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Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion

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There's no reason yet to be worried about OS X and iOS merging. The two main things that differentiate the two are input (mouse and keyboard vs. touchscreen) and open-ness (on iOS you can only get Apple-approved programs from the app store, in OS X you can get programs from anyone and anywhere). Nothing has changed at all in those regards.

Though with the Mac App store and the new "Gatekeeper" feature, which has one setting of "only run Mac App store apps," they may be hinting that it is the direction that they'd like to go.


well... not quite.

for one thing, they're still two separate releases for Apple.

And Apple isn't creating a UI that they expect you to touch directly with your fingers on the Mac.

There are some ideas that are the same between Win8 on tablets and OS X/ iOS sharing but Apple hasn't gone in whole hog like MS has, making one OS that tries to be everything on all devices.

I still think Apple's worst attempt to make Mac OS X more iOS-like was adding the fullscreen launchpad for app icons in 10.7. That never felt right. The stuff I'm seeing in 10.8 mostly makes sense.

True, I guess I'll pass judgement until they both come out and I get my hands on em!
I also just saw airplay mirroring. God dammit, I really don't have room for another box in my entertainment center, but it would be so amazing to mirror my MBA to my tv.
so basically OSX and iOS are merging, thus making it not really matter so much whether you have an iPad or a MacBook...it feels like the biggest difference between the two will be the keyboard. I think this is a little awesome, but also a lot scary for traditional desktop computing.

My big question is can we do airplay mirroring between your iPhone and your macbook? I would LOVE that. It looks like the picture posted above is iPad/MBP mirroring...that's so sexy for us plebes without ATV.
Looks like Apple is separating out functionality into standalone apps, like notes. Let's hope this influences iTunes development.


Also, does it say anywhere that this is "10.8"?
From The Verge's video preview:



Still Alive
so basically OSX and iOS are merging, thus making it not really matter so much whether you have an iPad or a MacBook...it feels like the biggest difference between the two will be the keyboard. I think this is a little awesome, but also a lot scary for traditional desktop computing.

My big question is can we do airplay mirroring between your iPhone and your macbook? I would LOVE that. It looks like the picture posted above is iPad/MBP mirroring...that's so sexy for us plebes without ATV.
Not really. Maybe to the entry-consumer who knows nothing, sure. Desktop/laptop OS is about the open system, the processing power, the multitasking, and of course the keyboard as well.

It'll stay this way for a while, but eventually we're going to see touch hit us. Anyone who doesn't believe this, come back to me in two or three years.


Airplay integration may be the push I need to buy an Apple tv. Having said that I'm am very begrudged to buy a $30 update every year. iOS has trained me to expect annual OS updates to be free.


Still Alive
Anyone else notice the subtle rebranding going on?

iCal - Calendar
iMessages - Messages

I think this is a trend, i = iOS, I think.
Not really. Maybe to the entry-consumer who knows nothing, sure. Desktop/laptop OS is about the open system, the processing power, the multitasking, and of course the keyboard as well.

It'll stay this way for a while, but eventually we're going to see touch hit us. Anyone who doesn't believe this, come back to me in two or three years.

I remember back when the iPad1 hit, someone made a statement that hit me really hard about the real fundamental difference between the iPad and the macbook. the macbook is for content creation, the ipad is for content consumption.


Still Alive
You can live this time!

EDIT: Thanks to Sentry, but I found the direct download link

Herp derp
nice find :p

I remember back when the iPad1 hit, someone made a statement that hit me really hard about the real fundamental difference between the iPad and the macbook. the macbook is for content creation, the ipad is for content consumption.
Yup, but ever since iPad 2 it has slowly but surely been inching toward the direction of independent content creation. Obviously it's a long ways off, but it's getting there.

I think the two will meet in-between and we'll start seeing more and more cohesiveness across all the platforms with a unified OS style, branding, and input control.
I remember back when the iPad1 hit, someone made a statement that hit me really hard about the real fundamental difference between the iPad and the macbook. the macbook is for content creation, the ipad is for content consumption.
It's debatable how fundamental that difference is. Sure, at the moment the iPad is mainly for content consumption and not creation, whether it's possible for it to become as good as a PC for content creation though is hard to tell.
So by default 10.8 can only run apps from the Mac App Store. You have to change it to Apps from Anywhere in Security in sys prefs.

Wonder if you'll have that option in 10.9 :)

edit: Mac app store or signed devs


Not really. Maybe to the entry-consumer who knows nothing, sure. Desktop/laptop OS is about the open system, the processing power, the multitasking, and of course the keyboard as well.

It'll stay this way for a while, but eventually we're going to see touch hit us. Anyone who doesn't believe this, come back to me in two or three years.

The line is already being blurred. Full screen apps in Lion make it harder to distinguish the two ideas of multitasking in Apple's products, as does the continued trend towards the file system as a obfuscated legacy inclusion. iCloud will only serve to drive this further. The iPad-like app launcher combined with the App Store make it possible to use OS X more and more like iOS sans touchscreen. It must be noted that this isn't flowing the other way - iOS remains the simplified, direct experience it always was.


I'm thinking of buying a macbook air/pro around may- would this update be free or do they charge? How much are they usually (if not free)


So by default 10.8 can only run apps from the Mac App Store. You have to change it to Apps from Anywhere in Security in sys prefs.

Wonder if you'll have that option in 10.9 :)

Are you seeing this yourself or did you read this somewhere?

because in all the previews I have read, it is explicitly stated that the default setting is MAS plus signed developers outside the MAS.

which is a good setting, imo.

and, yes, I do expect that setting to be available for a long, long time.
I agree with the line being blurred between the two, which is why I was saying that in a few years the differences between iPad and MacBook will be even fewer at this rate.

Also if anyone could answer the prior question I had about AirPlay mirroring? I don't want to shell out another $100 for an ATV to do it, I would LOVE to mirror my phone to my macbook though.
Are you seeing this yourself or did you read this somewhere?

because in all the previews I have read, it is explicitly stated that the default from the store is MAS plus signed developers outside the MAS.

which is a good setting, imo.

and, yes, I do expect that setting to be available for a long, long time.

I actually think it's a great idea. Minus some reasons I could list here, the benefits are pretty good in terms of

1) Developer getting paid for their work
2) Easier updating
3) Less likely to visit a malware infected site


Also Safari now has an omnibox, similar to Chrome, i.e. you can use the same text field to search and enter URLs.

EDIT: Oh, and by default you can only download apps from the Mac App Store. Welcome to the sandbox.

no no no no, i hate omnibox...
everytime i add a new virtualhost and have to test s**t on chrome i have to type http:// otherwise the damn thing tries to search it on google...

give us the option or burst
Are you seeing this yourself or did you read this somewhere?

because in all the previews I have read, it is explicitly stated that the default setting is MAS plus signed developers outside the MAS.

which is a good setting, imo.

and, yes, I do expect that setting to be available for a long, long time.

I think the confusion might be that there are NO signed developers yet, since the program just got started. Therefore App-Store only + Signed becomes App Store only in practice, and the overreaction starts
So by default 10.8 can only run apps from the Mac App Store. You have to change it to Apps from Anywhere in Security in sys prefs.

Wonder if you'll have that option in 10.9 :)

edit: Mac app store or signed devs

I can see this moving to the top of the list of anti-Apple talking points fairly quickly.

Anyway, even though they're adding iOS functionality, it's nice to see that they're keeping the UX strictly "desktop".

Oh, one more thing. It's "OS X" now, not "Mac OS X". What can we read into that?


o_O @_@ O_o
A few months ago, I upgraded from my MacBook Pro running Snow Leopard to a MacBook Air running Lion, and while I love the Air, I can't say I'm all that in love with the direction they have taken with 10.7. This preview of Mountain Lion only makes it seem like they're moving even further in that iOS-like direction.

As long as I can customize it back to the way I want, I'll be fine of course. I just don't see the need to have iOS on my laptop, when I already have an iPad. I love Ice Cream Sandwich on my phone, but I don't want Android on my desktop either.

Hooray for being part of a dying breed, I guess.


Oh, one more thing. It's "OS X" now, not "Mac OS X". What can we read into that?
My thoughts

iPhone was introduced as running OS X.

Then it was called iPhone OS

Now it's iOS

The need to have Mac in front of OS X has lessened as there's no OS X branding for the iOS devices. Plus, with apple moving away from device name for the OS on the iPhone side, it would make sense to do the same on the Mac side.

Unrelated: knowing we're getting yearly Mac OS updates has made me a bit more excited and enthusiastic about the OS in coming years. I have felt that desktop OS has been relatively stagnant the last few years. But with these upcoming yearly updates, it looks to be iterating very nicely

And on a similar note, MS is showing a lot of guts with the win 8 update, making all desktop OS talk more interesting this year.
A few months ago, I upgraded from my MacBook Pro running Snow Leopard to a MacBook Air running Lion, and while I love the Air, I can't say I'm all that in love with the direction they have taken with 10.7. This preview of Mountain Lion only makes it seem like they're moving even further in that iOS-like direction.

As long as I can customize it back to the way I want, I'll be fine of course. I just don't see the need to have iOS on my laptop, when I already have an iPad. I love Ice Cream Sandwich on my phone, but I don't want Android on my desktop either.

Hooray for being part of a dying breed, I guess.

See I have an iPhone 4. I really am considering an iPad3 because I really want to read lots of research papers. However, given that I have an iPhone already, it seems a waste to have such a similar device.

I am starting school again and only have my work laptop. It's fine, but it is way too heavy to carry around. It makes a lot of sense to get another MBA given I will be working in Unix a lot again. In fact, that just made up my mind.... Looks like I am getting a MBA.


Can some of you guys that are opposed to iOS/OSX merging explain why you're against it? I personally love some of the small features of iOS and would like some ported over to my MacBook.
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