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Large Youtubers Hide Ownership of CSGO Lottery Site

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paid requisite penance
Just a reminder that KeemStar is a piece of shit so I wouldn't advise giving his video views

It's been 8 posts since we had a reminder, so I feel this is time for another reminder: Keemstar is indeed a piece of shit. He might not be into shady gambling ventures - though I wouldn't put it past him -, but his brand of online shittiness isn't any better.


I don't want to live in a world where a website like CSGO Lotto makes a million dollars per month, yet something like GameTrailers couldn't even make enough money to stay afloat...
Mansion stairs that ascend above the foyer are far more important to his dudes than some dumb video game commentary and multimedia site.


Who the hell is Keemstar? I'm probably better off just not knowing, right?

Cyber bully who doxxes people, encourages his fans to harass and swat people, and makes videos about "youtube drama". He was under fire for this incident directly before the CSGO thing blew up.

Thought it'd be a good idea to remind people ITT that he's even worse than Tmartn and ProSyndicate before anyone else posts his videos on the matter.


What did he do?

Just posted a video in the post above yours which should show why I dislike him

Apologies for derailing this thread but I do feel like Keemstar's brand of shittiness falls under the same umbrella of criminals exploiting people for profit on the internet, and getting away with it because of how people don't take internet drama seriously.
Since the betting is against matches being played how do these people rig the bets in their favor? Or am I missing something?

They aren't. People throw their skins in pots, then an RNG generator, like a jackpot decides who takes all. It started with matches, but people realized they can do it without them.
They aren't. People throw their skins in pots, then an RNG generator, like a jackpot decides who takes all. It started with matches, but people realized they can do it without them.
Wow, so it's a slot machine. I could kinda see the appeal to betting on a match but that, wow. Thanks for the explanation.


There are captures of the feed on archive.is, and an earlier capture on archive.org so it's not all gone. I'd like to think since it's a popular story more will become aware of these sites for future use.

Archive.org is the type of site as important as a Wikipedia though they don't get enough credit for it. An organization devoted to saving all the shit we make for generations to come :p

Geez, so many tweets deleted in <1m, 1 minutes, or less than an hour. You'd think he'd decide to just stop tweeting much earlier than he did.

Oh, looks like most of the ones that I saw that were deleted so quickly were about like... NASCAR or something?

Why in the world would he retweet this?

link in the tweet is a screamer, don't type it in. leads to pewdiepiegambling[dot]com (again, it's a screamer....)

Edit: Jesus Christ, this Keemstar person looks like... the highest level of shithead from that video linked.


It is absurd how fast alleged copyright violations get your YouTube terminated, but using your power to illegally misslead people is fine.

Guys like PsySyndicate should be banned into.oblivion.
Granted, Google works for companies, not us.

Yeah, I'm surprised that so far none of those big guys involved has been banned. But you know, google also just cares about cash so as long as your channel is big enough it's almost impossible to get banned. And even if you do there are ways around it (see Keemstar who pretty much owns and runs the channel.. but "doesn't".

The number of times these guys have violated the TOS and FTC guides is ridiculous yet they are still around while the smaller channels get fucked almost instantly from the smallest things.

Remember that "Make Youtube great again" thing from a few weeks back? Yeah, great YouTube my arse. They don't really care and the only thing their newst guideline has done is get many channels to receive strikes from YouTube behemoths so theat they are even less attackable for the shit they do.

I wish Kyle Bosman would record his show while walking around his luxurious multi-million dollar mansion...

Instead he records his show in his small kitchen with that Black and Decker mixer on the counter instead of a luxury car in the background. It doesn't really come as a surprise that I like Kyle and think that TmarTn is a... well.


It boggles my mind that Keemstar is still on Youtube they should have banned that gnome looking cunt ages ago for all the horrible shit he has been doing. Absolute cesspit of a human being.
Fuuuuuck, really Brennon? Unsubbed and unfollowed now. Screw you GG. I knew you were associated with these 2 scumbags but to know that you partook in the gamblings too?! Screw you GG.
Of course Goldglove is apart of it lol

I know but I didn't want to believe it. I always knew Trevor and Syndicate were scumbags. Sucks to know that Brennon was part of it..... Fuuuuck.


These dudes need to get locked up and pay for their crimes.

I think I should have seen it coming when he was playing DayZ and was being saved by a scripter -_-" Then his friends all callled him out for being a scumbag from time to time during live streams and whatnot. I just didn't want to believe it honestly.


What did he do?

He doxxes people he doesn't like and gets his army of followers to cyberharass people or their family members.

One person for example got swatted 5 times so far and it got to the point to where they had to set up surveilance around the house to know when it's happening so they could log all the damage being done and protect themselves against the surprise invasions.


He doxxes people he doesn't like and gets his army of followers to cyberharass people or their family members.

One person for example got swatted 5 times so far and it got to the point to where they had to set up surveilance around the house to know when it's happening so they could log all the damage being done and protect themselves against the surprise invasions.
He also told Totalbiscut that he can't wait to report on his death from cancer. Keemstar is literally human garbage. Like I cannot emphasize enough how awful a person he is.

Daffy Duck

But... isn't it apparent in his videos? ;)

I never actually watched any of his videos, I just saw mentions of him on Twitter by various people and wondered what he was all about, that the drama stuff was OTT, never knew about his history.
So my friend is showing me how this CSGO economy works on Steam, as I am a console only gamer.

Basically. Valve have taken real life trading and economy concepts and created their own "country". Valve are the government and tax the "citizens" (Steam users).

This is fucked up. I thought Valve made games. They are just scammers.


So my friend is showing me how this CSGO economy works on Steam, as I am a console only gamer.

Basically. Valve have taken real life trading and economy concepts and created their own "country". Valve are the government and tax the "citizens" (Steam users).

This is fucked up. I thought Valve made games. They are just scammers.

Wouldn't say valve are scammers, I've never bought a skin or wanted too. I have a load of crates earnt but never paid to open one. They laid out a platform and some people exploited it. There's nothing wrong with gambling skins in my opinion. The problem is simply manipulating 5 million fans with rigged results.

Daffy Duck

So my friend is showing me how this CSGO economy works on Steam, as I am a console only gamer.

Basically. Valve have taken real life trading and economy concepts and created their own "country". Valve are the government and tax the "citizens" (Steam users).

This is fucked up. I thought Valve made games. They are just scammers.

They aren't scammers.


This is fucked up. I thought Valve made games. They are just scammers.

Not scammers. What you're looking at is games as a service, and the future. They've built a system that simultaneously benefits gamers that don't pay any real money, and those that dump thousands into the system to speculate on and collect trinkets. They just either didn't anticipate all the dark directions it could go, or they didn't care enough to stop it.


Not scammers. What you're looking at is games as a service, and the future. They've built a system that simultaneously benefits gamers that don't pay any real money, and those that dump thousands into the system to speculate on and collect trinkets. They just either didn't anticipate all the dark directions it could go, or they didn't care enough to stop it.

Definitely this. It's impossible to not be aware of all the gambling if you followed csgo.


Not scammers. What you're looking at is games as a service, and the future. They've built a system that simultaneously benefits gamers that don't pay any real money, and those that dump thousands into the system to speculate on and collect trinkets. They just either didn't anticipate all the dark directions it could go, or they didn't care enough to stop it.

uh, let's not be crazy now, the system they made is paid for by the gamers using it, and much moreso than it even remotely cost to put into place. It doesn't benefit people paying a ton of money to fucking speculate on items, the speculation only exists because of the illegal shit. Valve makes money hand over fist from anyone that spends a dime on the marketplace.


What did he do?

He also without any further research and confirming if it was true or not, said a old man that twitch streams was a rapist.
He got death threats and people telling him to kill himself, dude was crying on stream.
Thankfully he recieved alot of support help and subscribers after.


Cyber bully who doxxes people, encourages his fans to harass and swat people, and makes videos about "youtube drama". He was under fire for this incident directly before the CSGO thing blew up.

Thought it'd be a good idea to remind people ITT that he's even worse than Tmartn and ProSyndicate before anyone else posts his videos on the matter.

How is he not in prison for this?

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
uh, let's not be crazy now, the system they made is paid for by the gamers using it, and much moreso than it even remotely cost to put into place. It doesn't benefit people paying a ton of money to fucking speculate on items, the speculation only exists because of the illegal shit. Valve makes money hand over fist from anyone that spends a dime on the marketplace.



Have Chaboy and Azzy been involved with this stuff? I've noticed they pimp CSGOwild or is that one not involved with all this?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
KeemStar is a fucking virus that embodies the absolute worst of human behaviour. The sooner he's buried under the law the better.

Same goes for these cunts.


KeemStar is a fucking virus that embodies the absolute worst of human behaviour. The sooner he's buried under the law the better.

Same goes for these cunts.

If anyone needs further context just imagine gamergate only instead of misogyny it's just generalized hatred. He is building an army of supporters and he picks targets for them to hate. No agenda. No goal. He finds people to make fun of and fosters a community of people eager for someone to hate.

That is his contribution to the internet as a content creator. Laser focusing internet hate.


Keemstar was actually finally getting shitted on by big youtubers before this cs:go stuff broke out. Hopefully people don't forget. Leafy(though, he's a little shit himself) had him sweating though.

The Flash

Hey now, you're a Keemstar
Get your hat on, MLG
Hey now, you're a Keemstar
Get your sociopathy
And all we care about is news
Personal attacks and harassment is totally news
Every time i see this thread updated I'm expecting more news.

But, alas, it's now a Keemstar thread.

Asshole doesn't need more discussion. He's a cunt.


Have Chaboy and Azzy been involved with this stuff? I've noticed they pimp CSGOwild or is that one not involved with all this?
I think the problem with csgolotto was that the owners tried to play off ads as just "look at this cool website" and did some straight up rigging on video while other websites aren't ran by someone starring in a caper gone wrong film in the making and equipped lawyer armor the second this shit happened. Plenty of scum around, but some are more coy about it
Honor the Call with a new video. Apparently more and more YouTubers are "updating" their published video descriptions with "sponsorships" from these gambling sites.

Others are commenting on Twitter saying this rabbit hole goes deeper yet.


Winter is coming.
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