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Large Youtubers Hide Ownership of CSGO Lottery Site

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Fucking bullshit. Twitter has shut down PostGhost.


More at the link, including why this is important for an archive site to exist so deleted tweets can be verified rather than relying on mere screenshots. It also mentions that Twitter had no issue with Politwoops, a similar deleted tweets site for political tweets.

Wow well that sucks. Hopefully people were able to take screen shots of everything. I'm very curious as to way twitter has decided to do this.


Judging by his house in the videos this guy must have been making big cash before they started this lotto stuff? Way to fuck it up by being greedy.


Judging by his house in the videos this guy must have been making big cash before they started this lotto stuff? Way to fuck it up by being greedy.

I was thinking the exact same thing. Since this has to do with underage gambling and scamming little kids I hope they get a severe punishment.


I honestly think they have gone into hiding by this point as they know the hounds are hungry and they are coming for their miserable souls.... I'm sorry kind of went a bit dark there, but can't wait till this is all water under the bridge seeing as this is going a water cooler moment for both the games industry and youtube in general.


Part of me could see them getting so desperate as to actually try to wheel this out in court.

Showing such bad faith tends to work against you in court. The fact he immediately starts talking about how he hopes to work out a sponsorship deal with these guys after he says that would make it truly idiotic to try it. I hope they do, lol.



I understand kids forgiving them and defending them, they don't understand this kind of greed and hypocrisy yet.

But I see grown ups, men and women defending them, why???




I understand kids forgiving them and defending them, they don't understand this kind of greed and hypocrisy yet.

But I see grown ups, men and women defending them, why???


Just because you're a adult/grown up doesn't mean you're mature, intelligent or have morals :p


Objection! I've played the first 3 Phoenix Wright games and I know this could be used as an excellent legal defense. ;)


But if that was a viable defence, or even vaguely true, he would have already played that card instead of completely abandoning that narrative and going with "I always owned it and you're stupid if you didn't notice". That is all.



OK. So the bettings were completely rigged, not that i'm surprised, but at least we got confirmation. That's plain fraud. These kids are going to jail.


Is there any solid proof that they fixed the bets so that they won as many of the skins themselves? That part interests me the most.

Unlikely that there even can be proof, it would be on their end and that shit is likely wiped. Which is of course why you're not supposed to do it in the first place - even if they gambled TOTALLY legitimately, it is completely untrustworthy and you cannot assume that they did, ever. But really, lol no it was rigged, the odds of them winning as much as they do are extremely low.


Post Ghost gone? Nice timing :(

"He never tweeted that!"

There are captures of the feed on archive.is, and an earlier capture on archive.org so it's not all gone. I'd like to think since it's a popular story more will become aware of these sites for future use.

Archive.org is the type of site as important as a Wikipedia though they don't get enough credit for it. An organization devoted to saving all the shit we make for generations to come :p



But if that was a viable defence, or even vaguely true, he would have already played that card instead of completely abandoning that narrative and going with "I always owned it and you're stupid if you didn't notice". That is all.



As stated by my assistant Mr. Forkball my client clearly meant to say he founded the site, not found it. Have you never misspoke MrBadger? Besides, my client clearly went back to his videos and put he was an owner of the site in the info of the site when it became relevant. Information is of course not always relevant but websites can easily be changed if something becomes relevant.

Is there any solid proof that they fixed the bets so that they won as many of the skins themselves? That part interests me the most.

I doubt there will ever been any solid proof of it and if there was they almost certainly destroyed that proof, but it's hard to imagine they didn't.


The thing is, all of those tweets and videos and records of changes are out there in multiple forms. That stuff isn't going away simply because the owner deleted it. These people are going to be followed like Hawks and everything will be picked over with a fine comb.


The thing is, all of those tweets and videos and records of changes are out there in multiple forms. That stuff isn't going away simply because the owner deleted it. These people are going to be followed like Hawks and everything will be picked over with a fine comb.

No one told them there are no take backs on the Internet.


If any YouTubers end up in prison then keemstar should be first on that list.

Agreed, at least these CSGO Lotto guys are pretending they're not creepy sociopaths who make bank by exploiting others online.

He's probably grateful that this situation came up because now people are forgetting that he's an even bigger piece of shit, and giving his drama videos about it clicks. Oh well...


"Sponsored by CSGOLotto"

Awesome. You can't lose.

Sponsored by the casino... Please YouTube take these videos down :p

It is absurd how fast alleged copyright violations get your YouTube terminated, but using your power to illegally misslead people is fine.

Guys like PsySyndicate should be banned into.oblivion.
Granted, Google works for companies, not us.
I don't want to live in a world where a website like CSGO Lotto makes a million dollars per month, yet something like GameTrailers couldn't even make enough money to stay afloat...
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