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Large Youtubers Hide Ownership of CSGO Lottery Site

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Tmartn also has a new video out and many of his followers just seem to have forgotten about the whole thing. A lot of them are saying that they don't even care :/ I really hope that those are just children who don't understand the severity of what he did and not adults.


Tmartn also has a new video out and many of his followers just seem to have forgotten about the whole thing. Many people are saying that they don't even care :/ I really hope that those are just children who don't understand the severity of what he did and not adults.

Where is Cooper?

TmartTn, show Cooper some love.
Honor the Call with a new video. Apparently more and more YouTubers are "updating" their published video descriptions with "sponsorships" from these gambling sites.

Others are commenting on Twitter saying this rabbit hole goes deeper yet.


Winter is coming.
Even if the sponsorships are sketchy, this waking people up to disclosure is a good thing.

What the youtube/twitch bubble needed was for someone to be made an example of to wake them up to this kind of disclosure. Hopefully people will think back on this (and whatever fines and/or legal time these guys are issued with) and be as forthcoming and transparent as they can.

There will always be shady dickheads, but hopefully this relegates them to a minority and not the large number it potentially is today.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Still people in the comments who are acting like this is just drama and to brush off the "haters", wow.
13 year olds usually don't grasp the ins and outs of the legal system.
Still people in the comments who are acting like this is just drama and to brush off the "haters", wow.

I often think that People build a sort of idol complex wherein the people they like, look up to, enjoy hearing from etc. become a great person in their mind simply because of all the the time they've spent watching them and so on.

It therefore becomes hard for them to reconcile all that time and their own enjoyment of that person with the fact that the person is actually not a good person underneath it all.
I teach middle school, and unless someone knowledgable about this topic, who these young teens trust and relate to, explains the magnitude and malice of both the website and youtubers, they just can't really understand. At that age, they lack the knowledge, experience, and perspective to understand the situation, and since they trust and admire the youtubers, they'll default to their side of things. A boatload of my students absolutely worship youtubers, and as their teacher, I'm trying to think of ways of encouraging them to think critically about celebrities that they admire, and to see them not as infallible, but rather as flesh and blood human beings just like the rest of us.


Where is Cooper?

TmartTn, show Cooper some love.
Martin swore on the dog's life that every game was real.
Even if the sponsorships are sketchy, this waking people up to disclosure is a good thing.

What the youtube/twitch bubble needed was for someone to be made an example of to wake them up to this kind of disclosure. Hopefully people will think back on this (and whatever fines and/or legal time these guys are issued with) and be as forthcoming and transparent as they can.

There will always be shady dickheads, but hopefully this relegates them to a minority and not the large number it potentially is today.
A one-liner in the description doesn't placate the FTC. So no, people won't be as forthcoming and as transparent as they can.


Tmartn also has a new video out and many of his followers just seem to have forgotten about the whole thing. A lot of them are saying that they don't even care :/ I really hope that those are just children who don't understand the severity of what he did and not adults.
It's best to go through life not reading YouTube comments.

Some good, almost all trash.
I think it will take a long time for anyone committing online crimes of this nature to get meaningful punishments from the law. If it takes too long, people will forget this scare and go back to the status quo.


ProSyndicate has a new video out of him playing as a slithering snake.

He doesn't address the scandal except to say that comments are open and people can vent their negative feelings if they want.


Looking at the like bar, it looks like people are starting to move on and forget, and Syndicate is just going to continue running his channel like normal. As. Fucking. Usual. Love these comments -

The human race sucks. We are giving crap to keemstar, tmartn, and syndicate because they did something wrong even though we all do stuff wrong and make mistakes. Nobodys perfect.

you guys are fucking retarted to dislike this vid just for the little thin. Tom is the best youtube of all time. #nohate


Maturity, bitches.
Disliking a video doesn't really do much. Ignoring/not watching a video hurts them more. Honestly, if we want something done about them we have to hope the right authorities do something. There's only so much we can do.


Looking at the like bar, it looks like people are starting to move on and forget, and Syndicate is just going to continue running his channel like normal. As. Fucking. Usual. Love these comments -

It's a terrible combination of ignorance and apathy with just a sprinkle of boredom. People are treating this like it's an "oops" rather than looking into the "why" they're under a shitstorm right now. I don't know how the fuck these people still are able to even have accounts on YouTube when all of the above are clearly violating the policies.


Ha, so apparently ProSyndicate seems to think the whole situation is funny, at least you'd get that impression from looking at that last video description:

"*This is not a sponsored video, nor do I own Slither.io*"


Disliking a video doesn't really do much. Ignoring/not watching a video hurts them more. Honestly, if we want something done about them we have to hope the right authorities do something. There's only so much we can do.

it's a fairly self defeating cycle. The detractors begin ignoring his video, the fans play it off as an "oopsie" that was no big deal, nobody is raising awareness for their shitty behaviour, they continue as normal, everyone forgets and the numbers they lost will be made up from new people. The reality of "internet drama" is everyone moves on as if it never happened within a few weeks. Look at Keemstar. Biggest piece of shit on the internet but still putting out videos and raking in views.


Party Pooper
it's a fairly self defeating cycle. The detractors begin ignoring his video, the fans play it off as an "oopsie" that was no big deal, nobody is raising awareness for their shitty behaviour, they continue as normal, everyone forgets and the numbers they lost will be made up from new people. The reality of "internet drama" is everyone moves on as if it never happened within a few weeks. Look at Keemstar. Biggest piece of shit on the internet but still putting out videos and raking in views.

yeah, Fine Bros lost half a million, and gained it back after a few months.


Got to give it to Cassell, he handles it optimally. If people keep viewing his stuff, so be it. He is a likeable mofo, from the one video I watched. The point is, he's got to pay for his shit in court.


Given the sheer number of times Youtube gaming 'personalities' have been involved with undisclosed paid endorsements for products, or other similar conflicts of interest, I'm vaguely surprised that Google haven't made non-disclosure of conflicts of interest in uploads a breach of the sites TOS / T&C.


Given the sheer number of times Youtube gaming 'personalities' have been involved with undisclosed paid endorsements for products, or other similar conflicts of interest, I'm vaguely surprised that Google haven't made non-disclosure of conflicts of interest in uploads a breach of the sites TOS / T&C.
Youtube don't even enforce their own rules already. Could be in the rules wouldn't make a tiny difference.


Given the sheer number of times Youtube gaming 'personalities' have been involved with undisclosed paid endorsements for products, or other similar conflicts of interest, I'm vaguely surprised that Google haven't made non-disclosure of conflicts of interest in uploads a breach of the sites TOS / T&C.

If it doesn't involve Goodle's wallet like copyright claims they don't care.


I often think that People build a sort of idol complex wherein the people they like, look up to, enjoy hearing from etc. become a great person in their mind simply because of all the the time they've spent watching them and so on.

It therefore becomes hard for them to reconcile all that time and their own enjoyment of that person with the fact that the person is actually not a good person underneath it all.

We also can't be flippant and say "oh it's just kids today with their youtubers". For example look at how people backed Michael Jackson when he was first accused of molestation. Grown adults defending it saying there was no possible way mj could have done that. Humans are dumb in the grand scheme of things and for some reason people end up worshipping their idols and don't remember they are people too, which brings with it flaws.


Also, i think for a lot of people they don't really care about what happens outside of youtube in regards to their favorite youtube personalities because they're typically viewed as "ordinary people" I say this because in order to digest content from your favorite youtuber, generally speaking, you need to be on youtube. In other words, your not hearing about your favorite youtuber on the radio or seeing them on tv or seeing them on magazines. It's a very segmented thing.

So as long as the videos and content is still there people will still support versus famous celebrities where everyone is chomping at the bit wanting to know all their personal transgressions and if something terrible comes to light then people lose their shit.

Not to mention there isn't a single person on youtube doing something that plenty of other youtubers aren't doing as well so even if real life shit gets in the way of future content, people will just look to someone else to get their fix.


We also can't be flippant and say "oh it's just kids today with their youtubers". For example look at how people backed Michael Jackson when he was first accused of molestation. Grown adults defending it saying there was no possible way mj could have done that. Humans are dumb in the grand scheme of things and for some reason people end up worshipping their idols and don't remember they are people too, which brings with it flaws.

but he didn't tho


Given the sheer number of times Youtube gaming 'personalities' have been involved with undisclosed paid endorsements for products, or other similar conflicts of interest, I'm vaguely surprised that Google haven't made non-disclosure of conflicts of interest in uploads a breach of the sites TOS / T&C.
rules don't matter if you make youtube money
cough keemstar


FTC just won against WB for not disclosing promos. https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/pre...-ftc-charges-it-failed-adequately-disclose-it

I do hope the FTC wrecks these guys,


How did all the heat fall on warner bros but not the youtubers for being complicit in not disclosing the sponsorship? I don't see any language in there that says that WB explicitly told them to not disclose the sponsorship and even if that were the case shouldn't the "influencers" still be liable?


How did all the heat fall on warner bros but not the youtubers for being complicit in not disclosing the sponsorship? I don't see any language in there that says that WB explicitly told them to not disclose the sponsorship and even if that were the case shouldn't the "influencers" still be liable?

Not sure. Both are at fault, but mostly youtubers as really, they should disclose their work and not WB lol.

Anyway at least they seem to be on top of things... Kinda..


How did all the heat fall on warner bros but not the youtubers for being complicit in not disclosing the sponsorship? I don't see any language in there that says that WB explicitly told them to not disclose the sponsorship and even if that were the case shouldn't the "influencers" still be liable?

For traditional broadcast media, non-disclosure of commercial conflict of interests would fall under the remit of something like the FCC with punishments ranging from fines right up to having a broadcast licence revoked.

Nobody oversees youtube though.
Which is why I'm vaguely surprised Google haven't started policing themselves yet, because its really only a matter of time before an internet equivalent of the FCC just for Youtube / Twtich etc is setup.


For traditional broadcast media, non-disclosure of commercial conflict of interests would fall under the remit of something like the FCC with punishments ranging from fines right up to having a broadcast licence revoked.

Nobody oversees youtube though.
Which is why I'm vaguely surprised Google haven't started policing themselves yet, because its really only a matter of time before an internet equivalent of the FCC just for Youtube / Twtich etc is setup.

So that means Youtubers have no legal obligation to disclose their sponsorships? If that's the case, looking at Honor the Call's latest video, why are there youtubers that are going back and indicating they were sponsored by CSGO lotto even if they weren't involved in the actual illegal operations? Surely they're fearful of some kind of repercussion by not having it


So that means Youtubers have no legal obligation to disclose their sponsorships? If that's the case, looking at Honor the Call's latest video, why are there youtubers that are going back and indicating they were sponsored by CSGO lotto even if they weren't involved in the actual illegal operations? Surely they're fearful of some kind of repercussion by not having it

Almost anything potentially has legal repercussions, because you can always be sued.
AFAIK there is no regulatory body that deals with Youtube, unlike something like network television which is externally regulated with codes of standards and practices.
Got to give it to Cassell, he handles it optimally. If people keep viewing his stuff, so be it. He is a likeable mofo, from the one video I watched. The point is, he's got to pay for his shit in court.

Holy shit. I think what they did is scummy and they deserve to be punished for this, but damn do I feel guilty for discovering his vlogs as a result of this scandal then greatly enjoying them lol.


I've got a feeling these guys are going to be just fine, the story already seems to be dying down and they're back making vids :/
Keemstar? He is making a 10k dollars fund for Alex Ramirez because he was suspensed from Uber for playing Pokemon go while driving. How he was reported? Because he was making a hoax about witnessing a murder.
I genuinely believe that 10k fund is a scam also.
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