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Leaked emails reveal Nintendo has struck secret deal with Sony for Mario movie


As a film student with friends in the industry (including some who work at Sony), Sony doesn't have much of a good side. The leaked emails and data shows it.

They're completely money driven and have no respect for their talent. They treat them like worthless sheep.

If I complete a film and it's being shopped around to studios for distribution and promotion, if Sony offered, I'd rather go completely independent.

This isn't good news.

They've ruined a few franchises already like Spiderman. And I don't think they know how to do good animated movies. This is not good!
Sony Picture Animated movies-RT
Open Season-48%
Surf's Up-78%
Cloudy with a chance of meatballs-87%
The Smurfs-22%
Arthur Christmas-91%
The Pirates! Band of misfits-86%
Hotel Transylvania-45%
The Smurfs 2-14%
Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2-70%

Kinda of a meh portfolio.

I was kinda excited until I saw this list.

I'd much rather it just not happen if it's gonna be a crappy cash-in.


Mario made by the guy who did Samurai Jack.

Mario made by the guy who did Samurai Jack

Mario made by the guy who did Samurai Jack.

You better not get cold feet about this, Nintendo, I swear to god. If this falls through, or if he doesn't get fully attached to the project, then I have no faith in the film.
My biggest beef with making a Mario movie is attempting to establish a personality to Mario as a character. For the most part, Mario plays the silent good guy role. He does what's right and fights the bad guy. Mario as a character only stands out b/c of the great games he's in and the great gameplay they encompass.

My issue is that if the movie does succeed (or actually happen for that matter), people will expect Mario in the videogames to mimic that persona that has been established in the film. Mario plays so many different roles as a character and we've come to accept that as gamers.

I hope I'm getting my point across. I just don't want the Mario games to end up compromising to better match a movie, or any other medium for that matter.
I'd rather Disney/Pixar made this film.

I don't want this film made at all.

Mario doesn't need a character arc. He doesn't need a wacky side-kick who spouts one-liners every five-minutes. He doesn't need to get involved in a cookie-cutter save-the-world storyline that's guaranteed to be stupid and just there to justify whatever set-pieces the filmmakers have in mind. All of these things will be present and accounted for if a film were to ever surface, and they will all contribute to said film being really really shit.

Mario is more of a symbol than a character. The Mario franchise gains absolutely zilch from a film adaptation. There's no compelling insight that can be gleaned by adapting the franchise to film. There is quite simply no way whatsoever to take a game about a dude jumping on things and make it into a compelling film that stays true to the intent behind the game. It's completely contradictory. The Mario games are all about the player surpassing challenge. There's no greater message behind all the platforming. The true depth and 'art' comes from the game mechanics and their implementation, and in those terms I'd certainly consider the mainline Mario games to be some of the most impressive artistic achievements in the medium. Mario as a franchise is utterly pointless when the user interactivity is absent. A film fundamentally cannot emulate what people love about Mario.

A Mario film is a total waste of everyone's time.


3-4 movies right out of the gate?

I can't think of how to make any movie without it being weird. Mario characters don't have speaking as part of their character. 90% of them are officially voiced by the same guy, who probably isn't a spectacular character actor. He just records little noises and short phrases.

So, we'd have to change the official character of Mario to incorporate a traditional voice and emotions, and probably recast his voice. Which doesn't seem like it's "doing it right."

I really can't think of the "right" way to make a Mario movie. I don't think there is one.
Awwww, I was kind of hoping it would be Pixar or Disney. They seem to have things in common and I like Disney.

This is really big news, though! I hope they make a movie! Ever since Super Mario Galaxy or before I thought a big amazing CG movie would be amazing. The Mario World is so neat, and I'd love to watch a movie that was like Super Mario Galaxy or Super Mario 3D World. Having an amazing Disney like CG like Frozen would just be the most wonderful thing.

I could watch lots and lots of movies about the Mario World.


I want live action Metroid with a blonde Scarlett Johansson as Samus Aran. She even has the birth mark and chest size :p
3-4 movies right out of the gate?

I can't think of how to make any movie without it being weird. Mario characters don't have speaking as part of their character. 90% of them are officially voiced by the same guy, who probably isn't a spectacular character actor. He just records little noises and short phrases.

So, we'd have to change the official character of Mario to incorporate a traditional voice and emotions, and probably recast his voice. Which doesn't seem like it's "doing it right."

I really can't think of the "right" way to make a Mario movie. I don't think there is one.

Uh. The guy who does Mario character voices is a fucking amazing voice actor.

Here is an example of him stealing an entire game despite only being in it for a chapter. He plays dude with hat:

I don't want this film made at all.

Mario doesn't need a character arc. He doesn't need a wacky side-kick who spouts one-liners every five-minutes. He doesn't need to get involved in a cookie-cutter save-the-world storyline that's guaranteed to be stupid and just there to justify whatever set-pieces the filmmakers have in mind. All of these things will be present and accounted for if a film were to ever surface, and they will all contribute to said film being really really shit.

Mario is more of a symbol than a character. The Mario franchise gains absolutely zilch from a film adaptation. There's no compelling insight that can be gleaned by adapting the franchise to film. There is quite simply no way whatsoever to take a game about a dude jumping on things and make it into a compelling film that stays true to the intent behind the game. It's completely contradictory. The Mario games are all about the player surpassing challenge. There's no greater message behind all the platforming. The true depth and 'art' comes from the game mechanics and their implementation, and in those terms I'd certainly consider the mainline Mario games to be some of the most impressive artistic achievements in the medium. Mario as a franchise is utterly pointless when the user interactivity is absent. A film fundamentally cannot emulate what people love about Mario.

A Mario film is a total waste of everyone's time.
Thanks for your opinion.

I guess all of the Mario RPGs are "shitty" because you aren't in control of the character 100% of the time. I find it funny how people claim Mario isn't about the story, yet Donkey Kong was one of the first video games in history to have a meaningful story of some kind.
Mario is literally whatever he needs to be. A Mario film isn't an inherently bad idea, it just needs to be approached from the right angle.
You guys realize the Tartakovsky thing isn't anything more than a passing mention, right? Like, two people going "Tartakovsky would be good for this," no one is actively banging down his door and there's a million reasons he might say no for a movie that isn't anywhere close to being greenlit.

You can't just take what you know about the production of video games and move that wholly to the production of movies.

Fox Mulder

nintendo needs to get mario back out there beyond games.

Sony Pictures makes some shitty movies, but I doubt they can make something worse than the god awful Mario Bros movie.


I can see the future development on this story already:

"This just in, at the 11th hour before the premier trailer for the new Sony produced Super Mario Bros animated feature was set to premier, Nintendo jumped the gun and premiered the trailer for the Phillips produced Super Mario Bros Animated Feature"

Its happeneing again!


Feature film? Mario might become bigger than Angry Birds!

This is a but OT, but is Angry Birds still a thing? It seems like most of the merchandise has disappeared from store shelves over the last year, and I never hear about the series itself anymore.


Hopefully the voice actor casting is really good. I don't think Charles Martinet's rendition would work in a feature length film.
I've heard him do the Mario voice , talking casually and it still works well IMO. I would be disappointed if it were someone else doing the voice.


I'd rather the Mario films grow out of Wreck-it-Ralph, allowing them to be their own thing but still be part of a much larger universe of video games.
This is a but OT, but is Angry Birds still a thing? It seems like most of the merchandise has disappeared from store shelves over the last year, and I never hear about the series itself anymore.

There's going to be a movie released next year, so there will probably be a big marketing push for that.

I can't really guess whether it will be successful or a huge bomb. Angry Birds seems to have lost its relevancy, but who knows what little kids are into these days.

I've heard him do the Mario voice , talking casually and it still works well IMO. I would be disappointed if it were someone else doing the voice.

I'd like Martinet too, but it seems like even animated films need star power these days. It would probably go to a famous comic actor.


Sony Picture Animated movies-RT
Open Season-48%
Surf's Up-78%
Cloudy with a chance of meatballs-87%
The Smurfs-22%
Arthur Christmas-91%
The Pirates! Band of misfits-86%
Hotel Transylvania-45%
The Smurfs 2-14%
Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2-70%

Kinda of a meh portfolio.
Not surprising their best films are from Aardman.

Anyway if this does happen hopefully another studio would develop it.


There's going to be a movie released next year, so there will probably be a big marketing push for that.

I can't really guess whether it will be successful or a huge bomb. Angry Birds seems to have lost its relevancy, but who knows what little kids are into these days.

That's scheduled for 2016 I believe. Also Sony lol.
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