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Leaked emails reveal Nintendo has struck secret deal with Sony for Mario movie

It should have been a DISNEY movie. They are on fire right now. I do like the idea of the Samurai Jack dude.

Wreck it Ralph shows that they know how to do a video game movie. And Bowser was even in it.



Eh. Their head to head record is 3 to 3 when counting handhelds, though I fully expect them to beat Nintendo next generation too and clinch a 4-3 victory.

They should really just do it together. A long time has passed. They could both benefit, and be better off for the partnership.


This Sony/Nintendo stuff is a non factor. This is Sony Pictures, not SCE.

They don't compete. Similar to how Sony once made computers that ran Windows and also still makes video editing software for Windows PC.


Imagine how Disney feels. Its like Nintendo just gave them the middle finger.

BTW Disney would be more suited for Zelda.


Sony Picture Animated movies-RT
Open Season-48%
Surf's Up-78%
Cloudy with a chance of meatballs-87%
The Smurfs-22%
Arthur Christmas-91%
The Pirates! Band of misfits-86%
Hotel Transylvania-45%
The Smurfs 2-14%
Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2-70%

Kinda of a meh portfolio.


Film is Nintendo's best chance at getting some of their IP relevant again, so I'm glad they're exploring the option. Shame we won't see anything from it for a while though.
New animated Mario Movie is fine... but from Sony? Sony Pictures animated movies are all terrible in Story and Design and way behind the competition in all aspects. Please let Pixar do this...


morale must be up in those sony pictures offices, surely they need it after this week. they probably think they were able to buy the mario IP and are celebrating right now
I agree that this should've been a Disney movie.
Also doesn't this reduce or nullify any chance that Mario or any character from that universe gets an appearance in the next Wreck-It Ralph movie?
For the people who keep suggesting Pixar and Disney.

Why would they ever do a licensed film? In fact I can't think of a licensed Pixar movie ever and at the moment can't recall a Disney one (although I'm sure there is one).


Imagine how Disney feels. Its like Nintendo just gave them the middle finger.

BTW Disney would be more suited for Zelda.
We don't know if there is a deal with Disney for another movie. We don't know if there are Nintendo-Disney mails! (and it's for the best if we never know)
This Sony/Nintendo stuff is a non factor. This is Sony Pictures, not SCE.

They don't compete. Similar to how Sony once made computers that ran Windows and also still makes video editing software for Windows PC.

Or like how Samsung's semiconductor business made the components for the pre-iPhone 6 phones. Or like how Sony's camera business make the camera components for iPhone.

Or like how Microsoft has Office on Mac.


For the people who keep suggesting Pixar and Disney.

Why would they ever do a licensed film? In fact I can't think of a licensed Pixar movie ever and at the moment can't recall a Disney one (although I'm sure there is one).

Seriously. Dreamworks might be swayed though.

If Disney were to get involved, it'd be for some live action and probably released through one of their other studios I think.
Don't get too excited:

After publication, Arad denied to BuzzFeed News via email that the Super Mario deal had closed, saying his negotiations with Nintendo were “just the beginning.”

And as already said, even if the deal closed there would be a LOT more to go through before actual production. It's still a bit of a longshot. Depends on just how committed both parties are, and how well Sony can work with Nintendo's demands. It's either going to be perfect in Nintendo's eyes, or outright won't happen.
Wouldn't you want Pixar to make a Mario movie? I'm sure they'd do it.

Pixar would be great, but they'd never do it. The closest they'll ever get to a licensed project is Barbie and Potato Head being in Toy Story. Disney Animation Studios on the other hand seems totally possible though, and have been putting out some great material. Plus, they already worked with Nintendo on Wreck-It-Ralph, and are planned to be involved with the sequel.
Don't get too excited:

And as already said, even if the deal closed there would be a LOT more to go through before actual production. It's still a bit of a longshot. Depends on just how committed both parties are, and how well Sony can work with Nintendo's demands. It's either going to be perfect in Nintendo's eyes, or outright won't happen.

That sounds reasonable. Nintendo was really picky about how their characters where portrayed in Wreck It Ralph.
I don't really see the leak affecting anything. The companies will just say "we have nothing to announce" when asked about it until they would have been ready to announce it anyway, which will be years from now, considering how slow Hollywood is.


For the people who keep suggesting Pixar and Disney.

Why would they ever do a licensed film? In fact I can't think of a licensed Pixar movie ever and at the moment can't recall a Disney one (although I'm sure there is one).

Dick Tracy back in 1990 was done by Touchstone Pictures, Disney's film branch for older audiences. The movie is visually stunning and enveloped in its own unique comic book world but the story is not really there.

Dunno what other licensing stuff Disney has done since then though.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Sony's movie division doesn't seem to care about supporting the Playstation division that much, if they did you probably wouldn't of seen stuff like Ghostbusters the Game appearing on all systems.
Sony music once had a promotion where you could win an Xbox with Brute Force. Xperia and PlayStation seem like the only units that operate with a shred of cohesion and logic.


Well, then. Fuck this.

Why? It might actually have an interesting story with him involved.

Given Miyamoto's disinterest in narrative, I hope his involvement is as limited as possible (without allowing for a repeat of the... baffling experiment that was the last SMB film).


Why? It might actually have an interesting story with him involved.

Given Miyamoto's disinterest in narrative, I hope his involvement is as limited as possible (without allowing for a repeat of the... baffling experiment that was the last SMB film).

Get Genndy and Miyamoto in the same room to talk about Popeye, they both love Popeye.

I'm sure the two of them would hit off easily .


It's funny how Sony Pictures is at the same time one of the best and one of the worst candidates for a Mario film. If Tartakovsky is in, we could end up having a "quality" [sic] Mario movie franchise for years to come. If he's not -- and coupled with Sony Pictures's terrible handing of their franchises -- the future could be anywhere between uncertain and ugly.

The Real Abed

Only if it has Captain Lou Albano as Mario and Danny Wells as Luigi...

Oh wait. Okay, then get Bob Hoskins as Mario...


Well I guess it's a loss. There's no one else left to play Mario.

Absolutely no one at all.


This leak will it kill the deal. But the general leaks from Sony Pictures would make a company like Nintendo shit themselves. Huge reputation damage if I am honest.
why didnt they just go with disney pixar?

That's sort of like asking why every blockbuster doesn't just go get Steven Spielberg. Disney and Pixar each put out about one film a year, max. Neither seem interested in doing any licenced work.

Plus, the animation studio doesn't mean a ton. Sony's done Cloudy, they've also done Hotel Transylvania. What's important is the creative talent they court to write/direct.

But really, this is all pointless. We're seeing a snapshot of one possible deal that Sony was in the process of making. They've probably made similar agreements for countless other films that never get off the ground. Deals like this (especially gaming properties) get much farther along, and still never get off the ground. There's still supposed to be a Metal Gear Solid movie. A Mass Effect movie. A God of War movie. Those got far enough to get actual press releases - and I'd gamble none of them happen in their current form.

Could it happen? Sure. But it's hugely unlikely.


you can't put a price on sparks
The bigger picture here is that Sonys movie game plan going forward has been exposed. It's pretty bad for their long term outlook if their competition knows all their future moves.

It's going to Hurt for a while


They'll do something really stupid like get Will Smith to voice Bowser

Smith always plays the lead role.

Sony Picture Animated movies-RT
Open Season-48%
Surf's Up-78%
Cloudy with a chance of meatballs-87%
The Smurfs-22%
Arthur Christmas-91%
The Pirates! Band of misfits-86%
Hotel Transylvania-45%
The Smurfs 2-14%
Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2-70%

Kinda of a meh portfolio.

Hardly IMO. Hotel Transylvania is a good movie that some people just ended up hating right around the 3rd act came along.
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