get firmware 1142 - it will not let me manually update. Is the Youtube HDR firmware only for the 7 and 8 series?

Also is there a way to change the quality for the YouTube? Most of the 4k videos I play seem to be defaulting to 1080p with no way to change it. I only see the HD banner at the top, and when I check the stats for nerds it shows a 1080p resolution. I am using an Ethernet cable on a 50mbit connection.
I'm on 1154, but not getting the 4K or HDR notices on the YouTube app when playing those videos.


So true. I think my favourite demo is still Gears of War 4's split screen HDR/SDR, but anyone without access to that game will love the YouTube app.

The split screen HDR/SDR was so underwhelming to me. Do you have a specific level/scene I should test out?


Just updated. Some of these YouTube videos look incredible.

Have we come to a conclusion of whether Dynamic Contrast or Auto/Native Color Space should be used with HDR content?

From what I remember, Samsung recommended Dynamic Contrast on and Color Space to Native for HDR, but I think that changed in an update. I've lost track. I've been using Off/Auto, but noticed Forza Horizon 3 looks better with Dynamic Contrast on. Oddly enough, PS4 Pro games and videos look fine with it off.


love on your sleeve
No idea. Nobody in the KS8000 AVS thread seems to be reporting the issue. Certainly if two of us are having it, many more are too though.

I had the same issue. Had to reset Smart Hub and agree to the TOS all over again.

Second time I've had to do that after an update so I'm turning that shit off.


How is PC gaming on this TV? I am thinking of building a gaming PC and using my KS8000 as my monitor, playing games from the couch. Also how well does 1440p upscale to 4k?


That did it, thank you Chamber!

RPS, can you get to the Setting by holding the microphone button and saying "Settings"?

Fixed mine as well!
Different way though because I couldn't access the self diagnosis even after saying "System"/"Settings"
I went to Samsung's live chat and they literally just told me to unplug my TV for 30 seconds and plug it back in.
That fixed it. >_<
Fixed mine as well!
Different way though because I couldn't access the self diagnosis even after saying "System"/"Settings"
I went to Samsung's live chat and they literally just told me to unplug my TV for 30 seconds and plug it back in.
That fixed it. >_<

Haha, fucking "smart" TVs...
A dead pixel appeared on my screen out of nowhere today, bright green pixel, can see it from where I'm sitting. Anyone have any tips or know how Samsung is with replacing TV's with dead pixels, bought the TV like a month ago.

W Hudson

Had the same issue as a couple in this thread with the smart hub not working. Fixed it with the reset but now I can't get the YouTube app to work. Anybody have this?

EDIT Nevermind just had to download it again


Wasn't actively looking to shop for TVs during black friday/cyber monday so I missed out on deals (if there even was any). Anyone think this will go on sale anytime soon for the holidays?

On another note, is there a tracker I can use to notify me when/if this TV gets a discount? Similar to that nowinstock site?


I also had an issue with the home button not working on the remote after the update. Resetting the smart hub worked for me. I did have a mini freak out tho since I was a Note 7 customer. I thought the Samsung curse got me again but it's all good.

Samsung, you are better than this.


I want to make sure I have my audio set right, because I'm having audio sync issues with blue ray on my Xbox one s.

My receiver is 5.1 and doesn't pass through 4K or hdr. So on my PS4 pro I have audio set to hdmi out and type to bitstream Dolby digital. My tv runs an optical cable to my receiver and ks 8000 is also set to bitstream/Dolby digital.

I have this set the same way on my one s, but like I said, blue ray audio is bad out of sync from the video. I found that there is no issue if I set the Xbox to output stereo uncompressed instead of bitstream. I tried 5.1 uncompressed option but it threw an error that my receiver (tv in this case) couldn't handle it.

So am I doing everything right and this is just an xbox issue?


How is PC gaming on this TV? I am thinking of building a gaming PC and using my KS8000 as my monitor, playing games from the couch. Also how well does 1440p upscale to 4k?

PC gaming is phenomenal on the KS8000. I've been playing basically everything (DMC4 SE, Dragons Dogma, SHANTAE, etc)at 4K with a 980ti/i7 6700k combo. The only game i tried w/ 1440p was ReCore and it looked really bad imo. Not sure if it's the game itself or the res, but native 4K was significantly clearer and about what I'd expect from that game anyways.

Edit: It's a huge step up from using a console if your PC is powerful enough. I love the fact that basically everything is 4k enabled while on console, it's either 1080p 30/60fps or needs an update (PS4 Pro). DMC4 at 4K w/ max AA is a big step up from the PS4 version @ 1080p w/ like no aa. No regrets on getting this pc built.

Edit 2: Lol. KS8000 is a great computer monitor. I have a ben q gaming monitor that I don't even use anymore because the input lag on the KS8000 is low enough for me not to care. The significantly higher resolution and increase in size/image quality makes up for the 11 ms difference in lag.
When playing Uncharted 4 in HDR for example, should the console settings be YUV420 or 422? If I put resolution on automatic it goes to YUV422....


The split screen HDR/SDR was so underwhelming to me. Do you have a specific level/scene I should test out?

Really? I was instantly blown away. I just did it for a few seconds while ascending the steps to the skirmish right before you enter the museum. Act 3, when you're chasing the snatcher, before you get underground. All the lights exploded out of the picture in HDR, but looked dim and muted on the SDR side; that was the most obvious example.

Are we still hoping Samsung adds separate HDR settings when in game mode?

They definitely will. It's an obvious bug that affects everyone using Game mode. Not a huge deal since most of us keep our HDR and SDR settings identical aside from the backlight, but it will absolutely be fixed so the transition between HDR and SDR games is as seamless as it is with video content. Weirdly, some people have argued that this is not a bug. Not sure why. Don't worry - it is; expect a fix.


Netflix now randomly freezes at the profile screen and can't do anything. If I keep the back button pressed it just exits it and when I go back in it's the same frozen profiles screen. Anyone with the same issue? Anyone know how to restart it or the TV or force close netflix?
The 1154 update killed all SmartHub functionality on my set... The "Home" button wouldn't bring up the menu and was completely unresponsive. No way to access any SmartHub apps or features. Tried restarting the TV, full removing power from the TV, unplugging the SmartHub and plugging it back in... Nothing.

I was pretty worried for awhile, but found an option fiddling in the menus to "Reset SmartHub", which required a PIN (the default is 0000). I reset it, which deleted all apps, as well as my Samsung login information... But then everything worked... phew!

With that said, YouTube HDR channel is jaw dropping. I want to see 4k UHD movies and HDR games really take advantage of HDR the way those demos do.


The 1154 update killed all SmartHub functionality on my set... The "Home" button wouldn't bring up the menu and was completely unresponsive. No way to access any SmartHub apps or features. Tried restarting the TV, full removing power from the TV, unplugging the SmartHub and plugging it back in... Nothing.

I was pretty worried for awhile, but found an option fiddling in the menus to "Reset SmartHub", which required a PIN (the default is 0000). I reset it, which deleted all apps, as well as my Samsung login information... But then everything worked... phew!

With that said, YouTube HDR channel is jaw dropping. I want to see 4k UHD movies and HDR games really take advantage of HDR the way those demos do.

Apparently this was an issue for many people.

Same thing happened to me yesterday morning, but I had to leave for work so I just left it. When I came back home in the afternoon everything had sorted itself out...


How are everyone's sets regarding vertical banding? Didn't notice it during normal content until last night when I was playing Bf1 and everything was foggy, thus really grey.

I got a UK KS7000 a few days ago, equiv. to US KS8000. I didn't notice any banding or DSE until I looked for it. It's not so bad that other people would notice it, unless I pointed it out.

Note to self: never go looking for problems that aren't immediately apparent to the naked eye.

Now I can see some vertical banding and horizontal banding in Uncharted 4 in HDR mode. I'm playing on PS4. But I had to really look for it.

However the banding is inconsistently visible. It's more noticeable in some UC4 levels than others and doesn't always appear to be related to how dark or bright the screen is.
(It's not as easily seen in games like Titanfall 2, even though the screen seems brighter.)

I spotted a bit of the horizontal banding in a YouTube HDR 4k video of fish, but only in one part of the picture.

Before I started looking for it, I didn't spot any when wading through a smoke grenade in BF1 on Xbox One, whereas it was obviously there on the 1080 Sony I was using before I got the new TV.

Even now I can't see any terribly obvious banding in BF1. I'm wondering if HDR is the issue, since UC4 and the vid both had that in common.

I've got some minor, slight, light bleed all around the edges of the TV, but it's consistent and straight-edge symmetrical like a picture frame. Looks to be about 1cm deep.


On 1154, my TV had updated automatically and I haven't noticed any issues with it being unresponsive. I think I have had one moment where the signal dropped, which hadn't happened before. Might be coincidence.


love on your sleeve
Apparently this was an issue for many people.

Same thing happened to me yesterday morning, but I had to leave for work so I just left it. When I came back home in the afternoon everything had sorted itself out...

This happens every time I download an update. I'm at a point where I'm just turning off auto update and not bothering unless something important gets added.
Wow, even though Rtings says that copying their settings on the TV might end up with innacurate results (due to every panel being different, obviously), I did just that and the results were amazing! Whites don't look orangy anymore even with Warm 2 selected. Skin tones look noticeably better too. :)


For people having issues with the Smart Hub, the same thing happened to my tv yesterday as well. My wife texted me while at work saying all the Smart functions on the tv were gone. So when I got home I tried unplugging the tv, unplugging the one box device thingy, and nothing seemed to work. What eventually brought everything back was by me creating a Samsung account (I didn't do it when I initially got the tv). After creating that it brought back all the apps that were previously there. Now, one thing to note is that I never added any additional ones and the only app we use right now is the YouTube one. So if someone put additional apps on there (which I don't even know how to do/if we can do that) I'm not sure if it'll bring those back or just go back to a factory default.

As for changing sources, it seemed to reset that as well. Before I added that account I wasn't able to access any other sources, although if I turned one on, like my PS4 for example, it would auto switch to it. Now I can see them all like before, but I still can't go to one if it's not getting a feed from something. Like, I can't go to my PS4 source if it's not turned on.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
Just joined the KS8000 familia today after trading up from my X850D (bought it without knowing about it's input lag): pretty much a straight swap since the KS8000 was on sale for the 55", happy as!!!

Can anyone suggest a soundbar that fits well in the gap between the legs on the 55KS8000?
Wow, even though Rtings says that copying their settings on the TV might end up with inaccurate results (due to every panel being different, obviously), I did just that and the results were amazing!

I did the same, copied all their white balance and custom color space changes and my set looked 10x better afterwards. Not only were colors better but the overly contrasty "too bright in some areas, too dark in others" problem I was having with a lot of TV shows seeming too dark was greatly alleviated by using these settings. It may not be 100% perfect due to panel variations but it was close enough for massive improvement.
Just joined the KS8000 familia today after trading up from my X850D (bought it without knowing about it's input lag): pretty much a straight swap since the KS8000 was on sale for the 55", happy as!!!

Can anyone suggest a soundbar that fits well in the gap between the legs on the 55KS8000?

I bought this JUST before buying the TV and it fits perfectly between the legs of my 65" (I have my legs at the 'closer' position). Also a great soundbar for the price:



Neo Member
Just joined the KS8000 familia today after trading up from my X850D (bought it without knowing about it's input lag): pretty much a straight swap since the KS8000 was on sale for the 55", happy as!!!

Can anyone suggest a soundbar that fits well in the gap between the legs on the 55KS8000?

Been lurking on this thread for a while as an interested buyer of the KS8000. Where did you find the TV on sale? I wasn't able to bite on Black Friday, but now that I have the cash the prices have gone back up.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
I bought this JUST before buying the TV and it fits perfectly between the legs of my 65" (I have my legs at the 'closer' position). Also a great soundbar for the price:


Nice! I'll see if anywhere stocks them in NZ, the lesser model I've seen about but not that one.

Having said that, the onboard sound is surprisingly good I must say....I didn't expect as good bass and clarity from such a slim TV: it's for my bedroom so I'm still tossing up if I need a soundbar at all for this TV.
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